(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

suika: wah...so enjoy go spa ah...girls day out huh...i might want to go taka also..
go afternoon KTV la..wahaha...but i dunno still can sing or not leh...

ni: quick...plan for ktv...

ni: paiseh, that day msn with you half way, shyan plop from our bed to the floor. she cried so hard then i also cried

this morning she puked, so i ganjeong spider brought her to doc to put my mind at east. shyan is 9.33kg!!!

aiya, fri i start work liao, cannot go taka. ni/suika: help me look see if anything nice to buy or not then let me know, can?
ni: u wan go spa or go taka? heehee

daymoon: i move hse lost my logbook liao :-( dun noe where i dump it....think i shd still b able to find my diving card....mi oni beginner, thinking go for advance but i very jalet...no sense of direction ley
mercs: i sing song machiam kill chicken one leh. cherry, kelly n pat can tesify for that! dun wan to spoil ur eardrums! haha...

suika: no spa la. no $$, taka ok. i rather spend the spa $$$ on toys for kyan...

jan: wow, start work still can come forum... not bad ur new job...
i help u see gd lobangs! toys or clothes??? poor shyan! ok le???
suika: doc say slight concussion. but since she still active as normal, and behaving normal, should be no problem. ask me to monitor till 48hours. if vomit a few times or other symptons then see him again
janjan, you also ah, jiahe last week also fell... hehe... but he ok, cry a while stop liao... i just weighed him yesterday... 10kg exact.

taka fair, whoever go please report good buys... hehe... too bad, me is on leave oni end sept liao... taka fair till when?

shann, got include me?
Shann: I cook Jon's porridge using my rice cooker. Works just fine w/o grinding the rice prior to cooking.

Bunny: Have voted for Matt.
sparkletot: Here's an article that you may want to read. http://www.soilassociation.org/News/NewsItem/tabid/91/smid/463/ArticleID/97/reftab/57/t/Soil-Association-response-to-the-Food-Standards-Agency-s-Organic-Review/Default.aspx

This is in response of an recent article regarding Organic food stuffs. As for my supplies, I usually get it from NTUC or Jason. They are either near to my home or work place. As for the cost difference, it is due to our import. If you want to get reasonable price organic stuffs, then you have to drive them to pasir panjang there to get it from wholesaler.

Basically there is huge price difference because there aren't many organic farms out there as compared to the current ones.
shann, pm u my contact.

ni, mercs, suika, kelly, there's taka toys sale on fri?? I want to go. KTV, I also want!!!

janjan, aiyo, pain pain. Poor Shyan. She really heavyweight, think Shyan can flatten Ashley

mercs, u dun listen to ni, actually she can sing quite well wan. hehe, our hbs should meet, ni's hb is K-ge king, my hb also likes to sing. But long time never sing, dun know whether can sing or not. My hb is also my best k ge-partner
ange: oh! ok! then i have it! hahhaha... will start porridge when she is 7mths. (soon) ern is damn picky abt food manz... faint* she refuse pumpkin, sweet potato, carrot (so far all the food i try on her.) she only takes cereal.
Shann: But I add more water. E.g. 1/4 cup rice, I add to nearly 1/2 cup point for water. Gota experiment abit to see how Baby Ern likes her porridge. ;)
shann,we bought the fuschia pink gap romper from querida for either 4.50 or 6.50 only. Can get from her, she still has stock. Not sure about the rest.
today i got urge to buy toys...die lah, one day is urge to buy clothes, then buy books, then buy toys then the cycle repeats again..like that how to save for their education.
ni: u see...pian ren de...cherryale said u sing very well lor...
same la...now buy things will spent on the kid..

taka fair starts next thur lor..
jajan: no wonder i dont see u online today...how shyann now> that day kyler also fell from the bed...

shann: grind rice is to speed up the process of cooking...dont have to grind if u have time...
mercs: u went missing ah??? pump milk? haha. i forgot all about pumping too engorsed on the computer. just pumped too...

no lah, i really dun sing well. yes my hb is the k-ge prince! i rem when he try to pick me up ah... the first qns he ask me, do u sing, and i said yes! haha. den when we go for our first date to ktv, he was stunned! i sux at singing! :p hahaha. den from then on, he not very keen to go ktv with me! hahah. and keep saying i bluff him!
Hi ladies, just to share, BMSG (breastfeeding mothers support group) is having an event on 22 August to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week. You can visit the BMSG website for details.
mercs, whether sing well or not is not a problem. We really had a lot of fun the last time we went ktv. That time actually we still not so familiar with one another, i think this time if we go surely more fun.

Ni, quickly arrange leh!

shann, querida now got no maid mah, and its for the next few mths, she wouldnt have time to reply.
ni: ur hb wanted a singing queen s his laopo har? mi super long no step into ktv liao sia....think got 4yrs liao ba....my hb cannot make it in singing n since then i oso no go liao
shann: hv u tried mixing the puree with cereal ? that's what I do and it's more acceptable for Leon... lately I notice he likes food that has more texture also..
ultraman: its taka baby fair..sure got toys

ni: so nice of u leh...ya i went pumping lor...remember i told u 1 hr work now will take 2 hours to complete leh...this forum is tooo attractive..

shann: u dont need the thermal cooker la...i tot of using that cos it save time for me..." on the way" cooking u see...

cherryale: must be fun la...that day at my house already fun lor...i just showed my hubby the pics yday...he gave me a very stunned look...he said how come his house become warehouse sale ..wahaha
ultraman:its more than toys,more like a baby fair so quite a whole lot of other things.

mercsboy:want to grind rice but didnt have time,i dumped everything into the pot before i went to work and evening time,everything is ready so hubby just fed.zonghan these days dun really like the bumbo liao and usually mealtimes,i dun let him play toys so he can focus on me and the food.keke..

ni:me also 3 day week..going JB for course on thursday and friday,my first night away from my boy..think i got separation anxiety..haiz..
Julia Gabriel Play Nest: 3 SLOTS available..

Hi, I'm from Dec thread and we're organising JG playnest .. I have 3 slots avialble. Please PM me by end of today if you're keen to join us..

The proposed Date: 24th August, Monday, 1 p.m.

Who's keen?


The playnest program will cover:
- Shapes
- Color
- Story telling
- Audiophonics
- Music / movements
- Outdoor play (swimming and etc)
- Art & craft
- Organic snacks

The cost - SGD37 plus 7% GST

24th Aug, Monday, 1 p.m
1) 2nd bb (confirmed)
2) joanne81 (confirmed)
3) ikeike
4)Jowinbaby (Confirmed)
5) zachmommy (confirmed)
6) Echt (Confirmed)
7) Fabbie (Confirmed)
8) Iris
9) Merydith (confirmed)

mercs: i also keep track of your movements one! wahaha... so.. u be careful :p you hb stunned ah? haha. sorry for messing up ur hse leh, did u have a hard time cleaning and tidying up???

suika: ya lo. last time hb v into singing one. he got stardom dreams. haha, gt join competition one
