(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

hi ladies, those who ordered sling, please transfer $13.50 to me. posb savings 055119783. also, please indicate where you are collecting from so that i can leave the slings at my mom's.

S1 - 11
princess panda

S2 - 1

S3 - 2

emq, i'm collecting from pandan gdn. cos she wanna charge $5 if send to my mom's. cos we bargain down to $13.50 mah. no prob, cos i will be at pandan gdn next tues anyway, at the cc for meeting.
precious_bb: I have started the brown rice cereal and sweet potatoes bottled food, Juvius love it a lot...the bottled food once open, can keep for 3 days in the fridge... take out the portion you wan to feed and warm up, the rest put in the fridge...
xpink & afcai, thks

Yesterday I call up Friso but they said have to consult PD. My girl use huggies. My PIL seldom carry my girl & FIL is a smoker, he doesn’t wash hand after his smoke like to touch my girl face. I ask my hubby please buy a auto gear for your father.. Sometimes think old ppl difficult to change, just be alert & clean off the germs. MIL not even see my girl but she is the best actress when my hubby around. She will say” Xuan yah, ah ma love you & tell me what you want I buy for you”, & my hubby will tell “ see my mum love girl”. So, I don’t feedback anything to hubby is useless & also understand cannot do anything.

your princess have big eyes, so pretty.
mummies who hv posted ur pics here : all ur babies all sooooooo lovely!

sperzz : I like Delia's big round eyes! =)

Dazed : I trf $13.50 to ur acct liao. Can i chk with u what are the collection pts & timing again? Tks.

bunny : if u r able to meet up with dazed, can u collect my sling for me? then i get it fm ur place? Or if i can meet up with dazed, u want me to collect on ur behalf?

Samval : hehe... good that u start work on Fri, u can spend time with ur kids VERY soon again. =)
SUS: Sure... 11am is a good time. In fact, I dun think we should meet from 10am-4pm. I do not think the babies can take such long hours. Also, the breastfeeding mums may have to feed with shawl in 'public'. Cos I dun BF, even at my home, it's a very open concept, the rooms lead directly into the garden with full view of the outside, & my kids will be running in & out all the time... my ils' room has a little more privacy but not nice to go in la...
hi emq: thanks for organising and coordinating for the gathering! Let me know if u need more playmats, then i will bring mine along

pat: u brought bumbo seat along everywhere? hmmm thats an idea leh!!! haha!

ni: how much did u pay for the bumbo tray ah?

sperzz: delia looked so cute!!
sperzz: delia eyes so pretty lor!! sweet girl "craving"...haha...

yiwen: yr FIL smokes...then me worse....my hubby smokes....and me also used to smoke...keke
sperzz: delia eyes so pretty lor!! sweet girl "craving"...haha...

yiwen: yr FIL smokes...then me worse....my hubby smokes....and me also used to smoke...keke
Dazed: Have done the transfer. Details as follows:
From POSB Savings :533-70389-5
To Account POSB Savings : 055-11978-3 Dazed - Jan MTB
Amount :S$13.50
Transaction Reference :2257584373

Please check & confirm. Will get HB to pick up from your mum's place. Just let me know when he can pick it up. Many thanks!
yiwen: wont la..usually he smokes at the balcony there...but then still got smell ma..but bo bian...let him auto himself...sick of nagging
mercsboy & Ashley : i think both of u were talking abt bb increasing appetite at ard 8-9mths... actually dun hv to worry so much, cos by then, they'll be taking semi solids liao, so 1 or 2 feeds will be replaced by porridge or whatever. =)
Ni: Gap Kids Sale (up to 50%) on at Isetan, starting today. I think it's for a week. Can go check that out if you are keen. Then let us know any good offers... hahaha..
gelato: oh...ya hor...now my boy appetite also funny funny one...these few days he woke up at 5.15am hungry...then now add one feed for him liao...
Ok, me going for a swim now, also to pay the fee for the function room. When I get back, will need to do some work, eat, prepare kids, then gotta go work liao... c u girls around.

After sending all that emails this morning (3am), very excited, waiting for them to reply. I wonder how responsive the companies will be.
mercsboy : ya lor, sometimes i find their appetite quite unpredictable... but we adults oso like that, sometimes eat more sometimes eat less... so i guess it's ok. =)
gelato: Good... then share here if you find good buys... hahaha...

I need to send #1 for eye check at HPB... too bad, both parents myopic, plus HB has retinol hole & lattice degeneration... my poor kids will be more susceptible to eye problems... sigh... next time they find bf must tell them to screen health properly... hahaha... like a good friend of mine lamenting that her HB has high blood pressure & diabetes... so her kids are prone to more health issues...
Ni: hee hee, actually my baby supposed to come out on 1st Jan. But she decided to arrive on 2nd Jan instead. :p

Her milk intake still didn't increase even though she is 4.5 months liaoz. I'm hoping she can turn 6 month soon so I can start feeding her some cereals...

I happened to read the stories from the internet on this pneumococcal disease, that is why I'm intending to get my girl for the jab. I also wanted her to take the jab once she reached 1 year old but after reading this, I'm really not going to take any chances. But my hubby more concerned about $$$. Hai~

To me, it is better to be safe than sorry.


mummies, gymboree order has been shipped. Usually it takes about 2 weeks to arrive. Will update again.

