(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

yiwen: congrates!! u long time no come in...once post it's u preg again....bringing us the good news....

mercs: aiya....i thought u'll b the 1st to make that announcement.....heehee

yiwen: wow... i try 5-6 years then strike shyan leh. always think not so easy to strike no 2. anyway, we hardly have activities, so i think want to strike also hard. hehe. ur period return liao then strike or u still bf?
They must be thinking its too small to contain anything lor..it’s cheap but still heart pain hor.

Actually I have not been making purees regularly too. *guilty* From now on, I MUST set aside some time to make and feed baby purees, must be more hardworking . Must motivate myself and learn from mummies here

Cherry, Thanks for the tip on yogurt. Do we feed the yogurt straight from the fridge? Cold? Or room temperature?

Janjan, how did doctor conclude Shyann has slight concussion after the fall? I more gancheong spider, the first time baby fell from bed was about 11pm, we rush down to KK A&E, cus baby lips were bleeding and chest was reddish. But after checkup and x-ray, everything was ok *phew*

Regarding babyshow at CC, we went for one on Sunday, cus my frd’s baby was going too. Actually, it was very tiring and hot, I doubt we will go for another babyshow again. Too time consuming and the prize was OK only. But for the experience, can participate and try try for fun. Unexpectedly, Baby came in 3rd in his category.

Anyway, Time for work. Tata!
Sus: I think tavelling for tour & travelling for stay is slightly different. Tour you want to make full use of every waking hour there... stay, you are staying for a year... can slowly adjust...

I shouldn't think that there is too much to worry about for you ba, if body jetlag, just sleep it off... only a couple of days... or at worst a week? Just make sure you have ready food available for the family should you guys wake up in the middle of the night. Cos US is unlike Sg where food is available 24/7. Or if your HB is flying there 1st to get the apartment settled, etc, then even better.

Some ways to get round it, though not always foolproof... is to align yourself to your arrival time a few days before departure & also on the flight... i.e. if you are arriving in the evening (local) time, stay awake, as much as you can on your flight. So that your body wears off & you can sleep upon arrival (which is their sleeping time). Conversely, if you are arriving in the morning, sleep as much as you can the entire flight, so that you are so fresh & awake upon arrival.

I find that the flight helps cos it's so super duper long... & you won't know night or day... cos shuttles down at times & at others, you are travelling across time zone, can feel abit luan qi ba zhao... but dun bother, just align to arrival time.

Then again, we adult can adjust, I'm not sure how to tell BB to do it.

I've not brought my younger ones across time zones, so can't tell. But I think babies are supposed to sleep/ nap anyway. Just let them lol.. maybe since you are looking after Calab youself (without help?), you might want to align to his timing instead... cos even if u r aligned to local time liao, but he's still adjusting, you still need to stay awake to care for him mah...

Just my 2 cents worth... from a combination of material I read in travel guide books on bringing kids/ babies, personal experiences & thoughts... really Nova would be a better adviser for this... *smile*

BTW, I just recall, if you are able to make a trip to the local library, do check out their guide books. There are plenty on bringing young children & babies across time zones...

My problem when I brought #1 was that, we travelled on SQ with plenty of entertainment & both father & child could stay on it the bulk of the entire flight! We were arriving in the morning, so had to keep nagging the gal to sleep lol...

No, please dun give cough mixture for nothing & without dr's advice. When #3 was down with flu, a few weeks ago, Dr did not want to give any med, other than the nose drop. Cos she mentioned that it was mild & antihistamin may cause bb to stop breathing altogether! You won't want an unnecessary emergency. Just let him b, babies are smarter than us at adapting...
mercs, yes I stop in 3rd moths. Aiyo, you have feeling that someone in Jan09 thread again pregnant.

yanling, one of my colleague c-section & have #2 after 8mths. But is Unplanned, you have to get gynea to advise.
Wah actually I don’t mind trying number 2 now leh. Cus I prefer closer age gap. But, due to $$ and house reno, we’re putting it off till rabbit/dragon/snake year!
ni: same lor! i also miss pregnant days and when kyler was 3-4mths old, cant flip that time, best to take care...
now he happy happy cry happy happy wake up in the middle of the nite...so tired.

suika: choi!...i dont want to strike so fast la...havent slim down yet. my friend told me must slim down 1st then pregnant, or else the weight will get stuck...

precious bb: make one shot wont so tiring, i usually make those more chim on during the weekends, one shot, then fruits i make during weekdays.
coz i feed kyler dinner also so my cubes run out quite fast..i bought 3 bb cubes though...
Yan: I thought my gynea mentioned best is 2 years. Hee, but i think if want still can one lah.

