(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

dink: at least u got enuff milk supply for ur bb..mayb ur bb is a small eater...also good lar..my bb very greedy one..just now finish 90ml of fm still wanna suckle on mi..she cofuses mi lor..

dink: my bm not consistent leh...more abt 120ml..but also can be as low as 50ml after 30min of pumping..

hb need to use laptop..gtg..nitez!
hi all....sorrie no time to catch up on posts...

BB Zethan is back home today....wat a relieve! so happy & glad when nurse call mi in the morning....tear again! when see him coming out from nursery..overwhelmed wif emotion like again!!!

had a busy day due to settling BB at home and settling mum at my place as well....latching on and feeding and pumping....mi practically smell of milk...worst than a cow but get the satisfaction when BB BF....

sus....take care and monitor bb movement...call gynae if u have doubts for assurance but dun let ur thots tun wild okie...

congrats to those who popped...
suika...my bb oso sleepy and keep dozing off while suckling...sometimes help to stroke his chin / underneath his chin.....today realise stroking his head helps too....farnie thing is when mum carry him...he wakes up...

he's almost on 4hrly feeding now....sumore gota wake him up for feeding otherwise will keep on sleeping...
a quick summary of Zethan's birth story....

11 Jan 09 - spotting...pinkish and brownish discharge..gynae say possible early labour...see him in clinic tomoro morning

12 Jan 09
7.30am - while still asleep...feel sumthing flowing out. went to bathroom...shd b waterbag leaking....call gynae...to see him in TMC...went for bath...more aminotic fluid gushing.

8.15am - last min packing...mild contractions start abt 25mins apart

8.35am - set off to TMC...luckily no jam

8.55am - reach TMC labour ward, change in observation room, strap on CTG

9.15am - Dr Woody does VE, abt 2-3cm dilated, confirm delivering today. Ask if taking epi? told him trying to go natural is possible which he say is good. predict shd deliver ard 2-5pm. Hubby does admission.

9.25am - shave, insert fleet enema to clear bowel...gota run to washroom within mins...more of fluid gushes out...

9.40am - transfer to birth room...imsert IV + Syntocin...contractions abt 5mins apart...to increase dose every 30 mins to increase contractions.

11.10am - dosage increase to 36...nurse ask if im scared cos she say bb seem excited?? contractions 3 mins apart....pain managable.

12.10am - dosage at abt 72...pain increasing...ask for ethanox which dun realli help...feel very high...contractions 2 mins apart...vaguely heard woody around...say will be back lata...

1pm - by now...too high on ethanox yet doesnt help relieve much on the pain (cant recall much at this point of time liaoz...all based on recounts from hb)....ask for pethidine which feels like forever....nurse does VE say abt 6-7cm dilated but bb still high up...can still recall asking hw much more shd the labour be? was told arga abt another 3hrs...

2+pm - very intense contractions...was feeling helpless and very strong urge to POO...was rest assured that it's natural cos bb pressing on rectum but dats the urge to push....if realli poo..will get assistance to clean up which is fine!

cannot tahan anymore...request for epi...nurse check VE...say called gynae oreadi on the way....nothing mention abt epi (no yes or no)...shifted bed and prepare all nec equipements in place...

after wat feels like forever...midwife assist to try pushing while waiting for gynae to help bb move down birth canal...did a few pushes...

finally woody arrive...try a few pushes but unsuccessful....2 midwifes helping to push bb in tummy downwards wif great force...was reminded by woody not pushing well..not pushing down there....got the technique...feel episiotomy....can feel BB's head wif the right technique to push...

3.03pm - BB Zethan arrives! when placed on tummy, ask why he's not crying. meanwhile can feel woody tugging at the V area mayb for placenta...a while lata over at the incubator side can hear BB cry..nurse say mummy say bb not crying so must cry louder for her...

feel LA at V...was told to continue inhaling ethanox deeply...was super super high but feel the stitching machiam done at super high speed....baguely hear woody saying mummy falling asleep...think ethanox was being removed and a while later...was allowed to carry bb before he took his weight & measurement....

can still recall after bb was whisked off...woody said all done...can still joke wif him asking if he's sure it's a boi! he still reply u mean u din verify. say bb arrive early oso good...can have angpao for cny...told him ppl pantang and he say shd not b la...which era we are in now...then thanks him while he anxiously went to check out bb weight....
wow... piyobaby !!
Congrats and thanks for sharing ur birth story! really can feel ur excitement and the happiness you have... and wow, gotta wake him to eat lei... so lucky u... but in the past, i let my boys sleep and only feed them when they wake up...
hi all,

my bb is about 10days old...currently only drinking 40-50ml per 3 hours.

every feed her till around 40ml....she will doze off and refuse to drink anymore.

how to make bb drink more?
aiyo....spoke too early liaoz....woke bb up for milk thinking he's still sleeping after close to 4.5hrs.....who noes after feeding neber sleep till now...
babystarlet: jia you!!

