(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

piyobaby: hahahahah!! dat's funny! huge watermelon!! hmmm...maybe i should go when the baby's fair is around the corner ba...

zill....sounds like it rite...hehe. baby fair @ taka starts from today till 24 aug if im not wrong...not too sure if it's too early to buy and wat we shd start buying....
yaya. baby fair.. hehe I will be gg tomorrow afternoon time with some of good friend.. as they say sat sure alot of people want.. also worry that I might kana bang by people..so we choose to go on wkday.. hehe
anyone also gg baby fair tomorrow?
cjteng....dun be surprised to see crowds during wkdays noon oso....I might b popping by lata to take a look..recee abit...hee
Morning ladies!

Buying bb stuff - I hope to buy later maybe end of 2nd trim or start of 3rd trim. Reasons are a few - electrical items like breastpump will have warranty which will be wasted if I buy too early and also I might get some hand me downs or gifts (since I hv not told anyone abt my pregnancy, I have not got any offers yet haha). But I think good to check out which are the good brands and prices too. So can start "window shopping" and do research now. Maybe later we can do some bulk buys together heehee... Anyone knows if there are any more baby fairs later in the year?
piyobaby (piyobaby) ya I know.Guess also alot of mtbs this yrs to next yrs. nvm go and see.. if cheap then buy.. cos now we dun know what we need .. sometime when you buy too bb stuff too early.. end up someone pass to you better one. like pamper or those personal use want I will buy as first.. shampoo, those wet issue..ect..as those cant be give by people. hehe..
pirate...realli salute u for able to keep the suspense from others for so so long....I an only aware dat taka baby fair which is usually the much talked abt baby fair happen twice a year....guess end of the year shd have year end sales from most of the merchandisers....
Ange: i did not paid deposite for mine...juz called her to inform her of my EDD oni

Piyo:i think they can take quite a few bookings but i believe must depends on the area oso ba...i'm not too sure but if u're booking from those massage plc where they hv a few ladies in a grp then ok ba....i kiasu abit scared EDD too close to CNY den cannot find

Zill: i called her around 6+7pm like that, maybe she's busy that time ba or i over sensitive but juz feels from her tone she abit yaya attitude like that....if u want her juz call, heard from my friend she not bad...but we don't hv to take the number of times of massage she's recommending....that time she told my friend to do 20times to slim dwn n get back in shape but in the end my friend oni did 10times n she felt it's enuff liao....so this part we hv to take note don't blur blur pay so much extra....each time is $75 not very cheap hor

sel: pls be extra careful....i'm oso having cramps n pain on the tummy here n there...dun noe it's my tummy stretching or bb moving or wad....just not feeling weird weird like that....if cramps get bad i'll oso go back see woody again

Tell u ladies somethings nice....this morning i took a very crowded train n at JE alot of ppl alighted train but i'm not able to get a seat....then i think the lady beside me sees me panting away and i'm wearing a very loose dress today can feel that i'm preg....she pointed out to me an empty seat at the far end....then i quickly walked over to sit down.....
so nice of her coz she's alos standing n she could hv just quickly walked over and sit down herself.....
samval:did u bring yr daughter to see doc??? what did the doc say abt the fever?

ZiLL: me too just confirmed my CL this week for 2.5k... also staying with me for 28 days... looking after baby, cook for me & doing some housework....

piyobaby: think it is still better to get someone to help during the confinement period... as it will be very tough for the mummy.... I experienced it the hard way for my 1st pregnancy.. did hired a CL that time but cant stand the way the CL handle the baby & keep saying sensitive things in front of the baby which I dont like.....& keep saying my milk no enough lah & etc... so in the end, I pay her for doing nothing as I am the one looking after baby day & night... including feeding, washing of bottles...encourage to get a CL especially if u r opting for C-sect....
cjteng....dats true but sum items can b purchased lor such as milk bottles cos I dun think will use handsdown....wet tissue dun buy 1st ba since it's so early...wat if by then due to improper storage dry up...
cjteng: i might be going down today to take a look....if i'm able to leave early from work today....although i not very small size but seems like i'm always transparent to most ppl so i no like go town during wkends...heehee
pirate...cost is one of the factor as it's way too steep..on top & above would be privacy issue...it's still a matter of weighing the pros & cons....=)
I was wonder.. a few of them are taking the same message lady.. can she able to do it for all? as mtbs timing of labour is quite near leh.. Hmm..
suika: ya ok... will take note of it.... but there written $450 with 5 times massage & 1 time slimming massage... $450 inclusive of slimming massage?

cjteng: hmmmm... then i think i'll go to the baby fair after my check up on 20th of august, opposite nia... he he!
sperzz & jesline: thanks for the concern
spoke to my mum and my gal is ok. guess this time its just mild one and not those high fever thing. nope din bring her to see doc cos still have those cough mixture and fever med at home which is still new.

sigh...any idea how to improve their immune system?
piyobaby (piyobaby) ya lor. okok.. will see see and decide later to buy or not to buy first..

