(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

afcai & gernise: Yes... we meant to hold a gathering in Jun to celebrate our bbs turning 6mths... somehow, we ended up choosing the earlier part... so in the end, many are just 5mths la...

emq: wat time is the talk or food demo? dont think can be there so ealr leh.. morning is always the busiest w cayden.. not sure abt other mummies.. 10am seem qte early woh

maybe change the timing from 12 plus - 1 onwards?
Ok, looks like most are voting for cooking demo. I will inform the lady at Nestle that we'd opt for cooking demo. As for timing, I'd suggest we meet from 12-3pm?

I propose:
12pm: Brunch/ Lunch (considering some mummies sleep late, or need to get bb ready to come out)
12.30pm: Mingling (more time for late comers to eat)
1pm: Food Demo (think they need abt 45mins)
2pm: Sharing session by ourselves!
* e.g. some tried & tested ways to sling bb
* how to massage bb to encourage pooing (someone was sharing at one of the gatherings?)
* Using flash cards with bb
3pm: Home sweet Home or swimmers can stay on to swim at the pool.
Blessedmum & gernise: Hahaha.. seems like you gals were asking abt timing as I was thinking through the feasibility... yes agree that 10am can be early for us, esp when handling young babies...

Even myself seem to be getting slower... hahaha.. wonder if it's age or just that I now have 3 to get ready.

Interestingly, in the past when we only had #1 but no helpers, we have no problems getting ready & getting out at 8am for excursions to the zoo or other outings... but now, we just can't seem to get out of the house earlier than noon! & if we are going to church on Sundays, it's really mad rush in the morning!
Meeting at noon is also good for me... then I'll have time to get back from market & for maid to pack away the marketing before helping out at the function room.

Anyhow, I think 3 hrs is a nice timing.. any longer, the babies may get very tired.
Actually, I like dazed idea of a baby massage demo... anyone has contacts? Maybe I'll surf net for a service provider, then ask them about coming...

ok, think I need to shower & turn in liao.. early day tomorrow & long day too... #1's eye appt & many errands to run...
Mummies: Email from Nestle ~

<font color="aa00aa">It’s nice chatting with you. As discussed, the Nestlé Baby Club is set up to offer moms sound advice on baby nutrition and development at every stage of a baby’s growth. You can check out www.nestlebaby.com.sg for more info.

We will be delighted to engage a nutritionist or an expert cooking demonstrator as a ‘party highlight’ for your 6month bash for 30 sets+ of parents.

The nutritionist will be able to touch on topics that interest moms such as Baby nutrition, weaning menu planning and allergy prevention
The cooking demonstrator will be able to share recipe ideas and whip up some interesting and easy recipes that’s great for babies above 6months old.</font>

Based on the information given, I think a nutrition talk would be better than a cooking demonstration.

What's your view?
And this talk will be all the more appropriate at this stage... esp if you are about to start weaning!

I'd be very keen on allergy prevention cos I suspect my #3 will have some allergy issues. Already, she's experiencing eczema (like my #1) &amp; at the last jab, nurse suspect she's allergic to milk... sigh... too bad I could not breastfeed... I hope it's not too serious.
Oh dear, I think I miss out ur orders... I can't find any email from u. Did u send me? I've replied to mummies who had ordered...
Did u receive any email from me? Jialat.. Paisey....

Wow.. Realise u slp quite late....

This gathering looks fun and interesting.. So many mummies going..
EmQ (emq) ,

positive infant was something my friend recommended me join, so i juz ask the woman n pop ideas.. kekekeke! u know the space better...

I anything also ok..kekeke got place go happiness!

So tired.. pumping pumping pumping! wish bb can drink both breast dry during the nite feed, then I dnt need to pump to empty it.. the vicious cycle of dnt pump scared of block ducts and decrease in amt..

Just tt, Transaction Reference 2259001982.

