(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

pinkie: wah lau your colleague looking at tummy or boobs huh????
pinkie pirate: ahhaahahahhahaah!!! so funny! men will always be men! sigh.... my stupid boss also was asking me just now, why is my backside so big now? i just felt like stuffing the whole bowl of beef noodles that he was eating into his pants lor!
YA...tell me about it! insensitive creatures... my silly husband was asking me the other day, why are my boobs peeling...told him i also dun noe why so dry till peel...he asked me, am i making milk or making wine? (*#&@^$(*$&(#
sel: if is the old lady, then she is Mdm Chua if I remember correctly.... there's lot of complains abt her on her attitude lor.... think she been working for Dr Ang for quite long time.... she's like that one... sometime good sometime bad...depends on her mood...also kena her rudeness during my 1st pregnancy....

what time u went to the clinic... they open till 4.30pm for today.... normally when i go, i just put my booklet on the table & take a seat... but with no appointment, sometime got to wait for 1 hrs - 2hrs... sometime, those with no appt too & came in later than me, get to see doc 1st... sometime really annoyed ... dont know how they arrange the things too
haha zill...
ur HB very funny lei... gee....
i try to squeeze my boobs see got COLOSTRUM ornot... but :p dun have
hi all (sorry to intrude),

i'm selling my Quinny Buzz (3 wheelers) - Sulphur color (apple green)

its Brand New with Local warranty.

Warranty is still not filled as the guy at BBHyperstore said to bring back BB's birth cert after i deliver and warranty will start thereafter.

And it can be reclined totally and allows forward facing too.

Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested.

Letting go at a very good price!
2boys_mum: ouch! not pain meh? my boobs are still sore till today leh... & of course, still peeling!
ur husband hor.. haiz.. speechless leh..

thot today no afternoon clinic de.. i always make appt in adv de.. the only time nv make appt i kenna this, suay la..
samval: drinking too much cold water not good for both mummy n baby so dun drink too much

sel: can guessed so....some of my friends encountered this too...more like strictly by appt type

Zill: I'm like u too...ppl 2nd tri supposed to be very relax but i very tensed up at work so still no mood to shop on things

Pinkie: ur plc toilet so clean can slp on the floor? so nice....mine stinks...coz some guys like to use the handicap toilet so very smelly
zill: my hubby during 1st tri noticed my boobs like got abit bigger den now he ask me like smaller again liao ley....so sad he no even bother abt my tummy hor
suika: ahahahahhhaa! dat's why i say, they can really be insensitive sometimes lor...
ya ya! i also leh! i cannot stand too long if not back very sng then very easily tired... then no mood for everythig except sleep!
ladies: saw from other threads that the Taka BB fair, Avent has more 20% sale for the product and Huggies Newborn pampers is cheaper that in supermarket and disney baby clothe is selling at $10
lol... u gals are funny...

yah men either look at butts or boobs.. ur colleagues aren't very pc yah??!!

My hubby always look at my tummy and say it's getting bigger, making good progress!

Have an obvious baby bump now, so dare to wear fitting tops already and dun need to wonder if pple will think i'm fat!!
sperzz: wah! sounds quite worth it for the Avent products but buy pampers now, a little too early or not? the disney baby clothings looks tempting too cos everyone here can buy either mickey or minnie mouse stuff!
sperzz: i hope tonite i wun hv to work till too late then can drop by taka to see...

do u all think getting pampers now a bit too early?
Hello ladies...
haha.. u all really funi.. toking abt men's interest and boobs.

my boobs also kinda dry, so I apply moisturizer or the Clarins bust gel/lotion.

So excited! Im going to the fair tomo!
miaiko: any kind of moisturizer also can? my ones are dry till very itchy leh... then worse thing is that i cannot scratch cos it's sore...can go nuts like that man!

so envious leh...u guys all can go tomorrow...i think by the time i go on the 20th, only left with minimum selection liao...
ZiLL: Im going to the fair tmw to check out pricing first. Hope I can come back and update everyone on the prices. I try my best k?

