(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

sperzz : i got ur msg, will trf the $ to u later.

btw, the PS pkg, if not taking can refund or trf isit? my hb wants to take family portrait with my ILs instead, so may give up this pkg.

blessedmum : ur hb travel on sat? muz be very sianz for u... does he travel very frequently?

Goooood mooorning to everyone! What a great day! Just sent LeAnn to ifc. *bad mummy* so that I can enjoy some Me time in the morning.

Happy 1st Children's Day to all our babies!!!

ann: I'll see you there then!!! What time are you reaching?

Does anyone know whether there's those professional cleaners @ United square area? I want to leave my car there for cleaning as I shopped. My car is in a mess.. lots of dog's fur and MY HAIR.. hee!
gelato: very worth to order for oversea. 1 bottle save abt $6.

The PS cannot refund but think can transfer. Post in here see any1 wan to take over from u.
hey gelato,
yes he said most prob travel on sat tho not cf.. super sianz.. as its a long weekend.. he doesnt travel v often..

but sometimes travel once, come back a while travel again.. it happened last year, and also over a long weekend.. super sianz..

but luckily now got cayden with me :p not like last year.. jus a big fat preggie me..
morning everyone

kelly: enjoy your day & me time today!

gelato: u not going for the gathering? agree hb travel on weekend quite sian hor? this sun my hb travelling also. sigh!

i gotta arrange the logistics issues of driving with my 3 kids in the car! ask u ladies, if u drive alone with bb only, and if bb cries, do u just let them cry or stop the car somewhere and soothe bb?
blessedmum: i get what u mean if hb travels during weekends. v sian wan. if weekday i think still ok lah.. but weekends is family time
sperzz : ya, save alot. =) Thanks for ur lobang.

ok, i'll chk with my hb if he cfm dun want.

blessedmum : understand how u feel... my hb used to travel alot in his previous job... altho he does not participate much in caring of kid(s), somehow his presence is still impt...maybe i too 小女人.. haha.. anw, hope u hv fun with Cayden! =)
Samval : ya, cos' got other program le... then my hb is not going, i may hv difficulties making my way there too.

ya lor, travelling is really sth very non-family friendly... but what to do right? =) maybe absence makes the heart grow fonder? hehe..
sam: Thanks! Will enjoy. For the car thingy NO! I don't stop and carry LeAnn when she cries in the car. She can scream and yell in the car but she needs to learn that mummy cannot entertain her when driving. So what i do is i stuff her pacifier and her comfort object. If along the way, she cries. No choice.

I was pleasantly surprised when my hb smsed me and told me that he had a present for me in the car. Coz we started dating on 1st Oct 2000. So 9 years today. Then i called him excitedly and told him that he shouldn't spend so much (100+). THen he laughed and told me that present includes our dating anniversary, ROM anniversary in Nov, birthday in Dec and Christmas.. wa piangz... OBVIOUSLY i make noise.. hahhahaha! THat's what happens when I'm promoted to mummy status.. =)
Kelly : hahaha... you're lucky already... i hv nothing for anniversary, birthday, Christmas, CNY or any occasion u can think of... this is what happens wheni m promoted to mummy of 3! haha... joking lah.. b4 mother of 3, already nothing... so count your blessings!

btw, ur birthday in Dec? me too. i think ni & Samval oso. =)
Yeah i believe that soon I'll be like you. No more pressies.. hee!
Yeah.. i think ni's on the 6th.
Mine is on the 22nd.

When I was preggie, my mum kept on pestering my gynae and asked if I could deliver on the same day. =p
xpink: thanks for the info..didnt realise that

have been feeding my gal with barley too every week..and it helps in her poo poo..smooth smooth

ultraman: thanks for sharing the receipe..will try that
kelly, mine is on the 10th lah... haha. ur hb is sweet! nice. pleasant surprise i like. i dunno how long no recd surprises frm my hb!
ni: yeah quite sweet. didn't expect today. coz usually he forgets about today. only remembers the more important dates.. coz i will "bark" @ him if he forgets.. hee!
Kelly : no lah, ur hb has been giving u pressies, i believe he'll cont'd to do so. mine is nothing right fm the beginning... except for 1 year when he made me really really mad.. then he gave me present to make it up... =P

mine is 25th. i was hoping to hv a Dec bb too, but caden will be a premature bb if he were to arrive in Dec.
kelly: surprises are fun! my hb dun buy trinkets for me liao, saying I can't rem the "special" days either so can skip.
yest angry with my MIL. I was telling her that Delia's birthday is either at the chalet or BIL's condo function rm. Then ask her to invite the uncles to her birthday. Then u know wat she reply me:

"If that case, hold the party at BIL's function rm. The uncles can go see BIL's new hse."

Pissed lor, the main thing is my gal's party not go see n BIL's hse lor.
Morning ladies - it is October! For those who blog, do consider signing up for Blogtoberfest 2009. You can read more about it at Tinnie Girl website (google it ya). Basically you agree to post everyday in October. That's it. Challenging?

Those who are interested in sewing (rare nowadays?) and would like to try sewing a pettiskirt or two can check out Martha Stewart's webby (kids section), where there is a sewing tutorial for it.

Thanks for the link. Heh. I know what is honey dates. I always eat it when i break fast every ramadhan. Thx.

Last time only hb kol me nana then frens start to kol me that too. Hehe
sperzz : i trfed the shipping cost to u liao. Thanks alot. Let me know how i can get fm you when the stuffs arrive.

No angry with ur MIL ok, i think she juz wants to kill 2 birds at 1 time.

