(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Many MTBs on 6th Jan! So exciting to see who's bb pop out first...Anyone wishing for 1st Jan BB? I'm hoping to have one..it'll be so special..

hi sorry to interrupt... i have the following brand new unopen items to sell or swap with any of your items of equal value:

1. 1x Pigeon Baby Powder Made in Japan (retail 6.90)
2. 2x Pigeon wideneck 300ml peristaltic milk bottle (retail 10.50)
3. 1x Avent milk bottle 125ml (retail $8.50)
4. Pigeon starter kit (include bottles, brush, pacifier, milk powder container, etc) retail $45

all items brand new unused
Hi miffy, I'm also with Dr Joycelyn Wong and am looking to deliver at Mt A - good thing her TMC clinic and Mt A are nearby so when the time comes she will be on time for my delivery.

I found the Mt E ward rates more ex, the ACJ nurse also told me Dr Wong only delivers at Mt E on case to case basis...and do consider the distance she has to travel from TMC to Mt E, esp if you need her urgently at time of delivery.I find TMC really too packed and the carparking can be a chore even for visitors. Perhaps I'm also Catholic so personally Mt A will give me some spiritual assurance. It may not be as big as the other hospitals (though car park bigger and cheaper too) but exclusiveness has its advantages. Also read that some wards were renovated late last year so will be nice and clean. My personal thots to share...
twws, ya lor.. was simply estactic upon seeing bb's heartbeat.. but how com cannot see bb?

samval, funni hor.. tue scan see sac oni, thur v-scan also see sac oni, by fri evening can see bb's heartbeat flickering. life is really amazing!
one day can make a difference.. nw my heart is more relax aft see bb's heartbeat. pray dat everything will be smooth sailing fm nw.

janjan16, everyday when i tink of food nw, usually pizza comes to my mind leh.. dunno y muz be curry chicken pizza.. hahaha.. i can finish the personal pan pizza myself, but split into 2 sessions to eat. tis morning ate my favourite chicken rice, but dunno y oni eat half plate i found it digusting liao.. ended up my hubby finished it for me.

dr. adrian asked mi if i see a white spot flickering in the sac anot... i saw it den blur blur asked him wat's dat. he said it's bb's heartbeat.. nw muz take wrine test every visit meh? i oni see those ladies who seemed to be their 2nd trimester onwards taking urine test at thomson womens clinic leh

nowadays mi always doze off in front of the TV.. even when went to bed also muz wake up ard 2am to pee den snack... occasionally 5am also muz pee n snack, den ard 7.30am again before i bathe n get ready for work.

de_luxe, ya.. really glad everything is fine nw.
Hi deluxe, think I read somewhere bananas are also high in frutose and mummies should avoid it as it may cause diabetes.

Went for my review yesterday, first thing I was hoping to see is the strong heartbeat to be assured. Was happy to see baby doing well at 10 weeks and is 3cm now. We were also excited when baby suddenly 'moved/jumped' with its little arms and legs up in the air during the scan! Dr Wong was also laughing, she said maybe baby saying HI.
Though my EDD is 03 Jan 2009, there is a chance I might have a Christmas baby - I hope the hospital will not be empty when I deliver then!
Hi bluberi, glad to hear things are fine, you relax and think HAPPY THOUGHTS! Baby will grow strong and wave to you soon!

Oh, and if we have family history of like diabetes or high blood pressure etc, the gynaes will be careful and make us take urine test during review. Don't worry.
bluen16, my mum said for bananas, we can oni see the small small type.. cannot eat those del monte long long bananas.

so fast u r 10wks liao... 2 more wks to 2nd trimester nia.. ya ya.. gt chance for xmas bb leh.

yes yes, i shall relax more and tink happy thoughts! my family has history of high blood n diabetes leh...
Hi bluen16,

We shared the same views! I also find TMC too packed and I fully agree its a chore to find parking space for visitors, having been a visitor myself when I visited my sister whom delivered there. Besides, my sister complains that she had told the nurses and staff my niece is 100% breastfeeding, yet they still bottlefed her right after she's born. It interfered with her breastfeeding.

Oh, the ACJ nurse didn't tell me Dr Wong delivers at Mt E on case to case basis, she told me all private hospitals. Guess I will have to check with Dr Wong herself at my next appointment.

