(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

suika....but looking at u machiam neber gain much weight lor...can feel my face turning more & more into hamburger le....

piyo: mi gained alot lor....my face last time is sharp 1 lor now so much rounder....my colleagues all saying from behind cannot recognize me now...i so sad
willting...bcos of the GST they are charging now so it's $32.10....sumone mention that there's a change in brand of fish oil but still the same lei...
suika...not alot of diff la...i see my figure now like water bucket from behind...abit regret buying a maternity dress the other day which is abit body hugging...
cheekgal: u can ask around our mtbs here, check their iron pill cost and see whether they able to buy for you...

suika: ya, agree with piyo, neber gain much weight...
samval, ideal weight gain per mth is 1-2kg.

willting, my stomach v sensitive. i stick to the iron pills my gyane gave me. it is special ones tat does not cost stomach upset.
cjteng: so good you can attend your co d&d...i cant leh...co d&d on 8 Jan 09...

cheekygal: ya loh...top hervyweight champion..haha..
deng deng deng deng,...
now looking and confirming order for my natal essentials... gee... having a final look at the menu... keke
cheekygal: I think flu jabs outside only cost about $25 :p

mercs: I din noe Macs change their chilli sauce.. no more the garlicky one issit? sad I like it too..

samval: I read from some websites the recommended is 0.5 kg/week so about 2 kg/month.. but hard to follow right? I also like to snack even when Im not hungry.. mouth itchy..
piyo: not yet, thought of buying on next visit...

cheekygal: then you have to ask other pharmacy...since you prefer the iron pills...
willt: so far your company d&d..actually my company d&d is link to christmas party lor.. somemore is retro theme this yrs haha..but hor.. if dun go..must paid leh..

your company d&d date is around labour time hor..haiz..
cjteng: normally co d&d is somewhere nov or dec, this round they change to jan becos 2009 is our co 65th anniversary so celebrate together, i have to get my colleague to represent me to collect my 5 years long service award, cannot receive by myself. but lucky is i no need to be the committee for organise the d&d...my edd is 1 Jan, confirm cannot attend one loh...haiz

wow, retro theme..what are you planning to wear?
piyo, actually y do we need a cot cover? isn't mattress enough? Is it in case they pee or something?

cheekygal: maybe some of the head honchos at Macs thought the same about garlic :p I do think our supplements are quite ex but so far I havent seen the same brands outside leh..
sus: is my company DIY a paper certificate and a gold pendant of our co logo...only those work for 5 yrs and 10 yrs able to get...
willting: Doc no intro me the fish oil, I approached the assistant myself and buy the fish oil at the counter. U no need ask him, u can go directly to the ladies at the counter n buy....today the clinic is open in the evening
merscboy : me oso in this job for 11 years, juz gotten my 10 year award last year...hehe... like u, i oso very happy abt the leave - 21days... hehe, then next year got 6 days childcare leave & 16 weeks ML.... *grinning*...

piyobaby : when u buy the cot, the mattress & the bedsheet were given right? or r u looking for extra set?
gelato...i have a handown bb cot but the mattress is tose PVC mat'l type acting as the base of the cot so im thinking of buying a matt as well as bedsheet....is cotton supposed to be more comfortable...
gelato: wat u got for your long service award. when i took it, i was still laughing...sell 10 yrs of my qing chun to them only worth $300. hehe...so we have 21 days + 6 days childcare leave....next yr dunno how to clear the leave man. heng can bring forward one year
piyobaby : i muz admit i m not so "on", like u mummies here... din do much homework on stuffs like this... =p but experience fm buying adult bedsheet, is that 100% cotton is good - & more threads = more comfortable. Mattress wise, i saw some on sale at BHG, Bugis.

merscboy : i got $500, but not in cash - must buy sth then claim with receipt. I bought myself a camera. =) Some companies give rolex watch for 10 year award wor... but nvm lah, i tell myself - better than nothing lah. =P
gelato..u mean bb cot mattress on sales at BHG? im very ignorant mum la...dun even noe wats avail for matt cover...if similar to adult then i have some idea...haha mayb can make a trip to aussino to take a look..im a fan of aussino...haha
hello gers...!!

i missed the forum soooooo much! i was in a training from 9-3pm!!!! but my heart is here leh! missed out so much on the conversations. so any hot topics today???
piyobaby : forgot to tell u, i ever invested a few hundred dollars on a latex mattress (isit latex?) - those that prevent suffocation ones - but it's so heavy & my MIL say it's very hot, so seldom use it... $ wasted... early know juz buy a cheap 1... hehe...
willting: not us..is company pp plan for retro..hehe and i dun think can wear nice for me la..haha? what IC? i now have the new ic..cos that time i lost it..then find it at my hb house leh..waste my $$ so now my ic pic is v young.haha

wow u all so good hor.. got award sia..i dun have wor..cos i m a contract staff..but still got the benefit..as this is my new job..heheh

piyo: oic.think i will use bbsafe..cos my set come with a set,then pillow wan, will buy other type with cute picture to cover it ba..:p
piyo: yours is a boyboy too right? aussino got nice and comfy cot bedding sheets, 6-in-1!! BUT then, no more blue color. all pink pink. i guess there's a surge of bb boys this season. hahaha
ni: no wonder i never see u today...i posted a query to u just now leh..
ask u how much u bought the bee romper? raffles place here got sell...and i cant resist to buy also...so cute..its the most ex clothes that my bb has lor...$18
