(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Sus, I get hungry very easily too. Feel so scared that I over-eat so trying to control very hard.

Samval, my hb doesn’t allow me to go to zoo while preg.

Pinkie, who's your gynae?

Piyobb, I got Graco EDT for my no.1 and still using it for no. 2, very steady and gd, 4yrs liao.

suika & babystarlet: can click on the link to view the pro & con of the sterliser


Suika: i was also like u last time..... went to the Baby hypermart, Baby kingdom & baby fair to look look see see... but once notice that the px is abt the same, think Kiddy Palace is more convenient...
did any of the MTBs bought the prenatal heart listener? i just bought it from another mummy. (although this is my 2nd pregnancy, but im still excited like a first-time mummy. LOL)
i tried but cant find baby's heartbeat.
i scare baby no more heartbeat or what.
xpink_xuanx: no worries, I think the BB is still to small and difficult to find the heartbeat, I used the listener at a later stage.
Jesline:thanks for ur link.

Any1 going down tonight?maybe can see each other there.hee

Btw any1 knows what is those liquid cleanser refill for? if we use steam steraliser,we still need to buy those liquid cleanser to pour in?
babystarlet: the liquid cleanser is for cleaning the milk bottles b4 putting the bottles in the steraliser... for the steraliser, just pour in tap water will do
sperzz: my friend bought luckybaby at chinatown for $280.....since ur mums doing the pillow for u den u save abit there....

Jaseline: really no point going there see? nothing cheap at all? i thought those maga plc wld hv some good offers
samval, i read from Mother and Baby mag that zoo is not advisable for pregnant women due to the faeces in the zoo. SO i am refraining from bringing my son to zoo till i give birth.

Emq, you brought up a good point on sharing of bottles. Hmm, i must also think of a way to make sure that maid doesnt mix up the bottles. For newborn not so bad cos they can take the small avent bottles for the initial 1-2 mths until they start to drink more milk. But long term wise, it will be difficult to differentiate. The teats will be different since newborn will use the slower flow teats compared to toddlers.
suika: that is ex $280. I think less than $200 shld b able to get. shop arnd for the stroller, did u see it at Taka fair?
babystarlet....combi is bcos it's light and ease of handling while capella is bcos much more spacious and looks more sturdy....

giggler....im rather fond of travel system which not many brands carry but saw a few from Graco starting from abt $400....but mostly cant be reversible....

pirate...keep hearing abt bumwear but no idea wat it is....we will be using partial cloth diaper (conventional ones) for daytime untill cant tahan the washing then diapers....
suika...for lucky baby can go giant, or AMK NTUC...saw quite a few range there...

sperzz...lucky baby not at the fair....stroller are mainly on the mid - high end range...
piyobaby: do u think the fair is worth going? I very scared of crowded place. Go there and in the end nothing much to buy. I got no intention to buy stroller, sterilizer and cot as I had passed down from friend...
sperzz...if dats the case then I guess no point going unless u wish to get breast pumps, clothing or accessories or if u have the time and take it as shopping....wow so nice to have handowns from friend....we still trying to ask for cot...
piyobaby: thanks, then dun think will b going there. I am going to KL this weekend so might get some clothing from there, it might b cheaper as there is sales also
Jesline:thanks for the explanation.

sperzz:good for u since u gt so many passdowns.my friends so far only 1-3 married,rest not.somemore married ones no kids yet.

anyway i tht about it,i shall buy now since is my 1st baby and i can keep for my 2nd one,hee.
sperzz: the fair selling not cheap ley.....

i just heard from my colleague that can bring dwn old milk bottles to the fair n get 50% off for pigeon bottles......
suika: u can go there & see see ... long time never been there so not sure whether r they having any promotion or sales or any new items there that r cheap.....

sperzz: think KL will be cheaper since they r having sales now... plus now the exchange rate is 1SGD - 2.36 MYR...

mummies: for my 1st kid, I dont really used the stroller as me carrying her using the sling... it was till when she abt 8-9 mths, then put her on the stoller if we going shopping near orchard or other places if not think carrying her is better as difficult to travel with stroller if w/o car....
For stroller my friend with kids say take note to buy those that can open/close with one hand one (easier for mums alone) and also to get less bulky ones cos Singapore malls are so crowded its hard to manoveur a bulky one

yup I was at JB just that day and the baby clothes are quite cheap after converting (safe on the exchange rate).. but the jam is not exciting =p

thanks mummies for your advices =)
I think I will not buy stroller for now. Probably wait till after I deliver. First month won't be going out much so will wait a bit. But I need to get a car seat so will look around for one. Also need to get another car because my current car is not suitable for bb. Looks like a lot of expenses building up.
Was at IKEA last weekend and they hv some simple cots, cheap also. One very basic one was 75 bucks. Hubby and I thinking of buying a cheap one, use for 1 or 2 yrs and throw away after that. Was at Great World City and one shop was selling cot for thousand dollars cos can convert into this and that and can last for so many yrs blah blah blah. I think I can buy a new bed every year for that amt of money, hahaha
haha pinkie pirate.. yah lor.. sometimes I wonder y those cots are soooo expensive!