Will collect from Suntec during lunch time. Probably on Thursday. Will sms you again.
fluffy: Yes... since returning to work... I've been sleeping at 3+am... but not a big problem.. cos I can get to sleep in till 8 or 9am... but will need to adjust soon... cos this week, I can still go in late (work at home in morning), but next week onwards, probably have to get in to work by 10am... then can't sleep in liao...
So nice so many of you going for the 6th month bash. Think can't make it, my elder girl has lesson on 13th, it's the last lesson. Either i skip the class or get my mil to attend with her. But thinking to bring her to the gathering too. My hubby dun want to go, tell me if i go will have to bring my maid and two girls. OK to bring maid??
Let me think about it.
Emq, wow, thanks for opening your plc for the party, it certainly looks fun. Looking forward to it

same here for me with regards to sunday going to church. I have to remind everyone - hb and maid wat time we have to leave our house, then its bathing 1 kid after the other, I am always the last to bathe and change. last time when just 1 kid, its a lot faster.

i just pm a mummy on a preloved bumbo seat, hopefully can get it
my first time buying a preloved item, actually its quite fun!!!
Mummies: Please vote for either nutrition talk or cooking demo.

<font color="0000ff">The nutritionist will be able to touch on topics that interest moms such as Baby nutrition, weaning menu planning and allergy prevention
The cooking demonstrator will be able to share recipe ideas and whip up some interesting and easy recipes that’s great for babies above 6months old.</font>

Nutrition Talk: 1.EmQ, 2.
Cooking Demo: 1.
Jolene: No problem, bring your maid along if necessary...

I can understand... hahaha... we are so 'pmapered' we cannot handle our kids... last time my mum manage all 5 of us on her own... I only have 3, but dun dare to try managing on my own! I've tried bringing the 1st 2 out alone... but with a 3rd, I'm so afraid... maybe also cos my #2 is super active, clingy... if I handle her, I cannot handle my bb as well... so just waiting for the day I can bring all 3 on my own! *smile*... for now, need to rely of HB, MIL or maid...

You work out your logistics &amp; let us know... I need the attendance as Nestle will be providing goodies bags...
cherryale: You are most welcome.

Yes, my HB started getting 2nd hand items... he started with 2nd hand BN or lightly used items (but his are mostly gadgets or IT items)... subsequently, I get the 'hang' of things... so have been acquiring preloved items, especially toys... realise I can get more 'milage' for my resources ($$$)... can get big items at smaller cost... kids get to play... anyway, when I collect the stuffs, always get maid to do a thorough clean up with detol before letting the kids use them... just in case la... ks mum...

I dun buy preloved clothes though... cos there are so many kids in my extended family, the clothes go around FOC... no need to buy liao... so if I buy, I only buy brand new nice pieces for my gals to wear out. *smile*

Enjoy your bumbo seat... me also considering whether to get one... hmmm... preloved of course... does not make sense to pay so much for it... hahaha...
keke.. i dun wake up for pump ... my last pump normally b4 12mn... unless i play mj...

actually getting rdy to bed after my hk drama series... so just surf thread on bed b4 ko...
fluffy:Hw I wish I can have time to ply mj..hahah MISS MY MJ KAKI!!

All mummys here v hardwork and xin ko. (Need to work and still got to take care bb)but once we see our lit one growing well..all the effort is worth it.
Jia you q^O^p
afcai: haha...i also don know my bb consider perterm bb or not...maybe compared EDD is yes, size is not...

piyo/pat: my bb always have fever after the jabs, i will plan his jabs in the morning, afternoon time he will be very cranky &amp; sleepy, wan to carry him to sleep and cry for no reason...his fever will come in the night time i also very scared of bringing him for any jab, tomorrow is his last 6in1 jab...
Hi Willting, my gal also always have post jab fever. Just like to share with you. My fren's pd told her to feed her bb with paracetamol 1-2 hr b4 the jab. However, some mummies have advise me to feed paracetamol immediately after the jab to prevent fever.

My personal experience is:
1st jab: I didnt feed her paracetamol until she develop fever and her fever went as high as 38.6 degree.

2nd jab: I feed her paracetamol immediately after the jab but she still have fever but lower ard 37.8 degree.

