(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs


I have made payment:-

To Account POSB Savings
134-02862-9 ypg
Amount S$23.00
Transaction Reference 2263181933

Thanks so much for organising this... See you on Sunday.

Since the class is at 10am, I think I won't go, because I have church. Please go ahead and remove me from the list. Thanks for organising.
Latest List
Tentative Date - 20 June 2009 (Sat)
Time - from 11am onwards till 5/6pm
Venue - Corporation Road

1. Emeraldbride - Self, Hb & BB?
2. Bubblepearl - self, bb, hb(3 pax)
3. Ikeike - self, bb & hb
4. 2ndbb - self, bb
5. Pastillies - self, bb & hb
6. Juzyounme - self, bb
7. Xuelyn - self, Hb & bb
8. Izu - self, bb, (hb)

1. Fabbie
2. iemik0
3. Spaghetti - self, bb & hb
4. Merydith - self,bb,hb,maid
5. Esthers -self,bb,hb
6. Snowger - self,bb,hb
7. Joanne81 - self,bb,hb
8. Echt - self, bb

Ok, so far we still have less than 10 confirmed so if we dun have at least 10 babies by 6pm today, I'll cancel the gathering.
hi kath,

my order...
btw, do u order toothpaste w/o brush? coz i already hav 2 still untouched... hehee

First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2 (blue)
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2 (blue)
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
9. iemik0 x 4 (blue)
10. bubblepearl x 2
11. tamms x 2
12. echt x 2 (blue)
13. Merydith x 2 (blue)
14. kristalangel x 2
15 . little_rabbit x 2
16. winnie171175 x 1
17. Jowinbaby X 2
18. Fong2 X 2
19. Esthers x 3
20. ypg x 2
21. Joanne81 x 2 (blue)
22. xuelyn x 2
23. Jlow x 2
24. fabbie x 1
25. juzyounme x 2
26. Jess X 2
Kath, can stil place order (cos din log on for past 4 days, din knw abt the music trial nor the toothpaste purchase)? If can, help me order as below? If too late, then its ok =)

First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2 (blue)
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2 (blue)
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
9. iemik0 x 4 (blue)
10. bubblepearl x 2
11. tamms x 2
12. echt x 2 (blue)
13. Merydith x 2 (blue)
14. kristalangel x 2
15 . little_rabbit x 2
16. winnie171175 x 1
17. Jowinbaby X 2
18. Fong2 X 2
19. Esthers x 3
20. ypg x 2
21. Joanne81 x 2 (blue)
22. xuelyn x 2
23. Jlow x 2
24. fabbie x 1
25. juzyounme x 2
26. Jess X 2
27. Carmen x 2
Hi ypg, thanks again for orgainsing. Have just made the trans to ur ac. here's the trans ref:

Mummies and their bb
1 ypg & bb Clarissa
2 Phyl & bb Hayden
3 Bur & bb Cidney
4 jowinbaby & bb Ashlynne
5 pastilies &amp; bb <strike>Jinny Ng</strike> kayson

6 zachmommy &amp; bb Zachary
7 santorini &amp; bb Emma
8 Xuelyn &amp; bb Summer
9 juzyounme &amp; bb Ambrose
10 rachel &amp; bb Jordan (not yet confirmed)
11 LuthAdel &amp; bb Bryan
12 2nd bb &amp; bb Claryce
Hi Juz,
so blur of me, forgot there's the conventional hot water method haha. yup yup, that will be the best way i guess...too used to using food warmer;p

Is it okie to start on brown rice cereal? Cos every book only states rice ceral but nv state if it's okie for brown rice cereal...
fabbie, i saw this one too! It is like ice tray hor but an expensive one :p

it is good to use when preparing cereal..cos cereal onie need 30ml of milk..so no need to pour here n there
Sorry I did not log in for the past few days. Do I need to transfer $ to you for the trial kindermusik class? If so can I have your POSB or DBS Bank details please. Thanks
haha ya lor, Kayson wants to take mummy's name;p
kayson does not stay still when changing diaper nowdays! he flips &amp; turns...that Pee-pee teepee wun work for my boy;p

i saw that too, wanted to try it as I'm running out of milkbags( then buy milkbags also ex)...
But then i dunno if when frozen &amp; transfer to ziplock bag is it Hygiene enuff or will the frozen milk ice blocks "stick" to each other...

