(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

some mummies talking about rota & pneumococcal jabs.... my son took both jabs and completed already except for pneumococcal.. the last jab will be taken when he is 1 yr old.

me back! today go sci centre... bring JH to waterworks.

ann, what time tomorrow? i dun mind going for breakie if you are. will be at je, just in front of IMM.
janjan: aii..thought tomorrow is children's day
happy teacher day cos they also have holiday?
Janjan: What teachers day? I think you are a month late lol. Hahaha...

A <font color="aa00aa">Happy Children's Day</font> to all our little darlings. I realised I got gifts for the 2 bigger ones but forgot about the little one. Hmm...
forum has been very quiet these days..

jan: CHILDREN'S DAY!! Our bbies first children's day?

who's going for the toy r us sale tomorrow?
jan: u live in one month ago ah! teachers day last month leh. tml is children day leh! hahaa. go buy shyan a gift, i bought kyan a children day gift 2 weeks ago liao. haha
children day hor...kyler should be the most happy lor...cos he got 3 presents from the school le! majiam birthday like tat..

kelly: i am going to the sale tomorrow...u going with ni they all rite?
Mercs: I thought you went to the Toys R Us sale liao? Going again? Got good buys? So far away... if not, I will pop by to take a look.

Purpose: 9 months bash @ Upper East Coast
Date: 17 Oct 2009, Sat (Deepavali)
Time: 12noon - 5pm
Playmats: Dink, Food:http://ezthotscatering.webs.com/teareception.htm

1. Dink, HB, baby
2. Ni, Kyan (Or-gui-ni-zer)
3. Sperzz, Damien, Delia (Food)
4. Sel, HB, Jaidyn
5. Kelly, HB, LeAnn
6. Puppylove, HB, Jacob
7. Dazed, Jia He
8. Blessedmum, HB, Cayden
9. Pat, HB, Johnny Boy
10. Janjan, shyan
11. Meecat, Melody
12. Flo, HB, Victoria
13. Bunny, HB, Matthias
14. Ashley, HB, Darius
15. Willting, Juvius
16. kamy, hb, javier
17. Suika, kevan
18. Jolene, Cherlyn, Ashlyn, (hb or helper)
19. mgteo, Claira, Katie
20. Cherryale, ashley, ashton, hb(tbc)
21. Fluffy, Ginelle, Ginette
22. Chere, Bradley
23. Precious bb, HB, Jensen
24. Piyobaby, HB, Zethan (no lunch pls)
25. Babystarlet, HB, Crystal
26. bbwoofie, HB, Olivia
27. aileng, HB, bb
28. kris, Shyan
29. laugh, HB, bb Alder &amp; Shawn
30. Samval, Zachary, Valerie, Kimberly &amp; HB
31. cheryl83, kayden
32. xpink_xuanx , kyrene, bravier &amp; maid
33. Miaiko, Charlotte, HB &amp; maid
ladies....paisey think mi can't join liao...hubby says too big grp liao coz my boy will cry n cry


Purpose: 9 months bash @ Upper East Coast
Date: 17 Oct 2009, Sat (Deepavali)
Time: 12noon - 5pm
Playmats: Dink, Food:http://ezthotscatering.webs.com/teareception.htm

1. Dink, HB, baby
2. Ni, Kyan (Or-gui-ni-zer)
3. Sperzz, Damien, Delia (Food)
4. Sel, HB, Jaidyn
5. Kelly, HB, LeAnn
6. Puppylove, HB, Jacob
7. Dazed, Jia He
8. Blessedmum, HB, Cayden
9. Pat, HB, Johnny Boy
10. Janjan, shyan
11. Meecat, Melody
12. Flo, HB, Victoria
13. Bunny, HB, Matthias
14. Ashley, HB, Darius
15. Willting, Juvius
16. kamy, hb, javier
17. Jolene, Cherlyn, Ashlyn, (hb or helper)
18. mgteo, Claira, Katie
19. Cherryale, ashley, ashton, hb(tbc)
20. Fluffy, Ginelle, Ginette
21. Chere, Bradley
22. Precious bb, HB, Jensen
23. Piyobaby, HB, Zethan (no lunch pls)
24. Babystarlet, HB, Crystal
25. bbwoofie, HB, Olivia
26. aileng, HB, bb
27. kris, Shyan
28. laugh, HB, bb Alder &amp; Shawn
29. Samval, Zachary, Valerie, Kimberly &amp; HB
30. cheryl83, kayden
31. xpink_xuanx , kyrene, bravier &amp; maid
32. Miaiko, Charlotte, HB &amp; maid
kelly, u stressed over birthday celebration?? hehe, i am no longer stressed cos I have decided!!! So all u need is to decide then wouldnt be stressed.

