(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

samval: now ntuc having promo for mamy poko...
M size 66pcs $21.20

babywoofie: gymboree i interested...havent try before. but can ask tanglin branch? maybe sel ^ cheekygal interested also?

morning ladies!!

i'm on leave on Children's Day!! YEAH!! was so worried when i applied juz now....heehee
bbwoofie: definately interested. I think i am available most of the weekends except the oct 16-17 weekend.

Haha, no lah, both Olivia and Darius too active, your girl so cute, she is really a happy baby, keep smiling!
mercsboy: sure..tanglin branch will be more centralise for all
good morning mummies, on diapers, I just started on Huggies Dry Comfort - BP $15.50 for L60. It's good lor... material thinner than fitti 360 and equally absorbent
morning everyone.. janjan reporting..

shyan is using huggies dry (blue one) recommended by ni. she's been on L for as long as i can remember. now come to think of it, now the L fit jsut nicely. last time like abit too big but i still make her wear L. haha

willting: thanks for informing. ya, i clarified with flufy liao. i blur lah. never check the account no properly, see my ibanking list got fluffy so happily transfer there lor.
Janjan: its I recommend you one meh? LOL. I forgot. But I like to buy cheap diapers for the IFC. Cos they change diapers like free sia. Haha. Heart pain. So now I am using Pampers comfort. Cheap also.

Bbwoofie: sorry, couldn’t make it yday, kyan concussed from 3-5pm, after the race.

Samval: kyan din get first lah. So no need congrats. He LAST infact. Haha.

Mercs: Gymboree is nice. Very similar to little gym. I like too. I went for the one at habourfront. Get enuff mummies to form a trial session. That’s what we did the other time. But one thing stoopid. U cannot take pictures during the trial session, if u wan ah, need to be member, need top up additional $10, that makes the trial session $50!
ni: i like pampers comfort also.. lagi cheap. some more branded wor.. PAMPERS leh. ya, u recommended me de. that time at cherry house, u say IFC use diapers majiam no need money, then say use huggies dry good and cheap.

kyan last ah. haha.. we had an eventful weekend. shyan fell from our bed. so now we squeeze her bed between the wall and my bed. now i see how she gg to fall. if still can fall then i really got nothing to say liao. maybe need to buy a play pen and put her low low le. still trying to wean her out of sarong at night leh. but its so tough.
So far, Delia had tried Huggies Dry, Comfort, NTUC, petpet, MP and Pamper Active.

so far all the diaper got no issue on Delia's backside.
Ashley: not all IFC closes on that day. Mine is open. Just that I wanna take leave for some “me” time and some time for him to spend 1st ever children day. U can check with ur IFC if they are opened on that day..

Jan: my weekend also eventful leh. And the saddest thing is my mariobaby is almost confirmed 70% blind in his left eye. Somemore he is so young leh. Less than 2 yrs old, felt so bad, wept a lot. Felt I have neglected him so much after I had kyan. Din realize the reddess and seriousness in his eye, by the time we treated it. It was too late.
ni: children day i conducting training wor. so cannot take leave. furthermore, i realise the CC leave here hor, must wait probation over liao then can take. if not will deduct pay. that day i kenna. hai...
ni: huh! mario is partially blind? poor thing...
i hear liao also heartpain man...

ashley: my side IFC is closed on 1st oct...not all IFC closed on 1st oct la.
oh dear ni, thot at first the vet said eyes were ok? so poor thing. Last time my dog also went blind in 1 eye but he was quite old, about 8 yrs old, then when he was about 10yrs old he was totally blind. Amazing thing is even with him blind he can know where to poo/pee in the toilet, and his way around the house.

actually today i dun feel like pumping milk, want to stop, then realised that I havent told Ashley that that was the last bottle of breast milk that she drank. So decided to pump and take pic and tell her
So bu she de, yet on the other hand, I feel more relieved when I dun have to pump.
cherryale: same lor..i will feel bu she de also..another 2+ more months then i have decided to stop le..
ask u huh...by then can reduce one more milk feed already huh? as in like milk for breakfast, lunch dinner??
ni, the last time we bought pampers comfort for #1 to bring to cc, the teacher used a few pieces and asked us to bring back. Cos the tape v difficult to stick and they refused to use. So ahtas right? So now I use Huggies Ultra or Fitti360. The speed where they used diapers is double of what we use at home.
Cherry: ya loh. Mariobaby is so poor thing. Till now as I speak of it, I will still weep. =( now waiting for the eye specialist for next appointment. By then, will decide if we wan to give him a fake eyeball or stitch up his eyes. =( my fren suggest I seek a second opinion. I went mt pleasant, was referred to the eye specialist, u think I shld? My fren recommend animal recovery centre.

I also feel like stopping bf-ing soon. Maybe cutting down to 2 pumps. Today I forgot bring bottle. So I decided to skip the noon pump, will just do morning n nite pump..
cherryale, ur son sch very mafan lei. I dun think they shld reject the diapers..if u wan to save some money, u can use Huggies Comfort. Also not bad, and cheaper than Huggies Ultra
willting: november i will reduce one more pump 1st, then slowly reduce to one pump lor.
now i am trying to accumulate some frozen ones as well...trying to collect more..
ni: oh came in last ah? then i read wrongly haha. but never mind lah. he get to experience it.

ann: i see. thanks
i find huggies dry better than the other huggies (the red packaging), cos its quite bulky at the crotch area.

we had an eventful weekend. yesterday went to my colleagues baby full month and Zac was being passed around to my colleagues to carry. he no cry so good boy. but later KO very early due to all the excitement.

oh, Zac fell from his COT on Sat ! he stood up to laugh and smile then boom fell down! lucky my floor got those ABC mat so din really kena the hard floor. but still cry. he went head down first.
Hi Jan Mummies,

I have been a slient reader since 2008, My Son born on 2 Feb and i can relate with u ladeis better interms of our child developement and growth.

