(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Ladies what do you all think..

Kekeke about this positive thinking idea...for the 13 june...

Dnt like also can scrap idea...

bunny : i think dazed mentioned can collect fm 20/5 onwards. If cityhall, weekday ~6.30p.m.

if u can meet her, u collect for me can? it's definitely easier for me to get fm u. =)
Hi all,

Chanced upon this forum. I have a Jan baby gal.
This is such an active forum. was wondering if any of u mummies have babies with constipation problem? My gal on full FM.
6mth Bash

Date: 13 Jun
Time: 10am-4pm (3 hrs between this time?)

Please take a vote for programme:
Nutrition Talk: ? ()
Food Demo: 6 (EmQ, dazed, flo, gelato, willting, ni, sus, sperzz)

Playmats: (5 needed)
(EmQ, Blessedmum, ?, ?, ?)
Ladies, Any objection for Nonya food. Want to cater Chilli Padi for their food. Its a bit ex lah, $14/person and transportation is $40. Pls voice out if u object.

Catering: Chilli Padi (13 Jun)
mercsboy : come lah! i want to see u leh...

Samantha : welcome! maybe u can try friso? i heard it helps to ease constipation prob. (personally i hv not tried on my bb) Once bb reach 6mo, can give them prune juice. =)

bunny : Thanks alot!
sperzz: any food is ok with me. the price also ok =)

gelato: yes i have ur #..=)

mercs: come leh... i miss u, kyan miss kyler. even my hb also noes kyan best fren is kyler, he say they look so gay together on pinkie's sofa set! haha
Gelato: Thanks for sharing. Will look it up.

Realise a lot of discussions on pneumococcal vaccination. Just my 5cents worth. I actually ask my PD abt this. He suggested for babies in IFC, better to take. If not, can wait til after 1 year old. cos' less jabs needed and higher chances of the vaccination works for the babies.
Hope it helps.
gelato: i still waiting for hubby, see he want to go or not...

ni: haha....kyler also miss kyan...now i think they can take tummy pic together..haha...

i check with my hubby again...
Hi Mummies,

Wanted to check if anyone has started their babies on Heinz cereal? I'm deciding between Heinz and Bellamy. any advice?
Ladies, there is something i must share. For those who latch / pump in nursing rooms in shopping centres, LISTEN hard!

I was in vivo city today and found a very nursing room with sink, bb changing area and the room can be locked. It also looked very neat and clean. So i sat down at the couch and was about to pump when i looked up above my head. Lo and behold, i saw a CCTV CAMERA!! I was quite sure that looked like a camera, black and round with a red flashing light. I called up the management and asked them about it, how could they install a camera in the nursing room, which is supposed to be a private area, explaining the purpose of the lock yet, whatever you are exposing yourself in the room is being recorded and shown perhaps to some security guard manning the tvs somewhere, feasting his eyes and having a good time. The girl who answered gave me a an unbelievable explanation that 'oh that camera only shows what is outside the nursing room, not inside" i went outside but there is no camera, only inside the room, right above the couch so that should be what is being filmed. common sense right? Anyway lesson is, ladies please protect yourselves first by looking around you and survey the area before you accidentally expose yourself thinking you are in a safe and private room.

Oh No... I bared my breast to some sleaze ball??? when I go there during my ML??
Is it the one opp mothercare... ??
mercs/willting: during my gal full month, my hubby's aunti has offer to look after her with a fee. but we didnt go to her firstly because her place is too out of place for us in term of sending baby there and then going to work/home. but when i saw my gal being ignored at ifc, i have wanted to stop bringing her to ifc and go to the aunti instead. but hubby said to give the centre another chance.

thanks for all your encouragement. i know there will be some kind of conflicts with in-laws too.. nothing is perfect in life.. sigh...

yiwen: when you said basic needs are met, what do you mean? if leaving baby alone to cry; and after a feed she stopped crying and wanted to sleep, doesnt it seem that the caregiver is not able deliver her basis needs?

for my gal, its pretty easy to see that she is tired lo. she will "stone" and rub her eyes alot. and if carry her, she will stretch her arm out wide (just like your arms are the bed and she lie on it like a star fish). and if she wants milk, she will be inconsolable until she is fed.

