(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

today i woke up with a mood to spend, maybe its the stress of going back to work and hence needed retail therapy. Have been on ibanking making payments for various bp

mercs, can I have the updated list for the 9mth bash. Sorry to trouble u. I need to confirm the headcount to order the buffet
sperzz, here it is...

Oh great! Now i can join in too! Yuppie!


Purpose: 9 months bash @ Upper East Coast
Date: 17 Oct 2009, Sat (Deepavali)
Time: 12noon - 5pm
Playmats: Dink, Food:http://ezthotscatering.webs.com/teareception.htm

1. Dink, HB, baby
2. Ni, Kyan (Or-gui-ni-zer)
3. Sperzz, Damien, Delia (Food)
4. Mercsboy, HB, Kyler
5. Sel, HB, Jaidyn
6. Kelly, HB, LeAnn
7. Puppylove, HB, Jacob
8. Dazed, Jia He
9. Blessedmum, HB, Cayden
10. Pat, HB, Johnny Boy
11. Cheekygal, HB, Brayden
12. Janjan, shyan
13. Meecat, Melody
14. Flo, HB, Victoria
15. Bunny, HB, Matthias
16. Ashley, HB, Darius
17. Gelato, Caden
18. Willting, Juvius
19. kamy, hb, javier
20. Suika, kevan
21. Jolene, Cherlyn, Ashlyn, (hb or helper)
22. mgteo, Claira, Katie
23. Cherryale, ashley, ashton, hb(tbc)
24. Fluffy, Ginelle, Ginette
25. Chere, Bradley
26. Precious bb, HB, Jensen
27. Piyobaby, Zethan
28. Babystarlet, HB, Crystal
29. bbwoofie, HB, Olivia
30. Daymoon, Zonghan
31. aileng, HB, bb
32. kris, Shyan
33. laugh, HB, bb Alder & Shawn
34. Pinkie, hb, ryan (pinkie, pls confirm if u can join)
35. mint, jewel, helper (hb tbc)
36. polkadotty, odelia, HB
37. Samval, Zachary, Valerie, Kimberly & HB
38. cheryl83, kayden
39. xpink_xuanx , kyrene, bravier & maid
40. Miaiko, Charlotte, HB & maid
hi ladies, need ur email address and hp no. pls PM me.

Aileng - need ur bb's name too, for the name tag
Pinkie Pirate
mint - pls confirm if hb is gng (for the buffet headcount)
sperzz, annie, my hb is confirmed going, pls include him for buffet. (actually its me who is confirming on his behalf, he still doesnt know)
dazed: how u know u are no 19 to register?

emq: yes, my hb is many years my senior. and i look younger than my actual age. so add up he look many years more mature than me. but i think looks not important.. as long as he true to me and baby. better than hb good looking hor, then will attract many bees..
ni: please remove me from the gathering list. might be going KL with hb that week, cos kyler passport is ready le and also the following monday i took leave.
thanks ya...
EMQ: Thanks for your email. I will ask her whether she is going back or wanna transfer...

Mummies: most brand i saw for baby biscuit is with salt.... anyone has any brand to recommend for no salt added? Thanks.
There's a open slot for the 9 mths bash!
Any one interested to join???


Purpose: 9 months bash @ Upper East Coast
Date: 17 Oct 2009, Sat (Deepavali)
Time: 12noon - 5pm
Playmats: Dink, Food:http://ezthotscatering.webs.com/teareception.htm

1. Dink, HB, baby
2. Ni, Kyan (Or-gui-ni-zer)
3. Sperzz, Damien, Delia (Food)
5. Sel, HB, Jaidyn
6. Kelly, HB, LeAnn
7. Puppylove, HB, Jacob
8. Dazed, Jia He
9. Blessedmum, HB, Cayden
10. Pat, HB, Johnny Boy
11. Cheekygal, HB, Brayden
12. Janjan, shyan
13. Meecat, Melody
14. Flo, HB, Victoria
15. Bunny, HB, Matthias
16. Ashley, HB, Darius
17. Gelato, Caden
18. Willting, Juvius
19. kamy, hb, javier
20. Suika, kevan
21. Jolene, Cherlyn, Ashlyn, (hb or helper)
22. mgteo, Claira, Katie
23. Cherryale, ashley, ashton, hb(tbc)
24. Fluffy, Ginelle, Ginette
25. Chere, Bradley
26. Precious bb, HB, Jensen
27. Piyobaby, Zethan
28. Babystarlet, HB, Crystal
29. bbwoofie, HB, Olivia
30. Daymoon, Zonghan
31. aileng, HB, bb
32. kris, Shyan
33. laugh, HB, bb Alder & Shawn
34. Pinkie, hb, ryan (pinkie, pls confirm if u can join)
35. mint, jewel, helper (hb tbc)
36. polkadotty, odelia, HB
37. Samval, Zachary, Valerie, Kimberly & HB
38. cheryl83, kayden
39. xpink_xuanx , kyrene, bravier & maid
40. Miaiko, Charlotte, HB & maid
hi ladies, need ur email address and hp no. pls PM me.