Maybe for her next jab, I will feed her paracetamol before her jab. My gal like guinea pig... haizzzzz
pluf: i didnt give her ginseng after all coz.. i realise mine are in the "nut" form, not slice. tried to slice it but very hard. silly me.

her temperature is slowly rising. now is reaching 37.5. while she is napping away, i just leave a cold towel on her neck and stick a cooling gel on her forhead. hope she doesnt need medication.
haiz....before i started work, my sil offer to look after my girl. She is asking for $500 for looking after her for 10 days fr 7am to 3.30pm. Which i feel is a little too much? Is it too much or reasonable? How much will you mummies give? Anyway, just after 1 day, she said dont want to take care of my girl anymore. Feel so play out. Damn angry!

Lucky, we found a ifc which can start on jun and after subsidy we only need to pay $200.
Got my gal's measurements for her ' month check up =) she is 62cm and exactly 6 kg.....but poor bb caught a cold n coughing quite badly!
I vote for nutrition talk.

Nutrition Talk: 1.EmQ, 2.laugh
Cooking Demo: 1.

Dazed, I can collect the sling @ city hall ard 6.30pm, let me know which day is better for u.
Hi Dazed,
I've transferred 13.50 to your account.
Transaction Reference 2259445931
From: Kamy

Thanks so much for helping me change the order to S3!! I'll be collecting from your place at jurong west during weekends. Let me know once you have the slings!
wow... so many mothers attending the 6th mth gathering. always wanted to meet up with the mummies here..somemore it's at the west side...

can't go yet as my boy is still recovering and very weak. also don want to spread the virus to other babies (if there's still any). hopefully you all will be organising another one soon. by then my boy will be strong enough to go and mingle with the other babies. heehee..
gernise:that's near..keke..now Lot1 Shopping Mall have change alot and have more shop liao..too bad hb parent have move out from there lioa..
cjteng: lot1 changed alot but still nothing much to shop 1 lah...haizzz mayb i staying there everytime go till sianz liao
Hi Dazed,

Have transferred $13.50 to your account. Ref: 0311. Thanks! As for the collection, I will let you know again either city hall after work or Jurong East your mom's place. I have your contact, so prob will info you by next week.

This morning I just did a stupid thing. Cos just changed my baby bathing tub to a bigger 1. 1st time using so not used to it,realised that his face was filled with form when I tried to turn him over to bath his front!!! OMG!! I was so scared but luckily my sis was around to help me. But Im still worried that he will get diaherra or vomit. Though till now hes will ok but his appetite seemed become poorer. Din drink his milk from 1030 till 4 and only finished 100ml by then. Any mommies have any advice? HELP!!!
hi ladies, those who ordered sling, please transfer $13.50 to me. posb savings 055119783. also, please indicate where you are collecting from so that i can leave the slings at my mom's.

collection location:
jurong east st 21 near IMM(weekday before 8pm)
jurong west ave 5 (weekends)
suntec/marina sq/millenia walk (weekday between 12-1pm)
cityhall (weekday 6.30pm or so)

S1 - 11
jolene (suntec)(Paid)
blessedmum (JE)(Paid)
sus (JW)(Paid)
laugh (paid)
bunny (paid)(city hall)
princess panda (cityhall/msq)(Paid)
gwen (cityhall/JE)(Paid)
gelato (by bunny)(Paid)

S3 - 3
emq (JE)(Paid)
mgteo (JE)(Paid)
kamy (JW)(Paid)
willting...bb Z is still screaming during feed but luckily only once today thus hopefully it stay this way....on the reduction in vol of feed..no choice but to build back progressively...at least im glad he's feeding...
pinkypiggy....mi feed my boi wif paosheng water b4 jab but not working so far for both 1st &amp; 2nd dose....did ur bb develop fever after pnuemococcal or 6in1?

Gwen.....supposed u are using bb bath thus foam shd b rather mild but of cos no matter wat still soap/chemical involved....suggest perhaps u can feed water to try &amp; 'flush' out foreign matl he might have breathe in..meanwhile monitor for further action? my 2 cents though...
