(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

ni: u wan the food chart anot? it's a guide on was food to intro n wad food later at diff stage...i scan in color easy to see for some of them liao....ai mai?
cherryale: i carry a waist pouch leh...mine is a coach one...oh no...u dont like it...

ni: bb fair on...but i cant stay for long, coz need to fetch kyler ma from IFC..
mercs, aiyo yours is branded, my neighbours' waist pouchs looked worst than pai di tan ones. And the wife is v v fierce. She always screamed at the kids and looked as if the whole world owed her 1 million bucks. I always remind myself not to be like her, all stressed out by the children and become a very unhappy person. I think she was prob pretty when she was younger, tall and slim, big eyes. But being a parent has put a toil on her, so sad.

ultra, yah they put the pouch in front of their stomach. Cool or not??
dazed: aiyoh. shyan and jiahe 心连心 so cute... i haven't got time to go and upload the pictures. he 10kg ah.. shyan lose liao lor. she hovering ard 9.33kg

mamas.. thanks for your concern and sharing your babies' fall stories. seems that our kiddos are more mobile now liao, so more prone to such accidents. we gotta be lagi alert le. tiring sia

just now shyan very laogai, so i put her on the daytripper and sent her to clementi cc to enrol her for the baby show that is to be held on 1nov. still got a long way to go. i jsut sign up, dun even know wat it entails
janjan/dazed: think u all realli feed ur babies so well leh.. well done!

dazed/ultraman: yah lor.. so fast.. just started packing only.. just hope the baby jet lag won't be too siong.

Anyone if got tips on baby jet lag can share with me?? Thanks!
i share a secret..my hb tonight automatic leh, the moment i sat down to use laptop, he poured a cup of water for me. hehe, maybe felt bad about wat he said this morning
sus: i don't think so that i feed her well leh.. she nowadays like not as hungry for milk as she used to be liao. only drink 120ml milk lor. but she sleeps alot. my mum says sleep will grow faster than eat
cherryale: Yah that's what I thought also. Must be carrying pouch in front. I don't like people put it in front. That is why I put it behind. haha...
Bunny: Voted. But pic not a good choice le... Matt has so many nice pics! The background for this one is too distracting liao, so tend to focus on the background & not the handsome boy. Can re-submit photo? I love his BLW photos. They are so natural & outstanding.
Morning ladies!!

EmQ: Agreed! I really loved the one with the carrots. Hey you brought ur kids to Europe b4 izzit? Got any tips on how to adjust their timing over to EU time?

janjan: icic.. really a blessing if baby can sleep a lot hor
Morning mummies!

EmQ and Sus: don't say like that. It's very tough to choose the photo for this competition. All so cute. Keke... Next time will ask all of you to choose before submitting for competition.
Voted for the matt and kayden! Hope they win. :D

Hi Shann, when do you intend to send for the shichida class? I am torn between GUG and shichida. shichida's services is really bad.
morning mummies! Sperzz, hope you're feeling better today!

Pat, okie, if you see the float, please help me buy it. Thanks much!

Gelato, I think it was the first time talking to you, but seen you in FB alot of times. Hee..you're soo slim. I must gambade le
morning mummies!

sperzz: u feeling better already? ya lor..i searched high and low for the cubes...then cant find, end up the food gave my dogs to eat..wahaha..short of one lor..i estimated just nice ma.
then i told her, that cubes cost $1+ each ah...then she oh....
precious bb: i guess she tot it is disposable...
my SIL also dunno what is it leh...
anyway she is skipping cereals and purees...straight away jump to porridge le...
precious, I also think so...they toth is those cheappo microwave box bah....funny thing is that the cheappo box they will wash n clean and such a small cube they find obstruction
morning mummies!

need your help to recommend confinement lady & I need only day-time. i heard it's good to start early looking for CL coz they get booked up fast. bcos I have #2 & EDD on Apr 2010. Very fast rite, I also take a while to calm down.
sperzz: i think u gg to say i waste money. i buy the cubes till now the cubes still mei-mei in the box in the drawer. i dunno how to use leh. i dun make puree leh
congrats yiwen! ur #1 is also in our thread Jan 2009 right? so u r the first to get preg in our thread! wooohoo.. i miss preggie days! but of cos not NB days...

sperzz: u back to work already???
wow! congrats yiwen! yday we just mentioning about who to be pregnant 1st! that is very fast!
u stop bf already?

dazed: funds transferred yday hor...
mummies, tq!

Ni, yes my girl born in jan09 now 7mths.

janjan16, you "jia u". My #2 is unexpected, the 1st bb tried for 2yrs than have now even take prevention also kena. aiyo...

Sperzz, last round we met is in jun & haven't pregnant. Now in my 7 weeeks.
yoz! its time to get moving.

gathering at Janjan house:

u girls prefer 29aug or 12 sep?

1. sperzz
2. kelly
3. will ting
4. pat
5. ni
6. piyo
7. cherryale
8. flo
9. blessedmum

mercs: i was seeing my FB pics, and one of my fren jus gave birth to a 3.7kg bb! wow. i miss preggie days wor. haha. i so contradict myself, one moment dun wan give birth one min wan to give birth...

yiwen: so is # 2 a ger or boy?