Aileng - need ur bb's name too, for the name tag
Pinkie Pirate
mint - pls confirm if hb is gng (for the buffet headcount)
hi mummies, long time no log in.. missed u gers!!

how's everyone doing?? =)

see got happenin 9 mths bash.. wish I could join.. sounds fun!

I made frens with a Korean mummy with 7 mths+ baby ger just opposite our house and they also have fri morning coffee for international spouses where I met some Jap n PRC mummies with small babies =) But not yet attend their playgp yet

Anyone started weaning their babies off breastmilk? How and when do u intend to start?

take care!
no la. i very sad u dun go, but me and dink couldnt persuade u, what to do. shall not "mian qiang" u le... hey i gng to the toyrus sale! ard 10-11am, can see u anot??
ni: joking la...one thing also the crowd too big, that makes me confirm not to go also.
but maybe we can organize a smaller 1st yr celebration?
toys r us start at 10 or 11am???
pinkie: u drove to KL rite? how u handle ryan in the car? such a long journey..dunno the "sharp backside" kyler can tahan or not..
should go or should not...haiz..
cheekygal: i am thinking whether to go or not..cos hb will be invited to his ex company function so i can tag along since hotel is free ma. but i dunno should drive up or take plane leh....i scared kyler cant sit still
Thanks but please drop me from the list, I won't be going. You all have lots of fun.

Mercsboy, try to do the drive during his sleep time and feed him well just before the trip.
pinkie: but hor..he sleep the most 2 hours only...2 hours i haven reach KL leh..nothing else to take note of??

cheekygal: now air tix cheap leh...add on the tax all tat, maybe air tix will be cheaper than road??
will miss u in the 9mths bash. I already done 2 road trips to KL with BB A & 1 plane trip. Bring lots of toys to keep him occupied in the car/plane & lots of his favourite puffs/titbits to keep his mouth busy. I read it somewhere that from dun know which date, the tolls only accepts touch n go. Maybe someone can verify it.
dink: touch & go card..i have..but have to top up lor.
i am just thinking should go or not..one thing, hate the few hours journey...sit until backside pain. but then hor, also feel like bring kyler go look see look see, since hotel is free..
dont know la..so mao dun..
mummies, just thinking aloud... maybe the 1 yr bash can have 2 gatherings lor, one in the east and one in the west... maybe easier to find location... etc... but the planning can be the same eg caterer, programme... so on....
mercs: u can check out the prices and compare.
if not much difference, take the plane.
my hubs drove 4hrs from sg to KL and another 1 hr from KL to genting. Brayden fussed in car ride, he cannot sit still for more than 1 hr wide awake. luckily i had 4 helpers in the car to help me play with him.
cheekygal: ya la...u have many people to help u entertain him...but if going means hb drive then i got to entertain the hyperactive baby lo. tat is why i am still considering whether to drive up or take plane..
Merc: I think the easiest is drive him up to KL during his bed time. That would mean driving at night. Need to be extra careful though.

For Darius, on our Japan trip, i purposely flew on a night flight so that he will be asleep and not fuss too much.

bbwoofie : Yeah! Thanks and see you on the 10th of OCT!

Sus: Hope you are coping well in the States! How is baby Caleb doing? How nice! Can make friends with mommies from different countries and culture. Great experience!
Mercsboy, we drove in the day. We've done it a few times already, it's ok. The car motion also helps Ryan to sleep longer.

For plane, you need to request for the seats with the bassinet, if you want, sometimes they are all booked. Ryan didn't want to sleep in the bassinet even though he had one. But since the flight is so short (and you can't use the bassinet during takeoff and landing) I think it doesn't matter whether got bassinet or not. Should be fine. But bassinet seats got more leg room.
Hello everyone who has not "seen" me for a long time.

Need advice. I have already started the peunococcals jab on 6th month. I wish to drag it till a later time probably when he's older. Any idea how long i can drag it?

pinkie: really ah...i also notice kyler sleep longer in the car. he always fall asleep in his car seat. like that seems ok. maybe can consider.
thanks for the info on bassinet. bassinet space big enough for the baby to sleep? will curl up kind?
