(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

hi blessedmum,

is it BM only? or you have mix and match of BM and FM? My bb seem like never drink enough... i've just increased his intake to 120ml for FM.... for past 2 days every 2hr he will ask for milk and i will give him 90ml but less than 2hrs he asking for more again... so today i've decided to increase his intake to 120ml hopefully it will be every 3 hrs...

sus, me just assemble from sterilizer wor, cos the steriliser is just steam mah... pure water...

novakido, me was just discharged with painkillers and iron capsules, iron i just started this morn cos yesterday still constipated and iron is supposed to be heaty...
Cheryl, normally engorgement will be around for the first 24 to 48hrs after your milk arrives and goes away... Does yours still feels engorge after that? I used ice pack after feeding the first time... and massage whenever baby is feeding and it helps no more engorgement le. Me doing full breastfeeding now, never pump out also...

Dazed ya, last time I was in nursing I remember Piriton is ok to take while breastfeeding and also clarinase and zyrtec. Rule of thumb while taking medication is to take straight after you breastfeed then you have time for the drug to complete its effect for your next feed. But most medication very very little goes into the breastmilk...
Thanks dazed! I still have a lot of the pre natal vitamins, folic acid, DHA tablets and calcium, wonder to continue taking it or not...
sus, me also assemble from sterilizer, just like dazed. Never air dry. Any mummies air dry?

Miyuki, the PD advise to increase baby's milk intake by 10ML every week. But sometimes baby gets very hungry, so we increase more than that. We feed till baby is full.

Ni, Hugz..you must be tired! Is your baby crying because he is hungry? During my baby's 2nd night home, he refuse to sleep too. Fussing from 11pm to 5am, keep wanting to drink & drink. We dare not continue to feed cus we scared over feed. We called TMC helpline, they advise to feed till baby don't want to drink. We did that and baby sleeps very soundly after that. Actually my baby is feeding about 100ML when he was 2 weeks. But he sleeps for longer period of time, so I think its ok. Every baby is different. Know your baby's needs okie? See if he is hungry (feed him), got wind in stomach (burp him and put ru yi you) etc.. Jia you!
miyuki: i got mix and match of BM and FM. If feed BM and supple with FM, he gets hungry earlier.. but every bb is diff... my gynae was saying.. some bb can suddenly increase milk intake by more than 20 ml in a week...not always 10 ml per week..

who was asking abt if sick can bF? yes, its ok to bf provided medicine is safe.. so best to check w gynae..

sus: i also jus assemble from sterilizer.
miyuki: no prob..u got BF him? if so really need to suppl him with FM if not enuff.. for me my milk SS is still not alot, hence...

ni: u may want o try playing some soothing bb music to him? play those hes familar with when hes in ur tummy.. it helps in my case SOMETIMES..
novakido, according to my sil who is a pharmacist, she says prenatal vits and folic acid etc, those given during preg can continue to be taken. is oni supplement mah...
novakido : u can continue taking ur pre natal vits, i'm doing taking that also , my gyne said it's ok to continue even breasfeeding.

miyuki : i'm doing full breasfeeding and never pump out. So if my gal is not sleeping after feeding normally i will have to breastfeed her every hour. Nite time seems she can last longer at least 2-3hrs. Estimated every feeding is about 40 mins ( 20 mins each breast)

For those mummies who's BF, Don't give up. The breast engorgement is only in the beginning and will go once the milk flow is regular. And if u shiver due to breast engorgement, u can take 1 panadol to prevent fever. This was advised by my gyne.

Rachel : can help me change my gal's name. My mistake, should be CHLOE W. Thx
my gal till now still drinking 90ml. She had not increase her intake for abt 2wks liao. Wan to increase but sometime 90ml also cannot finished. I think diff BB got diff intake so no worries as long as they r hungry they will cry for more.

