(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

samval: my weighing scale is those electronic type...quite accurate for me leh...same 51kg at home and at gynae there.

NI: ya lor...cooling day eat steamboat very shiok lor...faster 6pm la...u so fast pay day, me next monday then payday. good luck to your scan leh...hope u can knw the gender. boy or girl for u?? what is your instinct? coz i have very strong feeling it boy and really boy...

wow...all gg for steamboat sia

maybe tonite i ask my hb come home early i make BBQ steamboat at home.......heehee

see lah all the steamboat here n there make my so hungry sia
suika: then after work can go shopping for food...BBQ steamboat very messy leh...wait whole house need to clean...normal steamboat la...easy...just buy 2 cans chicken swanson chicken stock...or tom yum steamboat? just buy the paste...nice also leh...

today topic is xiao long bao & steamboat
mercsboy: i've already bought sabu sabu meat few days back liao....think i'll go buy tom yum for soup base n some more veg...heehee anyway i go eat oso waste money now...better off to eat from home for the time being
mine not too messy....coz i bought the BBQ + steamboat together mah...easy to clean oso
my instinct???? i think ger leh.. but i got no preference lah.. so if tml still cannot see anything hoh, i should think its most like a ger, cos i 15 week, by right 15 week can see kuku liao hor if a boy lah... haha

wish me luck! bb pls be more cooperactive open legs hor...=)
suika: then dont bbq la...just steamboat lo. like tat then wont have too much smoke...

NI:ya...if girls cannot confirm too early. me is can see something in between the legs lor. ya wish you luck! before going, wake the baby up and talk to the baby, ask him/her to be cooperative ok..."soh soh" the tummy...today onwards...hehe
suika: shabu shabu tom yum meat is nice also leh...BBQ will smoke the whole house and oily..then u got to clean the whole living room...then the oil will spash the whole table...BBQ must eat outside...others clear for u
wah...at tis time see all mentioning abt food make mi hungry....steamboat is my fav cos used to sit there and eat for like hours till tummy nearly explode.....might be too late to advise abit but it's recommended to cook the food longer as we are preggy now....even for normal people...steamboat give rise to higher risk of having 'lau sai'....=0

just made an egg sandwich....satisfied as of now...hee
de_luxe,NL,where's the exact address of the xiao long bao at neil road?
i usually go crystal jade ramen to have their xiao long bao 1.

see u all discussing abt food.last wkend i was jus telling my hubby i feel like gg marina south to eat bbq steamboat coz long time never go makan,den he says"u can eat so much meh",sianz...
updates updates!

I went to gynae yestdy, and was given all clear for high BP and diabetes. So it'st he ribena that i had the last time that casued the diabetes ba. PHEW!!

baby is exactly 13 weeks now. yippee! I'm gg back to do the Triple test and another blood test at 15 weeks. after that then will decide if we need to do the amnio test or not.

gg to take up the package 2 weeks' later too! package is $500, including supplements and for unlimited of times i visit him. heeheehee.. then the TRIPLE test is $180 and the regular blood test is $60. doc's delivery fees is $800. I think quite affordable wor.

with the DBS credit card promotion going on, we are very keen to go ahead with Mt A. in fact, our minds already made up, just that we have not taken up the package only

now i can fang xin and go with my craving for french fries and whipped potato. yeah! but then i am still conscious that it has to be taken in moderate amounts
wah all the buffet is making me hungry =) did you have a good dinner? how much weight have you all put on so far ah? Is it natural second trimester will start to keep putting on weight?

janjan: your package sounds affordable and good.. mine $1500 not including supplements and only limited no. of visits :p
janjan....nice to hear dat u are fine and could continue a normal diet ....

sus..in fact I lose some weight during the 1st tri...lost abt 1+kg for the past 2 mths....now appetite still yo-yoing...hoping to eat as per normal very soon.....
janjan: great that u are alright! Huh...tat means i should cut down on ribena also...usually 1 week i drink 2-2 packets leh.

sus: now i 16th week and i had put on about 3kg.
janjan: wow your package sounds good and affordable. mine is $688 without vitamins and there is only limited visits. the figurre sounds like paying for wedding dinner table hor ??

ladies, just went for head & shoulder massage + foot reflexology. actually i told the lady i preggie so she said she will only rub rub and not press. and she only focus on my calves and rub rub my feet only. i also feel shiok leh.

i need some advise fr you ladies. my dad recently told me that if i want my mum to take care of bb, i will need to provide them a maid. but he don't understand that a maid + childcare (for 2 kids) + baby's expenses will set us back by at leat 1.5 - 2k every month. i told him might as well i hire a maid and stay at my place, then i can stop my elder P1 gal from attending after school care (can save $300 per month) and she will just come home, shower, bathe and do her homework. but he dont agree. i think he wants my mum to take care of bb, so just tell that he wants me to provide a maid for him. and he thought that getting a maid is only pay $300 every month including levy! stupid man! he also don belive when i tell him that if i get a maid under my name, she can only work in my household and not elsewhere, but he also dont believe. how how how???

