(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

ZiLL (zill) ya lor. I also worry that i will buy and buy.. non stop..as we know bb stuffs alot thing is so cute & sweet!

pinkie pirate: oh...for me, i guess as long as i get to eat proper food & recover back my health asap & bb's being fed & looked after well...housework, i can get my hubby to do...actually i do pity the CL cos it's CNY & imagine, she has to be away from her family & chinese believe when women just given birth, we're very "dirty"...imagine they're willing to come look after us during this "dirty" period & worse! during CNY.... do feel bad for them...
piyobaby: i also stretched thru CNY

cjteng: ya la! then later all kenna nagged by hubby(s) again for buying so much "rubbish" women will still be women!

samval: oh...cos he said, bb inside too long no good also..they might start eating their own shit...so 1-2weeks earlier is the best timing...& most / majority of his patients pop 1-2weeks earlier....
Zill: i'm not too sure, i'm taking her coz my ex-colleague just used her n told mi she's good...so i just take lor

piyo: how abt getting those partime maid? $10/hr...get her come everyday a few hrs to do up all the washing stuffs for u? that's another option if ur hubby is able to help out too and food u can get tingkat that shd be able to settle most of ur worries esp u not working at that time mah so night feeding at most tired have to keep waking up oni
pirate...if I were to engage one...the main task for her will be to cook proper confinement food and of cos helping out in terms of caring for the Baby for mi to get sum quality rest if possible...of cos it would be much beta if CL is encouraging & promoting BF...would helps a great deal too....housework is secondary at least for dat on mth so if she can helpout then will be ideal....

CNY = high costs for everything...even food will cost much more and might not get fresh ingredients over few days of CNY so gots buy & stockup...

for ur inlaws + relatives coming by...take it as enjoying in the celebration ba since it's only for a short while....furthermore wif ur big space at home...still can get some privacy in ur room wif baby lor...
hey ladies....i've bought a dress from IMM yest...simple n yet can wear thru whole preg type...it's those loose loose dress @$10 oni....can go see....it's at those small push-carts at lvl 1
hi all!
yes my gynae also said usually first baby will pop earlier... and tats not for me or him to decide.. its the baby who decide... Provided u mtbs going for natural delivery..

suika, sperzz: i had cramps last week.. i also got v worried.. went see dr woody... first qn he asked was i got go toilet poopoo every day anot... so if u gals havent... it may be due to constipation thats causing the stress and cramps... i took the medicine and felt better now
so long theres no spotting, it shd be ok..

suika: my baby was abt 18 weeks when dr woody took the variuos measurements and the weight of the baby.

would be going down to the fair tomorow to seee... havent decided wat to buy yet.. tink may be bit too soon for some items ..

for CL, im also not hiring anyone... my mum wanted to help out.. also tink my hubby will be helping out too.. goin to take leave... but will be engaging someone for massage.. read in other thread got this malay heritage jamu massage.. seemed to have v good reviews.. most prob w be getting them.
ladies: CL to me is not a must....some will think that with CL u can have a gd nite sleep but think of it, as a first time mum if u hear the BB cry in the middle of the nite I am sure u will still wake up to see or feed BB with milk. Come back to sq u still need to wake up. Dun forget with the CL, u still need to give them $$ to do marketing and I think I will cost alot.....
suika...dats another option although housework not top priority....might go for confinement tingkat....hubby will be ard for abt 2 wks after CNY so might be possible for us to handle....
piyobaby (piyobaby)ya.heng.. cos hb told me yesterday that BIL give us that.. if not.. gg to spent alot of $$..
suika: i went to spring maternity at suntec branch & it's super huge! total damage done : $295 for 7 tops & 2 bottoms after all the discount.....these have to last me for another 5mths! i told myself, i cannot buy anymore! i dun even dare show my hubby...if not later....the nagging will start again.....
blessedmum: at first i'm also considering in taking from heritage jamu....had got their emails on their packages.....n alot cheaper oso...per session abt $45 oni at first i felt expensive but who noes i ended up taking someone charging $75 *faint*

piyo: that's y i suggest u can get those partime maid hrly charges oni $10 mah to help do up the washing n ironing stuffs at least ur hubby oso no nid to do so much n yet not too expensive oso....even for me although my godmum is coming to help me but i'm still paying her as well coz she gonna quite her job la....n i see CNY all those meat n fish sure very expensive 1....am thinking shd i get tingkat oso coz i see the food like not too bad wor....den she no nid to do so much things
blessedmum: I have cramps frequently. But I juz make sure no spotting and not pain till I cannot tahan else even u go to see Dr he will also ask the same question and the most is ultrasound again. Actually I read mag stated sometime the cramp will due to infection of ur vaginal
Zill: i went to alot of shops selling maternity wears but finds the price too steep and i oso not really like them too.....so now looking at those doll like dresses, cheaper oso mah
Zill: that sounds like a good deal. Hehe I've been meaning to check out Spring Maternity, but never got round to getting down to Suntec. Hehe
suika & ange: go check it out..it's worth the time & money... really! i also initially very lazy & reluctant to go but i "forced" myself to get down there on tuesday & viola! had a time of my life! hahhaha! don't waste time on the other small outlets.. go over to suntec...

i'm very cat & very particular when coming to buy clothings... so spring should be a good place for u guys!
Hello all, can't keep up with all the postings.. no time to pop in so often at work.

I've been wanting to order some tops from moms in mind but haven't gotten round to it.. tot of gg to the bb fair but dun wanna squeeze with the crowds. Hb hates crowds and shopping centres, doubt he'll go with me. I dun think i can get any hand me downs after asking ard. My cousin sold her stuff abt 6 mths ago since her youngest is already almost 2 yrs old. Other frens din revert too.

