(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs


Well , perhaps with your mum, you know how she looks after you and your kid will be roughly the same in the way your mum will take care of her.

As for MIL, It is like "outsider" dnt get me wrong when I say "outsider", means the saying "Blood is thicker than water" thingy.. So perhaps deep down, if there is something your MIL is doing not to your liking it may sometimes be harder to express it. And we, as mothers always like to be the one that is the one and only that is doing the best for bb and bb loves us only.. kekekekeke

I would not want to leave my gal in my inlaws place coz they have never looked after their kids and when she was little, they kept on saying she is too little for them to carry, they are afriad, this leaves me no confidence in them.... So I guess in this circumsatnce, I feel I have the right to feel insecure about leaving my bb with them.. and I wnt..
My dh now call her 小胖...!!! Feel like killing him.. Tease her...

LOL.. #1 next mth 2yo, #2 ytd 4mth old.. Both gals...

my #2 after discharge from hospital her milk intake also dropped.. She used to be drinking 150ml when 2-2.5mth... Now only 90-110ml.. And only drinking 4-5 feed per day.. Last feed before 10pm till 10-11am...

For me I stopped working after delivery of #1,been doing freelance on and off when there are referrals, will work and plan my timing.. Sometimes even bring my gal to job site.. Just to save myself from all the trouble of letting who to take care...
daymoon: i havent start cereals yet..maybe next month...no hurry la...

ni: haha..ya finally on FB with the guidance of pat...
sometimes i also will hope my mum help me take care...but sometimes their ways and methods are so different, no matter how i teach her or tell her, she still do it her way...so i have to close my eyes also...
IFC got good and bad points also la...but what to do, i have to work, so i got to let go...
I agree with what u say..Our bonding with our folks are definitely better than ils.. For me, myexpectations arehigher ... Hygiene and routine are very important.. Even I have maid at home, she is not allowed to touch kids or kids' stuffs... Will do a sudden spot check ..

My mum always say I crazy ... Employ a maid and dun let her take care the kids...
pluf: u got it right on man! u just said it. it feels exactly like that. coz if theres anything i dun feel comfortable with the way my mum handles the bb i can tell her right away. i did tell my MIL twice how i want bb to be handled but she dun follow my instructions at all... sigh.. and after that i stopped telling her ... coz no point... and i dun wanna quarel with hubby over this. sometimes i do feel depressed.
fluffy (fluffy_fluffy) ,

Kekeke! I understand What you mean.. I also paranoid. eg, like when nanny give me bottles , I will really check if it is wash properly, And I am sure she does her best.. But me being super paranoid, dnt know for what reason.. kekekeke! That my hubby put mw incharge of sterilizering the bottle and all that leaves me more work.. Ah Yo!
fluffy: hahaha initially i also dun allow maids to touch bb but after now im quite ok for them to help me carry bb for a while. u working as property agent?
pluf / fluffy / mercsboy / ange / yiwen

thanks so much for sharing. just needed an avenue to vent it out. feel much better now. really. tks!

No Prob, It happen to me... kekeke! My MIL wnt listen.. and becoz of senority she feels she knows what is best... and I am a first time mum..

EG, my bb TBF now... If I tell my mum I dnt want her to secretly feed my bb with food.. I am sure my mum wnt.. if she wanted to she will ask.. My mum attitude..

As for my MIL, 200% she will sneak food to my bb b4 6 mths.. ( Mothers who are giving bb food.. b4 6 mths no offense yea.. it is juz personal preference)

Now with a nanny, I also no she wnt becoz she is paid..

Shann you have my mobile number... Juz sms me when you feel down.. My line open.. So u wnt be depress ya!
Shann: We're all in the same boat.
My in laws are too stubborn to listen to me when it comes to how to handle Jon. So now I just let them be and when things go wrong, I let hubby speak to his parents. So like I mentioned earlier, I close two eyes.
Nice guess... Thinking of taking up property course... But hate the idea of studying.... Me doing interior design..

LOL... Reason why I reluctant to let ils take care is they dun follow my instruction... I can't scold them.. Only can sigh and face turn blk... In the end dh will get it from me... So to save all these problems... I rather make myself more bo eng...
shann: u r not alone.. i also feel insecure when my mil looked after, even tho its a short while cos of one bad incident.. and subsequently even when i was around, same thing happened as she refused to listen to me despite me telling her somany times not to do certain thing. She even took into her own hands to do without telling me, which really got me hopping mad.. thats y my blood pressure always go up whenever i go back..so now for me, NO MORE..

i rather send him to ifc where he gets to interact with other bb and teachers, than let him stay alone with her and her maid...cos i know for most of the time, it will be the maid to look after wan..
A-n-g-e (ange) ,

Hahaha... U can good.. I try, but my MIL ah sometime comes up with funny saying like..