ni, there is a shop at tampines mart that has helium tank, can get from there if u are doing a party at home. Cos the siong part of the balloons is bringing it back after they are filled with helium. I really struggled with 30 normal balloons and 5 mylar balloons the last time.

anyone has contacts for flowers at wholesale prices? I am thinking of getting 100 pink roses.

Aileng can't make it now.

Purpose: 9 months bash @ Upper East Coast
Date: 17 Oct 2009, Sat (Deepavali)
Time: 12noon - 5pm
Playmats: Dink, Food:http://ezthotscatering.webs.com/teareception.htm

1. Dink, HB, baby
2. Ni, Kyan (Or-gui-ni-zer)
3. Sperzz, Damien, Delia (Food)
4. Sel, HB, Jaidyn
5. Kelly, HB, LeAnn
6. Puppylove, HB, Jacob
7. Dazed, Jia He
8. Blessedmum, HB, Cayden
9. Pat, HB, Johnny Boy
10. Janjan, shyan
11. Meecat, Melody
12. Flo, HB, Victoria
13. Bunny, HB, Matthias
14. Ashley, HB, Darius
15. Willting, Juvius
16. kamy, hb, javier
17. Jolene, Cherlyn, Ashlyn, (hb or helper)
18. mgteo, Claira, Katie
19. Cherryale, ashley, ashton, hb(tbc)
20. Fluffy, Ginelle, Ginette
21. Chere, Bradley
22. Precious bb, HB, Jensen
23. Piyobaby, HB, Zethan (no lunch pls)
24. Babystarlet, HB, Crystal
25. bbwoofie, HB, Olivia
26. kris, Shyan
27. laugh, HB, bb Alder &amp; Shawn
28. Samval, Zachary, Valerie, Kimberly &amp; HB
29. cheryl83, kayden
30. xpink_xuanx , kyrene, bravier &amp; maid
31. Miaiko, Charlotte, HB &amp; maid
Cherryale: Yen can also wave goodbye now. It came as a surprise cos we did not specifically teach her. In her case, I doubt she learnt it from the VCD cos it's not played often enough. I guess children learn from examples ba. We were leaving my sister's place last weekend when she started waving at my sis &amp; her maid as we were walking out the door. She must have seen her sisters do that so often that she decided to copy. Then when she realised that we responded to her waves, she was so thrilled &amp; kept repeating! Even waved to herself in the mirror in the lift!
Yen is now trying to walk by holding onto the headboard of my master bed. She loves to pull herself up &amp; start reaching for things we place there. Then will move them around or fall back down on the bed before starting all over again.

I was reading that babies at this stage will start to stand but may have problem getting back down as they have not mastered the skill of bending their knees. I don't seem to see that in Yen. I think she must have fallen back so many times, she does not have an issue with bending her knees. For my older 2, I did observe them getting frustrated when they couldn't get back down after standing up. Not in Yen's case. Funny girl.

Linguisitically, we notice Yen has begun to use 'papa', 'yeye', 'ah ma' (for her mama) &amp; 'jiejie' purposefully. Though not all the time, but every time she uttered such sounds it was at the 'appropriate' moment. For example, FIL stepped into the room &amp; she yelled, 'yeye' excitedly. Though I'm of the mindset that she still does not exactly know what she is saying, she is getting it right most of the times these days.

She's also able to say 'more' if she wanted more milk. Again, not all the time, but when it is used, it is with accuracy most of the time.