HB asks if pple will give big ang baos during man yue celebration.. anyone knows?
de_luxe: heehee for me i doubt they'll give....coz most of my relatives are quite old liao...not working ley where got so much $$ la and as for friends...all so big spenders mostly will get those baby gift packs ba...so i oni intend to get mayb like 1 or 2 sets of new clothes for man yue wear den later see what i got from gifts then will buy more ba
hi all, i also never got round to spring maternity @ suntec... cos i got stuck at precious mum, which is a few shops away...
haha... but its enuff for this round of pregnancy liao... no more buying..

i tried to console myself that these clothes will last for another round.. haha.. so its still worth buying :p
I dun think I will have the man yue celebration....bec I mostly to give birth end of Dec so manyue is during the CNY. The catering during that time will be ex...
i also dun think will be having man yue celebration. maybe just get those cake vouchers and distribute out.

ask you ladies, issit true that preg women cant attend other ppl's man yue celebration? cos my colleague is inviting us and some are saying i shld not go. never heard of it leh. heard that only for wakes, then cant go.
thanks for all the concern...

came back from the clinic.. abit pissed with the rude nurse.. din see the doc cos the pain had subsided.. only get mc to cover my absence today..
hehe.. maybe we see each other there... will be there during ofc hrs to avoid the crowd.. probably will choose a time to avoid the ERP..

wat time u gg??
samval: I heard so....dun attend manyue, no gd to the BB....mayb u can chip in the gift but remember dun eat the cake but give u cake voucher is ok....but is up to u to believe or not....
had a hard time catching up this thread..

hi samval, i was told best not to go.. so I'm giving my colleague's daughter's man yue celebration a missed.
samval: preg cannot go ppl's man yue? oh no....my friend's wife juz gave birth last wk...like that i cannot go liao lor
suika: really? hmmm.... but as long as u can find nice & cheap ones elsewhere...who cares right? hehe! i bo bian cos i big size so cannot like many gals, anywhere also can...
hi suika, hb actually also advisable not to go but if you guys not really that super pantang then shld be ok.

my hb cantonese, super pantang so asked me not to go, I only give AP to my colleague..
sperzz & showy: thanks for the info. ya my colleagues also tell me best not to go. but how abt ang pow? can give? some of them say cannot, means just don't do anything.

what u all think?

sel: you went allthe way there and din get to see doc? if i were you, i will tell the counter staff off! i can't stand it when ppl are rude, especially service staff like them. somemore we are paying so much $$ adn under alot of stress due to preg and they like this. you can complain to your gynae when u see him during the next visit.
was abit pissed off la.. but it's only like 10mins walk frm my place, so nvm lo.. anyway, the pain is gone.. if the pain still there, i'll be v upset lo...
sperzz: i see. ok thanks. btw whick type of cake you referring to that cannot eat? cos another of my colleague gave birth and she gave us those bengawan solo vouchers. that's ok rite?

sel: ok lor. most impt that the pain is gone. oh ya, i checked with my gynae and ask her if can rub medicated oil if got pain and she said can. but only those Axe Oil brand. the rest not so safe as come contains clove oil which will cause contractions. or take those rubber hot pack and place on the tummy for relief. last time my previous gynae told me to do that when i got menses cramps.
will get a bottle of axe oil to standby... bt dun really like the medicated oil smell.. bt guess got no choice lo.. thanks ya..
sel: wad's the reason for not allowing u to see the dr?

showy: if like that think better not let him go oso...heehee i'm that type if not very hard things even if it's myths, will still try to follow :) coz i no wan ppl to start blaming here n there if something goes wrong....*touch wood*
suika: agree. sometimes even though we don't believe, sometimes just follow in moderation. my MIL typical cantonese woman so everything cannot this cannot that. i cant even drink cold water at home! must hide. if she see me, that's it. will nag for dunno how many weeks.
she asked if i got appt.. she said no appt den doc cannot see u.. guessed the appt schedule is too packed bah... bt den there are less than 5 ppl in the clinic.. nvm la.. wat's over is over.. just dun like the way she tells me lo...
No more bb fair till next year? Oh dear, ok then I better go and take a look at this one.

Last night played mahjong till 2 plus am, today a bit stoned...
sel: if i was there and she said that to me, i will tell her "my stomach hurts that's why i'm here and since you turn me away, anything happens, i will hold u responsible"...then i'll walk away.

cant stand this kind of ppl.
pinkie pirate: dun say... i slept at 930pm,woke up at 7am, now also a little *diong* liao!! very very sleepy leh!!!! dun know is it true one...i read a lot of ppl say, 4-6mths are honeymoon period for pregnancy but i now 4mths liao... still lost in the moon leh...damn tired man!!
Zill, haha, I was really really tired towards the end of 1st trimester. Was disappearing to the office toilet to take naps! Luckily our toilets are very clean and if I really cannot tahan I will go to the executive toilet and lie down on the floor to sleep for a while. Hahahaha.
pinkie pirate: IF my office got executive toilet for me to lie down & it's clean, I WOULD ALSO LOR!!!! now i only can go to the toilet and put down the seat then sit sideways & lean my head against the toilet roll dispenser & wall!! don't know why till now still feeling giddy & tired leh.... my cousin told me, this will end when i get into my 5th mth nia...*faint*

i also cant stand this kinda ppl... i cant walk away la.. still need to get mc.. lucky i nt in the irritable mode...

i dunno which one is mdm chua leh.. the old old one lo.. she speaks v loudly de...
