(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

dazed, your bb is so cute! So innocent looking..hee

Mercs, thanks! Didn't know GP also offers baby vaccines.

Sperrz, thank you for the breakdown. If we take 5 in 1 jab + hep B, it's the same as 6 in 1 jab? Then I Guess going to poly clinic is better right? The only -ve point is baby have to take 5 jabs instead of 3 jabs.

yah true, economy no good, so must spend $$ wisely ..

How about the rotavirus and the Pneumococcus? Can go to GP too?
hi gals...
missed gelato and samval... dunno how they are already... just a quick update. my previous gynae visit was on 15th,next would be 20th... due date was supposed to be 19th...

just a check, to induce bb out, will it be an added cost to the bill?
Polyclinic will b a bit cheaper for the jab as PD is charging $440 for 6in1. Depend if u wan the BB to have lesser jab can go for 6in1. 6in1 or 5in1 is the same onli the no. of jab is diff. MY GP here is charging $110/jab for 6in1 exclude consultation fee. So over all polyclinic is cheaper.

For rotavirus and the Pneumococcus, I think most of the GP will have so also no need to go to PD.
Mo3 : Yup, inducing will be additional charges. You're due today!! Coax your baby to come out soon

Sperzz, thanks for the info! Will call my GP to check if he offers the vaccines
Then can some save $$.
sorry to disturb u.. i need to engage for a confinment lady... anyone has any recommendation??? My EDD is july 09. pls pm me the contact. thanks
i was surprised i only only had to pay $1.2k cash less $700 deposit for my wife's stay. Claimed alot from Medisave. So that helped me alot. + used POSB Card to pay for the bill, but they'll send the cheque over to me once they've process the final bill.
hi, anyone still having numb fingers even after delivery??? my fingers are still numb. massage doesn't help leh. quite jialat, cos i can't differentiate between hot and cold, esp when trying to warm the ebm.
Hello helloo good day to all mummies and babies!

Ni: Yup this is my first baby and it was a very traumatising birth experience for me. Glad that all is over! Yes, i be celebrating bb full mth this mth as well. Have ordered Mum's Kitchen catering and sweetest moment cakes. Hope all turn out to be good.

Suika, u mean protruding chest? My bb is like that too. Her chest swell down when she turn 2 weeks old.
ni: don't know if this helps. it works for me. wait till v full then go pump. before pump, drink one big cup of red-date tea or any other fluids. then pump for 4-5mins, rest, massage, then continue. usually after massage hor, the flow v smooth de. gush out like fountain. repeat a few times until no more milk to express :D
janjan: sorry huh. nv reply ur sms. cos my hp abit "sort sort" de... dunno why cannot send sms out today! grr. gonna get hb to get it fixed. OH ya, regarding your qns on the ebm ah, once the bm touches bb's saliva, u cannot store it back in the fridge. if u wan to keep, u must seperate it b4 u feed it to ur bb.. and thanks for the tips on the massaging the breasts. my supply also "sort" one, sometimes can reach 100ml, sometimes 80ml..
suika: my bb dun have any lumps on his chest leh.. but same like chantelle, he got protuding chest, and always raise it high high when he angry crying/screaming for milk.. u wanna check with PD on whats the lump???
ni: its ok. i ask my other friend liao. nowadays i also quite slow in answering sms and emails. cos always kenna latch on by bb. become giant milk bottle.

my supply also up and down de mah. ystdy pump up till 130ml. just now up till 90ml only. but when massaging hor, lookout for those hard lumps. rub abit in circular motion to relief the veins then the milk will flow liao.
suika: yea, i feed him 85ml at 2nd week cos if i feed him 60 ml, he still wanted more, so we increase to 85ml which can last him for 3 hours lo...

janjan16: i'm oso having numb fingers after birth, in fact, all my fingers are numb when i woke up every morning. only when i cover my fingers underneath the blanket throughout the whole nite then i wont wake up with numb fingers.. i'm not sure why it happens oso...

btw, any ladies here noe when our tummy will subside huh? cos i cant do massage now due to c-sect and i'm worry that my tummy is still there after 1 mth.. hehehe...
oh thanks precious and mercsboy! I havent use cord spirit to clean at all, over here they just encourage to leave it to dry so now drop off liao dunnoe use what to clean the area, brown brown de... must go and chk got cord spirit or not.