Nana : you're most welcome.

mummies with older kids : do u buy children's day pressie for ur kids? my gal call me to ask for present.. i was like.. huh? children's day must give present 1???
Ann: Thanks for your offer, but I think I missed you liao, cos just read the post now. BB has been waking up early morning to toss & turn for the past week liao. Usually we just pat her, after awhile, she'd go back to sleep. This morning, she toss & turn, after patting, she start standing up & walking! She was holding on to headboard & moving between HB & me. I pull her down, she goes up again! Sigh..

Finally, she start saying 'car', 'car'... think practising cos the last time she was holding on to a toy car & said, 'car', we praised her...

Finally, I had to get up to attend to her... then she started crying for milk. Only went back to sleep after HB fed her milk... in the end, I slept till 9am! hahaha... good thing no work today.
gelato: Yes, we get pressies for the kids on Children's Day, since my #1 was born. On Tue, #1 insisted on going to my sis place with me when I needed to collect something... subsequently, I realised her motive - collect her pressie from her yee yee!

I also get them for my neighbours' kids - those who always play with my kids la, not every unit... hahaha
Sperzz: Dun b angry la... better still, tell ur BIL to hold a housewarming party lol... then celebrate Delia's birthday at the same time... hee hee... this way, u siblings split the cost... hahaha

He pay for buffet, u pay for decor & party favours... good deal & more fun lol... more budget to get things done...

If you dun mind la...

Then 1 stone kill 2 birds lol..

I did that for #2's birthday, cos we moved in Jun & her 1st birthday was in Jul ma... so convenient... hahaha..

Then intend to do a New Year cum birthday party for #3's 1st birthday...

Wanted to do a CNY celebration with her man yue, then HB decided against it cos he say we dun have practice of holding man yue dinner for extended family, not fair & dun want to start.
Samval: These days I dun have the courage to drive with my kids alone. Actually, I've not tried driving alone with #2 or #3. Used to do it all the time with #1. No problem back then. She's a really ez baby. & if she cries, I just talk to her, she usually stops after awhile, but make sure they are well-fed. There was once, I had to stop in a car park to feed her before continuing on the journey. Cos she was wailing non-stop! Eh, there was another time when I was so frustrated, I stopped & spanked her bum... she stop wailing after that... probably from the shock... hahaha...

Cos I'm not a good driver & her crying was getting on my nerves... hahaha... think I've mellowed alot more these days...

I want to try driving with the 3 kids on my own... but at the moment it's kind of impossible cos #2 has never sat in a car seat for the entire journey lol.

#1 is big enough & will remain belted, but she also sometimes kay kiang, once she took #3 out of the car seat when #3 cried. When I got to our destination, parked & went to the back to get them (#1 & #3), was shocked to see #1 carrying her sis!
HI Kelly,
Was it you? Think i met you and Precious BB over at Baby Jumper's Gym when i brought my gal for the trial lesson last month.
Sus - good to hear from you! Good to read that you are doing well. Caleb eating less? Don't worry, Ryan also takes less milk when he's with me on weekends compared to when he is at his nanny's during the weekdays.

EmQ - I support! You should set up a family blog. You always write quite detailed posts, I think you will be a good blogger - don't waste! Some more you just bought a good camera. It will be interesting to record the family's adventures. Especially if you say your family is complete no further additions, then you can start your 'Q Family Blog'! Won't be unfair to anyone la - your #1 and #2 also got things to record ma. Your forum posts also include them.
Pinkie/nova: I signed up too!! Wahaha wonder if I have topics to write everyday or more rant postings..,( which I think u gals like to read more ;p ) It will be fun reading each other's blogs in October!!
flo same here... i dunnoe if i'll be able to post everyday! tsk tsk... hmmm i did a simple post this morning my usual quote... is that consider a post already?! bleah... maybe i'll try to blog again tonight...

flo and pinkie! sure gonna check out you 2's blogsite the entire oct! keke...so fun! something to look forward to!
Novakido, Flo - Fantastic! Excited now (let's see how I feel at the end of the 31 days hohoho). Remember to put the festival pass/badge on your webby.

Yes, I think a quote counts too! Save some thoughts for tomorrow... And the days to come...
Ultraman, saw your msg on fb, but haven't had the chance to reply and I can't access in the office. will get to it tonight!

Tub sessions - we normally go at odd hours when there are less people around - what abt you guys?
pinkie: Oh... there is a blog thingy huh? Ok I will check it out. Definitely have a lot of rubbish to write.

As for swimming, for us is anytime. I think for now, Matt can only swim during weekend. What about real pool?
SAHM, mummies on leave in nov...

Victoria n me will be attending Julia Gabriel holiday program..

any babies wanna join us? if i get 4 babies we get a group discount of 20%.. $285 + GST = $304.95 -20% = $243.96 (1 week of lessons)


just a brief explanation -

1 week of JG class at 1.5 hrs EVERY day mon-fri (painting, story telling,puppets)


1 outing to bird park (wk1 on wed), underwater world (wk2 on fri), mayflower sec-music(wk 3 on wed)

u can chose to select all 3 wks at $285x3 or like for us im deciding 1 or 2 wks as I feel it will be too intense to go so many days...but m loving the idea of her gng to bird park and underwater world with her...
back liao, sperzz, you missed out on a car car.. was testing and saw the winnie the pooh one at the testing station, but music is spoilt. passed to mercs and she managed to exchange for one that is working...
ni, kelly, din know my car car got a new set of lollipop under the seat... so ended up got 2 sets! hehe... my set pretty complete except for the seat back without handle piece one... mom also agreed good buy... hehe... she almost flipped at the door when she saw me bring so many bags in...

hi flo, the JG holiday class seems interesting! I will be on one week leave fr 23 Nov. Let me confirm if we can make it.

btw, any news on the K musik classes?
