(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

my boy oso bogay. haha...

Total got 52 adult if not including janjan...


Purpose: 9 months bash @ Upper East Coast
Date: 17 Oct 2009, Sat (Deepavali)
Time: 12noon - 5pm
Playmats: Dink, Food:http://ezthotscatering.webs.com/teareception.htm

1. Dink, HB, baby
2. Ni, Kyan (Or-gui-ni-zer)
3. Sperzz, Damien, Delia (Food)
4. Sel, HB, Jaidyn
5. Kelly, HB, LeAnn
6. Puppylove, HB, Jacob
7. Dazed, Jia He
8. Blessedmum, HB, Cayden
9. Pat, HB, Johnny Boy
10. Janjan, shyan
11. Meecat, Melody
12. Flo, HB, Victoria
13. Bunny, HB, Matthias
14. Ashley, HB, Darius
15. Willting, Juvius
16. kamy, hb, javier
17. Suika, kevan
18. Jolene, Cherlyn, Ashlyn, (hb or helper)
19. mgteo, Claira, Katie
20. Cherryale, ashley, ashton, hb(tbc)
21. Fluffy, Ginelle, Ginette
22. Chere, Bradley
23. Precious bb, HB, Jensen
24. Piyobaby, Zethan
25. Babystarlet, HB, Crystal
26. bbwoofie, HB, Olivia
27. aileng, HB, bb
28. kris, Shyan
29. laugh, HB, bb Alder & Shawn
30. mint, jewel, helper (hb tbc)
31. Samval, Zachary, Valerie, Kimberly & HB
32. cheryl83, kayden
33. xpink_xuanx , kyrene, bravier & maid
34. Miaiko, Charlotte, HB & maid

babywoofie: Thanks for the link. Any idea how much is the shipping cost? No spree now...
babywoofie & miyuki1, i see the happybaby puff like not bad leh... but the price quite expensive if compare to baby bites.

see anymore mummies here wanna share shipping and buy?
i dont mind help to order so i can buy a few for my boy also.
buying in 12bottle and more is cheaper...
tansk & sperzz, i had transferred my ps package to another mummy le..

i also got other programme on deepavali..so not attending the bash..


Purpose: 9 months bash @ Upper East Coast
Date: 17 Oct 2009, Sat (Deepavali)
Time: 12noon - 5pm
Playmats: Dink, Food:http://ezthotscatering.webs.com/teareception.htm

1. Dink, HB, baby
2. Ni, Kyan (Or-gui-ni-zer)
3. Sperzz, Damien, Delia (Food)
4. Sel, HB, Jaidyn
5. Kelly, HB, LeAnn
6. Puppylove, HB, Jacob
7. Dazed, Jia He
8. Blessedmum, HB, Cayden
9. Pat, HB, Johnny Boy
10. Janjan, shyan
11. Meecat, Melody
12. Flo, HB, Victoria
13. Bunny, HB, Matthias
14. Ashley, HB, Darius
15. Willting, Juvius
16. kamy, hb, javier
17. Suika, kevan
18. Jolene, Cherlyn, Ashlyn, (hb or helper)
19. mgteo, Claira, Katie
20. Cherryale, ashley, ashton, hb(tbc)
21. Fluffy, Ginelle, Ginette
22. Chere, Bradley
23. Precious bb, HB, Jensen
24. Piyobaby, Zethan
25. Babystarlet, HB, Crystal
26. bbwoofie, HB, Olivia
27. aileng, HB, bb
28. kris, Shyan
29. laugh, HB, bb Alder & Shawn
30. Samval, Zachary, Valerie, Kimberly & HB
31. cheryl83, kayden
32. xpink_xuanx , kyrene, bravier & maid
33. Miaiko, Charlotte, HB & maid
daymoon: hi! how is zonghan?

ann01jan: hehe yup organic food here is big.. so its much cheaper to buy organic groceries for baby. Changed his cereal brands to Happy Bellies.. so far so good, but he doesnt eat so well here.. dunno y.