Miyuki cannot use ru yi you ah? i use it after every sponge bath since day 3 wor...
daymoon...my CL also leaving this Fri. So you will be alone with your baby? Should get your husband to defer his reservist if you cannot handle on your own. My husband just finish his reservist last Friday when the CL is around.

Once my CL leave, I guess my confinement will end so not eating confinement food anymore.

Cheryl: You have to wait at least 2 weeks to do massage if got c-sect. Tummy will take a while to go away. If you BF, your tummy will go away faster. I one month already - natural birth, still have a tummy, I got do massage.

Anyone: My baby is taking Hep B jabs at the PD. So for the rest of the jabs, should I be taking at PD or at GP or at polyclinic? Any package available that is excluding the Hep B jabs?
cheryl: ya lor. the numbness is quite irritating leh. someone suggest soaking our hands in warm water, i have yet to try

Abt bathing: I bathed eversince i was discharged from hospital. bathed and wash hair on alternate days, with herbal water. still its better than nothing. wat i dread is the episiotomy wound. so painful and then like v messy like that. glad the pain is gone liao. now ic an sit in any pattern i like le.

until now i still haven't bathe baby myself. haha. in hospital got nurse to bathe her. then at home, so far, its been the massage lady who bathe her.
suika: the PD is not using the syringe type to draw the blood, is a needle to drip the blood out drop by drop and use a test tube to collect the blood...

jade: jabs package excluding Hep B is 5in1 jabs...
Btw for mummies who give birth thru C sect, did ur gynae recommed you to use Cica Care? Hre's the link: http://www.cicacare.com/

Its suppose to help beautify the scar. My gynae recommended me to use it as my wound is quite badly infected and look ugly now. Sigh..
chantalla: my gynae never recommend that to me but he did give me an injection on the wound to prevent the wound from popping out cos from my 1st c-sect, there is a meat popping out after the wound recover.. so during my 2nd c-sect, he gave me an injection & the popping out meat just disappear,..... so this time round, he also give me the injection.... just saw my wound today after the plaster came off, there is some blue black on the wound but will disappear after some time.....
willting: use needle to drip blood from hand? like that not painful? i went polyclinic is to prick the heel of the foot den press press the foot n use the tube to draw out the blood
Suika: Lumps?? check with ur PD to play safe.

Jesline: I also got a mini "meatball" popping up. I want to remove it badly! Will go to my gynae and ask abt the injection.
So this is ur 2nd c-sect? Usually doc will operate on the same wound again rite? I wonder how many times can we give birth thru C sect? I wanted a Natural birth badly but end up with e- c sect after failed induction.

For ladies who wanna induction, mind share ur reason doing so?
hihi... my bb when feeding him milk from bottle he will make some noise like asthma and quite loud also... anyone having the same experince?
chantalle: this is my 3rd c-sect already.... during my 3rd c-sect, gynae told me that he took longer than usual cos my wound is very close to my bladder. He also ask me to take special note lor in case i get pregnant again...must tell the gynae in charge that my wound is very close to the bladder .... he also mentioned that my wound is very thin... so if get pregnant, may need to take baby out early cos scared the wound may tear lor

he give me the injection during the operation.. last time, mine was a long popping out meat (about 5-6 cm) damn ugly... didnt know can get rid (cos previous gynae did not mention abt it)of that until my gynae saw it & mention that it can be done...

if this is yr 1st c-sect, think for yr 2nd pregnancy, u can try natural....
miyuki1: my bb also sometimes take deep breaths when feeding..think should be normal..

Mummies: my bb always without fail,cant slp after e 4am feeding due to breathing difficulty. Sounds like block nose. But only happen at night. We use fan in e room but dun seem to help. Any advice?

1:30am: tummy ache.. no pass motion past few days.. cleared my bowels 2x.. but still feel like going toilet..

6+am: wake up to go toilet again... poo another 4x.. but still feel unclear.. and totally unlike jadelle's time of menstrual cramps..did not associated it with contractions.. until.. the feeling stretched until the spine..

7:30am: Woke up AK, he was due to wake up for work anyway.. "dear, i think i having contractions leh.. past 1 hr got min. 6-8 times.."

but not sure of how regular it was, so asked him to shower n i monitor.. 7 minutes interval..