I have heard good reviews about both hospitals from friends, really a headache to choose one. Anyway, I'm planning to go on a ward tour to both hospitals and see which hospital I feel more comfortable with.
suika: don't dispair. I went through exactly the same thing as u did. Initially thought menses coming cos of really bad cramps and spotting. And at 4 weeks went for scan and v-scan oso but couldn't see anything. So i can identify with your worries. I worried for an entire week till the next visit at 5 weeks, only then can see sac... even then gynae said 5 weeks still early might not be able to see yet. Juz rest well for now. Dun carry heavy things and put ur feet up as much as possible.
Rachel, help me update? Changed my name, so u will see as met. Used to put Metta Koh but thought too formal. Hahah.... Me FTWM...
Hi miffy,

Yeap do check with Dr Wong at your next appt. The nurse was quick to stress 'case by case' when I inquired previously abt Mt E so do check it out. And the hospital tours wll definitely be helpful I think most MTB prob check it out after 20 weeks. My hub and I just went into Mt A carpark, drove around have a feel of surrounding for 3 mins then drove out...

I suppose TMC is more reputable being the main speciality hospital. Both hospitals are good in terms of care and attention so it is a personal 'feel' when you do the tour, your own comfort level. Mt A may seem like ULU in terms of location so depends on what you prefer...price wise seems both are abt the same, in any case, don't fret too much though - it's prob a 2-3 day stay only.

Hi bluberi, your mummy is right, apparently the smaller bananas are less sweet too. And yes awaiting for end of first trimester and I canbe assured pregnancy is stable. I have been confining myself at home for the past 3-4 weeks not going out, havent even shopped for past 1-2 mths...haha!
just to update u on my check up today. we saw that the sac had grown 10 times bigger since the last visit last week. also saw a white dot inside teh sac and can see an outline of the baby. doc said its definitely the baby. but we still cannot see any heartbeat yet. i was kinda disappointed and happy at the same time. happy cos i know it is growing and finally can see the baby. disappointed cos cant see heartbeat at 6 weeks. i asked the doc how come and she said that to rer, its still early. some women can see at 6 weeks, some take longer around 8 weeks.

din go to motherhood fair today. also no mood. my MS continues and doc gave me some med to take, and advised that it is better to hve morning sickness so we know the pregnancy is healthy. also she said if i wanna monitor the pregnancy whether it is healthy or not, then dont take the pills, just tahan if possible and if MS not too bad. so i said i'll take it on standby lor.

Bluberi: so amazing hor? guess one day really makes a difference. my next appt is on coming Fri and will be exactly 7 weeks by then. at least u can see heartbeat, mine cannot and can only see bb. haha we are the other way round. can i ask you, at exactly how many weeks were u on fri that u can see heartbeat? today i'm only 6w 1 d.

jo: me also like u. go at 4 weeks & 5 weeks and see nothing. then today see the sac growing bigger and the bb but no heartbeat yet.

mummies here, can i ask how many weeks + days exactly were you able to see the heartbeat? me at 6w 1d still cannot see. doc assured me it is growing. i asked her back what if next visit (7 weeks by then) i still don't see, then she said need to go for blood test. please advise.
bluen16: ask u ah, can we tour Mt. A hospital? cos i only know that we can tour TMC. U ah, talk talk abt banana now feel like eating leh...
bluberi: forgot to add, i also don't have any urine test. i tot its the norm to test for protein at each visit? i ask the nurse and she said doc will decide. so i asked how abt weight and blood pressure. then only they took. dont tell me i gotta keep reminding them to take ??
hi mummies,
wow.. was reading through the posts and was so excited cos i shared similar experiences with you gals!

mersboy - thanks for the update. wanted to go today but decided to stay home and rest cos of feeling quite tired.

samval - i saw my bb's heartbeat at 6 weeks. It was like a little flickering dot.

miffy - i am also having headaches with TMC and Mt A. Both seems very good but i haven been to TMC before. So will go for the hospital tours and then decide. Let us know when you decided okie? =P

i also cannot stand drinking plain water now. And whenever i eat medicine - folic and iron tablets, sure will feel nausea. =(
MTBs.. the goondoo mummy here proudly announce to hubby that actually the flickering thing is the baby heart beat. then hubby says he knows cos doc mentioned. strange leh. wonder why i didn't hear doc say that's baby heartbeat? never mind. i guess.. whats important is that baby's growing and healthy

i haven't got good appetite these two days. always feeling burpy. how i wish i can drink ENO to remove the gas. but i know cannot... hai.. now i have craving for soft drinks. hehe.

