(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Sigh, i too had bad MS recently. Strange, it seems to be getting from bad to worse. Initiately during the first few weeks was bearable. Now passing 8 weeks it seems to get worse.

Constipation, stomach bloated,frequent urination all happened to me. Sigh, hope after 1st trimester i will get better.

Ashley, frequent urination is norm now as bb is lying low and pressing on ur bladder. Do drink prune juice if u hv constipation. As for ur stomach bloated feeling, try to take small amt of food and eat slowly.
babykayden try using a hot water bottle to sooth the backache. Also check your posture and use cushions to support your back when sitting down.

samval rest more and get well soon... u remind me of my previous job, mc still got to work at home and answer calls from clients on mobile.. xian right?

I've also been having weird dreams since getting pregnant... last nite have all sorts of dreams involving my deceased grandma, food and even ex-boyfriend. Even dreamt that i was at the hawker centre opposite my old office and all the stalls that i wanted to eat from are closed. Aiyo! When I woke up, I felt so blur...

swan try to take more fiulds and water, might be caused by dehyration. If doesn't work, u might want to inform your gyne so that a urine test for infection can be done.

blessedmum glad u enjoyed ur trip... have fun eating! My appetite has gone haywire today... just looking at food makes me feel like puking.
Thanks bb, will try prune juice.

Wondering how am i going to take small amt of food each time. Hee hee.

My job is not desk bound, always moving around with customers. Paisei to eat in front of them. Tough Tough.
mercsboy: this fri me then 7weeks. ya think i will go and check check and see dr. adrian one of these days.

xpink_xuanx: I can understand the anxiety. me have not seen bb heartbeat yet and the last time i went down (on sat @ 6 weeks) still cannot see. my next appt this coming fri. will be 7 weeks and hopefully can see. may i ask how many weeks then u can see yours?

de_luxe: thanks. will try to rest more. ya very sian to keep checking my emails and be on stand-by mode.
samval, ya lor.. $550 is very worth it... nt sure if the raffles clinic at hougang mall is male of female gynea. yes, dr. adrian does scanning every visit.

bb_march, yup.. mi seeing dr. adrian coz it's near my place and also the good reviews abt him... too lazy to see dr. adelina wong at TMC though i've been seeing her for my yearly pap smear since 2004.. her charges also abit exp.

maybe u msn blur n ask how her TTC?
samval : i was at 8weeks to see the heartbeat.
now i'm at 9weeks already.
before that, when at 5weeks and 7weeks still can't see the heartbeat.
Hi All,

Was rather busy today sia. Just went for my 3rd visit yest. Finally saw the blinking heartbeat of my bb...till now my gynea no take my weight or urine test wor

I took the package yest too coz if i pay separately it's already adding up to $400 so might as well take the package now. Dr. Adrain everytime so fast i feel so unsafe like that. From the look at it, it seems like he only uses less then 10mins on each of us.

Any1 seeing him in Sengkang oso like that?

Good news....i noe my EDD liao

update pls
EDD: 23 Jan '09
Dr. Adrain Woodsworth
suika: congrats...my visit to my gynae also quite fast, but ok for me, coz i find him straight to the point. last time i visit the gynae at punggol was really long, but i pay more leh...and her answers are like, got answer like nvr answer kind...
mercsboy, dr. adrain oso got ans like no ans 1 ley...

have any1 got gastric problems? mine was very bad type n yest was so bad dat i puke out whole lump of gastric juice (yellowish milky color)...and all i got was an ans, it's normal from the gynea. likewise for everything that i ask

i feeling so unsafe like that......
xpink_xuanx: Thanks. my gynae told me that if 7 weeks still cant detect heartbeat then have to do blood test. i wonder why. thought for some 7 weeks still too early and 8 weeks is the safest to see?

bluberi: later me going down to compasspoint to see and check out his package and probably ask the nurses some things before i make appt to see him.
hi gals, just did scanning last Thursday at my 6th week, bb oni 2mm very small. since then, ms symptoms got worst, now smell of food and even sight of food can turned me off. giddy and vomitting. Only survive on plain porridge and oats. Pretty bad condition, lost 2 kg over 4 days, but i read books, they said loosing weight at the initial stage is normal.. *worried*
i think if you do not feel comfortable with your gynae, then source around for one that you are comfy with. similar to me, my current gynae is ok but i'm still sourcing for others. most importantly is that you are comfy with him/her. some ppl will feel comfy with this gynae while others seeing the same gynae may have diff views.

and like what mercsboy said, ignore what other comments ppl say abt a certain gynae and see for yourself is he/she good or not. of course we still can get feedback from other mothers, just don't take it too hard. anyone recommend you to Dr. Woodworth?
showy, MS is a good sign that the pregnancy is progressing. of course if don't have doesn't mean preg is bad lah. i also lost 1.5kg when i went to clinic on Sat to weigh. doc said its ok. i drink plain water also vomit ah. like you, i also survive on soft diet, like soup, porridge or cereal. but aft that all will come out also. don't worry ok. i more worried cos up to my 6th week, still cant detect any heartbeat yet, so i get alot of encouragement from the mummies here to stay positive.

take care.
Samval: No1 recommend 1...coz i'm the lazy type he's the nearest n most convenient for me so i juz take him and i noticed that the clinic is always full of ppl...althought he shares the premises with a GP but the GP like no business mostly all pregnant women sitting there waiting
Suika: I also puke out the yellow juice initally when i have no appetite for food.. My mum told me not to keep my stomach empty, thus i die die also force myself to eat something. So far I know, so long I hv food inside my stomach, I won't be puking yellow juice. I tried to drinking Milo and its okie for me so far.

