(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

U-Like blender

Ladies, I have got the blender with the FOC extractor. The extractor can extract fruit juice in addition to soya bean milk so not too bad. Price is $69.90.

Kamy, which building in Raffles Place are u in? Send to u today if u are around.

Cjteng, Miyuki1, shall I pass to u at the gathering? Or u hv some other arrangement in mind?
Dazed => Marina Square KP didn't close down, is sizing down from 3 shop space to 1 shop space. Now the other 2 shop space are taken up by mothercare and bb gym centre (can't recall the name).
gelato : hee ok thanks. I think i will buy next time. Now i will use the traditional way first.

Nova: My sister who is in research told me studies has shown stem cell can help with neutropenia. Did you have your umbilical cord blood stored?
Ashley : oh yes, with babies we can use the traditional mthd. Once they're older... hehe.. they won't co-operate... so that's when a ear thermomether becomes helpful. =)
pinkie_pirate: I will collect it during the gathering. Btw, can i have your bank account number? either ocbc/posb...I will transfer you the amount thru bank transfer becos i'm scared that i will forget to bring $$$ on that day.... Thank you so much for your help. Cheers.
currently i am using braun thermometer with 8 memories... pro is with 8 memories you are able to keep track of the previous temperature that you took but con thing is you must be familiar using it if not keep pressing here and there can be quite confusing...

I have another type is to put it on the forehead...i find it not accurate at all....
cheekygal, I fing not so accurate lei. I always got diff result when using on the forehead. SO thinking to buy Braun. U wan? U got Vpost a/c rite. Shall we combine?
nova I tbf 95% of the time, bb doesn’t like bottle, only gets it if he’s being baby sat by someone else while I’m out. Even then he will only drink a little after fighting a lot with the bottle. When I come back, he will wallop a lot from me. But I’ve a fren who doesn’t pump out at all, her gal 9mo liao..

Btw wat is ur bb’s illness abt? Cuz Johann was tested when he was 8 days old and the PD said white blood cells were borderline high, but only need to monitor for fever. No fever never mind. He hasn’t had fever so far (even after vaccination, but was very cranky and clingy for the whole day) and is generally quite a happy healthy fellow…

Samantha I dunno how organic is Heniz’s organic stuff after reading their food labels.. I dun like that their teething biscuits (non organic) contains salt. Was recommended to try Earth Best, available at some organic stores.

pluf u shld give ur bb bite size pieces of banana – small enuff for her to hold with fingers / hands, and not large enuff to block wind pipe if accidentally swallow. Dun let her bite the whole banana by herself.

As a precaution, just familiarize urself with what to do in case of a choking incident.

sperzz I have to se gyne in 6 mths for another pap smear, cuz the 1st one done after preggie had class 2 results – meaning cannot tell whether the cells are normal or abnormal. So to be on safe side, test again after 6 mths. He explained to me that pap smear results have 4 classes: 1 – normal, 2 – atypical (i.e. mine), 3 – HPV (pre cancerous cells), 4 – cancer

Re thermometer, my PD recommended using Terumo cuz it’s hospital grade but they dun have ear thermometer, only armpit or buttock. Abt $30 from pharmacies.

dazed u can rent the bumbo seat from www.toyrentalclub.com to try before buying. That’s wat I do to avoid wasting money on things he doesn’t like… I’ve tried play gym and quinny stroller on him liao. If u are a member of NMSG, there’s 10% discount.


Pumpkin patch has gd offer for UOB credit / debit card holders, 15% discount in addition to sale discounts so for some items the discount can go up to 45%.... offer valid till 7 june…

I also saw v nice hats http://www.heartsatmind.com/ … thinking of buying. They told me launching headbands for girls and boys’ hat collection soon (currently work in progress)… can’t wait!! Have discount if bulk purchase… think will go as low as $100 for 3 pcs
talking abt organic bb food, i was at brown rice paradise yestd. the staff told me the popular brands are : Hipp, Baby Organic & Earth Best.
sperzz : hehe.. i oso thinking of registering... but scared i blur blur dunno how to use... next time u teach me ya? =)
sperzz : u ordering braun? i got vpost acct cos i often do spree on drugstore, elf cosmetic all this. i thinking to order another thermometer although i alrdy have 1. cos i wont know if my kids having fever if the themometer spoilt. later end up having fits again.
But if im not wrong, order from US got no warranty. Thinking whether to buy from my hubby's company or not. Around $100 but got warranty.
xpink, ya buying from USA got to take a risk on the warranty. But it save alot lor. Drugstore is selling at US$49.90. Amazon is cheaper.
gelato, I also dunno how to use leh. Mayb next to ask those experience mummy to teach us.
sperzz : yup i'm getting. since vpost also got 15% discount on shipping. we save abit more also.
anymore mummies wanna join in? can take in another 3 more thermometer.
xpink, I think diff day got diff price. So if got enuff order, muz order first. Somemore now Vpost got 15% discount using UOB visa
sperzz : yup... if u don't mind only we 2 sharing. i also dont mind ordering now. so we wait until tml?
if today no other mummies wanna join in den i order for we 2 only?
xpink, mayb we wait till this evening, we see any1 else. I pm u my HP. u can sms me so that I can have ur Hp. Dun PM me as I cant read my mail in the ofc
Gelato, actually I go to the bookshops quite often and usually we buy quite a lot so if u need anything not too urgent, can let me know, just add on.
Hi xpink and sperzz

read that you all are getting the braun thermometer. Would like to tong pang you to help me get one as well if you dun mind. Thanks
Sus, sorry missed ur post - yes, the second letdown takes a bit longer. Normally the fuller the breast the faster the letdown. Empty breast no letdown.
pokladotty : yup can. will add your order in.

its USD$39.41, roughly $61.10 convert to SGD.
shipping fee i will collect when items arrive.
sperzz, my friend got 5 Braun thermometers for sale.
$69 nett each. she got them from amazon.
ready stock, no need to wait.
she is selling model IRT4520.

Is it the same as what u were looking at from amazon?
blessedmum: ya, the clinic assistant said see me after 6 mths but based on my last visit so is somewhere sep...i did ask her why, she said is routine check up...
confirmed, kp at ms still have, downsize niah... hehe...

mercs, i saw the tray is $24.90, no nett or special offer tag leh... bumbo seat is on offer though $66.95.

blessedmum, i reserved a 2nd hand one liao... collect next week... so i think i will buy tray next week when get the seat liao and confirm he can use...

Sus, sorry missed ur post - yes, the second letdown takes a bit longer. Normally the fuller the breast the faster the letdown. Empty breast no letdown.