8am: called gynae for advice.. pretty confirmed it is contractions! but no show, no water bag bursting.. by this time, Jadelle has woken and knew that something was up! she had abit of biscuits with mummy..who gobbled down cereal oats and bird's nest..

9am: by this time, Lily and AK's parents came over already.. we gave Lily a list of instructions to show Nora basic stuff done in blk 38... hope we don't overwhelm her..

9:45am- 10am: we leave blk 38.. Jadelle cried.. wants mummy to go with her to ye ye's car.. mummy whispered to jadelle that doctor wants to help didi to come out from mummy's tummy.. so we go find doctor first.. later, didi will say hi to her..

10:30am: told AK to turn into Geylang Bahru hawker centre.. it's my last chance to grab watever i want to eat! Ate Thai coconut, mee rubus, chwee kueh.. and suddenly we both missed Jadelle.. feels upset without her being around.. until contractions hit.. every 6-7 minutes.. AK & I contemplated going to the clinic first or straight to Mt. A..

11am: decided to go straight to mt. A.. by then, i was moaning softly and grabbing AK when contractions hit.. every 5-6 minutes.. but still tolerable.. checked into delivery suite 8.. 5 cm dilated! Nurse say it's my last chance to decide for Happidural or not.. i knew i can go without it.. but was afraid that i will push too early.. the urge to poo.. very strong.. so i opted for it.. but this time, not much time to rest..told anesthesist about last round's event to warn him.. he was confident not due to epidural.. i ask for normal dosage.

12 noon: AK start to get nervous..he estimated another 3-4 hrs?

12:30pm: Chandra checked me.. burst water bag.. Iwas surprised at the lack of water.. so much for expecting a gush like jadelle's time into the toiletbowl!

1:45pm: suddenly felt contractions through the epidural.. was surprised.. as the screen did not show any contractions.. was very puzzled.. intercom the nurse.. she checked..10 cm dilated.. flurry of activity suddenly.. all nurses started to panic and get busy... my bladder was super full from the coconut.. and um, caught the nurse by surprise.. the floor was wet before she can capture it properly into the urine bag..

was quickly taught how to push..

next wave..push push push.. was surprised.. it all came back naturally.. baby head became juz behind perinium..

one more wave.. push push push.. every one got excited..

another wave.. chandras say it is going very well..

and another wave.. chandras say likely he can stretch me without episiotomy.. ask me to push gently.. but he overmotivated me.. so happy can go without episiotomy.. i push too hard.. and got a little tear.. everyone got a scare.. thought the baby will fly out.. darn! stitches again! heng this round iz small stitch!

1:56pm: Baby Ashton Kwok arrived! 3.020 kg, 47cm tall, double eyelids.. screaming into the world.. Chandras put him on my lap.. this round, i am much more lucid.. saw my boy arrived. saw the placenta.. didn't know it was so small..and saw umbilical cord.. i thought i saw it around his shoulder..

AK asked gynae to cut the cord.. everyone was puzzled and he explained that he gotta be fair to Jadelle as he did not have the chance to cut her cord.. OOHH... the labour ward's team's reaction... AK was so relieved that this round was so smooth..

i latched Ashton's on once the epidural tubes were removed.. he is a good learner.. looks like i dun need to pump so much if i want.. will try to do tandem pumping to increase milk storage supply.. otherwise, i will be darn tired in the months ahead.. not used to carrying a 3+kg baby again..
hiya,new mummy reporting story.

15th Jan
10am:got contractions,but i dunno is contraction,i tht is jus wanna poo but gt difficulty.tis continue in intervals of 3-4hrs.
8pm: pain gt more intense,half hr interval
1am: pain more and more jialat,5-10mins interval.(but i still refuse to admit,bec of the tues false alarm issue)
4am: cannot tahan,nearly gone mad,so went TMC.
5am: 5cm dilated,nurse ask if i wan epi,if dunwan,is too late. so i opted for epi bec me alrealy semi-blur state liao.
8am: started pushing
9.20am: baby crystal is born

although i had epi,but i still feel pain at the lower part as the bb's head is pressing very hard,so really feel like epi.

Miyuki1 > mine has this sound of asthma,but is bec i tried to force my breast to her when she's crying,so sort of cannot breathe.

ladies > u all mentioned gg polyclinic for the 6in1 injection,den hw u all break this to ur PD?
bbstarlet: my PD ask mi where i stay den tells mi if it's nearer for mi to go polyclinic den go there dun hv to go to him.....so i went there for jaundice checkup till now lor
Miyuki, sometimes my bb will make funny noises too! I ask the PD and he says babies can makes all sort of noises so its very normal wor...