but i msut congratulate myself for eatin one whole bowl of fish porridge. thats abt the most i have eaten at a go for the past few days. hai.. if this goes on, i think hubby will be putting on more weight than me. cos i can't finish, he will finish for me. hehe...

btw, i heard bb born on 1st jan will be entitled to extra $2000 baby bonus ah.. is it true?
hey mercsboy, my next gynae check up also on the 26th june! same as yours.. baby will be 10 weeks by then.. rem to update abt ur check up... =)

anyway i do 'talk' to bb every now and then, telling him/her how old is he, must be healthy, etc... hahaha. sounds weird? wonder can the bb hear me? lol
mummies here, can i ask how many weeks + days exactly were you able to see the heartbeat? me at 6w 1d still cannot see. doc assured me it is growing. i asked her back what if next visit (7 weeks by then) i still don't see, then she said need to go for blood test. please advise.
my hubby very funny.. he go and put the oven toaster on top of my medicine to heat up the pizza. needless to say, i can't take the medicine already for they have all melted. i'll have to go and get the prescription from gynae again tmr. hai..

samval, we are about the same... my last visit was fri and we could see the flickering heartbeat. i think different baby grow at different speed ba. maybe your baby is camera shy and hide from camera, so cannot see baby flickering leh... don't be too worried yet. you should be able to see by next week lah. be positive!!!

rachel: i'm a FTWM, seeing Dr SM Chua. probably will deliver at Mt Alvernia. would you update the list please? thanks.
samval, according to LMP i shd be 7w4d.. but if follow the scan would be 5w5d wor.. wonder when can see bb with the heartbeat together.
Hi Samval: I'm 7w 2d when I visit my gynae and can see baby's heartbeat. Don't worry, you will probaby see your baby's heartbeat by next visit.

Hi daymoon: I will probably go for the hospitals tour after week 20. The last time I went to Mt A is more than 10 yrs ago...so I also wonder what it looks like now, eps after the reno. The Mt A babies will have a "I am a Mt Alvernia Baby" romper to wear when going home...I find it rather cute, wonder if other hospitals have the same practise?
precious bb: u mean now u are 8 weeks, and u managed to see the bb swimming and tossing inside?
then can i ask whether do u have feeling when the bb is tossing or swimming inside?

jialat liao lor...me now already 8 weeks, but i feel nothing, no nausea, no giddy, sleep well, no extra cravings....i wonder is the bb still inside...oops...
samval: mine can hear the heartbeat at 6 weeks...dont worry, maybe 7th or 8th weeks can hear already leh? now u can see something is very relieved already isnt it?
ni: ya lor, my next check up with the gynae is on 26th june...but then this time round will be moe tough for me i guess, coz i gotto show him my health report which my ovaries have some problem...and now reading at what mummies posting here, seems to have so much symptoms...but i feel nothing, just like normal...
anyway...must maintain a positive mind la...so now still looking forward to 26th june!
you are right! must be positive! Maybe you are one of the lucky ones who have a MorningSickness-free 9 months??

I went to the fair today.. feel that there's nothing much there.. not as much things/stalls as i had imagined... bt the good thing is that the crowd is nt tat bad too...
finally had some appetite to eat my meals.. in the end, all came out again.. my prawn noodles and mushrm swiss, all wasted...
mercs u not the only w no symptoms... i've been symptom-free for most of the week. Also eating normally, not more than usual. Today some more can join tour and go for a long walk in the countryside, think we walked abt 8km n got lots of fresh air... legs aching a bit now but whatever calories i burnt have been put back after having dinner at McDonalds, had a double quarter pounder with small fries and even ate 1/2 of my hubby's fries.

ni as far as i know bb can't hear you yet but can 'feel' your emotions via the hormones that your body produces when you're happy, sad, stressed... bb can only hear sounds outside the womb from 6 mths

daymoon try taking ur tablets with a little food, might help to keep them down.

miffy quite disappointed to hear that TMC ignored your sis' instruction. I would have expected them to be more supportive. When you say interfered with your niece's breast feeding does that mean that your niece preferred the bottle cuz it's easier to get milk? Did your sis manage to overcome the problem? Hmmm... might reconsider them as I'm pro breast feeding. Heard that MtA has a lactation consultant who will assist new moms. Wonder if TMC has one too...
sel: you didn go and take the free stuff ma? but i really did get a number of stuff leh...i didnt see baby stuff la, coz too early to buy also...
i saw alot of ppl buying pampers lor...hopefully there will be another fair in a few months time.
de_luxe: ya lo....lately no symptoms....just like not pregnant like tat...tats why feels funny especially hearing all the symptoms that MTB here encounter...
mercsboy: do you get shortness of breath?