Kayson once again didnt poo at all over the weekend..but he poo 4X yesterday at IFC!!! wow i think he really likes to "bomb" the IFC ..either tat or he finds there more conducive to poopoo...
actually i was a bit worried when he poo so much yesterday...dunno if his stomach is okie or not...
Ya lor.. its quite EXPensive. abit sian man.
i also Worried that the ziplock bag is not hygiene enff. and even so. they say that we can use hand to touch the CUB?!
hi bobo,
3Oz seems a bit little (it's < 100ml rite) but is ur boy okie with it? does he cry for more after that? Ur PD/doc says his weight &amp; weight gain okie?

my boy (5mth 1 wk) is 7.9kg at his last checkup (last sat). His weigh gain in fact has dropped..as he only gain 300g since 1mth ago.. but my doc says he's still okie..weigh enuff so much so that mummy's hands already cant take it;p;p he's on TBF with only 2 bottle feeds a day (used to be 125ml which i just increase to 140ml this wk as the IFC says it's not enuff le- he's a growing boy..will slowly increase to 150ml then to 160ml.)
That being said, so long ur boy is healthy &amp; happy &amp; ur PD/doc says his weight is okie then dun worry!

fabbie, ya, tt's what i mean, whterh is it hygiene or not to just put all the ice blocks in normal zip lock bag...

Kath, do u know if the tooth paste got expiry date one? so i can decide how many to get;p;p
Count me in for the gathering.

Latest List
Tentative Date - 20 June 2009 (Sat)
Time - from 11am onwards till 5/6pm
Venue - Corporation Road

1. Emeraldbride - Self, Hb &amp; BB?
2. Bubblepearl - self, bb, hb(3 pax)
3. Ikeike - self, bb &amp; hb
4. 2ndbb - self, bb
5. Pastillies - self, bb &amp; hb
6. Juzyounme - self, bb
7. Xuelyn - self, Hb &amp; bb
8. Izu - self, bb, (hb)
9. Echo - self, bb

1. Fabbie
2. iemik0
3. Spaghetti - self, bb &amp; hb
4. Merydith - self,bb,hb,maid
5. Esthers -self,bb,hb
6. Snowger - self,bb,hb
7. Joanne81 - self,bb,hb
8. Echt - self, bb
For BM to mix with cereal, so far I'm using bb cubes to store the milk. Just fill it to the 30ml mark and put in the fridge. To heat up, put bb cube in a bowl of warm water. No need to buy expensive cube storage things. Anyway, fresh/fridge milk is always better than frozen milk.
First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2 (blue)
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2 (blue)
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
9. iemik0 x 4 (blue)
10. bubblepearl x 2 (blue n pink)
11. tamms x 2
12. echt x 2 (blue)
13. Merydith x 2 (blue)
14. kristalangel x 2
15 . little_rabbit x 2
16. winnie171175 x 1
17. Jowinbaby X 2
18. Fong2 X 2
19. Esthers x 3
20. ypg x 2
21. Joanne81 x 2 (blue)
22. xuelyn x 2
23. Jlow x 2
24. fabbie x 1
25. juzyounme x 2
26. Jess X 2
27. Carmen x 2


Yes, there is expiry date. anyway, don't need to stock up alot cos there is always spree for the toothpaste &amp; usage is very little at a time. Maybe you can buy 2 tube for a start.

your boy only drink twice a day. you start solid already is it.

mine girl is only 5mth,weight abt 7+ kg. drinking 110ml=4oz 3hrly for about 6 times a day.
Hi pastillies
Thks for your msg. According to nanny, he can go without BM for as long as 4hrs, and when he drink its only 60ml to 90ml. He’s with nanny from 7am-6pm since 3.5mth. Been latching on directly (feed on demand) since birth or whenever with me, therefore tough to gauge how much is he’s total intake.
Was told by PD to start him on a tablespoon cereal twice a day. Kinda reluctant cos my boy has got eczema, was hoping to start after 6mth.
Wondering is there anyway to increase his BM intake?!?!?!
hi winnie,

dun get me wrong, my boy only drinks twice a day from bottle at the IFC. Other times I let him latch on. [i.e morning latchon / late morning IFC bottle / lunch time latchon / late afternoon IFC bottle / Evening latchon / last feed before sleep latchon] so total = 6 feeds. sometimes when i totally latchon during wkends, he may just need 5 feeds..
I'm trying to only start on cereal when he's 6mths (another 2 wks to go)...also becasue i need to prepare his stuff to start on cereal too!! (havent buy highchair / just bought cereal last wkend ,etc...)

