(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

I still havnt brush Delia teeth yet. Bec found out that the toothpaste contain some egg content. But will start her today since she has already 9mths old.

ni: i used sample spiffies months ago that time she got white tongue. then after i use up the sample no use liao. haha.. maybe i should go and buy one box of spiffies and start brushing her teeth again.

i guess best will be morning and night ba.. cos shyan sometimes middle of night also drink milk
bbstarlet: you are at your new office already? so fast! hope u settle down in the new environment quickly. then we can have lunch again...

blessedmum: cayden not in ifc now? your mum agreed to take care of him?

janjan: does the spiffies help to clean the tongue? my boy's tongue is very dirty, white and yellowish.. and we never have the habit to clean his tongue. will go and buy a box at guardian later...

attended the kmusic class on sunday. javier was stone all the way, only like the drum part. so think the class not really suitable for him. maybe the morning timing is not good too.
janjan: starting kyler dont like it as foreign object inside ma..then i didnt force him. then later part he like it liao, when he see the toothbrush he will auto open his mouth.
after makan, i used spiffies to clean his mouth, at nite when wiping body then i use the toothbrush.

ashley: kyler already face forward a month back...he seems to enjoy the view leh
blessedmum: read about cayden. Sigh, getting really worried liaoz, if things dont work out well, i will just quit and stay home again (though i feel that i really let my boss down). Understand where you are coming from and as parents, we only hope for our baby to be healthy and happy.
merc: arr, cos i finally bought a real car seat for my boy, haha, all along he using the infant carrier. The sales person told me to put the car seat on rear facing for as long as possible. So just wondering if any of you placing your baby forward facing.

Actually i prefer forward facing leh, at least the driver can see the baby ma, if not dont know whats going on.
cheekgal: i have tried egg yolk on last sat, cook in soft boiled so not those cooked egg yolk...wondering is it ok to give soft boiled...
Thanks merc! Hope my boy is as strong as yours! Sending him on thurs, 1st of OCT, now sewing his initials on his hankies then tears start to drop, sigh...*emo* *emo*
blessed, yes i did and for all 3 days!

janjan, 2 teeth not really required to brush but if it is to start a good habit then its fine. Its when they have about 4 to 6 teeth then u should really make it a point to brush teeth. Starting with the finger brush first and when they are older maybe abt 1 yo, graduate to a tod's brush. the wipes is not sufficient once they have teeth to remove the milk enzymes.

Ashley doesnt have teeth yet once her front upper and lower are sprouting now, abt 3 to 4 teeth at 1 time. So once her teeth are visible, will start to brush her teeth

ni, i will brush after last feed cos in the day there is sufficient time for the saliva to remove the milk enzymes so no need to brush. But at night between night feed and sleeping time, there is insufficient time, so thats why at night
blessedmum hehe i forgotten abt my window only spring clean every CNY. haha can imagine the dust.

Our weekly chore is to vacume, mop, wash cloth & kitchen. Maybe 1hr + can finish lar but of course without BB ard.

merc that time u say u only pay $350 for yr IFC how come so cheap? I had enquire its $650 after govt sub for full day 7am -7pm.
Hi bbwoofie and Ashley
Nice meeting you too! Sorry don't really have much time to catch up with you. Katie enjoyed the class but she was damn super tired that she knocked out when we were in the lift going to the carpark. And she slept for a good 3hrs.

I felt so bad for Claira my #1...she refused to go with my HB and prefer to stay there and watch us then in the car she kept complaining why take so long, why I cannot go inside the class blah blah blah...then me and hb just told her ok this will be the last time, mei mei will not go back to the class anymore...and then she kept quiet.
mummies so sad i need to leave the forum now & get back to work whole morning did nothing but reading the forum + pump

I tends to refresh & refresh its so addictive gtg see u mummies tmr and looking fwd to go home & see my DS here a pic of him.

ashley: dont worry. your boy will be fine. initial stage will sure have seperation anxiety for mummy and baby, but after a while will get used to it. cheer up and dont worry k?
ashley: mine not strong lor...he was sick a couple of times too...i just hang hung hung lor...no choice. but now he seems better le.
wah...hardworking leh u, sew his initials. i bought those marker buttons from daiso, $2 for 8 then i sew those markers only, its mouse shape one. i cant do sewing lor, very ugly one

bbyang: ya. my side is $950/mth, after subsidy pay only $350 per month lor. dunno why so cheap. maybe its a small ifc ba///
Aiyo Ashley...you have separation anxiety ah...? Not baby...hee..
Eventually you will learn how to let go...i was like that too! I look after my #1 for 18months then come out and work. Takes a while to adjust. Now with my #2, I have no problems letting go...though at times I feel bad that she didn't have that equal attention like what her sister had.
mgteo: coz mercs is talkative and loh soh and too free lor...
then also post short sentence so become more lor. so now i try to accumulate what i want to say in one msg.
then also coz when on ML, always went to BP ma..buy and buy.
sperzz, if not many balloons, you can go to those shops selling balloons to pump. Its abt 80cents to 1.20 for normal balloons if i dun remember wrongly.. the bigger mylar balloons will be more expensive. If got a lot of balloons, then rent 1 helium gas about $150 to pump may be more economical.

for the normal balloons i didnt get from spree cos cheaper to get localy and includes helium.
btw, sperzz, there is a shop at tampines mart that provides this service. u can consider if going to book chalet since its quite near. the last time for ashley's manyue, i went to tekka mall, had 30 balloons and 5 mylar balloons all filled with helium in my car and boot.
Samval: thanks! Will be strong!

