(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

emq: guess abit exceed the limit is fine la, but then hor...30 against 50 isnt it too much huh?

daymoon: i made the name stickers in JB & BKK...BKK very cheap, 50pcs only S$2, JB also quite cheap..

btw...i am referring to the name stickers that i drew during the last gathering at pinkie's house, to stick on the babies so that we know the babies name..
samval: so yr girl class cannot be change ah?? haiz cannot see u again this gathering..

KT: oh...u must be very down. dont give up okie...i think its a matter of time whether baby will be used to the bottle. have u tried all the diff brands teats already?
Pinkie Pirate: Hihi, this threat moved so fast. was busy and jus read this thread. Yes, I'm interested in the classes but my colleague commented that it's more benefical for level 2 cos' our babies will be able to enjoy more. I'm thinking of letting my gal do the trial when she's 6 months.
Hey gals,

I so tired today! I had a meeting at 8am.. rush rush rush..

Mty bb suddenly very hungry these 2 days wake up every few hours.. today wake up at 3 am want to drink, drink too much , and vomited all on my bed coz we co-sleep, she this time I think vomit all she drank.. wake hubby up, to change her while I change the bedsheets, cleran the milk and hairdryer the whole wet spot.. ah yo! and it was 4.30 am by then.. I need to wake up at 6am.. And I little one rewarded us with a "I did not do anything wrong" "it was not me that vomit" and still want to play. Piangz! NOW DAMN TIRED!!!

I understand what you going through, our little darling all very precious to us..

Hey how is your milk production going.. Are you ok in it with the cyst and all. Dnt be offended or disgusted, but do u need breastmilk, I got abundance. ( Hey take take offense k) I just offering... Coz I am one of the mothers that die die would want to give bb breast milk and I will go all the way to provide though v tired though, kekekke! I am sure Shan also will agree too..

Your bb also like dnt want the breast.. I tot mine was like that too , she like the bottle..

But then I found out she is not hungry and can stretch for many hours , it happen last sat.. then one sunday night she started to drink like crazy, until this morning vomited.. hahahhaa i think my bb is bulimic
i m tempted to send Caden to Hwa Xia too, but hv to persuade hb lor...

Kamy : oh, sama sama ya? so, power pumping works for u? i wanted to try, but hv very ltd time to pump, can't afford to rest for 15mins then cont'd... hmmm.. maybe i shld try a 5 mins interval instead. =)

KT : dun despair, it's nvr easy being a mother. Whenever i feel down & sad, i always think of those who are less fortunate... it helps me to be thankful & more tolerant. Anw, i dun think ur bb is underweight? juz a lil petite ya. jia you ok.

My bb is oso rejecting the bottle, so he drink very little in the day. I hv to rush hm everyday to latch him on. I m hoping things will get better when he starts on solids in 2 mths time. Let's jia you together.
morning mummies,
bring bb gernise for 2nd jab. weight 6.8kg(4month 9days) last month her head 42cm doctor say need to go KK see doctor. but today i went, much better around 43.5cm. but i think her head quite big compare to normal,,,
Samantha, ya they have different stuff for different ages so u choose what you think is more suitable for your baby lor. That day when Ryan was doing his level 1 trial, there was a 4.5 month baby girl there (her 2nd session) and she was really enjoying herself - shrieking in delight at all the activities!
suika : ur wang wang & Kevan so cute! =)

gernise : last time my colleague's son oso like that. The doc worry there may be water retention in the head, but in the end okie... my colleague say her hb oso big head, so maybe it's in the genes. =)
Pinkie: u went for the trial lesson? What they do there? How long's the lesson?

gelato: got another photo wangwang looks so helpless coz i keep asking him to 'stay'....hahahaha
Gelato: Hi, I think everthing has to be taken in moderation. also, the studies veri generic. they just based their findings on the countries and not on the actual milk content.
Fluffy, personally I like piano. I learned piano myself and enjoyed it. But u might like to choose something more portable like violin? For Ryan when he is bigger I will let him try piano, violin and drums, let him choose one.

I can't attend the 6 month bash leh. How i wish i could. But my friend also Jan mummy is interested. Now is already 38pax, can she join in? Let me know ya. I put her name in.

