(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

ni: today heng ah kyler really never give me problem...now he KO le, dunno will KO until what time...but today he will be sleeping with me..coz me alone ma

missycandy: you are most welcome...we stay nearby only ma...must maintain contact ok...but anything PLEASE DONT psycho me to buy hor...dont learn too much from sel huh...
missycandy: your girl also ride the horse?? i bought at toy rus sale at united sq that time...only $10
but i think now should still have, just blow up yrself
Ni, orh okay. Next week I'll pass Kelly the stuff. Haha, maybe cus I started him swimming in the tub very early? Anyway, once they start to crawl and gets active v mah fan. Jensen gets a few bumps everyday, I kinda immune to it .

Mercs, no sales leh. I bought $79. Yah, we saw quite a few, but thought this is good, cus the top part toy is detachable, can use it even after baby outgrow walker. Oh, you are really superwoman. reno also you in charge. kudos!
precious: so swimming helps ah???? CHERRY! can i go your pool every weekend? hahaha... jensen has strong legs, next time can join man u and be 1st singaporean to play for man u leh! hehehe...

mercs: i din see at tampines toy r us leh. maybe tampines one limited toys. which is the biggest toy r us in SG ah?
precious bb: oh...i bought at $49, that day at the toys fair taka got FP one...but hubby think tis one is better, coz can take out.

i also hope kyler dont learn to crawl lor! skip that man...or else i really bo bian need to install the play yard le..

ni: think vivo one quite big..should be in packet form, need to blow up one...
i bought it ready blow up..
ni: i let ur officer K train this recruit K lah....hahaha

mercs: if kyler dun wan that 'red toy' liao let me know hor....Kevan's glued to that....esp those 'ears' hahaha....pls clean again hor...he've marked them liao :p
Ni, haha, you're v lucky, can pop by your neighbour place for a swim anytime, for me, we recently signed up for Safra. I think it kinda helps, but it expands their lungs too. Meaning, they have may have more strength to scream louder ! Toysrus, I think the one at forum is quite big. Paragon too.

Mercs, Yah FP have quite a few, but I agree this is better. I missed the fair at UE SQ leh. Hope they have one soon

Pat, I went to vivo toysrus, I still can't find your float. I think I give up finding, but I really like it alot!

My TV is fix on EPL too..LOL..guys will always be guys..

Flo, the sean lau one must be good! Actually we have a budding photographer in our thread too. hahaa
precious bb: i let u know if i see the toys r us sale next time...it was spotted by my hubby one. but its really messy and dirty one or else box spoilt...but it is really cheap..
suika: kevan wan to join K army? must sign up as recruit first. kekee.

mercs: next time got sale, i want go with u, u can really dig! tat time i also go wif my hb for the toy r us sale, he so impatient, end up i only buy one pathetic vtech laptop...
Hi mummies : nice meeting all of u, tho i was there only for a short while. =)

Missycandy : thanks for bringing my HT stuffs over... & really paisay... left them wif u for so long. =P
mercs - no prob! hehehe! il psycho sel... she wil psycho u.. nt me =P hahah! ya kirsten rode the red horse for awhile... find it really cute! heee heee.. okie mus go check out toys r Us! actually after giving birth, ive not stepped into Toys r Us... if not HB will kill me ... lol!

gelato - aiyo, no worries babe. actually i jus put it one side... only worry is wait expire u also havent collected LOL
mercs, yup! Please let us know, so that we can get the good stuff too! In fact, my box was torn too. haha.

Gelato, it was nice meeting you too
missycandy : honestly, i forgotten abt them until i was reminded... hehe...

Precious bb : nice meeting u too. This is the 1st time we meet rite? =)
they all busy shopping n chatting.. hehehe.. n eating...

gelato u stay nearby?

there is one more mummy i spoke to.. stays admiralty... who huh? forgot le.. =x bb's name is ethan...
missycandy : i used to stay in wdls. shifted away ~2 yrs ago.

oh i think it's bawbaw, if i m not wrong? but i din know she's there... aiya.. i oso blur blur... hehe...
gelato, all busy selecting wares... no time for group photot... haha...

mercs, you mean the pony got to blow yourself? thot is like bumbo wor... hehe... i think jiahe like it too... to chew on the ears! i wonder if chewing will make it lau hong... oops... hehe...

missycandy, i think i saw you get a huge pile of bibs! hehe...
gelato, normally oni the underside will come in contact with milk... but today mine on top also have milk leh...
hey, i really have fun today.. alot of mummy i never see b4.. tat's y i not tok much. any mummies have songs lyric for baby?
dazed : if it's leaking, can't pump rite? cos' 'lao hong'... but if the milk is trapped below, i think it's fine... if seeps thru the top then it's abnormal le... if u get what i mean... =) sorry, me no good at description...
i have 1, but dunno where to get replacement... in case something like this happens again... i think that's why so low ss, and got lumps! i also want to get replacement petal... very yellow!
dazed : i ever asked abt replacement parts when i was pumping for #1.. in the end, i find not worth, got a brand new pump during sale more worth it. but now, i dunno le...
gelato, thanks for the offer, it's ok, me got spare... but where to get huh? main office of avent? cos i dun remember seeing shops sell...
gelato - yaaa its bawbaw.. hee hee.. poor memory.. lol! thanks

dazed - ya.. hee... i bought for march 6th bash... plan to give each mummy 1... =P jus nice.. marks the start of solids
dazed : did u hv any change in diet? mercsboy was telling me earlier on that eat or drink not enough will oso affect supply... my resolution for next week is to EAT & DRINK more... hehe... for the sake of increasing ss. =)
dazed : ya lor.. anw, if u need the part juz let me know. i seldom use my manual pump now... so unlikely to touch the spare 1.
wow so many postings.

flo, u missed the fun today man. Correction ni, I spent $80 + $2. The last $2 was for a bib that I saw just before leaving Mercs' hse

my hb thot i gambled cos now EPL mah, he into soccer betting lah.

mercs, you really got a lot of toys at home. Kyler is a lucky boy. Next time got Toys r us sale MUST tell me okie?? Actually your plc is already v neat lah, 1 baby 2 dogs leh. Wait till u see mine. My study room can easily fight your room where u hang the clothes. And i got maid at home leh

maid came back from shopping today and had headache. Need my mum to give her panadol somemore, dun know how to go and take herself. She said she was caught in the rain.sian, better dun fall ill, maybe like people who have resigned, mc rate will go up.

precious, thanks for taking ashley's hankie back..sorry to bother u hor. Pls pass to kelly when u see her next week since I think i shd be meeting her at Jan's plc. Thanks!