samval: hihi =) u driving to work nowadays already?

gelato: Caden start crawling yet?

mercs: yah dun wanna come back =p But will have to be back in around a yrs time. But miss the convenience of SG, here have to cook every meal. Have fun in KL n post pics!

puppylove: hehe so did ur hubby buy lotsa clothes for baby?

bbwoofie: thanks!
sus: sometimes i will drive to work but my workplace the parking very ex, so i try not drive her too often lor. u dont wanna come back ah? then your hubby contract in US is how long?

hmm..seems like quite a number dropping out from the gathering leh.
sus, hi. Enjoy ur life while in USA. I was in USA for 4mths. I really enjoy myself there, shopping, scenery etc..expect transportation.
ya, I ordering now. Bec I think will take a long time to get order for US$200. so by Dec I should b able to get my balloons

Cherryale mentioned that in Tampines got place to fill the helium gas.

Actyally thinking if we can rent the helium tank n share among us.
wa! so many mummies not going for the 9th month bash!!

sperzz/ni: Do you need helium to blow the balloons up? If need helium, where to get? I think i will get someone to decorate the place instead. Hee! Lazy mummy.
u all talking abt desitin? when shyan had her first nappy rash, doc prescribed desitin original - purple one. actually it is very very good. but like wat merc say, the butt become white white lor.

been on desitin creamy the blue one after we finished original. so far so good. i like it better. recently shyan kenna infection, red red, doc say use desitin can liao. and it worked!
miyuki: mine just on the way to singapore, dont know the shipping price yet. where u stay, i order quite a few cans..if u want i can pass u 1 for bb to try first

xpink_xuanx: same to u...if u want i can pass u 1 for bb to try first. first time for my gal also..dont know she will like anot..a few mummies from other threads gave good reviews..so i try. where u stay?

if our bb like..than next round i dont mind putting in the order
kelly: thot u doing leann aprty at poliwogs? if u do at a place, they will do up the decor for u, so need not worry. hehe. thats partly why i will be holding the party outside too. i m lazy too..
janjan: desitin got how many types? i know there are two types so far, one is the original and one with aloe vera. i tried to find the one with aloe vera in pharmacy but dont have. only PD/clinics sell them. dont know why they dont sell outside? now got purple one also? so altogether there are 3 types?
sam: LeAnn is using the Desitin creamy. Very good. My SIL's mother swears by it.

ni: not confirm. Don't like the aliens cartoon @ polliwogs. hee!
only selected pharmacy carries desitin creamy (the blue one) but not sure which one, maybe can try to call them and check.
samval: i din know got aloe vera type. only know 2 types - original & creamy. i got it in the bp here.. cheaper than from pd.

how it works is ot forms a protective layer & locks out moisture & urine/feaces so bb bum will not be irritated by the chemicals fr urine & faeces, thus reducing the risk of rashes. but must put thick thick layer lor.
janjan, Samval
Ya creamy is the one with aloe vera. And it is also zinc oxide that helps with the rashes therefore too much of zinc oxide can be drying to the skin. That's why the purple packaging one is not recommended for daily use.
i see i see thanks all for the info.. my elder gal use to use it when she was a baby, but now seems like cant find. me now using drapolene. that time before giving birth i bot 2 tubes. now still have. dunno can keep how long..cos i dont use everyday leh.
kelly, I only order the balloons only. dun think will get a theme for her birthday. Theme very ex.

The balloon cheap cheap only....go n select n buy. We can collect togather. Got collection at TP so can ask ni to collect for us..lol
samval: ya means creamy (with aloe vera) and original. two types nia

kelly: guess thats wat happens when we get too excited about our little ones
i also headache now. dunno wat to do

babywoofie: Its ok la... you better keep it for your ger... Thanks for your offer.

xpink_xuanx: I dun mind to combine order to get it. Any mummies interested?