i am keeping my mind "open" for now, and see if there are other ifc available.and also will check with aunti again.
pluf: yes, i tink u prob did..all the nursing rooms in vivo have cctv cams inside, i went round to see. sigh. cover urself wif shawl nxt time!
sus: yea, very disgusting right? my fren asked me to take photo, post on stomp n also write letter of complaint to vivo. do u tink it wil b effective?
PAT: Good idea!! STOMP is super effective.. I almost went Vivo city last Sat.. last min change to Marina.. cant imagine if I had bared myself.. yucks!
pat: still wat silly explaination is that? is like telling us they put the camera in the toilet so that they can view people washing hands?????

where is pinkie? hmmmppff....
Pat, I think ushld write to the forum. This will make them give ans to the public. They r too much. No camera shld b in toilet or nuring rm at all. Its intrubing into our woman privacy.
gelato: is it ok if i collect it later? r u in a hurry to use it? either fri or mon is fine with u?

dazed: is fri or mon fine with u? hubby works there so asking him to collect. abt 6.30pm rite?

sperzz: i like nonya food but BF can take so spicy meh?
Hi Dazed,

thanks, i have transferred the money to you, details as follow:

From Account POSB Savings 056-23077-7
To Account POSB Savings 055-11978-3 Dazed
Amount S$13.50
Transaction Reference 2258318674
Samantha: yr selling the sit and stand right? I have a friend expecting her 3rd child and she is looking all over the island for a duo pram! Think she would be very keen! Whats the price yr willing to let go for?
i agree, i think shld write cos how can they do that. we go nursing room for privacy. in fact, it's intruding into our privacy without our permission or knowledge. that's not rite. i think if more mother's r aware of it, they will be furious too!
while the topic of nursing rooms and bb rooms are on....any other mummies notice that the airconditioning is always toooo strong in these rooms? They somehow always crank it up like max....then makes me scared to go in!
Sorry I don’t mean it & caregiver is a basic need. To me, I have set a routine for IFC to follow, like what time have to feed her & amount milk to drink, apply lotion on her neck & folder area to prevent rash. Cos IFC always not following the feeding timing, when back to hm my girl always cry for milk & neck always red. My colleague told me most of the IFC have this problem & they will leave the BB cry to at least 10mins. For us we will not let this happen on our bb. IFC know my pick-up timing, so they always carry my girl when I reach there. One day, I delay for 15mins to pick my girl & when I reach my girl is crying & shouting. I know she must cry for more than 10mins & I explain to the in-charge please don’t let my girl cry & shout. Than they say ok but I know is not possible.
pinkypiggy (pinkypiggy) ,

I send mine to a nanny, she is the greatest. Hope if you do find one she be good too...

This is just my opinion, nanny is good even tho

My nanny looks after another 2 year. Her daughter brings her 2 year & 4 year to nanny home every day..My nanny husband also at home retired.. Everybody handles my bb, children plays with my bb. I am open coz I think, the more interaction she gets with children big or small and more people handling her when time to go to childcare she is used to it... To me coz I work late, nanny flexi, like when i have to go for business trip ok.. she get more attention then infant care and like childcare enviroment coz got nanny, husband, her daughter and kids kekekekkeke , I think.. well.. i hope all goes well... or maybe if mummies read this will think I is Pyscho mum
ok, i shall go take a pic of it nxt week when i am there again. in the meantime if anyone is going over the weekend, can help to take the picture first.

btw, i also discovered another nursing room, the one near GV side, some clever mummy actually stick some black masking tape or sth over the cctv camera. still, i am not sure if it is safe to use that room! anyway, they are so wrong to intrude into our privacy by installing a camera. period.
cherryale: the bumbo seat in isetan is located near the strollers, high chairs etc. but is placed on some lower shelf. They also have one aqua color one on display there on top of the boxes of bumbos. if cant find just ask the staff. actually some from WTS also can b very gd condition if u dun mind them.
yiwen: most ifc leave baby to cry for 10mins! omg. i think i need to check on her now and then after i start work. i cant tell them not to leave her to cry if i didnt "caught" them do it lor...

about the nursing room. i guess i will be putting on my nursing shawl whereever i nurse my ah gal liao. vivo has made me lost all confident in all nursing room.. cant believe anyone with conscious mind would want to put cctv in nursing room. it is suppose to give mums the privacy nurse baby isnt it? hope this wouldnt disuade mums to nurse babies in future. its really terrible.
Hi mummies...
Can any1 recommand postnatal massage lady??Because there r alot of recommandation in the forum but am not sure if some of them r true..anybody hv gd experience fr the massage lady??