Sam, did ur gynae use V-scan?? I did a V-scan last week when i went to KKH, and doc said its still very tiny, can only see blink blink so shld be heartbeat ba.. I keep telling myself, so long I still feel the ms, I know my lil' one is growing.
bluberi: u seen him how many times? u comfortable with him?

Samval: i juz pass 7wks oni...before that can't even see a thing....ur gynea told u everything's fine?
showy: ya my gynae do v-scan for me. maybe its cos i went too early. my first visit was only @ 4 weeks, and cannot see anything. then went back at 5 weeks, can only see one small dot. then went back again at 6 weeks and the water bag has grown very big and can see the baby inside. but heartbeat still cannot yet.

suika: i see. ya maybe still too early. me now only 6 weeks 4 days. i hope by 7 weeks can see. gynae said everything is fine and baby is growing and can see baby inside the sac already. just that some girls take longer for the heartbeat to show. i was worried cos my first 2 pregnancies, at 6 weeks plus i can see everything already.
hi, just wanna drop by to say "HI" to everyone. so envy u all mtbs. i lost my #1 and now still trying...hope to join the feb mtb thread soon.

btw gals, i am also seeing dr adrian woodworth in sengkang for my reviews after D&C since early this year. he is a nice gynae but with few words loh. anyway i feel safe in his hands. hehe. i wish all the mtbs here to have a smooth 8 months ahead ya !
hi Porky => Sorry to hear about it. I'm sure you will be blessed with another baby very very soon
Read your other thread and feel sad for you. Nevertheless, you will be blessed with a baby real soon.

Samval: When u see from the pic there, there's a +- few days there, so that's y till now u still cannot see. Coz 2wks ago when i went my scan shows 7w2d but +-10 n yest i went it's still 7wks only.
Sam: as what u explained, initial early stage still not very obvious, perhaps the next visit to ur gynae, you shld be able to see ur lil'one soon.

mi see dr. adrian 3 times already... seeing him again tis fri. yup.. mi comfortable with him. my hubby also ok with him.
recently i can eat quite alot. Having heavy meal most of the time. scare will be gaining weight lei... b'coz i heard from my sis that if weight gain more that expected (like now it's supposed the most to gain 100g per week) then will have to do blood test.. in order to make sure wer are free from High blood, Cholesterol, Diabetes etc...

if really got such issue, then must walk out diet le...
hi all,

have been MIA for a couple of days. yesterday was a bad day, very tired and slept most of the day, so my poor boy had to self-entertain, and he got so bored he fell asleep twice, although he usually takes only one afternoon nap a day.

dreams - i've been having pretty vivid dreams these days, although i can't recall now what they were all abt.

constipation - my longest record for constipation since discovering i was preg is 3 days without moving my bowels. today is a "clear-system" day, after 3 days of no "pang sai", have cleared 3 times today.

short of breath - am comforted to hear that some of you are having this as well. i was quite worried that maybe my heart got problem or something, cos have been very low on stamina since conception. chased my son a few steps, and i couldn't catch my breath liao. so now i know it's another one of those preg problems. never had this with my first pregnancy. i think it's probably got to do with my age as well.

v-scan - i've never had a v-scan before. when do we need to do a v-scan? my gynae only did ultrasound on me.

urine test and weight/blood pressure - i need to do these checks every visit. urine test is using a test stick to check for protein and glucose in the urine.

oscar - i'm doing my oscar on 30/6 morning at tmc. anyone doing it on the same day? it costs slightly over $300 leh..... mercsboy, how come yours so cheap?

samval, you were asking me what happened during my thailand trip. well, hb and I were quarrelling almost everyday during mealtimes cos our son was causing us to choke on our food every meal. he couldn't sit still in the high chair, so we had to take turns eating our food. i usually let my hubby eat first while i bring my son ard, and he will gobble up his food. then when it is my turn to eat, he will complain i eat too slowly, and he has to struggle with our son. so end up, our chiang mai holiday become a quarrelling fiesta, and so we never dared travel after that. i hope now that my son is older, and more sensible, we can bring him for a short trip overseas before #2 comes along. was thinking of perth cos we can opt for farm-stay etc, my son loves farm animals. my hb is suggesting malaysia.... sianz
blueberi: yest was my 3rd time seeing him, dr. adrain ok la juz he everything oso normal n ok n brushing us off so quickly i feeling unsafe oni...i oso till nw other then the scans, no tests done at all not even my blood pressure wor
during my last visit 3 weeks ago, there was an urine test, weight taken, breast checking, ultrascan & v scan..