Pat, isetan has bumbo?? where exactly?? I think i must be blind, i went twice yet never see.

I think i will try to leave office by 7pm today to go and check out. Actually i think i kind of remember which friend i had loan the bumbo seat, should i ask for it back?? Think i also loan her my Glenn dorman book and some korean dvds. Has been more than 1 yr already. A bit paisay to ask leh.

i just got an email from ralph lauren private sale, additional 15% discount on sale items. No time to browse yet, will update for my potential interested buyers
mummies, can do me a favour, if u see anyone selling bumbo with or without tray, can let me know?? Thank you v muchhhhh

cos i think i need a bumbo seat if i want to start Ashley on solids at 5th mth. Pd told me to start at 5th mth since she is on bm. no need to wait for 6th mth esp if she is showing signs that she is ready. but at 5th mth, I dun think she will be able to sit on the ikea highchair safely.
ni: ok! i finally found one tray goin for same price!!

cherryale: there r many selling off their seats in the forum leh.. much cheaper than what u buy in shops. u can go see
dazed: have transferred, transaction ref: 2257677919

Where is ur mum's place addy again? I can get from both ur place or mum's place. What are the timings?

Thanks for ordering!!

EmQ: oh hehe.. I dun bf very well in public.. cos my boy is very squirmy while bf so I always need to look for nursing room.. guess I can try in ur house with a shawl else I can do it in the car.. thanks!
willting : but u hv a big baby. =) u know, recently i knew of someone who beat ur record - birth weight of bb 4.575kg.... my mouth couldn't close when i heard that... hehe...
Wow, willting, your baby born 3 weeks earlier and yet the weight is above 4kg?? I'm so amazed!! What do you do it? Ate lots of durians during your last trimester? heehee. Natural birth too?
hi dazed have made payment. pls check!

To Account POSB Savings
055-11978-3 dazed
Amount S$13.50
Transaction Reference 2257718670
cherryale (cherryale)

You loan her yea.. Maybe she forgot, or hahahaha if she not paiseh, then why should you be... kekekke!

But I understand the being paiseh!
regarding to the tray at bumbo seat. I personally felt not safe to put the bowl at the tray as Delia topple the whole bowl of cereal on her legs last wk.
sperzz: oh thanks for the info! i dun intend to let him sit there for eating.. was more to place his book there for 'reading' and his toys..
sperzz: kyan also like to push away whatever i put there. i put his baby laptop there, he push to the floor. so funnie..

cherry: i email u the links for WTS for bumbo seats le. but u gotta act fast. cos bumbo is a hot seller in WTS! =)

pluf: how much is the swimming class??

Babies as young as 5 months can pick up water skills more naturally than you think! Capitalising on babies’ natural “swimming” abilities, Waterfun Babies sessions will be a great enjoyment for infants with their parents while enabling them to get a head-start in developing water confidence, working out their young muscles & co-ordination skills, as well as expanding their social & psychological experiences!

Sign up for our small group Waterfun Babies Program & get:

A term of 8 sessons for parents-baby participation.

A piece of baby neoprene thermal suit worth$70 for free!

Waterfun baby digital album (with your very own photos of you & baby captured during your lessons)
Limited vacancies - up to 5 baby participants per class only so hurry!

A one time registration fee $55 applied

Fee : $200 per term (NTU Alumni member)
$220 per term (Non-member)

Venue : NTU Alumni Club @ one-north,
Level 4,
Family Fun Pool

I try ask... Not sure if 8 is too many bbs or they feel that 5 is a comfortable number. coz bb no float ah... it 1 parent and 1 bb. (Safty First )

I am trying to see if she can waive of the registration Fee $55. If we all can have 2 or 3 groups of 5 babbies each..

Quite fun, if we all have lessons then after lesson can all relax and chat....
babystarlet & Mummies that are interested.

It seems like a private pool so lesser risk of getting "whatever" in the waters!

Now I am asking her to revert when they clean the pool coz then ah if "heng Heng" clean pool sat or Sun , we can have our lessons rite after the cleaning of water. So our bb are 200% safer, kekekkeke kiasu mummy.!

wah!! the gathering so happening.. i wanna come oso.. hehehe

Date: 13 Jun
Venue: EMQ (West Coast)
Time: 10am~4pm

1) sperzz & delia
2) ni & kyan
3) flo & victoria
4) cheekgal & Brayden
5) blessedmum + daddy & cayden
6) bb starlet & Crystal
7) sus & daddy + caleb
8) dazed & jiahe
9) cjteng & Jovan
10) bunny + daddy & matthias
11) Pluff & bb ( :p)
12) shann & babyern
13) cherryale & Ashley
14) piyo & Zethan
15) Ange & Jon
16) Kelly & LeAnn
17) willting & Juvius
18) Gwen & Tristan
19) suika & Kevan
20) janjan & shyan
21) sher & gernise
22) PAT + daddy & johnny boy
23) Precious_bb & Jensen
24) laugh + daddy & Adler
25) m_int & jewel
26) Miaiko + daddy & Charlotte
27) cheryl83 + kayden
