(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

yup.. the extension is only for lengthening the strap.. u gotta buy new bras liao... my bras also abit tight.. bt am thinking to wait till everything is more stable, den get some maternity/nursing bras bah..

i am also thinking of engaging the post-natal massage... might be getting the contacts frm my fren bah... wld probably start asking after i passed trimester 1...

i dun think i will be taking the prep class, unless hubby wants to go... cos my mum used to help ppl take care of babies.. and i always helped her with it since young.. so hav some basic foundation bah.. the rest of the things tat i dunno, just learn frm my mum lo...

de_luxe tks had tried sour plums n mandarin peel alrdy

Dr Lim's clinic is located at Beauty World Plaza level 2. U can see the signboard from the building. His charges r not very cheap too but he have package $600 from 3months till birth includes basic vitamins,urine test,ultrasound,bp check on every visit. and of coz weight check

For your reference
Last wk when i visit him to confirm my pregnacy he did a scan for me but couldnt detect the heartbeat yet n gave me some folic acid total bill for the visit $130

for detail scan he will refer to Dr Cheng from TMC. Cost about $200 if i remember correctly
Think futher down there is another women's clinic opposit the main road can see the signboard too u might want to check it out too.

Hopes the info helps
Hi Saro! can email me the contact? my email [email protected]
Hi mummies

Sorry to intrude. Selling Prenatal Heart Listener.

Lightly used twice. Bought in April at Kiddy Palace. Item comes with box and receipt. Include batteries that i've bought.

With recording function allow u to record baby's and mummy's heartbeat as early as 5th week. To play recording to baby for soothing purpose after birth.
Not in time to fully utilize and record as i pop early in May.
Letting go at $40.

Interested pls email me at [email protected] for pictures or enquiries. Thanks

morning ladies,
me also thinking of going for pre-natal & post natal massage. i have a few in mind but have not contacted them to decide yet. most probably aft i pass the first trimester.

btw, anyone plan to take up pregnancy yoga?
sel: you so fortunate ah...can ask yr mum...my mum & MIL both working, so i guess they wouldn have time to guide me thru. and their style are like 30 yrs back, so i am not sure whether they can handle or not...

mostly prob i will take the preparation class, coz i seems to know nothing!!

samval: pregnancy yoga at where? how muchie? any idea?
sperzz: if u are taking the OSCARS test and i think need to do HIV test for pregnant ladies...my gynae told me next visit need to take blood test leh....
oh...its optional whether want to do the oscars or not...

but if need to test for diabetes, HIV, Hep A/B, still require to do blood test leh...i also nt very sure, but since dr said no need to do then ok la..
Ni: i still have cramps on and off leh...but i assume its normal...not those cramps like need to roll in bed kind la...still tolerable
mercsboy: yup next visit in 4 weeks. gotta do blood test. routine i think. for HIV, heppatitis, etc

I find deep breathing exercises helps for nausea. Slow stretches and breathe deeply helps get more O2 into body thus reducing my urge to puke my guts out. keke
jo: i tested when i went for the health check so my next trip should be draw lesser tubes for the oscars test.

u mean now u have the nausea feeling already ah? so far me feel so only when i smell strong perfume, body odour etc..
mercsboy: my nausea comes and goes leh. like few days once. weird hor. We still haven't decided on oscars test. Big issue. Cos what if BB something got DS.Touch wood. Are we gonna keep it? So hubs and I got to really talk abt it.

I can't stand the smell of oily stuff. Burnt overused oil smells at coffeshops are the worst.
ni i oso have cramps sometimes, it's not as bad as period cramps, sometimes feels like stomachache. Usually get them in the morning and at night. Dunno why leh, maybe bb stretching before going to sleep and when waking up... haha..

babykayden thks for the info. Do you think he's good? $600 is still quite ok. The one opposite that you mentioned should be A Clinic for Women... the package there even more expensive, $1k from wk 16, abt 2 yrs ago. Heard price has gone up to $1.2K now, haven't confirm, gotta call and check. There's one in Jurong Point that i'm also checking out, the package is $800 from wk 20 onwards.

yah sel u're fortunate to have mom's backup... my mom working and her life even more busy than mine..

samval i'm thinking of taking up pregnancy yoga and aqua aerobics... my mom said yoga breathing techniques help during labour. I think true yoga has pregnancy yoga but can't remember how much.
sperzz, nope.. dr. adrian didn't mentioned abt doing any bloodtest yet. maybe coz still in the early stage. so everytime oni ask me how i am n den do scanning.
glad to hear that cramping is normal. hee. phew. another 2 weeks to "see" baby with gynae...=)

sorry for being paranoid. first time mummy. hee
Hi all ...

