(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Buttercake, ah no massage towards nipple during expressing. Massaging and all that is done before expressing. The actual expressing technique is called the Marmet technique. Can google it otherwise I try to get it for you from my bfeeding books.
Ashley, I think they also have PlayGym which is $12 per session. That one just play around on their equipment, no curriculum one la. For older ones.
kelly: 8 june will be good. ask pat to take leave too lar.. hehe. so evil. take childcare leave to go for gatherings.. haha. if ever my boss reads this i will be dead! =p

i am keen in the gymboree too!!!

blessedmum: cayden so cute! fall asleep while swimming.. kyan also fell asleep on his jumperoo once..
hey mummies,

ASAP ples , can anyone tell me , or has a fisherprice Rain forest swing, if it is good, My bb already 5 mths.. it is a bundle deal with other toys.. so I wonder if it is worth.. Can reply me quick.. Thank u thank you..
pluf: i think not worth it.
coz' by 6-7mths baby can sit on his own, he will rather play with activity table, stacking kind of toys..etc

just my opinion only.
mercsboy:i called KP - causeway pt,j8 and marina square-they said have discount. i went to JP and CCK but they dun sell it there.
blessedmum: OMG, you sure have a 'spa' expert in the making... did you do a lot of spa when preg with Cayden? He looks like he's enjoying s spa rather than a swim! Hahaha... so cute..

I tried bb in my bath tub & she got 'stuck'... ever since, we've been bringing her to the pool instead (we go on the day the pool is cleaned)... & she swims like a 'pro'... much like how we'd swim... hee hee..
my bb just reached 4 mths few days ago, only took him for a hair shave yest but found out that his cradle cap is still v soft and "moving" like a heartbeat. is that normal cos v worried that his brain is not developed fully. whenever i see the cap moving, im so scared that it will sink one day. can someone advise???
mercs: I bought it at marina square. there's discount.

ni: 8th june?! Gathering in the east again? Let's go for trial classes.?? Willting..flo..pst.. mint..or any other mummies who don't mind joining us but i think mint will be in brisbane..
sorry.. think what im referring to is not cradle cap but the middle area of the head where normally the cradle cap grows. shld be part of the brain i guess. does any mommies with bb like that? can someone help to ease my worries?
Gwen, you referring to the anterior fontanelle right? It can take up to two years for it to close altho usually can close between one year to 18 months. The membrane is very tough, so not to worry. Just check if it is sunken or bulging. If not, no worries.
pinkie: ya.. thats the term but i always c the area beating like a heart. looks so scarry.. din realise until i brought him for a complete shave yest. the hair dresser still commented that my bb is malnutrition, gotta give him more tonic, but bb at such young age how to give him "bu" stuff. made me even more worried. so is it normal for it to move v often?
suika:haha..so cute of your picture..before that..wang wang dun let kevan sit on him meh?

blessedmum:haha Cayden is so cute ....he must be very tired on that day!
Thanks Cheekygal,

Coz a mummy wants to sell her jumperoo, swing n playmat in a bundle.. n i only wanted the jumperoo.. n she was asking me if i wana reserve by 630pm.. thank u thank u
cjteng: before that whenever he hears we tell him bb wana 'korkor bei' on him he'll run away liao....heehee
daymoon: oh...should have go causeway point kp...but hubby dont allow me to buy the tray leh...he said no use...compass pt one put nett price for the tray...funny hor

emq: yr side the function room no limit of guests ma? coz the condos tat are under company mgmt got limited of guests one leh...scared too many ppl...
Hmm... Sorry ladies... I Thot I can read after I wake up.. But... This thread is a bullet train on weekdays... So lazy to read back again...

Mummies who ask abt spiffies wipes;
Spiffies wipes can used from 4-15mths...Can be used for both gum and teeth... For me i used till more teeth ESP molar teeth..
Can't reach.. Then switch to toothpaste...

The wipes can used even after we started toothpaste... But then i'm so tired and lazy.. Cos preggy when my #1 is 1... Even shower with her ..

m interested in the band too.. ;)

Keke.. I find the material soft... Like it...
My girl used a pen and draw a map on my bedlinen... Also fainted.... New one some more... Rush to remove the stain...
shann: i wanna the headband too! brown one..actually left a message here but mayb u missed it out..can any east mummies, kelly or flo help mi collect? or when's the soonest? i go ur place to collect can?

kelly: ya 8 june i will be away..mayb meet on the 3rd monday can? heehee..
mercsboy: It says 30 pax... I really have not tried... but if we move in & out, I doubt they check right? They also say pit is 10 pax... but we had more than that the last time what...

Beside, all babies...
mercsboy:i find some staff at KP quite blur,i called and they seems to give me different info all the time.what stickers are u buying?i thinking to make those cartoon name stickers for ZongHan but didnt see the booth ard these days.
hi ladies, today on leave, just back from mom's place.

thanks for all the congrats. there were 4 categories, jiahe is 2nd place in cat A. think cat A oni got 20+ babies lah... very big hamper but guess what, 2 cans of milk inside. 1 for 3 yr old and 1 for 6 yr old... faintz... then some rice cereals, pampers, a big bottle of heinz juice, some bb soap etc. hehe... not too bad lah, can use half... hehe...

i'm also thinking of getting 2nd hand bumbo, but dunno my boy can fit in a not... his huge lian oh thighs...if got cheap bumbo, can let me know?
Pinkie: Do share your feedback after you try out Kindermusik at Tanglin Mall.