Merc: I also can't sew well, haha my hubby say my D looks like O zzzz. However i want to sew for him as i remember last time when i go kindergarden, my mom also sew for me, heehee, fond memories :p

mgteo: ya loh, not the baby is the mummy! Weak weak, haha. Your number 2 in ifc too ?
hi all

finally my son is able to sleep thru the nite now
and some more, finally i have total stopped him from latching

thus, supply dropped tremendously.. and i gonna stop bf le & it's the end now as i only able to pump 80-100ml per day..

besides, for brushing of teeth, i wanna to start doing tat but may i know do we nid to rinse it off? is the baby toothpaste edible?
sperzz, yah the mylar balloons. this time round I am not getting that much stuff, cos prob no helper to put up the decor. Thot u want strawberry shortcake as the theme?
swan the non floride toothpaste is safe to swallow. Our babies are too young to rinse

sperzz, i may be ordering the normal balloons from babyterror, think they will fill with helium too and can do the decor. So may get them to do it since I have no help.
bbyang: hi hi
me have 2 JR, one is short coat one is wired coat..also drop lots of fur.. share the same sentiments as the mummies here..they r the baobei in our life before the bb arrive..so cannot let go of them no matter wat...even now they r still baobei just that more time and attention given to the 2 legged one
both roam around the house freely, bb will be in walker within the small living room..dont roam around too...and my gal "talks" to the two fury siblings..even though they "siam" her..cos she will pat pat than pull the hair

ni: no need to sorry nia
we mothers sure understand one...hugs hugs to mario

ashley: hiaz this is the SOP when we cant b SAHM..went through the same thing when place my gal with the nanny..heart pain pain..but sure u will br strong soon

mgteo: ya saw sweetie Claira standing at the door looking at mei mei throughout the class..must have felt left out not able to participate
sayang her
ni: so sad to hear what happened to mario lor... I used to have a 15 year old terrier and now a 3 yr old sheltie... understand lor... but mario is still v young to lose an eye... sigh...

bbyang: hi, welcome...yr bb is so chubby and cute ! for me, i use magiclean wipes everyday first thing I reach home - I only do the living room cos that's where my dog roams, I close the doors for the bedrooms. Also, I brush my dog twice a week instead of once as I find that it reduces the amt of flying hair... Of course, the best is the playard and playmat which help to set aside an area for my bb to roam lor...
mummies, talk abt housework... btw I got this pink colour Japan design mop from NTUC - $10 for the head... it's super good... this is my second one liao... really effective...

bbyang: forgot to say tt I've switched those 'cheong' wipes from Chinatown... able to pick up the hair though may not pick up the tiny dust as well as magiclean... I use magiclean only selectively... I use PT cleaner once every 2 weeks now...
mgteo: i mus tell u this... the St Regis sugarless is very nice... smooth and creamy and really not sweet... $46 for 8 mini snowskin ones...
ahsley: for the car seat..just changed mine to forward facing last week ..bb seems to enjoy more..cos previously she kept turning infront to kaypo

heard that front facing during accident (touch wood) will cause severe spinal cord n neck injury than rear facing
ann01jan: i still do if her last feed was 8.30 and by the time i want to sleep is 12..
and sometimes she wakes in middle of night crying, i will try water first. if water fails i will give her m ilk. usually she cries while sleeping. eyes still closed de. then she will drink until deep sleep. is that also dream-feeding?
janjan: ya, same here... leon last feed is 9pm... I sleep about 10.30pm after pump and then wake up at 12am to feed ... but sometimes will do things until 11.30pm, then dreamfeed before I sleep...
annojan. i dun specially wake to feed cos too tired liao. anyway if she really want to drink hor, she will wail until milk is putinto her mouth. haha..
I also have a dog, it's a border collie. It was a gift from my HB when we just started pak tor. It came as a surprise to me when he came to pick me up at the airport. But me very bad lah...I never take care of her only play with her. She only recognises my HB as the owner. She is so terrified of my HB...everytime my HB looks at her, her ears will automatically go down. Now the main caregiver is my SIL. Poor girl got neglected after the birth of my 2 girls. Now even worse after we have moved out from my ILs house nobody play with her. Claira enjoyed playing with her and bullying her.
Yes I've bought. It's nice but it is even nice if they have melon seeds with york. Hee..
Anyway it's for my mum.
mgteo: dont feel bad la. dogs will sure be neglected when the little one comes along..somemore u got 2 kids leh. sometimes i also neglected the dogs, but i try to balance. now that kyler can sit, we will bring the dogs down together with kyler for a walk. he even attempted to grab their leash lor
just when u go back yr IL there, can buy some treats for your dog? they very easy to be contented one
And I swear by Maxi Cosi car seat. It is damn good. Katie is using it now, passed down by Claira. I remembered once when my HB made an emergency brake and she was still sitting steadily inside the car seat sleeping.

that's nice to bring the dog and kyler for walk together. Oh no need to buy treats, just play ball with her she is contented liao...Ball is her life man...She can play until her legs 'lembek' she still want to play...