went to see my gynea 2wks ago.. was abt 6wks+ then... can hear the bb heartbeat le.. so will be seeing her again when i'm 10 wks..

btw, we can ask for packages now already? I heard need to wait till when abt 5mth then there wil have packages...
hi blueberri: hows ur last visit to dr Adrian?
How many visits have u been? he got mention any thing/ test? Got take weight/ blood test?
Hi blessedmum, my last visit on a week ago after i went back for check-up due to spotting. saw baby's heartbeat but nt baby.. tml gotta go back again.

incl. last week visit, i've seen dr. adrian 3 times... but he nv mentioned abt any test. also nv take my weight or take blood test.
blessedmum, thanks...

today is aftn clinic rite? i feel like taking leave to nua at home tml before going for my appt in the evening.
de_luxe: any idea how much they charge for aqua aerobics & yoga? quite keen but dunno of any and if got any nearby my place or not.

ladies, you all talking abt what kind of blood test ah? done at how many weeks? my gynae never mention anything to me leh. also, my first 2 preg dun have leh.
tmrw me on half day to see dr. at least that time on tues i saw Dr. Woody can see heartbeat liao (or he said its heartbeat lah). so hope tmrw (with Dr. Khi) i can see more clearly. just pray that everything ok. not to scare anyone lah. but just to share, i'm rather scared cos when i had MC last time, can see bb heartbeat at 6 weeks then told to come back @ 10 weeks and by that time no heartbeat. so i really pray that God will protect baby this time... sigh...i'm being very silly hor???
de_luxe personally i feel that he is gd at first i feel he very chin chai type but when its near ur edd he get very serious n concern bout u. The most important thing is that i dun feel much pain after operation that my main concern coz i'm have a very low threshold of pain.
samval: of coz u are not being silly...every MTBS sure will worried abt the little one inside.

Dont worry...you will be fine...anything just feel free to talk here alrite? tonight remember to rest well so that tomorrow can be more afresh...
sel: ya lor...at least yr mum have experience...my mum & MIL for many years never take care of baby ah...dunno their style and our style same or not...i also dont intend to employ CL...too ex and cant afford.

Was reading magazine and realize need to prepare alot of stuff for baby arrival...so i can imagine my depleting bank account.
agree that the CL is v ex.. i'll just give mum a red packet lor..

raising is child is nt easy lo... my colleague sent his 18mth old girl to a week of dunno-wat course, already cost him 200-odd.. so many things to prepare.. gg to get some hand-me-downs for bb clothes to save money bah.. they will outgrow the clothes v fast de.. no pt spending too much...
sel: ya lo...at least mum take care we also will feel safe la. at least baby is in good hands.

my best friend did gave me some hands-me-downs for baby. but then hor, still have to buy baby cot, what breast pump la, pampers, mild detergent, stroller la, etc....aiyo..think also scared la...
hi samval,

u r definitely not silly. as wat mercsboy said, i am sure every mummy is worried.

we jus have to stay positive and be happy
jo: ya lo...i didn know need to buy so many things until i read a magazine and someone's blog then i realize even after birth also need so many stuff! faint man!!
mercsboy: yeah the house won't be as before. Neat and clutter free. Am trying to bum off as many hand me downs as possible from friends. Especially pram, carseat, sterelizer OMG many many things to get!
MTBs.... i aven't experienced MS for 2 days liao. and strangely, my appetite has been very good these two days also. i feel strange leh. am i still pregnant? how come last week got MS and seriously no appetite, then now suddenly these 2 symtoms disappear liao... hmm..

de_luxe... have you found out the yoga thing? i am keen to take up. since i know i was pregnant, i stop gg to my yoga classes as community centre liao. but i think places like pure yoga and true yoga offer prenatal yoga.. maybe we could go tgr, if the price is affordable for us?
hey anyone seen doc and ask u to take test for down syndrome? Not sure if want to take the cheaper package or take the Oscar package which is more ex? Any opinions?
haha mercs having a kid is never a good investment, financially speaking. :p Now think baby stuff... later think school fees, tuiton, games, activities and books, etc etc... never ending list!

Did the magazine say how much all these baby stuff is likely to cost?

janjan enjoy the period without MS, dun worry... for me, MS comes and goes too, 6th wk was shitty but 7th wk was fine. Last wkend also ate a lot and so far this wk, the nausea comes and goes..

samval dun fret.. agree with jo, all MTBs are anal abt their babies, given your experience, it's understandable that you're even more concerned. Try to relax.. after all you've had successful pregnancies so far..