It is definitely very fun to observe her developments. I'm thinking to document them in a blog, but HB thinks it would be unfair as we did not do any for the other two...

Then as HB is thinking to stop at 3, somehow, Yen's developments become all the more precious to me - somehow, it just feels like this is going to be the last child &amp; we'll not get to experience all these again... hmmm...
emq: just blog as a family.... i like blogging as i realized its damn gd for me to refer to like when she fusses or her milestones.. i cant remb much due to my mouse sized brain
sus:thanks for asking.. zonghan been quite up and about these days.. keeping bumping ard and seeking for attention.. haha

sperzz:we took the same train back too.. but was pai seh to say hi cos not sure if its you.. next time will sure say hi k. =)

happy 1st children day to our babies and happy holidays to our teachers mummies!
Flo: Yeah, tempted la, but not sure if I'd be able to keep up lol... actually I was telling HB, can also start blogging about the other 2 now... hee hee..
miyuk1 &amp; bbwoofie : i just went NTUC, gerber also got this kind of puffs. selling at $6.55 i just bought 1 sweet potato favour for my son to try. I remembered my elder girl love this gerber puffs too. I seen the ingredients, no salt. Packaging is the same as the happybaby but just tat brand different.
But i think USD$2.76 convert to SGD and with shipping, also ard $6?
Hi Ladies,

We can't make it on that day now. So sorry about it. I was actually looking forward to take all your babies' photos.

Anyone want to take slot no.13?


Purpose: 9 months bash @ Upper East Coast
Date: 17 Oct 2009, Sat (Deepavali)
Time: 12noon - 5pm
Playmats: Dink, Food:http://ezthotscatering.webs.com/teareception.htm

1. Dink, HB, baby
2. Ni, Kyan (Or-gui-ni-zer)
3. Sperzz, Damien, Delia (Food)
4. Sel, HB, Jaidyn
5. Kelly, HB, LeAnn
6. Puppylove, HB, Jacob
7. Dazed, Jia He
8. Blessedmum, HB, Cayden
9. Pat, HB, Johnny Boy
10. Janjan, shyan
11. Meecat, Melody
12. Flo, HB, Victoria
14. Ashley, HB, Darius
15. Willting, Juvius
16. kamy, hb, javier
17. Jolene, Cherlyn, Ashlyn, (hb or helper)
18. mgteo, Claira, Katie
19. Cherryale, ashley, ashton, hb(tbc)
20. Fluffy, Ginelle, Ginette
21. Chere, Bradley
22. Precious bb, HB, Jensen
23. Piyobaby, HB, Zethan (no lunch pls)
24. Babystarlet, HB, Crystal
25. bbwoofie, HB, Olivia
26. kris, Shyan
27. laugh, HB, bb Alder &amp; Shawn
28. Samval, Zachary, Valerie, Kimberly &amp; HB
29. cheryl83, kayden
30. xpink_xuanx , kyrene, bravier &amp; maid
31. Miaiko, Charlotte, HB &amp; maid
Hi mummies,

These few days, the weather is quite hazy. It is good to drink this soup to prevent dry cough. Baby can drink too.


Sweet and Bitter Almonds, Candied Dates Soup 南北杏蜜枣汤汤

This soup, it nourishes our lung and relieve cough. It is also good for dry cough, reduce sores and ulcers. If your baby always like to sleep late, this is a good soup for him or her.

Basic ingredients:
Sweet Almond 南杏: 5g
Bitter Almond 北杏: 5g
Candied Dates 蜜枣: 4
Wolfberries 杞子: A palmful. This is to enrich the function of liver, blood and eyesight.

If everybody is healthy, use the following ingredients:
Apple (with skin and core remove)
China Pear (with skin and core remove)
Chicken drumettes (for BLW), if not use lean meat or chicken.

If someone is having cough, use the following ingredients:
Butternut pumpkin or pumpkin
lean meat

No seasoning. Babies are supposed to drink clear soup.
Use just enough water to cover the ingredient.

How to cook:

Option 1:
Use clay pot. Once the soup is boiled, turn to the smallest fire and cook it for 30 minutes.