Now I have settle of few stuff liao.. as for baby bottle, my borhter gg to pass it to me.. and trolley & bed, BIL will pass it to me.
so happy.. those exp want have let me save alot of $$ liao.
Even brapump, my friend will pass to me.

suika (suika) ya lor(transparen).today i wear abit tight pool t-shirt.. yet people saw me in the train.. also dun wan to give me sit..and act blur to closed their eyes and sleep.. other a few time.. some aunty or young people will offer me their sit.. some will look at me and guess whether I m preg or not..
pirate..will keep dat option in mind although the most crucial period will be the nite, any indication of cost of daytime CL..have not discuss wif mum too if she could help out
pinkie pirate & piyobaby: i went to find out about daytime CL for the period that we're giving birth... it's about $2k...some dun even do housework for u...
zill...if it's abt $2K...might as well go for full time when they cover more duties and help to take care during the night too...guess it's due to the period we are giving birth ba....
piyobaby: ya... for another $500-$600 more, we'll have a peace of mind, why not? at least now we know...if we're gonna have 2nd or 3rd ones, try to avoid CNY period!! everything is so ex during tat period... CL ex, food also ex...
ZiLL, pinkie pirate & piyobaby: think CL also charge different costs depending on how many kids u have... came across 2 who asked me is this my 1 or 2 pregnancy... told them 2nd & they said they wil charge 2.8-2.9 as they r already charging 2.6 for the 1st child ... got to spell out our terms clearly to them....
jesline...dat is oso a concern when it comes to CL...rem my neighbour oso have prob wif her and end up sending her away after a few days....so end of the day back to square one...we might consider engaging a domestic helper but of cos food will still remain as an issue and not all helpers can help take care of the Baby well....
cjteng: oh ya hor! how come i never think of that!!! sigh... but i hate to go town over weekends leh.... & to make things worse, i don't know what to buy somemore! *faint* like got A LOT of things to buy leh...
zill...anyway din noe dat EDD coincide wif CNY and so very near lor....sumtime things dun turn out as planned...for tis pregnancy..we din plan the timing and would have thought it's over CNY....overwhelmed by conceiving thus din consider too much then...hee
piyobaby: oh... for me different, i didn't want to have an ox bb so dat's why last min planned to try for the year end mouse....THEN! until now then realised....uh oh.....
piyobaby: I also tried to send off my CL during my 1st pregnancy after 3 days but if send her off, got to pay her the full amt which think not worth it lor.. so in the end, I looked after the baby & let her do all washing of baby & my clothes.....
cjteng...u are so lucky to have so many handdowns....save alot lor...baby cot + stroller will be the major ones as hardly anybody will give away...clothing for handowns I should be able to get a handful...
zill...dats why things sumtime dun always turn out as planned....noe our Baby still has the option to decide whether to be ex or mousey.....let the decision up to Baby...haha
ladies, the massage package rate may not be up to date. please reconfirm with respective massage lady when you call...
jesline....im not too sure for my neighbour's case but dun think she paid full amt....for u would be more lugi lor since washing of clothing can be done by washing machine so the only pro is she does cooking but poor thing u have to take care of baby urself...
ZiLL (zill) recently I got post the buyin list.. for reference.. U dun saw it? ya really alot of stuffs to buy..U see now your side any one having baby.. maybe can ask them to pass to u so that to cut cost.. as we all know bb stuffs is quite ex..some more alot of thiing to buy leh.Cloths dun buy too many.. as they grow fast.
piyobaby: hahahaha! but mine is confirmed before CNY cos gynae said, i'll confirm pop 1-2 weeks or maybe even 3 weeks earlier than my due date 21.1.09.. he he!
wei.. by the way.. I think i have some preg woman milk power that my friend pass me.. anyone drinking those milk.. I dun wnt to waste and it is brand new have not open yet.. I go home and check what the bramd.. if anyone want..let me know..I pass to u.
zill..im not too sure abt my pop date as yet as last EDD shown from Oscar is 26 Jan which is 1st day of CNY...fainted....haha....mayb at later stage he might advise a more accurate EDD...anyway most probably for 1st Baby...will have tendency to pop like 2 weeks earlier rite...
ZiLL (zill) for your info as a reference!