You ladies are so intresting,iget to wind down by reading this thread during my pump session.
I only get to known Sperzz as she always help to organise BP thanks ya.

Can i join you mummies?

Now into pets discussion, I also have a 3yrs old jack russell she keep sheeding due to this my poor son canoot crawl or sit on the floor and when things drop on the floor need to wash haiz so much hassel at some point of time really wanted to put up for adoption.

Can you mummies share how you all handle? every day sweep and mop floor got time meh? Beside the shedding she loves my boy and she's very defensive dont let stranger come near to my boy if we go for walk.
morning ladies,

Ni: Poor Mario. Dun worry, he will adapt to it. My older one is almost blind, & always knock into our legs, into bb's walker. See already heartpain cos must be very painful.

xianz...me also feel like giving up bf. I want my boopz back! but then, if no bf...sure put on weight & cannot eat like now. dilemma....
bbyang: hi there...
i also got 2 dogs and they always shed fur too. wat i did is i only let him crawl in his room or after i mop the floor. or else usually he is sitted in his swing bed or in the play pen..
no choice, good also so that i can monitor where he crawls.
i wont give away my dogs, before my son they are my love...
i dont sweep/mop everyday la, where got time. i just try my best to keep the floor clean.
morning all,crystal fell consecutive 2 days durimg the wkend,wailing like mad.i doze off,so she fell down.sad sad.

now busy unpacking at my new office.sian
bbyang: yah, dun gif up your dog!!! my son also dun crawl around the house. i got him a playyard to crawl inside the playyard loh.. its actually good for babies to grow up along with the dogs..
bbyang: I also got 2 furry dogs. They are botak most of time. I only let my boy crawl in his room or sometimes the living room, after the floor is swept and wipe & when the dogs are confined in the kitchen. Yr JR got sensitive skin or it is the wired coat? Being lazy mum, I also dun sweep or vacuum everyday. I invested in irobot roomba, which helps me a lot. just have to put up with it, until the bb immune system gets stronger. my boy loves animals. He loves to pat my dogs & always wanted to touch them. But the dogs will 'siam' him. haha...
mercs, by 1 yr old should be 3 milk feed. Now ashley is on 4 milk feed cos she has 1 last feed at 9.30pm. Actually the books esp angmo books like gina ford recommend last feed at 7pm then sleep till next morning. But my mil prefers us to feed milk at 9.30pm so that they are able to sleep better. But once they have more teeth, got to brush teeth after the milk feed to prevent decay.

ni, maybe u should seek second opinion. For my dog then, there was nothing we could do cos he was quite old. and we didnt put fake eyeball or stitched up too cos it just turned 'grey' like a layer and the vet said no need. Since mario is young u may want to go animal recovery centre. Its the one at balestier right?
thanks for all the feedback mummies.

seems like giving up the fury kid is not a solution my BB also love the dog he like to pat, touch and pull the tail. He sit inside walker also want to chase the dog.

Bec my BB cannot roam ard the hse freely i brought so many things to keep him entertain.

I have 2 rocker, 1 walker, 1 swing, 1 exersaucer, 2 highchair + toyes i can open an infant care liao really faintz with 1 baby my hse is so messy. Then weekend is so precious not much time to clean the hse. Every Monday i will feel so shack.
Anyone has any contacts for good part time helper? Very soon i am going back to work liaoz, am going to send my helper back earlier as since my baby is in IFC, i dont need her anymore (don't want her to be alone at home also).

Thanks in advance!
ni hugs dont be sad maybe still got chance to cure. My dog also hospitalised b4 so i knew how it feels.

dink i think my JR got sensitive skin keep scratching and some time the skin will become red red.
any good IFC recomandation in Sengkang? I think i am going to send bb to IFC too, MIL complain BB is so active, she cannot catch up and he so heavy (10kg) carry carry she hand ache. tyring to drop hints lor.

i think part time helper $$ cannot save but the thought of it u actually can get all the work done in an 1hr yet u have to pay someone for $50 to compelete in 4hrs.
janjna: u din buy the first toothpaste for bb, that time sperzz organize spree. it comes with a soft brush u can wear on your finger and brush bb's teeth.. think watson also got sell.

blessed: how's lil cayden??? feeling better.
ni: ok... but now she still stuck at 2 teeth. also must brush? aiyoh.. i v lazy leh. i have the finger type of brush also. buy liao hardly use.
ni: better, but im stil keeping him away from ifc.. haha.. tink it w be for good liao

bbyang: sometimes $$ cannot save wan.. pt maid can clean windows, clean up kitchen, ironing and other weekly stuff.. i cant imagine myself completing these in one hour.. haha

janjan: better to brush...
janjan: i also got brush their teeth la...i used pigeon brush, sometimes use finger brush. kyler enjoys it.

bbyang: my bb also cant roam around...anyway, i also bu fang xin let him roam around la...coz alot of danger area leh
merc how u do it? shyan dun like me to put my finger in. i also scared she bite me. oh ya, nowadays she dowan my breasts liao..hehe
mercs: i also always have to have my eyes on kyan, my hse not baby friendly, too many sharp edges...

blessed: i am also not someone who can does hsework well, so i better leave it to the expert, pay $$ and get the job done. so who's taking care of cayden now???

janjan: i buy the finger brush haven use too. but kyan like the spiffles wipes. cos got nice smell mah. haha. he bites my fingers when i wipe his teeths!!!! oh, ususally when u all brush the teeth? morning or nite???
