(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

I am just thinking last night about ordering tingkat food for dinner. Can anyone recommend a good one --- food not too oily and salt and price reasonable?

mercsboy & Zill: i bought my carter rompers 5 for $15+$1 delivery oni....

Zill: mine oso made me damn angry till i hide in the toilet for almost 1hr crying away.....at least u can still move back home....i've got no plc to go back to liao....haizzzzz i think if i got i dun noe go back how many times liao

sperzz: wrap 1 better? oh no...i bought 1 mostly it's button 1 wor
ZiLL: how come so serious that u shifted out? I also very angry with my ah lao....keep on asking him to clean the toilet n mop the floor but keep on saying tomorrow and tomorrow nvr come....worst now is he got habit of watching the TV and internet at late night and slept while watching then the electricity is wasted till I wake up at 4+ to ask him sw off the TV and internet...then morning cannot wake up.....
mercsboy: is it???? *faint* nevermind la... bought liao.... i really dunno what to buy so just buy cos till now, i got nothing for my bb yet...
damn jia lat...
sperzz: for baby, wrap 1 better ah? i also bought a few button ones leh.. where to find nice and comfy wrap ones?
ladies : dun get so angry with ur hubbies lah... else we age faster...lugi leh... ask them to pay $ to employ PT maid to clean the house... =)

Miaiko : i seldom go United Sq, but i m under the impression that the stuffs there quite ex.
suika: why they all like that one ah?

sperzz: you dun know ah! you know hor...now my legs are swollen liao & i cannot mop floor / do housework liao & his brother is staying with us...the brother dun pay us PUB nevermind, STILL dun help us with housework one leh!!! then when my hubby ask his brother why never do housework during off days, the brother said, not dirty ma & when i ask my hubby to do instead, he said why can't i do?? i'm always full of reasons & excuses! i so angry leh!!!!
Baby Kingdom and Baby Hyperstore stock different brands of baby products. Baby Hyperstore has a LOT of strollers and they are agents for Quinny, Maxi Cosi and MacClaren etc. Those are expensive brands, so maybe Hyperstore might seem more ex. Baby Kingdom has more of the local brands but they also have breast pumps, and cot beddings, so that is quite useful too.

Congrats on your little princess and your good Amnio results! sigh, I wonder what mine will be. Don't know if I want a girl or a boy
How come so many of you can feel your baby move already? Are you all past 18 weeks? I'm going to be 17 weeks on Saturday. Can't remember when I started to feel bb move with my other 2 kids.

Next time, just pack some decent meal for your son lah. Don't assume she'll have something suitable for him. If she does, then no need to use the food you brought, just put in fridge and eat it the next day yourself. If she has no proper food, then at least you have something to fall back on.

My MIL cooks everything herself, but she also puts MSG and a lot of seasonings into the food. Sometimes I feel it's too salty and too strong in taste myself. The flavours are too complex.
miaiko: i think in the end, those who are terminated will still lose out. cos company can twist and turn and say they terminate due to performance no good etc. its our word against theirs, so hard to justify and fight for it lor. dont think it protects us much also...
Miako: last time I bought from Tollyjoy, but I think those mkt also got sell....no need to buy too many, button can still wear....Still got 1 more thing to buy, the wrap that wrap arnd BB navel for the 1st-2 wk to protect the navel. I got mine at Tollyjoy, abt $3+.
thanks for the info on c-sec. hope to have a normal delivery like my other 2.. but its good to know some details abt c-sec, in case lor.
Samval: yah... sigh.. sigh...

sperzz: oic.. hee.. thanks for sharing.. Juz tot United Square got so many shops for children and maybe there is a few good ones to buy from.

Yah.. Priviledged has a good idea. Get a PT helper!
priviledged: ya i'm ok...i think it's water retention.... actually i can get my mom's maid over to help out for free but i tell u lor...it's very troublesome...i've to drive all the way back to my mom's place to pick her then drive her all the way back again...it's not only housework lor.... it's also his insensitivity lor..he is willing to pay EVERYTHING for his brother but when i asked him to increase his allowance to me a little by $100, he refuses... sick man...
sperzz: i prefer those button one.... used the wrap before but the string keep coming off... think it depends on individual....

ladies: looks like i'm not alone too.... last time hubby also like that (nag & nag at him during 1st pregnancy)... but got improvements so far... he been mopping the floor & cleaning the house once he knows that i am pregnant...
Daddytobe: think they can't say "both" parents cos then ppl will be thinking that both parents must take at the same time. But agree that "either" parent is confusing. Guess they clarified now to "each" parent.