So many popping these days
CONGRATS! Very exciting birth story. Great detail. It's wonderful without the epidural right? Can feel everything. Hehehe. Anyway, rest well and enjoy your bb.

Do you swaddle your bb to sleep? Often a tight swaddle is very comforting for the bb. They sleep a lot better swaddled.

Wow, your bb is BIG!!
piyo: thanks for ur birth story.. somehow feels like can share how u felt during the entire process.. and how u tear for ur boi.. all the best!
gelato: dont think so.... my c-sect is ok.. me stil not recovered from my flu yet,..... going for my check up later in the afternoon.... just hope that everything is ok....

Congrats to all mummies who have just given birth...

yesterday brought baby back to pd for review...baby is already one week old & his weight now is 3.5kg (discharged weight is 3.2kg)... but baby jaundice is @ 13.6 but doc said dont need to worry as the jaundice will go down in 1 week time... just need to sun bath baby will do...
thanks to all for your well wishes.

Looking at my wife feeding baby now. He just loves to suckle. Like very comforting for him. Nurses commented that he is drinking very well. That's comforting for me. Wife said he keeps farting. And his breathing, sometimes he'll take in 2 very quick breadth. Any idea why?
sus: yup, I'm on ML already, and today is the 5th day and I'm running out of things to do. I packed the room, did housework, watched TV, surfed net... enjoying these quiet moments, but yah can't help feeling very anxious when baby's going to come. hehe.. my CL also called me a few times from msia asking me to inform her early so she can book the bus ticket. aiyo.. make me gan cheong.

you also don have any symptoms? very unpredictable right? hmm... i think I go walk more later. hehe...

thanks piyobaby and janjan for sharing the birth stories. both the deliveries seem to be quite fast and smooth (both are first borns right?) I like the part when janjan said don want to be hero.

bbstarlet: this time is real! jia you jia you!!! 1 wk early, just nice! wait for your news here...
kamy: me too.. getting bored at home :p Reading books on baby, do housework and trying to finish up my cross-stitch bib for baby.. good thing boss also give me some work in case Im bored so Ive got something else to do

Feeling tired so hard to walk but must try hor
Is it ur first baby too?
fiona: thought ur tummy flat liao? how come still wan do sit up???

piyo: urs oso smooth delivery....ur bb feeds 4hrly? so good....last nite mine whole nite no wan sleep....wana suckle till sleep n refuses mi to remove... *Faint* i latch him on from 1am till almost 4am then he sleeps n later 5+am he wakes up again...but this time i'm too tired to move liao.....luckly my godmum woke up to help pat pat him

bbstarlet: jia you!!

yanling: when in hospital my boi oso likes to fart.....loudly too....nurse says it's good coz can clear our the wind inside him

kamy: no worry....when u admit juz give her a call n she'll b able to come out within 2 days liao mah....dun overstress urself now.....really enjoy the peacefulness now n sleep more....

yest was the 1st time i slept in my room on my own bed lor....since my boi discharge liao we've been sleeping in the living room coz we scare bb cries we not able to hear mah....little sound we'll wake up liao....kan jiong parents oso lah... heehee
Morning ladies!

Congrats to all the mummies who have popped! Sorry, I've kinda lost track.

Piyo: Depending on which theory you subscribe to, for us, we just let him sleep till he wakes up and starts crying. But my baby is like an alarm clock. He demands to be fed. Can almost tell the time based on his wake up times.

Fiona: Exercise is generally recommended after 6 weeks of natural birth especially the abs area. Forgot what Mrs Wong said on that though. My memory's failing.
Hi mummies,

Just wondering is it a must to give relatives, friends and colleagues the baby full month cake? Is it appropriate enough to just invite them over for buffet? Will it be rude of us not to give out "full month cake"?
piyobaby: Congrats on your bb arrival!

giggler: I have used breastmilk for my sore nipples initially, which is the reason why I do not have nipple cream on standby. Think my nipple too sore, so breastmilk doesn't not help. Everytime bb suckle/latch, I want to cry cos very painful. In the end got to apply nipple cream and rest for 1 week on doctor's advice.

Daymoon: I heard that some babies reject Avent teats, think the teats are bigger. That's why I did not go for Avent. Maybe you start bottlefeeding too early? Unsure why your baby will choose Avent over direct breastfeeding. Some babies are like that, want to be carried and pat before falling asleep. Think my baby now also like to be carried and wants attention.

dink: My baby will also fall asleep around 10 mins, I very very seldom have a chance for my baby to latch on both sides at all. So 1 breast will be engorged till the next feed. My CL also leaving before CNY, next friday. Cannot depend on CL forever. I also think it will be tough.
Since my maternity leave still got 3 months, I haven't think so far yet. But if you say, bf at night and bottlefeed in the day, I believe you will only have very little sleeping time at night and daytime will be zombie when working.