Yiwen : Congrats! Me like merc lah, if can confirm a girl, i confirm quickly go and have one. Hahaha, at least now still remember how to handle an infant, few years down the road all forgotten liaoz
ni, too early to tell but hope is boy. So one girl one boy become "好" than close factory wahhaa.

janjan16, strike after. This time round haven't have MS, hope better don't have MS.
yiwen: no la..coz we just talking about who to get pregnant 1st...didnt expect really so fast u kanna lor..

precious bb: same with my hubby thinking...but i dont want yet...
precious: mercs also wan rabbit bb ger, u two can hold hands in the same thread. oh, suika also. haha. :p

mercs: i damn lazy in making bb purees leh. anyway kyan only has special taste, like pear and apple nia. give him other he will give a yucky face. waste my effort and time! i giving the bottled purees first.
yiwen congrats!! Tats real fast!

ni: i want a rabbit bb girl too lol.. wish only

i havnet started my bottled purees at all leh.. been givin homemade thruout..
Precious: Yes, close age gap is nice! I find gap between #2 & #3 (18mths) more fun, than the gap between #1 & #2 (5.5yrs)... I'd say leave it to nature & go for it la... I also went thru renov & shifting while preg with #3! But no stress, maybe cos we have been planning for the house for 3 yrs liao, so already stashed aside funds for it la... except irritating that I cannot personally oversee everything.... has to delegate to HB & maid then...

At the moment, we are leaving to God for #4... but if I'm not preg by next Apr, will close shop liao... cos by then #3 will be 15mths... dun want to go thru the hassle... also age...

You young ones MUST have more... esp local Chinese... otherwise, we get too many imports from you know where...
i received some sms and feedback liao.. u alll super efficient leh.. let make it 12 sep then!!

precious_bb: doc touch touch head, neck, legs arms body then shine torch at her eyes and ears.. then conclude she slight concussion only, everything else normal. so ok. and she so active, doesn't look sick at all. glad she's fine and passed the 48hours monitor period liao
ni: if confirm girl...i want it now..wahahaha...no la, just joking. come leh...u also plan for rabbit leh, want to see u in the same thread ma.

erm...bottled food i think the taste is more strong, maybe coz u started with bottled one, so maybe kyan reject fresh ones? very easy to make one...a mixture will be good...i give both bottled and fresh ones..
steam steam and grind only...then mix mix...doesnt look appetizing to me la, but when i tasted it, not bad leh.
Merc: i dont like my preggy days leh, i morning sickness from 1st trimester till i gave birth....zzz loh.

Ya, recently my boy always wake up for nothing, me and hubby = panda already.
so this morning hot topic is abt 2nd pregnancy? kekeke..

janjan: ok, 12 sept ur place! must bring own toys? keke. u need one more playmat anot?
precious bb, my sis & mum mention to me is good to bring up both kids together. But I not prefer now no choice...My HB must work hardder

Ashley, later I scan a file to upload from the list you can know which mth conceive is girl. My # 1st one base on the chart is correct. Hope #2nd also as per predict & to be confirm after 12wks.

btw, anyone can recommend CL for me?
ashley: should be better than suika rite...suika vomitted blood leh..
i miss the pregnancy days coz i dont have morning sickness ma...
the only prob is almost pre term labour nia...
mercs: haha, ok loh, for u, i try one more! haha. but so zun in the same thread one meh?? if nt in the same thread, i ask for permission to open one new thread, name it as "jan 09 alumni" hahaha.. too close to u, cannot b in diff thread! i started kyan with homemade one leh...
yiwen: now u started sourcing is it abit too early?
erm, day time CL i never heard before la, but i think will be quite ex...
i can recommended my agency to you...i used agency one, more ex at $2k and u need to pay the work permit of the CL...
bliss confinement
may: 82336846
clare: 98548666
haha.. ni, u still remember shyan got limited toys ah. i think no need extra playmat cos dun have space. hehe. abt toys: i think better bring some boys-toys. cos here only got girls stuff and one toy car.

emq: i am so lost.. how many u have actually? all natural without epidural? wah, leave to nature really alot of things will happen hor. i think i better take things into my own hands lol
yiwen:congrats! first one to strike in our thread. =)

my boy fell on his face yesterday at IFC cos he was trying to stand up without any support plus IFC said he wear socks so more slippery..got one rosy patch on his cheeks now..babies these ages are real active hor.
Ladies, lets day you all have a second one liaoz, will you still go back to the same gyn?

