(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

suika: hahahahah! so funny about the staring of yr hubby's cigarettes!
eh..ignore them la...u'll not lose an arm or leg by not listening to them...just IGNORE!!

sperzz: i just hope after ML i'll not like that lady....kana sack for no reason.....haizzz

now see very open liao....for the seek of my child
suika: Then don be too upset about it. Take it that your boss has got nothing better to do. At least ur colleague informed u about it. Let u be wary about such f-up bosses!
suika: ya lor... wat daddytobe say is true... f-up bosses dun deserve your attention at all! just do your work & go home...very fast, bb out liao & can enjoy 4mths ML liao!
Zill: u shd understand la....sometimes got urge mah....n he still smoking wor....so it's always within reach....very 'xin ku' 1 u know
suika: ya i know! so u know what i do? i just ask for 1 puff.... hehe!
no...don't do that.... dun waste leave....GO TAKE MC!! hahaah! they can't do anything to you...
Zill: the problem is i've got 18days more to clear and by end of the yr must finish ley...later on when they back i won't be able to take leave liao wor.... i so worried dun noe can finish my leave anot n some more i need some rest now.....u know i so tired till my eyes swollen ley.....now i only ask for 1 day leave on 2 separate days trying not to disrupt my work but yet no appreciate at all....shd hv thrown them 1 whole wk MC better
suika: then just take! the leave belongs to you! just do what u deem fit...just ignore them...it's not as if you're doing something illegal or harmful to the company...
suika: wow.. u still got so much leave left... me left with only 4 days.... just hope can get the 6 days childcare leave so that i can have more leave.... hee hee
jesline, fiona, sel, miaiko...i already ordered the shampoo & body wash. But till date, no advice or reply from littledreamers yet.
So kindly pls wait ok...me processing
suika: me also alot of leaves leh...i still have 20 days leave balance...imagine next Jan add another 21 days leave + 6 days childcare leave...
alot is good, but problem is boss wont be happy ma when never see our faces..hor...like this also jialat, like tat also jialat
Jesline : talking abt 6 days childcare leave, is that implemented immediately oso? *excited*

suika : can plan for a holiday wor, with so many days leave... =)
gelato: i read the papers it said implemented leh. but then hor...now already end aug, so i wonder how they pro-rate it leh...

holiday ah...hw to when the kid no one takes care, and worse MONEY NOT ENOUGH....haiz...
mercsboy : haha, $ always not enough 1... i always tell my colleagues, the upper mgmt got $, but no time to go hol. We hv leave, but no $ to go holiday...
mercsboy : childcare leave maybe addl 2 days for tis year? 3.5/12*6 = 1.75, so round up to 2 days?!? shall clarify with HR...
gelato: from what i read in the newpapers... think is from 17 Aug 08 lor....but think the govt will change the law by october.... think also depend on your company.... not too sure too but really hope to get it this yr lor....ha ha
Jesline : ya, dun hv oso nvm. If hv, better... maybe can take leave to bring kids to chalet... =) holiday in S'pore oso good lah... =)
jesline: wah gov will change again in oct?

ladies, i think childcare leave needs to be cleared in the same year rite? wah, i already struggling to clear leave and now got additional. good also lah, but coming to year end wor... i now got 10 days balance die die need to clear this year, how to clear?
mercsboy: u got so many AL, I only 14 days for nxt yr but this yr still left 13 days, not using so nxt yr will have 27+6(CL)+20(4th mth ML)=53days....yeh...
Samval : Yes, cc leave muz clear in same year. I think they pass legislation in Oct to formalise it, shld be no change to whatever is announced. =)
so sperzz, you intending to take your 4th month ML at a later time?? me intend to take all together, plus want to take 2 months unpaid. hope they approve. want to be home with bb for at least 6 months...
sperzz: ya...have many leave la...but cannot be too happy also coz wait boss never see my face, tot i go where...want to take leave also hard leh..
samval: sld be no more changes... they r giving themselves till Oct to formalise it.....