Years ago, during #1's time, we were not impressed by their 'half baked' training. According to the receptionist at that time, all the teachers were 'kindermusik-trained', i.e. may not have the relevant recognised standards.

We did not sign on, but my friend did, then a few months down the road, she too withdrew her daughter - cos the teacher repeatedly taught the wrong thing! This was even after my friend had quietly gone up to her after class to inform her that some of the music theories she taught in class were wrong!

I'd recommend Seimpi at Funan. My #1 went for awhile... but this girl is not music playing material... & after a few fun years, she had plenty of fun, but little accomplishment... then to make time for her other commitments, she decided to give up music.

I'm still waiting for Seimpi to contact me regarding classes for #2 & #3. I'd love to sign both up if they have a common time slot... then perhaps HB & I can take 1 child each for the class.
Hi Pluf and Sus,
thanks for the infor on milk cysts.

I developed several cysts over the weekend suddenly. Last 2 days I was also ill with flu, with fever most of the time. 3 children are all sick.

Now my top half of breast is lumpy but painless. My other breast is also starting to develop the same symptoms. When I pumped out the milk, baby wouldn't drink through bottle. Since yesterday, my baby's fontanel became sunken and is dehydrated. WEnt to NUH, hopefully to give her a drip but doc sent her home even though she agreed that the baby was dehydrated. I weighed her on Sun she was 5.75kg (4 mths). BUt today the hospital said she was only 5.35 kg.

I really feel like crying. While most of you are cutting down the night feeds. I am still continuing up to 2-3 times a night since Jan. The end result? A dehydrated, underweight baby.

Sus, do you feel like giving up at times after all those infections?

I really feel like giving up. But can't. Baby don't want bottle; bottle - training now will worsen her dehydration and meanwhile my cysts will continue to increase.............

Dun feel dishearted... My #1 is also abt this weight when 4mth old.. Well different babies have different development... Dun compared... 人比人,气死人... Both my girls are totally so different... In terms of weight,growth,tempermental etc...

Tat time when my Bb and toddler and me infected with hfmd...That is the most miserable time for me..my dh not at home.. Need to handle 姐姐 drooling, making sure that will not infect 妹妹again.. Also make sure maid will not be infected..Me,full mouth of ulcers,hand and feets with blisters...How I wish I can just slp and dun worry abt anything...but I think this is part of life,part of being motherhood... Life will be fullof ups and downs which made us understand and learn as we grow.
The common problem that bfging mummies will always
encounter is what we can hear like sus's case...
Will get clogged ducts, sharp pain, etc these are some of the common problems... Otherwise y are there surgeon, nurses specialise with all these problems for the bfging mummies??

I'm not saying I'm 伟大... But I can tolerate my nerve pain from tongue to gum to ear for almost 2 yrs... Ppl keep asking me to see specialist... Stop bfging.. Take medication... I never heed their advise.. Just ask my dh to increase my insurance... Every night cry in pain to bed.. Next day act as normal person ...Endure the pain...

Perhaps u r drained and tired now... My Bb head and ear got red dots like blood clots... I never really being bothered by it.. Untill strangers and ppl keep asking me what is that? Now I'm sort of being disturbed by the remarks...

I think we need to go thru all the ups n downs... How I wish my life is like a bed of roses...

Dun worry ... If Bb's case is serious, the doc will not allow u to to home with the Bb, or maybe u want 2nd opinion go to Kk hospital ? Cheer up... Dun feel so tense and upset... Babies can feel and sense it...
pinkie/willting/kelly: Im also interested in gymboree classes. Where are they? Where can I find out more info? If u guys going for trial, let me know, jio me ok?

KT: so sayang.. yah I understand what u are going through.. those times so painful (my whole breast was swollen and red) I really felt like giving up.. so more after the incident my baby used to the bottle and din want my breasts.. but really hope u can persevere as many cant even bf and I think u are doing great and very weida!! Every baby is different in terms of weigh.. only yest then dehydrated right? So means all the time u are doing great! Tough times like this will pass.. *hughug*!!

dazed: what kind of competition was that? Cutest or got stunts one?
hehe btw dunno bumbo seat might have problem for you a not.. cos Caleb big bum, always get stuck inside when we try to remove him.. The seat will stick on his butt when we try to lift him and have to yank it off his butt. I see Jia he even bigger than him, dunno if will get stuck even more?
morning ladies,

weather is so damn hot. ! wow whats the topic recently? read some of your babies are teathing liao. that's pretty fast. i'm not going for the gathering so u gals have fun.
pinkie: how u do nipple stimulation to get let down? I find that it doesnt usually work for me in the middle of a pump.. only at the start before my pump. thanks!

KT: do u want to check on the latch of ur girl? Previously she was doing fine in terms of pee?
ask u ladies, do u know where i can buy those light weight strollers? the umbrella type? last time when i had #2, i remember this brand Mama Love and they do sell those orange colour strollers, but i go around to those baby shops but cant find. think its only around 29.90 like that. anyone knows?