Ah Yo.. You spoilt my great grand daughter nose by breast feeding her... now her nose like that...

Kekeke if I had a magic wand, i wish her off to the bahamas! well... who in the right mind will do that to her own kid.. See the physco part of me getting angry at these remarks when I was in confinement.. now writing abt it , i feel only a little tinge of anger.. I muz be mad!
Pluf: My MIL says all sorts of funny things too la. The thing i hate most is when she calls me @ home and I can hear the FIL in the background, teaching her what to say. Grrrr Now I don't pick up the house phone. :p
shann: u stay with ur mil? if not why dun stay overnite a few times.. can guide her n watch her.. after a while they becum better with the bb.. its like working lor, u eagle eye them lagi worse, they will "gabra", just give instructions or show them one time n let her comprehend... she like my "sny" u koe wat i mean..

BUT i will only leave bb wen the helper is at home... cuz got 3 dogs n my gal she confirm cannot make it

my mil oso the same as ALL mils... now i never say her, just talk to my bb say grandma take so long lar, sing same songs lar...she gets the hint.. offended or not i dun really care.. but till now she never complain to my hb..
FP sales.....jumperoo shd b abt $180 the last warehouse sales if im right.

mercs...i understand the orientation of the sling but wat is the purpose of the velcrose....anyhow the sling appear as though very huge...can secure bb properly?
shann: i'm staying with my MIL and me too, dun like my MIL taking care of my boy! i super hate her cos she's just so ego and refuse to listen to me or even doc's advise! she even say tt doc's advises are crap! i cant take my boy to my mother's place now cos if i do tt, it means i fall out from their family, so i got to bear with it and am thinking of ways to put him at my mother's place instead when he's older (i'm so bad, everyday thinking of how to separate them.. haha).. i've learnt to let go for the time being and am still trying to ''ren'' all the things that she's doing and her stupid theories.. i guess sometimes, we just have no choice but to ''ren'', esp if u dun wan to make things difficult for your hubby..
cheekygal...are u aware that there's 3 heights adjustable for jumperoo...can adjust to level 1 when bb is smaller..

blessedmum....the solid color of S1 is nice...i like the brown (closer to chocolatey brown) beta than black...

yiwen...my boi is oso behaving in the same way thus i was panicky last week bcos of dat, unfortunately din recd much advice here...not just did he reduce his milk intake but he fuss + scream + yell during feeds...he took his 2nd dose of 6in1 + rotarox and is stull fussing till now....
bb Z had his 1st cereal today....did fairly well i must say though quite abit ended up on the bib and outside of the mouth...

im using HT brown rice cereal...it look interesting as the original form is flaky...use my FM spoon x 2 and mix wif abt 20ml of milk...

weird thing is the cereal gets more runny / watery while feeding. anybody observe dat as well?
I collected the carrier S1, find that its a bit long for me and its only one size.. any other mummies feel the same way?

dazed: thanks v much!
piyo: zethan is still fussing?? u got called doc and ask??

sus: i havent got mine yet.. will let u know when i try out mine

all these issues with mil sigh... flo,cherry83, my mil is also super ego.. jus becos she had experience in taking care of 5 kids...she wanted to SHOW me she knows better than my pd... sigh..yes i learnt from ange, made hubby go talk to her, or even tell her this is how we want things to be done for bb, and true enough she shut up. much more effective than ME telling her umpteen times..
fluffy: time being mil will take care first. haven decided yet.. but high chance NOT taking a maid for the time being... too tramatizing experience
blessedmum: same same, i oso made my hubby go talk to her, then she oso kept quiet.. then now, she never tell us things on what she did during the day with baby lo.. e.g. spoon feed, rem the other time i was asking when to start solids? well, true enough, my mil already started spoon feed my boy w/o telling us.. only ytd my boy is having consipation again and i ask her if she's putting cereal into milk again and she said no, cos she spoon feed my boy.. i almost fainted!! but what can i do, who ask me work during daytime and cant take care of my boy, so everything is not in control... >_<
flo: wahahhaa u so funny. the way u "hint". yup i get wat u mean with regards to "SNY". u also have 3 dogs! hahah...

Pluf: yes yes will sms u when needed! wahahha see u sat yo?! didnt know that so many ppl has issues with ils too. ha.
sus...i do find the sling a little oversize as it is but yet to try it wif BB Z...given it a wash so gota wait till it's dried...

blessedmum....yes still fussing but not as bad as fri which is terrifying....still monitoring...if situation dun improve then might make a trip to pd again...
blessedmum: I do not put cereal in milk... unless bb going through growth spurts &amp; keeps getting hungry in the night (when they are already sleeping through) or bb has poor appetite... but for that, the idea is to 'supplement'.