welcome shea!

thanks suika for the pillows link... soooo cute! feel like buying even for myself haha

btw there is a thread on kaki bukit: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/578191/1082500.html?1212248502

Seems that the stuff there are not really cheaper.. but my friend says they have more special stuff worth checking out like baby bathtub on a table with drawers beside.. she says it helps her bcos she doesnt need to squat or bend down to bathe the baby..
shea: welcome to the big family

sus: Ikea also got sell this type of table, mayb u can take a look at their latest catalogue.

I think for stroller, need not get those very high end. I agreed with Jesline. If u travel w/o car it is quite siong....I rather carry my BB than pushing the stroller at crowded place...
for 1st time MTBs, you might want to invest specially on getting a good breast pump and baby cot. since these 2 are the ones i find can be reuse/pass down to your future #2 & #3..

regretted that i did not get a good electricial dual pump during my 1st bb, thankfully have a friend who will loan me her's. we bought a baby cot that can be converted into a junior bed from robinson the last time that cost us $300++. find it really worth it bcoz now my boy 2.5YO still using it as we change it into the junior bed when he turned 2YO. so will convert it back to bb cot when my #2 arrive. the cot is still in good condition. save quite abit in terms of this area.

just my sharing =)
hi mummies, i am back from my gynae visit.

this time round, bb is curled up sleeping. so kawaii. but saw bb moving the head. legs crossed, so gynae still dun wan to confirm the gender.

going for my detailed scan on 4 sept. cost $120.

oh ya. a bit confusing. the scan shows i am 18 weeks already, but gynae says i am 16 weeks. so should i based on my bb scan growth or what the gynae says????
Nl: maybe yr baby is bigger then what normal baby is at 16week that why the scan shown baby @ 18th week.. think should listen to gynae

rachel: agreed with u that should buy a good pump if intend to breast feed.... during my 1sr pregnancy, i bought a manual pump but later buy another electric pump but not much milk.. not sure whether is it my problem or the pump problem.... partial bf baby till abt 3 mths & stopped....
oh ya, can considering getting a sling instead of a stroller now for a start. my sling from Moms In Mind serve me well for a good 1 year before i stop using it and change to stroller. when #2 arrive, the sling will be back to good usage again. no need to get a stroller this early, just keep a lookout for great bargains.

i got a soild wood cabinet from Ikea 2 yrs plus ago with a foldable changing table and drawers. till now still serving me well. am now looking at getting an additional wardrobe to transfer my boy's cloths so i can open up the changing table again and keep my #2 stuff. been looking through the ikea catalogue and have narrow down a few.

check with you all, is it not advisiable to have any installation in the house while we are pregnant?? am thinking whether to custom-made a wardrobe in my boy's bedroom or get a off the shelf one. of cos custom-made will cost more.
Dear all, would like to join this thread as well =) my EDD will be on 2nd Jan 2009.

For breast bump is medela really a better choice compare to avent? I'm searching ard for the baby cot as well, thinking to get a 2nd hand one.
sus: fair oso got sell but i see the cover design not nice....selling at abt $12.90 i think...

Nl: u gg where for ur DS har? i'm doing my DS on 4th sept at TMC
Ni, should follow gynae. Your scan measurement just means ur bb is growing bigger than average.

Rachel, agree with u abt buying good breast pump. Is it advisable to buy a good one first or buy an average one and wait till your nilk comes in or until ur breastfeeding is smooth. My fren only breastfeed for 2 months cannot take it liao. I am considering Medela Freestyle or PIS Advanced but not cheap so wondering if I should test run on a cheaper one first and switch later?
Did u buy a new bed for your 1st kid? Must factor in also the cost for second bed if comparing cost savings in the long term for subsequent child.
ChongBB: welcome here....i've got a friend who bought medela's pump but she dun finds it good n borrowed my other friends avent pump n she says avent 1 better........i think this is up to individual....if not wrong this 2 are two better 1

rachel: it's myths...but try to avoid, i juz installed shelfs for my store....what they say is if really need to then u don't be around....esp if there's any drilling or hammering to be done....so when they install u go out lor.... for mi i stayed inside the room till they done n left.....mine no drilling or hammering coz oni install the metal racks n put in the boards
Pinkie, my prev gynae was Dr Chan too. He's professional, good lah but too ex for my wallet this time round.