Thank you
Ai yo! How can the nursing room be installed with a camera? Unbelievable!!!

The other day I was just excitedly telling my husband that Tampines 1 got nursing room and he commented: Careful of cameras. Then I told him: Xiao ah, won't happen one..

Lagi really happen in Vivo. How can they put it above the couch some more!!!!!
afcai...thanks for the link...shd read on it...
full mth they came...then just when majority of guests came in...hb went MIA cos gota send them back! endup i was busy like crazy and had to ask a fren for help to replenish the food...pengz!
Pluf, I know you must be very upset.

If I were you, I'd get my husband to report to police and insist that all tapes in that nursing room be surrendered and destroyed by the police.
By the way. for those who are considering getting a bumbo seat, you may want to know that it may only last for a month or two. My babies tend to struggle out of it as they grew older.

For my sis-in-law, the baby's thighs grew fat and couldn't fit into it anymore.

But I find that it helps strengthens the back muscle faster that if I . Good investment if yours is the first kid. Can pass around to relatives too.
Pat...hw abt feedback to breastfeeding society? writing to Straits Time forum sound feasible...at the same time serve as an alert to all nursing mummies...
errr.....Z's daddy being removed from the list...

Date: 13 Jun
Venue: EMQ (West Coast)
Time: 10am~4pm

1) sperzz & delia
2) ni & kyan
3) flo & victoria
4) cheekgal & Brayden
5) blessedmum + daddy & cayden
6) bb starlet & Crystal
7) sus & daddy + caleb
8) dazed & jiahe
9) cjteng & Jovan
10) bunny + daddy & matthias
11) Pluff & bb ( :p)
12) shann & babyern
13) cherryale & Ashley
14) piyo & Zethan + daddy
15) Ange & Jon
16) Kelly & LeAnn
17) willting & Juvius
18) Gwen & Tristan
19) suika & Kevan
20) janjan & shyan
21) sher & gernise
22) PAT + daddy & johnny boy
23) Precious_bb & Jensen
24) laugh + daddy & Adler
25) m_int & jewel
26) Miaiko + daddy & Charlotte
27) cheryl83 + kayden
28) gelato & Caden
Hi mummies, I'm Jan09 mum too. Have been a silent reader all these while.

Regarding nursing rooms in vivo, i think better double check again. Coz there was once i needed to BF my baby n i couldn't find the switch to turn on the lights. Then i asked the toilet cleaner for help. Apparently there is a sensor in the nursing room that will turn on the lights when someone steps into the room. So end up the aunty walked in & out of the room a few times before the lights were on. Btw, the nursing room that i went to is located opp of Sushi Tei.

Could it be the sensor and not cctv? Anyway, i do hope it's the sensor coz i've BFed there a few times liao.
6mth Bash

Date: 13 Jun
Time: 10am-4pm (3 hrs between this time?)

Please take a vote for programme:
Nutrition Talk: ? ()
Food Demo: 6 (EmQ, dazed, flo, gelato, willting, ni, sus, sperzz, piyo)

Playmats: (5 needed)
(EmQ, Blessedmum, ?, ?, ?)
Hi mummies, my baby is going 4month drinking 120ml every 2hr. may i know how much is your baby drinking? she vomit the milk out often so i didnt increase her milk. is it ok?
If it was a CCTV, I be damn upset and demand Compensation...!!!! I better go find out whter it is sensor or CCTV.. (No offense Pat) not that dnt trust .. coz i always go in there bare my breast to bb and hubby only not to sleeze bags...

Gtea, My massage later is really good chinese and do pressure pt massage , I really slim down... PM me I will give you her number... I am an avid goer of massages I even had 2 diff woman do my prenatal massage after trying many... Coz both were good in their own way... I like my massages very firm..


my girl is 4 months old & drinking 150ml every 4hrs. May be you can check your bb tummy is bloated & touch her forehead if "liang liang" is sign of the stomach have wind.


based on the formula my girl should taking 200ml, yo a lot leh. I did try to increase to 180ml but seldom she can finish.