When I 1st intro cereal, will be on its own, fed using spoon. Main idea is to intro spoonfeeding &amp; swallowing.

Have not started for #3... will wait &amp; see..
piyobaby: Yes, cereal does turn runny &amp; watery when it's cold. It's good in the sense that it's a sigh (for me) that it should be thrown away liao... so for a start, may want to get those cereal bowls that can be kept warm. There is this tolleyjoy one that you can add hot water into the container to keep the bowl warm.

Once bb gets the hang of eating by mouth, should take shorter time to feed &amp; the cereal will not have a chance to turn watery...
EmQ...oh thanks for the info...we have thot it could be diluted due to the presence of his saliva, luckily i suggested to mum to throw it away when it turn too watery...I bought one previously from munchkin dat allow hot water bath....
emq: i seee.. cos my pd recommeneded intro it by puttin into milk first..

duno y, bb cayden has been waking up in middle of night for the past 2 nights.. not able to zz thru! duno if its growth spurt, hes been back to 6 feeds a day! sigh .. everything abt his feeds, poo, zz has been messed up!! he cant seem to stretch longer in bet feeds, and when i try to increase his milk intake, he is unable to finish all..
I think all of us have ILs issues. Me too! Reason being, we are all brought up in different ways that's why alot of things we 'Kan4 Bu4 Sun4 Yan3'. For me, I'm staying with my ILs but my children are looked after by my mum. Simply because my MIL is a super blur person and because of this I gave up flying. A few incidents happened when she looked after my elder daughter when she was less than 1 year old (she's now 4 yrs old). She used baby oil for nappy rash on my elder daughter! Luckily is not some other medicines. Another incident is, she fed my daughter 1 syringe (either 3ml or 5ml cannot remember) of paracetamol! She can be so blur one lor....things that she don't know, don't know how to ask. I was so mad at her that I told her off. Now better already, I learned to close one eye and appreciate her more though she still makes mistakes here and there. Without her help, I think I'll be even more tired to look after my 2 children.

Ashley well said! You will let go when you don't have a choice.

Shann it takes a while for you to accept your MIL and let go.

bunny and cherryale
Thanks for your advise. I brought baby to PD today so now her bowels is cleared. Actually today is the 15th day she no poo poo, calculated wrongly.

sus, how's your ping pong ball? Cleared already?
cjteng:here is the pic of the blender-comes with 2 small and 2 big containers.plus covers for them,so after blending,can store directly into fridge. =)
I'm also using this blender. Very good, I like it. You can get it at Isetan Scotts, Isetan Katong. Think it costs $69.90. Don't know they increased their price or not.

Thanks. I will add to the list.
Date: 13 Jun
Venue: EMQ (West Coast)
Time: 12~3pm (swimming after 3pm)

1) sperzz + Delia&amp;Damien
2) ni &amp; kyan
3) flo &amp; victoria
4) cheekgal &amp; Brayden + daddy
5) blessedmum + daddy &amp; cayden
6) bb starlet &amp; Crystal
7) sus &amp; daddy + caleb
8) dazed &amp; jiahe
9) cjteng &amp; Jovan
10) bunny + daddy &amp; matthias
11) Pluff &amp; bb ( :p)
12) shann &amp; babyern
13) cherryale &amp; Ashley
14) piyo &amp; Zethan + daddy
15) Ange &amp; Jon
16) Kelly &amp; LeAnn
17) willting &amp; Juvius
18) Gwen &amp; Tristan
19) suika &amp; Kevan
20) janjan &amp; shyan
21) sher &amp; gernise
22) moonbaby &amp; Jiaxuan
23) Precious_bb &amp; Jensen
24) laugh + daddy &amp; Adler
25) m_int &amp; jewel
26) Miaiko + daddy &amp; Charlotte
27) cheryl83 + kayden
28) gelato &amp; Caden
29) sel + Jaidyn
30) mercsboy + kyler
31) Ashley + hubby + Darius
32) EmQ + Leticia
33) Autumn Leaf + Ashley &amp; Edison
34) Pinkie + ryan
35) Weiyao + hubby + Aiden
36) Jade+ Min
37) Miyuki1 + hubby + son
Oh no now then I realise the timing has changed 12noon - 3pm. Sigh....I can't make it liao. I need to pump at 12noon, finish by 1pm, prepare and change 2pm, reach there 3pm (I stay in the east). Piangzz, really no time. Think no choice, I will skip this round. Next gathering ba.
MILs? I think MIL-DIL differences is a perenial issue... I notice no matter how nice the MIL/ DIL seem, there's bound to be difference along the way... but seems that those MILs who are more educated... tend to think differently... &amp; are more likely to be 'peace-loving'...

