(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Pinkie: congrats! well done!

Piyo/dazed/autumn leaf: Yah it hurts but hard to latch on properly esp when baby is really hungry, sucks very strongly and if dun aim well enough really hurt.

ni: My breasts still sore now from pumping. Is that normal? Which brand electric pump u using?

ValC:: Nope I have been pumping exclusively. But just now realized if hand express can get over 60 ml but pump cannot.. maybe the pump cant mimic suckling so well?

Autumn leaf/dazed: Thanks
He was very alert at birth..
novakido, darius's blog is http://darius150109.blogspot.com

samval, oh u r oso 2nd time mummy. Same same lah. I dunno y but i am more emotionally stable this time as compared to my 1st confinement. Reason i engaged a CL tis time. No pple come and disturb me as my MIL is taking care of my elder boy. HB will bring my elder boy hm every wed and fri then sun send him bk. U are staying with ur mum...then u dun get to see ur elder child?? I misses my elder boy badly eversince i discharged on 18th Jan. Since u oso hv a CL then dun bother abt wad others said esp ur dad. Just tell urself to take things easier. It will be over soon.....
hi kelly, are u giving ur gal bm or fm? if serious jaudice then PD will advise u to stop giving bm for 48hrs. I intro partial fm to my elder boy when he had serious jaudice but luckily he wasnt needed to be admitted. Once the jaudice level shows signs of reducing then it will go down....
today went KKh for review of my gal's jaundice lvl. Finally its dropping but still above 100. But at least found that its caused by my BM. Aload of my mind liao. Can enjoy my CNY liao

Went to do taimobi for my gal. Now my gal is little botak BB.

Mercsboy: how much did u go the taimobi. I chose the $88 but bought the box and inculde parents name on the brush. Minus off the voucher, I paid $70.
Kelly, my gal was born on the 24 Dec till now she still having jaundice. U must make sure if ur BB is still yellow on the 3rd wk, bring her back to the PD or polyclinic to do the liver n throid test. To make sure the jaundice is not caused by the organs. I went thru tests at polyclinic n refer to KKH to do more detail test for her liver, in the end found out that its caused by my BM. If u wan to make sure its caused by BM, make sure dun give ur BB any of ur BM for 3days then u go for the bloodtest, it will drop drastically
Congrats Pinkie!
Good weight yeah!! enjoy ur BF soon!!

hi, kelly
jaundice is quite common i heard from the nurse. just whether the level is high or low. just bring bb down to sunbathe under the morning sun with eyes covered by a hanky for awhile, say 15mins everyday to reduce the jaundice... dun worry too much...
ni: u can't feed ur bb never...use it to wash ur face lor...u can pump quite alot ley....mai waste them

kelly: u can get a herbs from med hop....ask them for bathing jaundice bb...u can sun ur bb at 8-9am sun for 10-15mins....rem to let bb drink lots of water after that....do cover eyes when sunning
ni: u feeding your boy similac?? heard similac always have this poo problem leh...

sus: how about expressing out instead of latching 1st? at least let your nipple heal 1st...
daymoon: i am using avent isis leh...so far quite happy with it leh...i dont find it slow in expressing...u can control the slow or fast suckling one ma...

valc: i be giving my CL $38 ang bao when she leaves leh...i dunno the market rate...i anyhow decide one
congrates sperzz!! finally can sleep well... no worry once u noe wad happen the lvl will continue to drop
sperzz: i spent $98 + $10 for craving of name...my boy hair very little so i made the smaller brush which comes in a nice box...
sus: try using your own bm to apply on the nipples area ok...for me it works la...even better than the nipple cream. but maybe u try both??
Thanks for all the advice.I've been sun bathing her every morning for at least 10 minutes so I'm a bit concerned when she's still yellowish.

I'm bf my girl so i guess i will try to give her fm and monitor.Which fm are you guys giving?

sperzz: You brought your girl straight to polyclinic instead of PD? Do you have to wait for a long time?
piyo: hope u get well soon ya...dont despair...keep trying ok...like me, i only got one side for him to suck, i am also still trying...i gave him both latch on and express bm
kelly: when i bring my boy to the PD, he also having jaundice 14.7, but after sun bath him twice a day for a week...goes down already leh. maybe as other mummies suggested, stop giving her BM 1st...
anyway, i am supplementing my boy with mamex gold...
A photo of Ashley this morning after her midnight feed, and waiting for the pooh to come out! She always shoots me with her pooh (thought she finished liao then more comes shooting out)!