My gal also sleep lesser nowadays. Usually after every feed, she will sleep for at least 2hrs but now 1/2hr she will wake up and wan us to carry. Maid n I gg to crazy also.
willting: yest my gal also take alot blood from her little hand. I see liao so heartpain. I think they need quite a amt of blood for thyroid and liver test.
another pic of my boy, taken by my dad in the afternoon on birth day

wow.. u gals are strong.. i take care of bb until fall sick already.. having running nose.. is it normal to have running nose during confinement? can we take anything to stop it? cuz i still bfing so i dun knoe wad to take.. my bb sleep alot.. after her milk she will sleep until the next feed.. so for this part i still ok.. can find time to sleep.. anyone not following the confinement rules anot? becuz i'm bathing all the way from first day until now.. still got 9days to go.. so hoping that it will be over fast..
ni: not juz urs...mine yest from 8pm till 1am no slp lor den later 4+ wake up liao den 8am wake up again....n now he's awake again *faint*
blessedmum: i'll pump out the BM and bottle feed him... each day i will have around 260ml of BM... so i mix and match FM and BM too...

belacan: wow... every hourly... keke....
blessedmum: some onli cut hair after 4th mth. I intent to let my gal cut her hair after CNY if not she will b botak, not nice
sel: 2nd month u take the 6-in-1 ok...coz hep b included in that doses...then 6-in1 baby will have one less jab to take...easier also la...
u be bringing to greenlife clinic as well?? i will bring there...their 6-in 1 package only $285
precious bb: rotavirus and the Pneumococcus - GP also have...rotavirus is oral one...need 2 doses, my side GP charge $90 per dose...Pneumococcus i not sure...i didnt ask
novakido: my engorgement is quite bad esp aft i pump my milk.. cant stand.. have to psycho myself not pain not pain not pain.. haha.. i tried using cabbage leave but only last for an hour **faint**, btw, i still carry on to take prenatal vits, dha and calcium as advised by my doc cos we ware doing bf, so it's impt to have these nutrients intake.. =)
Sus: I leave pump in sterilizer till I want to use it, then just assemble & pump. After that, wash & sterilizer again... till next pump.

Mummies who have been encouraging me: Good news, I decided to try again last night, & managed to pump out 30ml... was surprised & HB went, wa, so much ah.. then I went other mummies pump 100ml le... but they do it every 3 hrs la... HB says, others different la, for me 30ml very good liao... feels so happy...

I'm not sure if what I did help increase the amount... as I pump, I massage my breast simultaneously... & I could see the colostrum shoot out with each pump... feels encouraged... then I think I tried to empty the breasts completely... this morning, woke up feeling heavy again... think will try to pump later...

But really difficult to pump in day time cos my #2 will come in & look for me every now & then... or MIL will pop into room... kind of irritating lor.. then my aunt called to says she's coming to visit today... sigh, I wish I could tell her not to come.. hahaha..
Oh, as for pre-natal vits, my gynae says can take... in fact, some mothers take as long as they are still breastfeeding... basically they are supplements... help us replenish what we 'lose' through child birth & breastfeeding... gynae kept telling me to keep up with my supplements as it's already 3rd child... if not my own supply will be depleted, not very good in the long run... then since I still have abt 3 wk supply, just keep taking.. plan to take till no more, but dun intend to buy again... ;-p
M_int: my baby boy also has the same problem.. yesterday night refused to sleep due to his blocked nose.... think there is dirt in his nose that is blocking ... that result in difficulties in sleeping... during last doc review, the doc did help to take out the dirt using the cotton bud stick.... so now my cl will use the cotton wool & roll it into a stick & use it to take out the dirt.... so his nose not blocked.....
mint, jesline: my gal recently had this prob also, this morning managed to take out the dirt using cotton bud.

cheryl: if ur milk supply is enough, try not pump out the milk, if really engorge, just let it flow out/drip. from my experience when my #1, i pump out and direct BF, i have enough supply ended-up I have bad engorgement and high fever and at the end need to take antibiotic to stop the pain. So after that I would rather let the milk drip and never pump out again. Gyne said the more you pump out, the faster the milk produced.