I took blood test to check for immunity to viruses like chicken pox, hep A, rubella, measles, etc.. maybe your gyne didn't ask you cuz she already has your previous records? I took same test 2 yrs ago and results both times are same.

I've looked at a few websites for pre-natal yoga, not all state their prices and it's not practical to call them since I'm overseas. Some have free or discounted intro classes. Seems that most of the classes are held on weekdays daytime, not very convenient for those who are working. Almost all located in town. BTW, most advise that should only start when no more MS and/or after 1st trimester. Also advise to seek doc's clearance.

Would be nice if there are other pple going. Knowing me, such a lazy bum, i'll prob drop out halfway esp if have to travel a long way... kekeke

True Yoga (http://www.trueyoga.com.sg/classes.htm)
- Raffles Place &amp; Pacific Plaza
- Now having promo $198 for 6 months (doesn't state if any limits on no of classes)
- First time trial $8

Pure Yoga (http://www.pure-yoga.com/en/singapore/schedules/class_types.php)
- Ngee Ann City &amp; Raffles Place
- Price not stated

Mother &amp; Child (http://www.motherandchild.com.sg/yoga/yoga_main.htm)
- Tanglin Mall
- $195 for 8 classes
- Also offers post-natal classes and other preggie courses

Whatever (http://www.whatever.com.sg/yoga.php?q=2)
- Keong Saik Road (Chinatown)
- 1 class $25, 10 classes $220 (valid for 4 months)

Birth &amp; Beyond (http://www.birthandbeyond.com.sg/courselist.php?type=2&amp;list=22)
- Tanglin Shopping Centre
- Price not stated

Como Shambhala (http://comoshambhala.bz/default.asp?section=339&amp;subpage=390)
- Forum
- Price not stated, but 1st visit is FOC

Shiva Yoga (http://www.omshivayoga.com/classesandfees/index.php)
- Chip Bee Gardens (Holland V), Horse City (close to Turf City)
- $30 per class

<u>Aqua Aerobics</u>
YWCA (http://nof.ywca.org.sg/index.php?option=com_content&amp;task=view&amp;id=15&amp;Itemid=152)
- 8 classes, member: $80, non-member: $90

Takashimaya Fitness Club (http://www.takashimaya-sin.com/fitness_content.html)
- Price not stated

Bammfitness (http://www.bammfitness.com/events.htm)
- Concourse (Lavender/Bugis)
- 12 sessions $180, 1 session $20

Fitness First (www.fitnessfirst.com.sg)
- Various locations
- Price not stated

Fitness Network (http://www.fitnessnetwork.com.sg/schedule/schedule.asp)
- Science Hub (Science Park Drive)
- Price not stated, trial membership available
dear ladies,
good morning. thank you so much for your assurance. i feel so much better now. looking forward to the check-up this aftn. will keep you all updated.

Jo => don't worry abt the MS. mine comes and go too. during 6 weeks was horrible and i spend the weekend in the toilet throwing up. this week still have but not as bad as last week and appetite also better. i was also worried and my gynae said it comes and goes. so on the days you don't have any MS, take the chance to eat anything you want.

today i cant stand the smell of coffee. i'm a coffee lover and without coffee i will get headache. today smell aldy wanna vomit.

de_luxe: thanks for the links on the yoga! much appreciated. haha just like u, i might drop out halfway if it is too far and if we get bigger. wow seems like those places are mostly in town hor? any idea if community centre has for preggie woman? i only know that they have those for non-preg ones.

Good morning!!

deluxe! thanks for compiling the list. I'll go thru them slowly when I have time. Samval, i do not think community centre have yoga for preggie leh. all i see is hatha yoga. i remember another thread here abt yoga saying that there is a prenatal yoga class somewhere in bishan. will that be nearer to you?

It's almost 9am and I still can't bear to leave my bed for work. still contemplating if i should call in MC tdy or not. hehe..

samval, i love coffee.. but haven't taken a single sip for weeks... That day even have to ask hubby to let me smell his coffee.. hehe...

but i'm hooked on plain water. hai.. wherever i go must have a bottle of plain water. why can't i have craving for milk? then will have lotsa calcium for baby

glad to know that MS can come and go. now i feel more an-xin. argh! next visit to doc is next fri. still got one week to go. can't wait to see another scan of my baby man. take care! all MTBs