Cherryale, I used diff bottles for both kids, Vane using Avent and Sherwin using Pigeon.

Piyobb, it's true that most of Graco's are not reversible.

Shea, welcome!!!
i guess its the stress that affect us greatly on our bfing. not to mention we were 1st time mum to begin with. i got myself too up tight and had abit of post natal depression. that explain why my supply is not a good as it should be. only manage to squeeze my breasts for 7 mths on bfing. this time round i want to do better, am sure you can too. i had a manual pump too and later got a single electric pump, found that using the manual one i got more but very tiring lor. so pump itself is another factor too.
i'm also thinking of getting a sling. A fren recommendation Moby wrap: http://www.mobywrap.com/, she said easier to use compared to moms in mind's sling and her 2 kids always fall asleep when carried in the sling, so must be comfy for them.

I haven't decided to buy stroller yet cuz my apt has no lift, i dun think i can carry bb, stroller + barang barang up the stairs.

pinkie pirate i saw convertible cots at kiddy palace ard 300+, tot those will be more useful than a standard cot, since can convert into a child bed at later stage.
Hi mtbs....just went to see my gynae earlier bcos of heartburn & bad stomach....he confirm that 90-95% it's a boy...although he point to the ultrasound and show the little birdie...we cant see it totally...looks like my dream came true as yest just dreamt of mi 'disciplining' a toddler boy...hee
rachel: maybe is stress plus not enough sleep as i'm the one looking after baby day & night lor and the most i can squeeze is only 40ml per day which is not enough for my baby lor....
Thanks rachel.. will check out the cabinet from IKEA.. not sure whether to buy a new cabinet for baby or the attached one with the foldable drawers is enough..
I read that the baby can start to hear around 17 weeks? so too much drilling I guess you can go hide somewhere?

thanks suika =) will keep a lookout at the fair.. now I think maybe I will go fair next weekend cos my gynae appt is on Mon to find out sex of the baby! I will talk to baby like you all to open legs haha.. the fair is on till quite long rite?

NI: Your baby sounds happy and sweet =) happy for you =) Im also not sure of my EDD cos I didnt take note of my period so now Im relying on the baby measurements to mark my EDD.. haha hope my baby is of average size so I wont be in for a surprise delivery =)

take care!
do get a good pump from the start if your pocket allows. normally it takes about 2weeks to a month for our supply to kicks in and a good pump will relieve you from unwanted stress or discomfort. i personal like my avent manual one bcos like the petal that allows my letdowns to come faster. thats why i was looking at their electricial one.

as for bed, we are planning either get a kid's bed for my boy or just go straight to a adult bed. still scratching head on the sleeping arrangment when my #2 arrive. as my boy now sleep alone in his own room and bed, dun wish the newborn to disturb him in the middle of the bed. still find getting a good cot that cost around $300+ is good investment =)

oic, got it. thanks
Deluxe, 300 plus I think is quite ok. But I am not bothered abt converting to child bed or how long it lasts. I rather spend less and buy again later. Moreover I planning to hv more than one kid so will hv to buy another bed anyway. In the end I think it will be around the same expense, provided I don't spend thousands of dollars, but advantage is that don't need to fork out so much at this period when we hv so many other expenses. My fren's bb refuse to sleep in the cot, just want to sleep on floor mattress. Wasted money on cot. But 300 plus sounds reasonable, will check it out.
Rachel, ya I think 300 plus is good enough and looks like you maximised the use of it. Thanks for the info on breast pumps, ok I will just buy the good one from the start. Actually that saves me the hassle of finding a cheap one. Finding a good one is already a headache, Hahaha
Piyobaby, congrats on finding out the gender! Just in time for u to go shopping at the bb fair for boy boy stuff.

Giggler, ya Dr Chan is expensive... Sigh... But ok la, that's the only negative thing which I think in a funny way turn out well for his patients, because less patients and waiting time is short and he never rush through consultation. Any comments on him during delivery? Heard his stitching is superb which is one of the reasons why I chose him.
pirate...thanks...not going to spend alot on clothings and all for Baby but it does makes shopping much easier without the guessing game involved....ask for handowns oso much easier...keke

me too! totally a zombie during the 1st 4 mths =S

mine is L800xW400, with 3 drawers under the folding table and a self aboue it. so with the folding table is kept close, i will have 3 shelves in total. good enough for my boy's cltohs, since no need to doll up boy in the 1st place! keke

hey hey, another boy boy to our list! congrats =)