Just the other day, I was talking to my colleague, suddenly she asks me share with her what I hate abt my MIL, so that she will be mindful &amp; not do the same things to her DIL... how sweet hor... this colleague is an unassuming millionaire lol... she's so super sweet &amp; nice... (I wonder if her DIL feels the same way???)

Maybe the issues will just melt away eventually? I used to hate my MIL to the core, everything she does irritates me... but after a decade, I no longer see her in that light...

I guess since the day I invited my PILs to stay with us, I've made up my mind to accept MIL's nonsense... I told myself that I can never change her (just like we can't teach an old dog new tricks, we also cannot force anyone to change)... but one thing for sure is - I CAN change myself!

Hence, I learnt to let go, to see things from 'her' perspective, to find middle grounds, to review things that I used to find unacceptable ~ &amp; learn to accept them where possible...

For example, HB &amp; I believe that bb &amp; kids will eat when they are hungry, there is no point &amp; also encouraging bad habits to keep offering food or snacks every 2 hrs... no matter how many times we tell MIL, she's still a stubborn old ox (dun mean to be rude la, just figurative)... HB has also 'scolded' her many times... but till now, MIL is STILL doing that!

We can take it that she's irritating, dun respect our wishes, dun comply.... but I've learnt to look at it from a different perspective. She's illiterate, uneducated but she has good intention. She does not read up on child psychology but she uses her knowledge from her own child minding days... she does not know how to instill discipline in the kids, but her concern is that they eat! &amp; grow healthy &amp; well!

At the end of the day, it may be an issue about how to manages the feeding... but she only has good intention as a doing grandmother...

So now, when the kids are with us, they keep to our timing &amp; feeding schedule... but in the day time, when they are home with MIL, she feeds using her schedule... whatever it is, kids still grow up healthy...

Where possible, I've learnt to turn a blind eye to her ways (well, sometimes it means being totally blind)...

Where possible, I've learnt to appreciate the positive aspects of her ways...

Where it's not possible, I no longer keep it inside. I 'confront' her immediately, in a diplomatic manner.

For example, on our way home this evening, I called to check if dinner was ready as HB was hungry... wanted to ask maid to start serving dinner as we were arriving in 10mins... but we realised MIL &amp; maid had problems handling both babies (1 was feeding &amp; the other was running out of the house - cos she knows it's abt time we got home), &amp; that dinner was prepared but not cooked..

When we got home, we were welcomed by a unwelcoming sight ~ maid was feeding #3 while MIL was deep drying the chicken with #2 in her arms!

As soon as I could speak to MIL, I told her it was very dangerous for her to carry the child &amp; cook. What happens if the gal wriggle, loses her balance &amp; fall into the hot oil? Also, what happens if maid decides to do the same, thinking that since MIL did it, she could do it too?

MIL started by saying cos she was afraid my HB (her precious son) was hungry, so she quickly cook &amp; to prevent gal from running out of the house, she carried gal in her arms while cooking!

I explained that safety comes 1st. That there was plenty of bread &amp; snack in the house to starve HB's hunger for 10-20mins... but if an accident occur, it's just not worth the risk!

Thankfully, MIL could see my point. She accepted my explanation &amp; said she won't try it again.

Then a little oil had splattered on MIL's hand(cos not ez balancing a 9kg+ bb while frying lol)... I told MIL to quickly apply the ice colonge &amp; that future 'accidents' could be worse.

I guess she understood my point..

Well, what I try to do when we face such differences is to explain my point lol. Sometimes MIL may resists. But more often then not, when she can see the 'benefits' of my 'theory', she'd accept our ways...

After a year of living together, I'd say life has become more bearable. So when my colleague posed me that question, I was dumbfounded at first. Then I replied my colleague that after awhile, if we can look at the big picture, nothing else matters... not the small hiccups...

Well, wishing all DILs-MILs can enjoy better relationships... *smile*
mgteo: thanks, she cleared ping pong ball for me but it came back again by the evening (its a milk cyst, not a normal blocked duct).. already infected.. wondering if I should see her again.. Im on antibiotics now

EMQ: i like your positive outlook of life. and agree that if MIL cant change, then WE change. unfortunately my MIL is mentally unstable, so i can never "accept" her outbursts. my colleagues tell me that i have to put it in my mind that she is sick that's why she behaves this way. but deep inside for the past 8 years i cannot "understand" or "accept" her behaviour. i dunno how to try..