Mercsboy: its not the liner. Its the nappy itself. I didn't look closely but the package says "cloth nappies" and there is a picture at the back which looks like a disposable nappy. Maybe its not disposable, can't be sure since I didn't look too closely. But the packet is very big, like those packets for Pampers.
Zill: dun get too upset....think of ur cute baby inside u ba....that's how it brightens up my day

at first i kept crying coz of my MIL n now my hubby....he's not the best la but at least i think still not too bad till go gambling or hit me that kind la.....

gelato: employing maid? where got so much $ he no even enuff to feed himself now liao still wan maid....i think i'll faint first liao lor

Miaiko: mi not angry now liao....had really lighten up alot liao lor
sperzz: ya lor...tats what i told Zill also..she bought rompers for 0-3 mths ma...my rompers i bought is 6-12 mths ones..
suika: actually hor...i'm a smoker & since i gotten pregnant, i've cut down to nearly 0 a day liao leh...& because of him, i picked it up again... now cutting back down again...i also kan puo liao.... but i dun intend to go back anytime soon...
EmQ, congrats on ur clear amnio results and 3rd princess! I just had my amnio yesterday.
Oh, wanted to ask those mummies who delivered in GlenE, any recommendation for good paediatrician? I'm supposed to nominate my PD when I see my gynae next month. Also have to book the delivery package on next visit - whether 1 bedder or 2 bedder.
mercsboy: i think i better start buying 6-9mths ones liao.... these 7 pieces will be my bb's uniform for first 3mths...
ZiLL & merscboy: usually the clothe I buy for BB will be 1 stage inadvance bec they outgrow too fast already.....wat we need alot is the hanky and diapers...
will your tummy grow smaller ah?? this morning i discover tummy become smaller leh.. i asked my close coll help me see, she say, yah a bit smaller... eh. how? is it me paranoid??? i got 12 more days to see my gynae...
NI: i think bb sleeping behind your stomach...i sometimes wake up in the morning also quite small but after breakfast or lunch, bb will come to the front liao & tummy will be HUGE & hard again!
really? thanks ZILL and sperzz for the re-assurance.

anyway, LI Jiawei lost to Zhang Yining, no chance for silver or gold. now can hope for bronze only
When's your next gynae checkup? Water retention is not usual in the 2nd trimester leh. Usually sets in in the 3rd trimester. Got to check the blood pressure. Or else, try to elevate your legs more, and (strangely enough) drink more water! Take care of yourself.
NL: i think smaller cos whatever we ate already digested lah. don't worry too much abt it, so long as bb is growing within the range.
priviledged: i just went on wed...everything ok leh... gynae still said i might be having big baby cos i'm not diabetic but sugar level is high...
Samval, I also dunno le. Maybe the hospital policy is different ba.

Ni, my tummy is smaller in the morning too. I take it as the true size. Later throughout the day tummy will be bigger cos we eat and drink, not really much to do with the bb la. Bb now is only abt 200g, won't make much difference.
suika: ya i'm trying i'm trying but whenever i feel very down...cigarettes are the first to calm me down...u dun have urge?
zill: i also smoker and stopped since about 9 weeks preg. sometimes i do have urge too. and i usually smoke abt 15-20 sticks a day.,... smoke for 10 yeras liao. try ok? take up some activities.... i also have urges especially when i'm down, stressed, anxious etc.
i'm taking time out and going on half day leave today. just need some breather away from work. gonna spend some time with my kids.

Samval : Enjoy! Hv a great weekend too!

NI : i oso noticed my tummy is smaller tis morning, i think it's ok 1 lah... =)
haha...i was also smoker...quit after wedding leh...to have a healthier baby...but i admit, when troubled or thinking of something, smoking helps relieve some stress..
Zill: of coz have la esp when u quarrel badly with him, but u must put ur baby first mah.....at times i'll stare at his box of cigerriates but always stopped myself from it

so sad, juz received an email from my other colleague she telling me my boss commented that maybe i no wana work....more forcus on my baby instead....i soo damn pissed off!!! to think i'm working so hard during my 1st tri for them everyday coming to office to work n looking so damn PALE...now only take a few days leave to rest so much things to say....
suika: Take it easy. Is your boss the type that die-die must make small talk with colleagues just for the sake of talking/gossip?
daddytobe: they Japs mah....dun think only girls gossip hor.....these Japs in my company is so much worst then girls lor

suika: see open, if not u r the only suffer in the end not them.....no matter wat now must ren....cannot afford to b out of job at this moment