Yiwen, thanks! Pray pray a girl this time please!!

Merc: ya, but hoh suika still look very pretty during her preggy days, not like me, big round flat face with big nose. haha.

Mummies, can anyone add me in fb to the singapore motherhood group?
[email protected]
ni: wahahaha...i also too close to u la...and kyan. we set date to try together lor..wahahahaha...joking la...talk rot only..
but seriously i really hope to be in same thread with u next time...
daymoon: gotta ask teacher to pay more attention to him now as they are very active thus need more attention.

Ya nowadays they really very active, thats why i really love my play yard now!
i also. i really enjoy the comfort and joy that u girls have brought. we have stuck to each other since the day we reported to this thread leh. feel so close to one another. make my life much more bearable, esp during confinement
daymoon: oh dear i hope zh is ok.. yes really gotta pay more attn to him now ..

ashley: high 5! I love my playyard too... lol more than my cayden
janjan: ya...u know my best friend...she got 4 kids...all natural without epidural ok! not operate one...and she is only 29 years old this year! u said Li hai or not?
i dunno how she tahan the pain man...
daymoon: oh...ZH is ok...now this period we must pay super lots of attention to him...

ashley: i got the play yard, i install liao then uninstall again..keke...occupy space lor...temp dont need it yet la...he is not crawling yet
ashley: answering ur qns, i WILL NOT go back to my gynae, he is way too expensive. and its seems not much difference frm normal gynae. maybe i will go for adrian woody..

mercs: i had a very enjoyable pregnancy, no MS, no vommit blood, nothing.. only a swollen tummy! haha..

jan: sure, will bring own toys :p
ni: don't say too early ah.. pantang de leh...

i think i will go back to my attitude-problem gynae. cos he cheap and good ah!
ni: me also lor...no prob one...only the almost pre term labour...
u knw, i will think 2nd one sure more problem one, will opposite of 1st one...
ni: me too leh, i also think my gynae overprice. But woody waiting time is always super long. Maybe will go joyceline wong. haha.

Aiya i think i think too far liaoz, still bf chances are nearly 0.
play yard is really gd ah? tempt me leh, i have been thinking of whether to get anot leh.. really occupy space. but i need it to keep mario away frm kyan and his toys! cos mario damn kaypo. keep wanting to lick and smell smell
then who want to go to my attitude gynae? he is abit attitude la, but he's cheap lor. and can just take mc and book fm from his nurse and take alot of freebies

merc: wah, ur fren so steady ah.. i want to have one shyan alr try since 29 years old. now also lao-kok-kok liao. so scared if kenna no 2 got no energy to run after the kids leh
ni: i find play yard good, i can leave my boy in there in peace. Now that he knows how to crawl abit, very hard to always keep a watch on him. But really takes up alot of space, about 6 homogenous tiles space.
janjan: ya la...me one natural w/o epi already want to die liao...she can have 4 natural...salute to her hor..

yr attitude gynae who?? mine also leh...can give hospitalisation leave also leh...one mth also can...
mc lagi shiok, can just call and tell the nurse u want mc..keke
mercs: ya lor. i actually can tahan contraction. but cannot bear the tot of episotomy, so faster opt for epi cos it seems like a trend. but my anaesthetician is good. he make sure i still can feel contraction. my gf hor, she cannot feel anything at all. so end up with over strained body. cos cannot feel mah, so anyhow push lor.

my attitude gynae is at singapre shopping centre. everytime i go check up the nurse will ask if i need mc to cover for the check up. then everytime ask me wat fm i want, she will keep for me. then i will say i want bm. got stock or not. haha. he is hubby fren la, so he more excited to see hb then to see me lor. thats why i say he attitude

Ashley: bunny and I will definitely go back to the same gynae. He is Dr. Paul Tseng. Some mummies find him very handsome. I find him damn cool. Haha...