Congrats jasmommy and babystarlet on your new babies!
chantalle: Depending on your reason for a c-sect, it is possible to have VBAC for 2nd delivery... however, if already 2 c-sect, chances of VBAC for 3rd is slimmer.

As for how many c-sect a person can have, depends pretty much on individual... normally they recommend 3. However, my colleague had 4 c-sects.. My gynae says 4th is ok, however, after my c-sect, he says my muscle & organs are in good condition & possible for a 5th c-sect... he has not done a 6th c-sect to date though...

He says that if op is done well & we take care, we have higher chances of going for more c-sects...
help ladies! i am going crazy with my non sleeping baby! he refuses to sleep on his own, keep wanting pple to carry. even after a full feed (100ml), he falls asleeep fpr 1 hour and wakes up crying! feel so helpless. now he is torturing both the maid + me... i read that babies should sleep alot to the extend of 16hours, but appsarently mine slept like less than a accumulated of 8 hours. its quite worrying. should i go to the PD???
suika: ya, should be more painful...i know bb's veins not easy to find that why they prick the heel of the foot, i don know why the PD do different way....

Congrats jasmummy and bbstarlet...

looking for blessedmum / Miaiko / belacan.... may i know how much are you feeding on your bb now? And how long do you feed once?

btw, anyone know when to increase on the intake? BB this week is going into the 3rd week...
ni, i feel that my bb is getting lesser sleep during the daytime as compared to initial stage when i bought him back... initially he will sleep after every feeding but as of yesterday he was awake most of the time... sometimes even if he eh eh eh i will just go and take a look and leave him there.... only when he give me a loud sreaming crying then i will go over and carry him....
mummies: Im having same problem as ni. Baby wakes up every hr for a feed and my nipples are so sore.

Thiinking of expressing out. I read my breast pump manual that we need to steriilze b4 every use and air dry. Is that sterile since we leave it out so many hours? Any mummies here can share how they sterilze and prepare pump for use?

Dunno how long more can dong breastfeeding this way. zombified..
jade: okay, i shall wait and see how.. my tummy like subside very slow.. or mayb i'm too impatient.. haha..

janjan: soaking in warm water will help? i will try later to see if it works..

i tot of giving up bf cos it's very troublesome and painful (esp during engorement) and i had engorement every 1 to 2 hours.. very pain.. argh...

Congrats jasmommy and babystarlet!
Congrats to jasmommy and babystarlet! Always looking forward to hear exciting birth stories!

ni: i do notice my bb cayden zz lesser during the daytime liao..somtimes sleeps only for 30 min and get awake again.. and last night, my hubby and i also almost went crazy, cos he refused to sleep and kept crying even tho we changed diaper, fed him.. only after midnight, he managed to zz until 4 plus for the next feed.
Think they are now in the transitional period - identifying day vs night bah.. That time asked my PD and gynae, they both said need abt 1 mth for them to settle down..

miyuki: im feeding cayden 80 ml abt every 3 hr interval
yan ling, i did ask if i can take piriton if bfing, and was told yes, no problem, the nurse even recommend me to take clarinese! she say very little will pass to baby so no problem. as for fever, i think the gals were saying panadol is safe. i'm allergic to panadol and taking tramadol instead (supposed to be stronger then panadol) for pain.
Ni have u tried to identify the different type of sounds he makes means different things? I read it in the book "what to expect during the first year" and it is quite helpful. For me whenever his needs are identified and met before reaches his cries, he will not fine, eg, change diaper before feeding, then change again if you feel him pee or poo after feeding. if not just leave him to be... but in the day time although not asleep as long as he is clean and fed, he will not cry wor... But I think its normal for some babies who doesn't sleep that much wor, cause calculated, my baby today also sleep about 8hrs or so only...

Mummies Breastfeeding, are you all taking any vitamins? Can I find out what vitamins are you ladies taking?

sus, me also bf till very sore... everytime bb start i will cringe in pain... but after a while the pain will subside... but hor, my bb knows how to bite! sometimes feed fedd halfway he will bite and cos pain... i'm thinking maybe because i am mix feeding, so that's why he will bite?