I find it in other thread.

Checklist for first-time mums

hope this is useful, esp for all mums-to-be:

Baby’s Room
Baby Cot
Musical mobiles/ Merry-go-round
Mattress (3" or 4")
Pillow/bolster case
Mattress protector
Changing table (optional)
Cupboard/Chest of Drawers

Clothes for baby
Cloth Diapers (Can also be use to wrap baby)
Nappy liners
Blouse/shirts - long and short sleeves
Suits - pants and long shirts
Handkerchiefs (get plenty of them)
Face towels
PILCHERS (pants worn over nappies)

Baby bathing
Baby wipes
Bath tub
Anti-slip mat
Changing mat
Rubber mat
Bath towel
Bath sponge (optional, small cotton handkerchief would suffice)
Baby soap/bath lotion
Baby shampoo
Baby oil
Cotton buds
Baby powder with puff

Laundry for Baby Clothes
Buckets with lids
Basket for baby laundry
Nappy/clothes detergent/softener
Clothes hanger for drying mittens/booties/handkerchiefs

Feeding Baby
Milk bottles (big+small) + teats
Bottle scrub brush
Warmer cum carrier bag
Thermometer (to use when baby is unwell)
Large pan/pot (for sterilising)
Tongs (to handle hot bottles)
Electric Steam Steriliser (Pigeon/Avent)
Milk containers
Bags/milk bottles to store expressed breastmilk

Safety pins
Thermometer (Check room temperature)
Nail clippers
Anti-nappy rash cream (Drapolene)
Oil for wind (Ru Yi or ‘White Tree Oil’)
Ziplock bags for checkups and outings.
Woodward’s Gripe Water
Sterile thermoplastic tray with swabs & swabsticks
Polythene bag for soiled diapers
Dish/ container (to wash baby’s face)
Care of the Umbilical Cord Stump
Sterile swab applicators
Sterile cotton swabs
Sterile container for cord spirit
Cord spirit

Stair/door gates (If you want to separate your baby & pets)
Rubber protectors for bedroom doors
Baby carrier
Car seats

Toys & Playstuff
Baby gym

Mummy Care
Maternity Dress/top/bottom
Pyjamas with front opening for breast feeding
Breast pump
Anti Stretchmark creams
Nursing bras
Maternity bras
Nipple cream for crack nipples
Nursing pads
Disposible panties
Cotton panties (larger size when reach later stage of pregnancy)
Sanitary pads
Panty liners
Bedroom slippers
Painkillers (with doctors prescription only)

Other optional items
Plastic bowl/ container, 10-12 inch diameter for both baby and mother
Electrical HotFlask (autoboil), quick access to boiling water for formula milk
Thermoflask without autoboil, for mum’s drinking water
Claypot or double boil claypot for mum’s confinement soup
Claypot or earthenware for cooking pig’s trotters in ginger and black vinegar
2 pails for mum’s bathing and face cleansing.

Other list will be in http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/36738/679084.html?1210250478
cjteng: yes i did & i even printed it out but i scared later i everything also buy buy buy buy & buy then overbuy...jia lat! cos first time sure everything see on the list is like "a must" lor! ahahahha! people closed to me now either single or also pregnant so i might not be able to get hand me downs....
Zill, ya housework is not actually their specialty. Mine will do housework for me but I haven't told her I stay in a two storey house ... Hee... But as I feel that housework should not be her main concern, I will still ask my part time maid to clean the house and the CL probably just have to clean the kitchen and maybe just sweep a bit.

Piyo, in my view the CL is not so much to help out. She is primarily there to take care of the mother according to the Chinese beliefs - cannot drink plain water, cannot touch tap water, must eat certain types of food, must not move around too much, get rid of wind, etc. And of course she is there to teach us about baby care and look after the bb for us during this time when we are not supposed to resting.

But can understand that costs can be prohibitive... Seems like CNY mtbs have a lot of "issues", sigh. Talking abt privacy, for me, big issue is whether my inlaws (plus SIL and 3 noisy kids) and parents will come to visit and stay with me when I deliver (they are not staying in Spore). That's too much stress for me!! I just want to be with hubby, bb and CL and have a peaceful and calm and recuperative confinement.
zill...dats wat I heard as well cos 1st Baby hardly as per EDD...anyway not much diff for mine cos confinement will still stretch over CNY...

piyo: if u ur mum or MIL not helping then it's best to get some help....not easy to do everything urself esp during confinement time, we not supposed to hv contacts with water....our hubby will not be able to always be there to wash all the bottles n stuffs for us mah
