(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

daddytobe: shld be both parents gets 6 days each. err.. what chocolate smell you and dazed talking abt?? kaypo kaypo a bit

Samval... when u go Boon lay there.. think in the afternoon or what.. U can smell those chocolate smell.. as factory of make chocolate is tthere..
haha, yah but the smell isn't very pleasant one.

Samval:it sounds more logical to have 6 days for <u>both</u> parents. I've been thinking how come it was announced "mother or father".
all who are keen on breastfeeding :

juz to share with u an experience of my colleague's : She used both Avent &amp; pigeon (those small teats ones, not the wide neck kind) on her baby. After a while, the baby rejected Avent &amp; refused to latch on to her breast - guess the baby has become lazy to open his mouth wide. Hence, if you're keen to breastfeed, try not to let the baby use those small teats kinda bottles. (thot of sharing tis info cos read that quite a # of u got the pigeon bottles - not sure it's the wide neck ones or the small teats ones tho...) =)
Jade: ya...i believe the mtbs here answer yr questions liao..

Yeah....all MTBS...happy rite today!! my baby can no need to wait liao....can come out any time he like dec or jan??
mercsboy : I'll like to hv a Christmas baby, but based on my EDD, cannot... hehe... i dun want him to be borned premature oso...
pinkie pirate: are u referring to nappy liner huh?? coz got disposable cloth diaper meh? its a liner to line inside your cloth diaper...
fiona: i ordered the items already. but littledreamers havent send me any details yet. i want to confirm stock availability before i ask for payment from u all...yday i also did send email to littledreamers, but till now, no reply from them leh...
gelato: if early 1-2 weeks not considered premature rite? my hubby was born 2 months earlier leh....now he is like...well FAT
mercsboy : if born at 38 weeks gestation is not premature, in fact 37 weeks is ok liao... if my baby born on Christmas will be premature liao - cos he only 35 weeks then... and hor, if weight is above 2.3kg it's healthy weight. Both my full term babies were borned below 3kg (in fact below 6pounds), so i can't imagine hvg a premature baby lor.... =) shhhh! dun say ur hubby fat lah, say he cute &amp; chubby can already... =P
mercsboy: Baby consider full-term at 37wks onwards. And most of the time if u chose C-sect, Doc will ask u to chose the date from 37wks. They dun wan to have emergency C-sect....
gelator: mine asked me to chose on the 37wks, mayb at time my BB is big enough, when he come out he was 3kg, but short...
sperzz : I'll be jumping with joy if my baby can hit the 3kg mark... i eat &amp; eat &amp; eat &amp; eat, &amp; still my babies always small small one... For height, oso can catch up later right?
morning gers. guess with the gahmen bring forward the implementation date, it will be a happy weekend for all of us =) hehe

today feeling tummmy a bit uneasy leh, like got butterflies, and a lil bit of stretching and cramping... is it normal? need to go see gynae? my next appt is 4 sept. but i am paranoid mummy.. heheh
sperzz: happy today rite? wonderful friday..

NI: no need to show your tummy pic to my BB already...haha

MTBS~~ i remembered u all talking about some baby wholesale centre...can tell me where huh??
dazed: then very near.. think can meet up on weekend as i stay at my mum house during weekend... hee hee

gelato &amp; sperzz: for c-sect, my gynae recommend 1-2 weeks b4 the EDD.. so sld be on 38 weeks or 39 weeks....
Yesterday my wife felt some movement again, after the library trip. She said it felt like something swimming inside. She's 18 weeks now
finally is friday.

for those who want to go taka fair buy avent breast pump,better do so earlier.
yest night left a few pics only,not sure if they will bring in stock or not.
gelato: alot of pple mentioned that if eat durians, baby should big big... but dont eat too much as durian got high sweet contents...

mercsboy: r u referring to Kaki Bukit (baby kingdom &amp; baby hyperstore) or those wholesale centre selling cheap baby clothes?
samval: no, I mean if u chose C-sect, the Doc would like to wait till near EDD then C-sect they dun prefer to do it so last min, I think also bec if u chose the date early they can plan their schedule
mercsboy: Baby's Kingdom
See Seng Enterprises Pte Ltd.
83, Kaki Bukit Avenue 1, #01-00, Shun Li Industrial Park, Singapore 417954
Ph : 6547 1677 ; Fax : 6547 1805

Baby Hyperstore is just a few shops away from Baby Kingdom...
Its not that I wan to complaint abt MIL again, yest call me back for dinner telling me cooked alot of nice curry, so no choice have to go back....But in the end, only a pot of curry and no other dish for dinner and worst is that only fish cake for my son. And still can say that the fish cake very nice and fresh.....Actually Wed already go back and u know wat the dish, wuxiang and also tell me this is diff from the rest we bought, and also fresh....but pls lor wuxiang is those for yong tau foo, wats the diff.....fishcake or wuxiang, the ingredient is all with alot of msg, salt and preservative....
sperzz, why ur MIL like dat one??? Next time ask her to mms you the dishes, den you go back for dinner... LOL

my MIL also. i am going to 5th month soon, she thought i was in 3rd month, so much for her "care &amp; concern"....
mercsboy, the other day the gals were discussing about this shop at crawford lane blk 465. is this the one you talking about? the one that sells cheap bb pants...
Jesline : i hv been eating a lot of durians, so hopefully i hv a bigger baby tis time..hehe... ya, i oso thot of the sugar level, &amp; oso worry all the fats go to me &amp; not to the baby... but juz can't resist leh, tis year's durians veli nice... *still drooling*...
ok, going out... if i have a lot of loot, then will be back this afternoon, if not, then maybe tonight will come in and 'report'... hehe
Gd Morning Ladies! Feeling quite happy abt the gd news of baby pckg. BUT feeling very paranoid with my company! demanding me to pay them back 2 wks leave that i had applied for and approved backdated in Feb this yr. Took for my honeymoon. Govt Stat Board leh!

sperzz: ha.. ur mil, sounds like my mil! The fish she buys is nv fresh. But she always say fresh. My hb even finds the fishes stale, so it's not my fault. But Mil always insist fish is fresh and ask why I dun finish. Argh!
She also like to do wuxiang and curry. So salty and unhealthy to eat now that preggy.

dazed &amp; merczboy: ya the wholesale shops selling baby clothings behind ICA building...

gelato: me also ate alot of durians... loves those with bitter taste.... think will eat more nearer to 3rd trimster, time where baby grows the faster...
my 1st gal is 3.32kg when delvered at 37th week....