1) sperzz + Delia&Damien
2) ni & kyan
3) flo & victoria
4) cheekgal & Brayden + daddy
5) blessedmum + daddy & cayden
6) bb starlet & Crystal
7) sus & daddy + caleb
8) dazed & jiahe
9) cjteng & Jovan
10) bunny + daddy & matthias
11) Pluff & bb ( :p)
12) shann & babyern
13) cherryale & Ashley
14) piyo & Zethan + daddy
15) Ange & Jon
16) Kelly & LeAnn
17) willting & Juvius
18) Gwen & Tristan
19) suika & Kevan
20) janjan & shyan
21) sher & gernise
22) moonbaby & Jiaxuan
23) Precious_bb & Jensen
24) laugh + daddy & Adler
25) m_int & jewel
26) Miaiko + daddy & Charlotte
27) cheryl83 + kayden
28) gelato & Caden
29) sel + Jaidyn
30) mercsboy + kyler
31) Ashley + hubby + Darius
32) EmQ + Leticia
33) Autumn Leaf + Ashley & Edison
34) Pinkie + ryan
35) Weiyao + hubby + Aiden
36) Jade+ Min
37) Miyuki1 + hubby + son
38) bawbaw + Ethan& daddy
39) Aileng+ shijie & daddy (Pending)
Pinkie Pirate: Hi, me too. will let my gal learn violin cos' my neighbour teaching so no need to ferry. Am oso thinking of letting my gal learn a third language. I read that the best time is between 6 to 9 months. any comments?
<font color="0000ff">Hi mummies! Wanna order HT baby food again? I can collate as I'll be SAHM from next week on

This time round I've added Stage 2 baby jar

Baby Jar Stage 1 (4-6 months) $2.30
Butternut Squash

Cabana Banana

Country Apples

Fresh Carrots

Golden Pears

Sweet Peas

Sweet Potatoes

Stage 2 Baby Jar (6months &amp; up)$2.30
Sweet Potato with Apple

Island Fruit Jumble

Orchard Fruit Peekaboo

Tropical Fruit Medley

Sun-Sweet Strawberry Kiwi

Peach Banana Muesli

Pumpkin Pie

Little Vegetable Stew

Harvest Time Vegetable Dinner

Farmhouse Country Vegetables

Aloha Mango Chicken

Grandma’s Turkey Dinner

Little Bear’s Chicken Stew

Jasmine Chicken Luau

Raspberry Glazed Turkey

Baby Cereal (4 months &amp; up) $6.90
Brown Rice

Baby Cereal (6months &amp; up) $6.90
Barley Cereal

Oatmeal Cereal

Multigrain Cereal

Teether Biscuits - $5.60
Maple Biscuits

Vanilla Biscuits
sus: u interested in the gymboree class too?
ange and i were thinking of tryin out the trial lesson when our boys reach 6 mths for level 2 classes. keen to join us?
Ladies, I am able to get the first teeth toothpaste locally at $9.50/tube w/o brush. Any1 interested. I can paste u during the gathering or collection from me at SK or Novena
suika: i love the expression on kevan face when he 'sat' on wang wang! super cute!!!

emq: no i didnt go for spa when preggie.. went for massage tho :p for my aching legs
blessedmum: i guessed he's oso surprised wangwang no runaway ba....when u n ange going for the trial? which location?
Samantha : ya, true. moderation is the key.... can't imagine kids not drinking milk at all...

Miaiko : what's the benefits of getting fm spree? r the pdts available @ supermarkets?
sperzz: yar, i tot its abit ex woh.. i found one @ $12. worth getting? its finger brush ah.. haha i tot its tiny toothbrush! haha! silly me!

suika: havent decided.. most prob when both bb turn 6mths? Ange, u there?!
sperzz : if this is fluoride free, pls help me get 3 tubes w/o brush. Thanks!

