(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

mgteo: ya lor..that is what me & hb wanted, stroll together with the dogs and baby. finally we wait till he can sit steady le...
made myself less guilty too..

mgteo: Aww, i just bought a Britax car seat. Hope it is as good as the Maxi Cosi one!

bbwoofie: I think i will wait till my boy is 9kg, then i change to forward facing, hee. Your car seat you put in the middle or side huh ?
Would suggest you put at the side. For safety, it is not recommended to put at the centre. Anyway not all car seats can put in the middle, Britax ones can?
mgteo: lazy mummy didn't read the instruction manual yet, where my hubby is coming from is so that it is easier to tend to baby when he is with him alone. Thus he thought putting it in the middle is better.

Not to worry, his suggestion will be overruled :p
Katie still can't sit steadily...she will turn 8 months this Wed. Ok one right...? Claira can sit better, don't remember she still needs support at 8 months leh...
Hi everyone!

Good evening. I've been reading now & then, but no time to respond. Posting now, so I will start receiving email updates again.

Was a bz weekend for me. SIL's guo da li last Sat. Was bz cleaning till 1+ in the morning! PILs & SIL happily went to bed at 11+. Maid & I stayed up to clear up, pack & clean till almost 2am. By the time I wind down, showered & went to bed, it was 3. Then got up at 7am to go marketing. After the guests left, HB & I stone at home till late afternoon before taking the kids out.
thanks!! cjteng. i also forgotten that i submitted family pic. haha

uncles aunties, please vote for shyan's family picture in mumcentre. thank you!! haha.. this section only got two pictures :D
hi mummies, i got 4 tins of unopened Enfapro Stage 2 to let go at $35.50 per tin (original price that i purchase), with expiry date 14th March 2011... i'm letting go cos my boy get tired of the taste and will be switching to similac.. interested mummies please pm me ok... thanks alot! cheers!
janjan: voted! gd luck
Just wondering if any mums here are against vaccinations at birth or early age? There are quite a few studies out there that are against vaccinations at birth or at an early age claiming that it will cause autism.
Any mums got anything to share on this topic?
yanling: these questions should ask ultraman, till now his son havent have any jabs yet due to the same topics you mentioned...
Yan Ling, i read alot of news through google and yahoo search on vaccinations.
Maybe out of 100, there will be 1 kid after taking the vaccine and start to fall sick often.
I ever read an artical about pneumococcal jabs, year 2007 they bring this jab to 3rd world country and out of 10,000+ babies, 12 babies pass away after taking this jab.
No vaccination is 100% safe.
Even after took the vaccine, there's still a few percentage that the kids will get the virus also.

I do have friends who is against on vaccinations.
They always tell me, when we born tat time also no vaccinations wat.
Didn't we also grow up till now?
They also say, getting those virus will make the kids immune system stronger.
xpink: i think some vaccinations are compulsory. Which means by 1 yo the baby must have certain vaccinations. I've heard of people getting letters to get their child vaccinated, but anyone ever heard of people getting sued in court and if so, any lawyer willing to defend for them? I think in the states, there are lawyers that are willing to defend them, but here? Anyone knows?

I just came to know of this topic recently. So just curious to find out more. And i would not have let my baby take the pneumococcal jab if there was a risk of fatality.
yan ling: i remember dr william tan missed 2 drops of polio vaccine and contracted polio... i oso quite suspicious abt the pneumococcal jab so i will delay it for my boy...
Good Morning, everyone.

This week is a short week for me.. was on leave yestd... hehe...

Yan Ling : long time no 'see'... =) fyi - only measles & diptheria immunisation is compulsory by law. They dun hv to be taken by 1yo, but when u enrol ur kid(s) into a preschool/pri school, they'll ask for the immunisation certificate. If ur kid is not vaccinated, i m not sure if they'll accept him/her ....
yan ling and ann01jan: I read in the book "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children's Vaccinations".
If it is within our means, best to delay the jab later, until one jab needed instead of 3 or 2.
the book is good, highly recommended to read.
mgteo: my boy also cant sit so steadily. will still sit but wobble and fall backwards. i rem both my elder gals were able to sit steadily when they were abt 6 months.
For the eastside mummies, BB contest on the 15 Nov at Sengkang CC, cost $25. Package inclusive of Goodies bag, Photoshoot, lucky draw and a few items...
yanling: long time no "see".. i'm for the school of thought that babies immune system will b better if they need "external help" from jabs. Except for those compulsory from the govt, I won't b bringing baby for other immunisation.
gymboree trial, $40 @ tanglin mall
saturday, 10 october @ 3.45pm to 4.30pm
sunday, 11 october @ 12.15pm to 1.00pm

1. ashley
2. mercs
3. bbwoofie

ashley n mercs: let me know which date k? anymore mummies & babies?

info on the trial
play n learn 2, Learn about cause and effect and build strength through play with ramps, slides and climbers. This infant class includes parent discussion time to help learn about your child's development.
ni, no crawling so no worries for Kyan...hahaha...join lah...U need to bring a copy of the BC when u go to register. Or u send me the copy then I apply for u. I need the following Info:

Ur Add
Father name
Mother name
sperzz: oh sorry, just re-read your message. its at sengkang CC - $25 on 15th Nov. will check it out. thanks for the info