my gynae told mi that i nid to go for blood test during 2nd visit which will be tis coming saturday. by then it shd be my 9th week, is tat a must to do blood test?
suika, ya lor.. the consultation is over in abt 5mins time lor.. tink if wan to ask questions, better write on a list n ask him.. else he tok so fast, sometimes i forget wat i wan to ask him. mi also oni do scanning.
showy: thanks. will try to stay positive

suika: oh issit? i din know that. ok will go and have a look at my picture tmrw. left it in office.

twws: i hope you are feeling better today *hugs*. guess when there are small kids around, its kinda hard to enjoy the holiday especially when they cant sit still, causing parents to quarrel. in fact, i think most of the time husband & wife quarrel is cause of the kids!!

i made appt with adrian and will be going down later. those who are seeing him, may i ask is it true that appt is on first-come-first serve basis? that was what the nurse told me when i called up. said that so long as the doc is around, then its first come first serve. and i asked abt v-scan, and she said that doc usually don't do, unless really cant see then will do. dunno am i wasting money or what. hubby said i can pay him a visit and if i'm ok with him just stick to him...dunno... advise please.
blurberi: same same, he shoots like a gun like that den sends you out n i everytime forgets to ask him things. like this time, when we opened the door liao den i remembered the package issue. when i ask him den he ask mi to sit dwn again n starts his guns blah blah blah... i oni tries to catch the important points... he even suans my hb ley coz he was doing the scan, i was trying so had to control me vomit...den he says the bb's fine n my hb replied but the mummy's like not doing too well...he shuts him off n said the mummy normal.....*faint* hahaha my hb told me he read other forum saying dr. adrain is a no nonsense gynea.....hahaha
twws: ya lor...i remember gynae mentioned OSCARS is $200 leh, but subjected to GST la. need to go hospital to take the test ma? coz he said during my next visit then can opt whether to take the oscar test or not...

actually i also dunno what is the process like...draw blood or wat?

swan: my fren who is a mother of 4, she said initial stage what we eat mostly for ourselves not for the baby leh. thats why some weight gain on the mother herself. dunno how true la..
Samval: wad's v-scan har? dr. adrain side appt is like 1hr frame, actually if u've got no appt oso same 1 la....u go den register den they'll Q u accordingly like first come first serve lor...but not to worry he sees us very fast de so u won't really hv to wait very long, but if u've got things to check with him, do jot that down first if not his 'guns' will make u blurz n forgot to ask.... heehee
samval, yup. although u made an appt.. it's still on a first come first serve basis. tink dr. adrian oni do normal scanning. he nv did v-scan on me.
suika, hahaha, so funni... i didn't koe dr. adrian is a no nonsense gynea.. but he really dun joke one lor.

tink tis fri i'll ask dr. adrian abt the OSCAR test.
bluberi: seems like dr adrian and my gynae dr ang also the same leh...talk fast and fast in check ups...maybe too many ppl queuing thats why he make it fast...OScars test is optional but gynae mentioned it is more accurate then normal blood test in testing down syndrome or something.
samval: go ahead and try it dr adrian la since nearer to yr place. maybe u can click with him? sometimes its convenient if gynae is nearby like you dont feel well then need to take mc, can just walk over to take mc...and then save on transport also. next time when tummy grow bigger, too far clinic is a hassle isnt it...
blurberi: OH don't ask him on OSCAR test...i've asked n kana shoot...hahaha he says they'll arrange for everything when the time comes
samval: i agree with mercsboy, that's y chose dr. adrain...i think of the hassle in travelling i'm already feeling tired liao...
v-scan how is it like? insert something there? uncomfortable or not? can i ask when u all 1st visit to gynae to confirm pregnancy, do u all take urine test again??
OSCAR stands for One Stop Clinic for Assessment of Risk for fetal anomalies. This is a screening test offered to pregnant ladies to screen for Down syndrome. The result is given in the form of an estimated risk.
It involves the measurement of the nuchal translucency (NT) of the fetus from 11 weeks to 13 weeks+6 days of gestation. The fetus must measure between 45 – 84 mm long for the risk estimate to be valid.
In addition, a sample of the mother’s blood is taken and analysed for levels of PAPP-A and free beta-hCG.

- Abstracted from http://www.clinicforwomen.com.sg/medi_page/site_web_jw/common_page.asp?pg=10
mercsboy: not for me, he straight away did the scanned for me but can't see anything yet he says still too early only that my womb is thickening oni. den gave me the 'an tai' pills

the blood test is juz a normal health check.. make sure i am free from disease or whatever
it seems like it's her common procudures to do so lei...

anyone same? think my gynae checks everything lei..

Have attended the talk by Dr Judy Wong. My hb wants me to take the test saying its good for the bb but i'm scare of the risk so doesn't want to take as I'm below 35yrs, chances are not very high..