very hard to talk to him and get things in his mind. old ppl wont listen. he is controlling our lives. everything is "i want this, i want that, i want you all to do this, i want you all to do that, i want it done this way etc etc"....i really feel like giving up. with all these stress, i think i will MC very soon.

sorry to say this.
mercsboy, sus, piyo, samval.. thanks. ya man. we are all so happy. this morning had a little celebration with hubby at red-star. i ate xiao-long-bao, char-siew bao, chee-cheong-fun, har-kao etc etc etc. all my fav.

ystdy after check up went to mum's place. she cooked curry, made rojak, and i ate two seeds of durian, then ate rice drink soup etc. haven't eaten so heartily for 4-5 weeks!! i think i over ate yesterday. i puked out al the cherries i had in the evening

yup. the package sounds good. gotta prepare to pay a hefty $740 after national day. (including the blood test and triple)

abt weight, i lost total 2kg durng the first tri. now trying to gain back the weight

samval, don't be depressed. my gf also same thing happened. first she had a maid, then the whole family now migrate to her parents place to stay. and she stil headache abt what to do when she goes back towork. cos they worry abt baby at home alone with maid. then if go to parent's very far from their home and work place. they stay so near in laws, yet inlaws dowan to help to take care.

and if they travel everyday, the petrol costs very ex. plus the maid still gotta pay. and still gotta give parents allowance. andher parents asked for incrememnt in allowance cos they take care of baby. then maid do what?

don't think so much lah. you wil cross the bridge as you come to it. can't offer u much solution and help. at least now you know someone out there is having same fate as you. cheerup!
hello ladiess... its saturday!!! =)

i went for my gynae check up and triple test today!!! =) prayed the test willl be alrite.. drew 4 tubes of blood.. i wanna faint already.. omg! haha

and the scan showed something in between my bb legs.. so my gynae said most likely its a boy... woohoo! haha

2 weeks more to another scan.... its a date with my bb.

hope u gers enjoy ur weekends!
NI: congrats to your boy! See...so many mummies here all boys leh....where are the girls??

samval: have u discuss with your hubby 1st? talk to him and see what solutions he can come out with. that is what i always did...dont always say wat MC la...smack yr mouth. nothing associated with money cannot be solved, rite?

take care
janjan...all the mentioning of dimsum makes mi drool...felt nauseous again this morning...think the slightest bit of milk powder trigger it...haizz

congrats NI....so many boy boys in Jan so far....
Hello MTBs, can anyone share more info about the DBS + Mt A promotion?

Talking abt steamboat/bbq, I have a question about processed food. I rem reading an article off google that says preggies shd avoid processed food, which means to say hotdogs, meatballs right? Have anyone of u heard advices to stay away from processed food?
Hi everyone, i m new here. Am expecting first bb, EDD on the 22nd jan...am very confuse over which hospital to choose for delivery. Had already signed an anenatal package with Doc Jocelyn Wong in TMC. initally wanted to deliver there. but MIL and sister in law trying to convince me that gov. hosptial (eg KK, SGH) is better coz they are bigger n have better equipments, docz, expertise etc. on the other hand i heard scary stories abt how the patients were neglected in these gov. hospitals. any mothers here who can share their experiences in either private or gov. hospitals? thank you very much.
i am generally very greedy, so i eat almost anything, as long as its not raw/uncooked.

my grandpa just passed away ystdy. he has been sick for a few months liao. at first my dh pantang, say i preg cannot visit him at hopsital or go to the wake. but i felt bad. so i went to see him on fri. and he passed on on sat.

now i'm in a dilema. on one hand, i want to see him to pay my last respect, but on the other hand, my in-laws and some elderly relatives say i preg, cannot go near the wake. how ah?

i do not think i over eat last night leh. but somehow, i puked out all my dinner ystdy. hmm.. that's like two pukes in 2 nights leh. wonder why now then i start to puke. 1st trimester no puke. anybody experience this?
i read somewhere that if you really must go for the funeral then make sure you wrap a red cloth over your tummy (over the baby) under your clothes. Maybe you can check with your family. Better not to go but some cases cannot really help it I guess.
Jie: What I feel is the opposite; Govt hosp may not necessarily be good. The number of patients at govt hosp may be too many for the staff to handle hence service rendered may somehow be a tad different
Just my humble opinion.
janjan...sorrie to hear dat...have heard dat if u have to go...tie a red string around ur tummy...guess it will have to depend largely on ur family and hubby as u mention he is pantang...
I'm unable to breast feed my baby so want to sell my one month old PIS breast pump.

It is a Medela PIS Advanced 2008 version. I bought it in March and it has 12 months warranty (8 months left). My baby was born end June, so it has been used very few times and only for less than a month. I bought it at about 650 and want to sell it at 400. It is in good condition and comes in original state.

I am also selling the following brand new items
1) Tollyjoy breast pads 48 pieces 2 boxes, each box at 8 bucks or both boxes at 15 bucks. Each box retails at 11.90 outside.
2) 1 pair of reusable cotton breast pads . Forget how much I bought these for, but selling them at 4 bucks.
3) 1 pack of Medela 6 piece membranes and 2 valves for breast pump. This retails at 38.90. I'm selling this at 25 bucks.
4)2 tubes of Medela PureLan 100 breastcare gel.