If really pain, try using hot towel to massage the breast, it will help also.
precious bb: greenlife clinic at sembawang mrt lor..i ever asked healthway one...very ex leh...but still cheaper than PD la..
jesline, belacan: dun think my girl have dirt in e nose leh..bec her block nose only happen in e early morning..btw,do u wet e cotton bud to remove dirt fr bb's nose?
precious bb: which pd u seeing now?i in e east too.think of changing pd bec e current one always have to wait super long
wow.. u gals are strong.. i take care of bb until fall sick already.. having running nose.. is it normal to have running nose during confinement? can we take anything to stop it? cuz i still bfing so i dun knoe wad to take.. my bb sleep alot.. after her milk she will sleep until the next feed.. so for this part i still ok.. can find time to sleep.. anyone not following the confinement rules anot? becuz i'm bathing all the way from first day until now.. still got 9days to go.. so hoping that it will be over fast..
fiona: tat day i got fever i took panadol leh...flu i not sure...
i am also bathing since day i discharged using herbs...wash hair i do it once every 3 days lor...my confinement ends this friday...cant wait man!!
mummies...not sure why but last 2 nights BB Zethan refused to sleep in the midnight after feeding / changing....wail non stop and demand to be cuddle....can fall asleep while cuddling but once back in the cot >5mins will wake & wail again...tried applying ru yi oil but in vain....my poor mum was tortured by him wif no sleep....

today re-try to latch him on but unsuccessful partly as he's too eager for feed but my milk supply is dropping rather drastically....im hoping can persist cos after 1hr of latching + wailing....still supplement wif BM....
Thanks jasmommy and bbstarlet for sharing the stories!

bbstarlet: glad to hear from you again. how's everything with baby now? coping well?

blessedmum: finally see your baby cayden. so cute! can't tell yet whether he looks like you or your hb.

I'm still waiting here. no signs still... dr gave me latest by Friday, have to be admitted and induced. I'm so stressed and worried now. everyday will tell baby to come out on his own and doing a lot of walking...and everybody starting to sms me whether I've popped just added on to my stress. I can't control when to give birth right? My CL keeps calling me everyday and said she needs to get the bus ticket. =( I'm already troubled enough...and she added on to my stress..:'(

Any mtbs still around waiting to pop? I don see much postings from mtbs anymore...mums who were induced, how was it? will it really kick start the labour? I dunno why my cervix is not ripen and open yet...sigh. so scared hearing that I have to be induced.

now I can do is just wait and pray very hard...
Anyone give baby pacifier? I give baby pacifier after trying everything. Sometimes it works! he will suck and spit out once he fall asleep. But most of the time, baby just spit it out.

Mint, which PD did you go to?
Don't give up! If you want to increase the supply, latch on more often. If you don't pump at first, then you won't really have to bother about time spent washing and sterilizing. Don't worry about the bb's schedule. That can be rearranged once your supply is enough.
Piyo, is your baby still hungry? It happens to my baby. So I feed him till he is full & satisfied. Then he will fall asleep for 3-4 hours.
piyobaby: my bb is like tat too when she return home.it lasted for a week. Think bb still adjusting so slp at daytime n stay awake at night. Now my gal slp more at night except to wake up for feedings.but day time still need to cuddle to slp.

Im now trying hard to tbf. But bb seem hungry all e time.latch on for almost an hour but can fall aslp. Then suddenly wake up wanting to suck?so it means i no milk? My hb wants me to stop torturing our gal.
Jesline , Belacan: My baby has been experiencing block nose and especially during the night, where she will scream and cannot sleep due to breathing difficulties. There is dirt in her nose. please let me know when you say cotton bud, need to buy those meant for baby? Must wet first? or make cotton wool into a small stick and put into baby nose and dig? Hear her cryings loud and pitiful.

anyone feed bb gripe water yet? my bb like lao sai like that always pooing... 3rd day niah, my mamy poko already half gone...