First teeth Toothpaste(w/o brush):$9.50
First teeth Toothpaste (w/brush):$15

Order list:
gelato - 3 # w/o brush : $28.50
Blessedmum: I'm staying in the north so both places (harbourfront centre and tanglin mall) are far for me. so no diff. what's ur preference?
KT, no leh only this time sick then found out! generally caleb has been very healthy so imagine the shock i got when they told us that!

thanks mercsboy

thanks serene for your wishes...

thanks daymoon! at the moment caleb looks really well so shall just see wat the specialist says...

ladies, i m interested to get a manual breast pump any recommendations and where should i buy from? come back to SG totally clueless, only want to get a manual one..coz dun pump very often.

hey btw i see you ladies talking abt teething... some might not be i thk, my paediatrician says the gums will go through the hardening stage too before teething so your babies gums might be hardening... and he says this will makes babies salivate too...

KT, I'm still waking up 2 to 3 times in the night to feeding my baby too. Since return from USA, my baby seems to have a behavioural change. Maybe over here we still have a lot of errands to run so not very settled yet also. Don't be sad...
blessedmum, I think u better grab it first. US no longer manufacture this toothpaste liao. And I think the rest is selling at $15.90 or more. So if any1 interested in me getting pls get order fast.

First teeth Toothpaste(w/o brush):$9.50
(expiry date: 31 Oct 2011)
Order list

First teeth Toothpaste (w/brush)no choosing of colour.:$15
(expiry date: 01 Apr 2011)
Order list
miaiko: my friend who stay downstairs of u, said she saw u tat day huh...
u SAHM liao still stay at sembawang??
i havent even start kyler on solids...haha...now start buy stage 2 liao ah
First teeth Toothpaste(w/o brush):$9.50
(expiry date: 31 Oct 2011)
Order list:

First teeth Toothpaste (w/brush)no choosing of colour.:$15
(expiry date: 01 Apr 2011)
Order list
blessedmum: i ever saw tommy tippee (dunno correct brand or not) selling the finger brush, annaku also have (i bought), so maybe cheaper?
the tommy tippee finger brush i ever saw at giant leh

novakido: kyler gums very hard liao leh...i think i can see the tooth shape on the gums...
Suika, the level 1 lesson is 45 mins. They do exercises to increase awareness of baby's senses and to support development of these senses. For example, they do a parachute activity, where they float a cloth up and down over the baby - supposed to help the baby not to be afraid of dark and small spaces. They do some visual stimulation - blow bubbles in the air for baby to track, action songs; some auditory stimulation also, some tactile stimulation, some tummy time, etc etc. After u learn these little things, u can do at home. The activities change every two weeks.

Actually level 1 may not seem like much to the parent cos seems very basic but for babies it probably is not basic la, since they are still developing their senses and understanding of their environment.
Level 2 is more physical, got exercises on the ramps and sliders, etc etc. From parents' point of view, level 2 is easier to understand the benefits cos it is more obvious to us. Level 1 may seem too basic but like I mentioned above, when we say it is basic, we are actually measuring according to our adult understanding, maybe baby needs all this basic stuff.
Well, the best way is to go and do the trial and have a chat with the teacher after that. When I went for the trial, there was a five week old baby and a 4.5 month old baby - both enjoyed very much. For Ryan, I'm still not decided whether to sign up for level 1, still considering.
sperzz: how long can 1 tube of toothpaste last for bb? thks! i have 'grabbed' it liao

mercs: its ok, i have placed my order liao
blessedmum/ange: Im onz for gymboree!
actually now Im more manageable with my pt work already so if u guys wanna meet up again at ur plc or mine, welcome!
Hey SAHMs, what do you all do with your babies the entire day huh. Any schedule for reference? Hehe... Me a bit clueless, first baby.

Mercs, maybe Kyler going to have his tooth fairy visit him very soon! Heard from Serene (Piyobaby) about this 6mths gathering. I've never met any of you before... feel like coming leh, can still join ma? who is the organiser?

blessedmum, I also not sure leh. Since expiry date so long, mayb can get 1 or 2 tube more. Mayb the experience mummy can advise.

First teeth Toothpaste(w/o brush):$9.50
(expiry date: 31 Oct 2011)
Order list:

First teeth Toothpaste (w/brush)no choosing of colour.:$15
(expiry date: 01 Apr 2011)
Order list

Ladies, pls order fast. The stock is running low n fast. Will stop taking order tomorrow morning.