If you are buying the breast pump and also want to buy the above items or any of the above items, do let me know. I will give you a further discount.

If you are interested in any of the above items, please email me at [email protected]
morning ladies,

janjan: hi i hope you are feeling better. i'm better today. sorry i'm not too sure abt going to funeral thingy thus cant help much.

ladies, its monday sia. hope we can make it thru the week....

have a good day ahead.
Pinky / Piyo, never heard of red string thinggie. Anyway, I don't think I will go to the wake. Cos my MIL say cannot even get near the wake at all. And hubby also never mention gg, so i just shut up and stay at home lor
the most i'll do is go my mum's place and see if there's anything i can help, like help out with the kids gg to school or feeding them lunch and dinner etc. I've taken 3 days of leave. so can idle at home again heeheehee
janjan16: individual preference la...see u yrself pantang or not...for me, i will go but i wont stay too long or stay overnight...tat is last respects to him...i believe my baby will understand too...
I"m sorry janjan for your lost....but I would advice that it's best not for you to attend. Maybe you can stay at his hse or something but don't go to the wake there...best to listen to them
ya man. hai.. old pple say better listen. i'm glad i went to see him one last time on fri before he passed on. at least set my mind at ease. my mum they all also never say i must attend cos they all understand also.
heehee...juz checked my next appt with gynea is really 4th Aug and my DS is 4th Sept...both my folic acid and vit pills no more liao, do u think i shd go visit him earlier?
suika: yr package included unlimited multi vits? if yes, i think u can just go counter and take. for my side, it's like tat
today very Monday blue.........my head very heavy. Didnt sleep well yest....keep thinking of my 4D. Strike number but no win $$, forget to buy....very heart pain....

suika: I think u can juz go to the clinic and get the vits from the nurse.
mercsboy: i think mine is normal vits oni....coz if i go take med this wk then i might as well go see him too dun hv to go twice....but my hb wun b able to go with me liao
sperzz: my MIL strike bit bit.......
hahahaha n once again she bought rambutans for her fav niece to eat n no even bother to buy for me (although i no eat la coz too heaty dun wan later starts coughing)....juz no like it that she no bothers me at all...
dinner time even worst....she ordered BBQ fish say share share but later she shift the plate to her side, oni she n her sis eat liao lor....think i really hate her now
they say preggers usually got abit of luck. but my hubby buy so many times 4D never strike. then on sat night i wanted to follow him go play mj, but in the end i never cos tired. skali, he lost $100 over. alamak... i think maybe me and baby never follow, thats why lost money. haha

i alr stopped folic acid for 2 weeks leh. doc only give me iron and calcium supplements. should i still take folic acid? hmmm.. if yes then can i take the GNC de? i have one bottle unopened. still don't take will expire at the end of year. any advise?

what is DS?
suika: dun bother with ur MIL. My MIL also remember wat my SIL likes to eat,she always dunno wat I eat and wat I dun eat. For yrs, I had been telling her I dun eat durian but keep on asking me to eat....BBQ sting-ray dun eat, pple said its poisonous, no gd for BB
piyo: when's ur next appt? mayb i can arrange same day with u :)

janjan: if u wana take better ask ur dr...dun anyhow eat

DS= Detailed Scan

sperzz: i oni took a few bites....read they say high in mercury content so i dare not eat alot
sperzz & suika: sometimes cannot blame them for forgetting what are our food likes and dislikes because they are afterall, old and tend to be forgetful. can choose not to eat those even though they are laid out on the table

bbq sting-ray no go? omg, must break the news to wife liao
samval: sharkfins n mackeral fish oso cannot...high in mercury content...but i do eat oso...juz eat abit bit oni

daddytobe: i angry coz she no bother abt me at all....she so free yest can go their hse sit y cannot cook something for me....others MIL would be jumping away when they hving 1st grandchild...but mine acted so coldly
morning mummies...

i believe all should be in 2nd trimester!! congrats all.. hehe..

anyway for those who know the gender, babyfox is having 50% sale STOREWIDE! grab your stuff =)
don't worry ladies.....use this practise....everything want eat, eat abit n things like forbidden food if want take once in a blue moon.....that's wad i'm doing...heehee
oic. heehee.. me gg for my Triple test two weeks from now. i think by then will knjow baby gender right?

ok. then i better don't touch the folic acid. i guess doc has his reasons not to prescribe folic also
i'll just shut up and trust him.
suika...my next visit shd b 14 Aug (Thur nite) but it will be packed as dat is the onli night session on cck for that week...=)

Sting ray - have read dat it shd be avoided however like wat my gynae said...we are not gonna consume kgs of them every week so shd be fine...=)

suika, my MIL also... i bearing their 1st grandson, yet she dotes on her granddaughter more (somemore is daughter's daughter = "wai soon")

when i broke the news that most likely is a boy, she appears nonchalant. Just said, orh, okay, good for u loh... "_"

grrr.. nv mind suika lar... our babies will have lotsa love from us and hubbies.. so dun care abt MILssss....