gek: no idea... i eat everything that's not on the banned list. But dunno abt century eggs... din hear anything abt it
Hi samval, yeap there is a tour available at Mt A before you make decision - you can check out their website. Think most private hospitals do have the tours now, not sure abt the public hospitals though..my mum was most impressed cos there was no such tours during her time donkey years ago.
Don't worry too much about detecting heartbeat, mine was detected at week 6 though I'm sure it kinda varies from individual - just stay positive now and you'll be proud to see your baby's strong heartbeat at your next gynae review.
yah me get shortness of breath too. it's like breathing but only halfway? Like lungs cannot fill up fully? dun really bother me juz that i find taking more deeper breaths now

Before pregnant oso forgetful... now oso forgetful

finally pangsai with ease today... twice summore. Now at least tummy dun look like 4 months kekeke
jo...me also same la....like climb staircase, like pant until siao lor...hold my hubby until he so pain ah...

i seems to sudden loss of memory leh...very forgetful nowadays...

i pangsai quite regular la....no problem for me...yr tummy so "pong" already meh?
mercsboy: my tummy so "pong" cos very bloated lor. But getting beta... lotsa gas and "stuff" in my intestines. When i went for scan, gynae said my intestines very active..ahahaha. Before pregnancy i usually go toilet 3 times a day after every meal.. now once a day, very uncomfortable man.

actually hor we still have symptoms but not obvious ones
i told my gf that at least with symptoms i feel pregnant keke
hi mummies,

i think my memory has yet to recover from my previous pregancy... And it has got worse.... hehe but dun worry.. we have the perfect reason to be forgetful... WE ARE PREGGIEEEEEEEEEEE

Nowadays I m like ah ma.. walk ever so slowly and get so breathless after a while.. cant really carry my ger now... but still need to chase after her la.. so it make me so tired everyday...

Samval, dun worry too much abt the heartbeat... every pregancy is different... You will get to see the heartbeat in ur next visit... Dun worry ok... remember Happy Mummy = Happy baby

For those second time mummies, do you feel tat ur tummy shows veri early tis time round? I m only at my 9th week, and i already look like 4 mths preggie wo.

Still cant remember all the names... But can the mummy who is updating the chart help me to update.. I m FTWM, and most likely delivering in TMC.. May change to MT A, cos wanna have a diff environment.. But not confirm yet la.. so keep it as TMC for the moment...
jo: ya lo...tats why i dun feel pregnant lo...have symptoms also complain, no symptoms also complain...aiyo...

but say so much today then i feel like vomitting....just had sour plum. hehe
thanks all for the comforting words. i'll try my best to be positive and dont think so much.

today just feel lousy. having flu and also very anxious abt next appt. (coming fri)

no MS today. dunno good or bad. maybe i just think too much.
got alot of freebies meh.. i only walk ard, see see look look...

is short of breath a symptom as well? cos i seems to experienced that also.. climb some stairs or walk too fast will make me breathless.. feel so unhealthy...

had a bad dream on sat.. dreamt that i had very very bad bleeding.. woke up in a fright...

btw, FTWM here..

i have jus tested +ve over the weekend, guess i will be Feb MTB.

However, i would like to seek some advise here..

i have tested twice (both result showned +ve) over the weekend, so should i actually go n consult a gynae to confirm?? can it be any gynae or must it be the one that u wan her to take care of u for the 9 months journey?? can i change later on?

sorry if i have asked stupid quetions, cos this is my first n i m kinda lost.

I have not compare/ do any research on which hospital i wanna deliver... neither to any gynae yet.

Would appreciate your advise, please.

Thanks in advanced

no qn is a stupid qn...

if i'm nt wrong, you can go to a GP to confirm actually... Bt if u wan to go to a gynae, you can still change the gynae later on, might nt have to be the one who follow-up on you for the next 9mths..

baobao: No stupid questions here.
i guess it's beta to find a gynae u like cos u are gonna be wif her/him for awhile. If u wanna change gynae gotta make sure they are not within the same hospital... cos it's like poaching? you can now juz go any gynae to confirm and say u got ur own gynae maybe..

samval: hey cheer up
am sure ur bb will be fine... juz gotta leave it in God's hands. hugz