thot AL can be carry forward for 1 yr?
NI : i m oso thinking of taking unpd leave on top of ML. But then i see my boss so headache abt my back-up arrangement, i oso dun dare to bring up...
mercsboy: u oso 21days leave? but mine must finished up on in Jun next yr.....if i no use them now then in Jan siao liao ley....Jan-Apr on ML comes back only in May and if i throw my leave means i'll only be back in office in Jun and Jun's my increment time.......think by then the temp staff can jolly well take over me rite? how to not b afraid of losing my job la.....

now i only take 1 day leave each time to rest already starts to grumble liao.....haizzz

gelato: now preg liao how to holiday wor...i 2 yrs no go holidays liao u noe....so sad ley
gelato & Nl: it'll be so nice if ur boss is supportive enough of such arrangements but for me it's confirm out...by then i think they'll tell me no need to come back liao....
suika : can lah, if u want to fly, chk with gynae 1st. If not, go Bintan oso holiday mah...
no sad no sad.. me worse... aft my honeymoon, i din go holiday for 5 years... then my 1st holiday aft that 5 years was to m'sia only...hehe...
gelato: at least u went HM liao ley....mine was postponed twice u know....1st coz of work (yet they no appreciate) and now baby have to postpone again.......don't know when can i go JAPAN....... :'(
gelato & NI: dun think I will take 4mths 1 time bec pai sey and last time when have 3mth ML, my other dept colleague only take 2mth and 3rd they clear within the 6mths. And I am breaking the record of taking 3mths....
suika (suika) Dun be sad.. at least now u gain on having a bb.
For hoilday, I m sure.. soon or later ..is the matter of time ba.. cheer up mummys.. TGIF!!! qo^.^op
suika : like that ah... honeymoon very impt leh.. maybe can go now - in 2nd trimester? can chk with gynae? some of frens travel when they were preggie, so i think maybe ok. If not, try to plan for few days hotel stay with hubby or sth similar, else when baby arrive, very difficult already...
Mtbs.. I would like to know.. the ML is from bb labour out that day start to count or ?? can anyone advise me.. thanx.
cjteng : yes, i oso think can take b4 giving birth. But i prefer to take aft that, then can maximise brestfeeding & bonding time. =)
gelato: I also taking after give birth....b4 birth stay at home also dunno wat to do.......furthermore if u natural birth also dunno the exact date when BB wan to come out see the world...
sperzz : ya, for natural birth, there's this uncertainty. For my #1, i was handling over my work to my boss, then 1 day he told me :"ok, you can go & give birth already." that nite, i went into labour...hehe...
gelato: but i only wana go Japan for HM ley....but if i go liao then later baby comes out where got money for delivery wor :p
so for the seek of him have to forgo HM lor....byeee my Japan

cjteng: that depends on ur company, for my side we can choose to take earlier and stay how to wait for labour time la
gelato: no choice ley....if i use the money for holiday liao den he hv no money to ask woody to delivery him liao wor....hahaha cannot be i delivery him at home mah :p
suika: how much your gynae charging u for natural & c-section? my gynae charging $800 for natural & $1.6k for c-section...
suika: dont be sad la...when bb come out next time can bring him along leh...wat to do have to sacrifice becoz of bb...now still can go short holidays leh...
ya, i also 21 days leave...only can carried forward one year.
for my side, i dont think will employ temp staff la...my senior can cover me, like i cover her also ma tat time
suika: me too had not go for my HM lor... cos last time, married already, then next day is school reopen so no choice... no HM.... hope to go to Australia for HM.... hubby did mentioned going for holiday b4 i get pregnant with 2nd one but cant bear to leave my daughter behind lor... so think for now got to wait for another few years then can go holiday together with my 2 kids.....

we can take ML before giving birth... but i still prefer to use ML after giving birth as can have more time with baby....

Daddytobe/dazed, I'm staying at JW central 1

Jesline, my mom stays near Gek Poh

Gelato, never heard that bb born 3kg & abv has higher IQ leh. My gynae said can have as many c-section as poss, depends on the mummy.

EmQ, will you be gg for epi or GA c-section?

JS, you're rite... My gynae doesn’t encourage me to wait till 39weeks for c-section

Suika, dun cry... Try to talk to your hb abt how you feel now.