She still has yellow eyes but skin looking a bit less yellow....
MO3: I will be spending CNY here unfortunately, cooped up at home as havent finished confinement. Will be flying back within the first half of feb! So excited...can start enjoying my evening walks again!
wow when you hand express you can get another 50mls more? thats v good!

i see. when is your CL leaving? mine is leaving this saturday. oh man! i dunno how i'm going to cope after that.

Growth Spurt
Does anyone find that your baby is feeding more during the 3rd week? growth spurt?
hi all, congrats pinkie,u so steady ah,in labor ward still can go forum,haha.

mercs > did u buy a lot of groceries for ur confinement? me spending much $$ these days,my CL kept saying not enough ingredients,super ex sia.

ni > ur massage lady's sister,MAs called me,will be starting my session this tues.she asked if i wan to get her cloth leh,think is $20,did u all get as well? issit cloth or the binder huh?

btw she say she will bathe e bb and massage e bb also.if my CL already bath e bb in e mornn,u all still let e massage lady bath e bb again?

suika > ur session done by Mas right? hw issit?

ladies > u all got order bb cake for ur bb 1st mth celebration? as in 1 big cake
Yanling and Priviledged I think its spelled as piriton a small yellow pill for allergies and flu. Dazed last time I used it to help me go to sleep too! Haha coz it makes you drowsy and I always have sinusitis!

Giggler, congrats!

wow Sus ur baby a lot of hair and his lips so tiny so cute hehe our boys have the same name!

ValC How does your let down feels like huh? I've been direct BF my baby too but I dunnoe if I felt any let down wor. How long does your baby suck on 1 breast to feel the let down?Ya I read from a book 3rd week is their growth spurt!

Congrats Pinkie! Nice weight for baby!

xpink I think coz it stimulates BF and when baby BF your uterus contract thus causeing the lochia to flow out?

kelly, the more your baby drink the more she poops out the faster the billirubin is being expel from the body so make sure she drinks her BM or FM! can sun baby also the vitamin D helps!

bb_march! gonna link Darius blog to Caleb's blog! You know what Darius was in one of our shortlisted baby names! So qiao!

aiyo autumn lead, Ashley's eyes are so big! So beautiful!
hi check with u girls ya,
can we consume the dates water in normal room temperature or always have to be warm and be kept in the thermo flask.... cos i not enuff of the flask lei... or if we must drink it warm,can we just add hot water to it?

and can we drink the fish essense or we have to wait for the wound down there to recover first?
autumn leaf...
or how come need to go back? sorry huh, i missed ur intro... u r singaporean right? ur hb french ah? yalor, i also cooped in the home...\ and ur girl's eyes REAL big big hor... so cute~

no lei,i never bot a BIG cake for both my 2kids' man yue and not intending for this one too... think no need for man yue. most important is the red eggs and ang ku keuy... big cake is for 1st birthday de ma...
MO3: My hb also singaporean but he is working here on contract...but I dont like e life in France hence decided to stay behind in Sg..plus gotta rush back so my boy can start N2 =) Hubby didnt have enough leave to come back for e birth so I flew over instead..
autumn leaf: your bb eyes are so big! pretty ger!

sperzz: congrats that BB Delia is recovering from her jaundice! and enjoy ur CNY. me will be stuck at hme, still doing confinement. ARGH!

bbstarlet: yes i bought the cloth from them at $20. cos i dun like the idea of using recycled one mah. not clean. moreover need to use for consectuively 7 days. after the 7 day session, u can keep the cloth and Mariam (my massage lady) taught my maid how to tie it for me, so i can even continue to bind my tummy after the 7 day session....
and hor gers, i find the moms-in-mind nursing tea quite useful for increasing our milk supply. me took ah. and this morning i can pump out 150ml! so happie first time i see my bottle full! and i dun have to throw away. Yeah..

mercs: yah i feeding Kyan similac. he had a hard time pooing yday ah! cos the poo so hard then he has to use all his strength to push out. so he cried and cried loh... does other milk powder has the same issue???
good morn!