Option 2:
Use clay pot. Use medium fire to stew for 2 hours.

Option 3:
hi ultraman

From feb thread.
read with interest about your soup. May i ask what is candied dates? I cant read mandarin. Thx
Hi Nana, it is called mizao in hanyupinyin. You can get it from Eu Yan Sang shop.

BTW, my wife finds it too sweet with 4 candied dates. You may want to reduce it to 2. If not, put more water.
EmQ: if u pm me your no. - I can help u look out for stuff at the sale and sms u what is offered.... how abt that ?

Ultraman: thks for the recipe, today I asked a lady at tcm shop for such mixes, she keep recommending those expensive ingredients... bu yrs better, bb also can drink... in the end, me and bb drank crysanthemum tea nia...

Thanks. I shall try and say it correctly. I dont speak mandarin either. My boy always sleep late no matter how hard tried to make him sleep early. He is recovering from cough. I thought can try your soup. Err how u feed bb soup? I've never tried soupy stuff on my boy. Sorry many qns. :p

But soupy cant use the normal weaning spoon rite? Using avent spoons. So was thinking if need to use those chinese soup spoons.
Nana : how abt putting the soup inside milk bottle and feed him drink?

ann01jan : huh? our bb can drink chrysanthemum tea meh? will it be too 'liang' ?

i recently keep cooking chrystanthemum tea for me and hubby but din give my son drink.
cos dunno he can drink anot.
my elder girl dont drink cook one, she prefer canned drinks. -_-
sperrz : u will be paying the catering right? if i pay u back end of the month can? cos my hubby gotten his salary ytd and today pay bills, debts then now no left le! omg ! dunno how to survive till his next salary day.
but if cannot, den leave me out of the bash k?
paiseh ah~~~
Good Morning, everyone...

Nana : my nickname is oso nana, during my sch days tho... =) 蜜枣 is oso called honey dates. you can refer to pics here - http://images.google.com.sg/images?hl=zh-CN&amp;q=honey+dates&amp;um=1&amp;ie=UTF-8&amp;ei=HO_DSpzgH4qV8AbRhfDfCQ&amp;sa=X&amp;oi=image_result_group&amp;ct=title&amp;resnum=1

sus : caden can move forward freely, but i dunno if that's called crawling or gliding... hehe... interesting part is he nvr go backwards... how abt calebee?

Laugh : haha... deepavali has special meaning for us...
Samval : caden had his rota, but not pneumoccol. if i were to give him pneumoccal, the earliest will be after he turned 2 - only 1 jab req'd.

Hi mummies,

We are not able to attend the 9 mth bash liao.. hb going overseas that day need to send him off


Purpose: 9 months bash @ Upper East Coast
Date: 17 Oct 2009, Sat (Deepavali)
Time: 12noon - 5pm
Playmats: Dink, Food:http://ezthotscatering.webs.com/teareception.htm

1. Dink, HB, baby
2. Ni, Kyan (Or-gui-ni-zer)
3. Sperzz, Damien, Delia (Food)
4. Sel, HB, Jaidyn
5. Kelly, HB, LeAnn
6. Puppylove, HB, Jacob
7. Dazed, Jia He
9. Pat, HB, Johnny Boy
10. Janjan, shyan
11. Meecat, Melody
12. Flo, HB, Victoria
14. Ashley, HB, Darius
15. Willting, Juvius
16. kamy, hb, javier
17. Jolene, Cherlyn, Ashlyn, (hb or helper)
18. mgteo, Claira, Katie
19. Cherryale, ashley, ashton, hb(tbc)
20. Fluffy, Ginelle, Ginette
21. Chere, Bradley
22. Precious bb, HB, Jensen
23. Piyobaby, HB, Zethan (no lunch pls)
24. Babystarlet, HB, Crystal
25. bbwoofie, HB, Olivia
26. kris, Shyan
27. laugh, HB, bb Alder &amp; Shawn
28. Samval, Zachary, Valerie, Kimberly &amp; HB
29. cheryl83, kayden
30. xpink_xuanx , kyrene, bravier &amp; maid
31. Miaiko, Charlotte, HB &amp; maid