My dry boobs also itchy, and so embarrassing to scratch in public. So I use Nivea Body moisturizer. But dun apply onto the nipples. Best is Clarins Bust lotion / gel which we can use during pregnancy. Dun use those perfumed moisturizer.
sel: did u check out the prices? i no check wor...n wad brand is good? wad if buy liao bb no like use?

any experience mums to guide on pampers issue?
suika: cos my gynae's appt on the 20th & i don't go town on normal days unless it's during gynae's appt cos it's difficult to park & always jam & somemore now i so easily tired....better avoid getting frustrated...somemore hubby weekdays cannot accompany me cos he finishes work very late...so wait till then lor
miaiko: ok, i'll go check out the clairins one...i'm desperate liao!
i din really pay attn to diapers yet leh.. bt heard drypers CMI one.. think mamypoko seems like nt bad... think maybe dun buy too much first.. in case baby allegic to it or watever..
ZiLL: I should be back to the fair on 20th (also after my gynea visit for detail scan), to make the decided purchases.

Clarins bust gel to use in morning and lotion for nite. Both can help firm and prevent stretch marks!

do ur boobs been swelling all the time? mine seems to swell on and off. hmmm...
suika: to me I think newborns easily poops if drink breastmilk so I think no need to get those very expensive mayb Pet Pet or Drypers will do. But when they r older, day I will use Pet Pet and nite I will use the good one (pampers or Mamy Poko) as they can tahan for quite long time and not leak. Remember to buy diapers that r not plastic type bec the diaper is too non-airable.
miaiko: wow! you so fast detailed scanning liao ah! i haven't yet man...my 20th appt is just normal check up....
yes, my boobs swell at times till very painful...
sperzz: thanks for the advice...i'll pop by today at taka to see what's there....will keep u ladies update on wad are the things there......

anything u all wana me to see for u first? i can try note it dwn coz shd b quite confirm gg tonite to see
ZiLL: hmm... remind me.. where is ur gynea? Mine at TMC so it's quite norm to be scheduled for a detail scan at about 20wk.

My boobs sometimes dun swell, and I will worry if it's growing. Will then touch and check out the size. keke *blush* Duno if my skin is thin and Im quite fair, but I can see obvious veins on my growing boobs leh.
miaiko: my gynae at Mt E,just opposite of taka nia..hehe! the other day i heard my gynae told me,my detailed scanning will be at 22weeks...

same same!!! my veins very obvious till very scary...keke!
if u dun mind washing.. can get the conventional cloth diapers for daytime and use only disposable diapers for nite... will save alot of money wor... and save the environment too..
ZiLL: Yah! my veins too. Veins r showing very obviously around my hips now too! oh dear.. We MTBs are very wei da. Waddling ard like penguin and tolerating the unsightly veins.

Anyone got varicos veins already?
sel: i'm leaving that to my godmum coz i won't be the 1 washing...heehee :p

how come everyone's boobs getting bigger....mine still like the same ley
sel: tues & thurs is till 4.30pm... maybe Dr Ang got operation to do today.... most of the time when i go w/o appointment, i will just wait lor... unless they said doc got urgent things to see to...
suika: ur boobs still the same but baby growing then no prob lah. Else, muz buy new maternity bra. I just bought 1mth ago, and now, the bra feels tight again. sighz..
Miaiko: i just bought the bra extension oni.... not my boobs growing ley....it's my whole size is growing

i don't know how's bb's growth wor.... oni know everything's ok n normal no nid to worry.... heehee that's the style of my gynea
suika: hmmm.. yah.. bra extension is a gd option too. but if boobs growing, then gotta get bigger cup size lor. U noe the maternity bra is cotton and unpadded rite? sometime my nipple show thru my shirt even *BLUSHHHH* then I try to wear very loose-fitting tops now, hopefully can hide.
suika, i am still around but going off soon. waiting for hb to pick me up

on diapers, for newborn I like pampers newborn, its also the same one used in quite a number of hospitals so we just continue with it. Then we started to buy Mamypoko S size once he outgrow the newborn and at night we will use Pampers S size. Then when he progressed to M size, we switched to Sealer (cheap and good) for day use and Pampers for night only.