yesterday my hb got the name for my boy already... is Jia He. Just wondering whether i should register it as Lim Jia He or Lim Jiahe. cos mil brought up a point, later ppl read as "he" instead of han yu pronounciation "her"... can i know how you guys register?
ni, similac supposed to be less heaty liao... my boy took nan1 in hospital, i think that is very heaty... then we changed to similac... and also gave him boiled water... now ok...

still have yet to start on the milk tea... finished my tea bag pouches... waiting for someone to buy for me...
autumn leaf, your girls eyes are so big! my mom saw the pic and commented that they look like longan! hehe... so cute!
suika, you ok? saw you status update in fb...

sperzz, congratulations, at least you know the cause... so you gonna stop bm in the meantime? later my boy also going checkup for juandice again.
good morning dazed: my stubborn lil boy dun like to drink boiled water. he will crunch up his face as if we are feeding him with poison! haha. maybe bcos its tasteless??? but since this few days he is on full FM, will force him to drink boiled water if nt he have constipation..

and your boy chinese name very meaningful ah.. jia he. i think for chinese, all will noe its read as "her", but for the non chinese, they might read it as "he"....
ni, i feed water using spoon, you used bottle? my boy is ok, and i think he rather enjoys... then again, i think he very tam jia... hehe, everything also ok... gripe water also same...

is not the jia he wan shi xing that words, is yoga one "jia" and "he" is wo he ni one he, minus the kou... sorry, no chinese software on my lappy...
kelly: I bring her to the polyclinic at the 3rd week. Bec PD n polyclinic will do the same test. Its cheaper to do it in polyclinic. The waiting time is very fast as pirority is given to NB. Mayb u can do this, continue feeding ur BB with BM and g opolyclinic for test, if its still high. They will schedule u for another check. So that few days make sure u dun give ur BB any BM, not even a drop. Give her full FM. If u see a drastic drop in the lvl after full FM, so more or less is confirm is BM jaundice then u need not worry.
dazed: I will stop for a till her lvl drop below 100. Her lvl now still at 130+. Its high but at least dropped from 200. Gg to polyclinic check on Wed.
ladies, actually I feel very sad for my gal. I see every1 is celebrating their BB full month but my gal no celebration at all. Worst is that she onli rec'd ang pow from my family members. MY PILs nvr give anything to her. MIL didnt even announced to relatives abt the arrival of my gal.
thanks for the nice comments on my ger =p sometime her eyes can be quite funny though when she goes cross eyed....think haven focus yet....damn funny though when it holds like that for a while

Is everyone's newborn able to focus well yet?
Sperzz: Is there a reason why they so bo chap? I dun understand why there are such grand parents around....(mine also like that)
Hello gd morning all!!
My confinement GOING TO END SOON!!! Yipppeee!!
Today i am going to bathe with ginger water. Have not been bathing for 5 days! I think i stink like the HDB rubbish chute! keke!

Sperzz: Why no full mth celebration for ur little one?Maybe can hold a mini gathering among close frends?
valc: my CL also leaving tomorrow lor...today i just learnt how to bath my son...aiyo...chicken hands ducks legs (convert to chinese, keke)

babystarlet: confinement stuff are costly lor!! heng is what, my mum just strike 1st prize 4d last month ma, so she said my confinement food she will pay...then my MIL bought those herbs for me, she pay...so i save quite alot lor. confinement food really very ex...all those fish la, meat la...etc
dun be sad sperzz... dun expect and will not feel disappointed... good tat ur ger ger is recovering and gog back to good health! cheers!!

pinkie ah...
i am discharging soon... keke, u haven tell me ur ward, how to say hello to you... haha, told my HB one of the forum friends also delivered, he so excited haha, finding it so coincidence..
u take care yeah! maybe 20yrs later, our kids become schoolmates!
ni: i heard similac always have this poo poo problem. my friend's daughter also...now she change to friso liao

autumn leaf: your girl eyes are sooo beautiful..

autumn leaf, my boy also goes "pak jiao" (cross eyes at times. so cute. but of cos not cute if its gonna be permanent la! haha...

sperzz: ur PIL favour boys more den gers one is it???

mercs: till now i also dun dare bathe my boy.. so far its the massage lady & MIL bathe de...

congrats chantelle! envy u, confinement ending... me at 3rd week, wonder if my mil allows me to end by 4th week (next fri)!!!

MO3: not just schoolmates, mayb my boy can date ur ger next time! wahahaha!