I just got a new maid and i think cannot depend on her to bottlefeed my baby too. So now I am considering whether to go fulltime direct breastfeeding when CL leaves, provided my nipples can take it also.
Fiona: yah, I also read that it's 6 weeks. but mrs wong cautioned not to exert by doing sit ups. she said she damaged her muscles cos she did a lot of sit ups after she gave birth and she didn't know at that time.

sus: yup, it's my first too. so dunno what to expect hor. you have some work to do? and also cross stitch for baby, so sweet. yup, try to walk more and climb the stairs too. let's enjoy the peaceful moments now.

suika: thanks! yah will try to relax my mind. gan cheong also no use hor. yah I think so too but the CL said can't get ticket nearer to cny. i was thinking she can get cab or something, since we pay her so much, shd be able to cover her transport costs.
janjan: happy birthday!!

piyo: your description make me flash back my memory leh...cant imagine where to find courage to go thru again lor...

bbstarlet: jiayou!! already 5cm dilated should be quite soon...
PVL: wonderful to go without epi meh?? i can even feel the stitching down there lor...but well...the pain is well...cannot be describe
hello ladies, i finally had my massage done by mariam! i must say she is very good!!! i totally enjoyed my massage. and she bathed and massaged my baby! helped me feed baby too... =)

very value for $$$!!!
Heh heh, I feel that I accomplished something somehow lah. And that I am more in control without the epi. After all, in the past, our mums, and grandmothers and great great grandmothers did it. And they had BIG BIG families too! But then again... everyone is different.
ni, mercs - thanks.

ni, your massage with so fast finish liao ah? i also say she's good man. she came over this morning, my first session. she also bathed and massaged my baby. and bb so happy, now then wake up for feed. make my mum feed her since she's ard. later she go home liao i got no helper gotta cow myself leh.
Gig, your baby is very big this time round. How will u want to c-sect earlier since baby is of good weight already? Or stick to 24 jan?
ni/janjan: the massage lady is good? would you mind if I get the contact of miriam from you all? I haven't engaged any massage lady yet. dunno if it will be too late. Thanks!!!
PVL: i am happy that i did it without epidural la...erm...control part cannot leh...coz the feeling of pushing and the majiam want to poo part cant be controlled leh...i always told hubby i save money for him...so he should reward me also....but fat hopes la...keke
hi samval reporting from TMC...

very tired and feeling dizzy due to low blood pressure. will share my birth story soon.

chng's wife in TMC too? where are u? let me know and i will drop by your room. me at 327B.
sperrz: did yr doc said anything abt yr baby jaundice?

any mummies who under c-sect doing massage already? when can we do the massage for those who had c-sect???

any one ordering one month cakes from sweet moments? any comments/feedback??
hi gals... just dropping by to update my birth story.. hehe!

surgery starts at 9am, was asked to go take bath & all at 730am, didn't sleep the whole night...guess was scared & excited ba..

815am - operating theatre staff & nurse came to ask me to lie on bed to be pushed to OT

820am - waited at waiting area for about 10mins for anathetist to arrive

835am - anathetist arrived & was pushed to OT where drip was being set up & epidural being administered... epidural not as painful as i tot..just a little tinkling feeling when shot into spine nia

845am - cannot feel left leg first then next, cannot feel anything liao on both legs

9am - gynae arrived & hubby being called in... before hubby arrived, started to shiver non stop, then right shoulder suddenly very sng & suddenly felt very very giddy... begged anathetist to help me cos i cannot make it liao..i felt like dying! anathetist told me to tahan & when hubby reached OT, he held my hands & i felt so much better as hubby's hands were extremely warm! continued to shiver & became colder & colder but hubby told me that everything will be fine... didn't even realised that gynae was already cutting me open TILL!

911am - we heard a "weh!" & both hubby & myself looked at each other & knew, Zach has arrived! took pics with bb & hubby then both of them left to the nursery while i was being washed up...

950am - totally cleaned up & took a short nap & brought back to ward...

Gelato: your turn tomorrow liao! JIA YOU! JIA YOU!!
hi all..

I just finished my first massage..now my tummy kana wape by a green clothes.I m using shrifah.. anyone using her too?
zill: congrats congrats! thanks for sharing. your after effect of epi seems terrible. but the saving grace is the delivery was fast and your hubby was around to support you...rest and recover well.

Ni: thanks for the contact! going to call her to see if she's still available...