Thanks for ur info on the toothpaste

hi bobo,
same here, i let him total latch on so i have really no idea how much milk shd i prepare for him. Since ur PD ask u to start on cereal, issit bcos of his wt gain?
you can get appetite boosters from your pd, they are vitamins as well. Liquid form with dropper incl. My sis used it when her baby started drinking less and her appetite came back up
hi bobo
btw-do you time the interval of demand for latching? yes, Feed on demand but also cannot be every hr or too long an interval.

ask the nanny don't wait for 4hrs. try giving him every 3 hrly. sometime bb will strave themselve &amp; wait for mummy to come home &amp; feed them directly.

i also latch my no1 since his birth till abt 3mth+ but for mine is abt every 2hrly. like u also don't know how much he drink.
re: philips sale

Best to bring cash.
Normally, if you're early (around 9-ish) shouldn't be too packed. Gets crowded around 10+ 11
hi fabbie,
agree wif iris, tat’s expensive! :p

hi pastillies,
heeheehee… ur kayson is totally different my boy. My boy dun poo at IFC but always poo at home! But now me n hubby keep him at home, din send him to IFC cos of his rashes n he lost his voice (mayb due to crying?) when we fetch him from IFC end April.

Hi bobo,
After my boy having high fever last week, his look slim down… my mom say his butt no meat liao.  he only 6.6kg at 5mth n 3 week old. Next Monday going to weight him again. 
usually BM to mix with cereal.. i will make hot my whole milk.. then later.. mix with cereal. then left over milk i will let her drink in the bottle
you're right, she was the one asking about the infantcare at Jurong Point on 14May09 and I replied her in our dec mummies thread! But her dd is 1.5yrs leh? hmmmm confusing.
Hi Pastillies
………. havent buy highchair……. your boy can sit up right already?
My boy gain about 300g last mth. Isnt the target 1kg monthly for now?

Hi Tamms
Well my boy is on appetite boosters, think is the one that you had mentioned. 30ml daily, but doesn’t seems to be working on him.

Hi Winnie
Interval for latch is about every 2 hours most of the time, guess about that duration in night as well.
What you said about bb strave themselve &amp; wait for mummy to come home seems quite true, just the other day, he suckle so much that he puked…..sigh….

Hi n_g
Hope he’s bouncing now.
ah... sad to read abt the thread, think the emotions is running high and i express my 2cents opinions in another thread "dedicated" to Summer1979...


Moral of the story:
ruo yao ren bu zhi, chu fei zi mo wei

i have some impression of her cos she used to post here quite frequent. juz hope she really will change and not juz put off becos some1 has post her addy in the forum.

Paiseh, got ur bb name as urs.

Here is final name list for the 1st trial:
1 ypg &amp; bb Clarissa
2 Phyl &amp; bb Hayden
3 Bur &amp; bb Cidney
4 jowinbaby &amp; bb Ashlynne
5 pastilies &amp; bb Kayson
6 zachmommy &amp; bb Zachary
7 santorini &amp; bb Emma
8 Xuelyn &amp; bb Summer
9 juzyounme &amp; bb Ambrose
10 iemik0 &amp; bb Kayson
11 LuthAdel &amp; bb Bryan
12 2nd bb &amp; bb Claryce

Wat a coincidence, both my amendment today is for bb Kayson.

Ladies, please wear jeans or pants as some activities, we need to sit on the floor n pls wear socks too. N u only need to be earlier by 10 min will do.

2nd trial namelist (tentatively on 31 May):
1 Rachel - 31 May 09 - Yes
2 Jean - 31 May 09 - Yes
3 joanne81 (any date is fine)
4 ikeike (any date is fine)
5 tamms
6 poohy
7 candice (poohy cousin)
8 Jlow
9 stellateo
10 little_rabbit - 31 May 09-Yes
11 lavendery - wish to be on waitlist for 24 May in case any mummy cant make it.

Last calling for Dec mummies, if still no 1 want to go next Sunday 10am to 10.45am class, I will ask if any Nov mum want to join.
Hi carmen
i just saw the thread..
Usually its like tat la.. tats the power of a forum.. once done something wrong, will being condemn.. Chamz..

hi ypg

can i pay u on tat day too? especially for POSB.. need to create ac n need 3 days to trf.

Can can. Not a problem.


No wonder when I reach about the thread previously, summer1979 nick ring a bell. So she used to be from our thread. Sighs... Why she want do such things. But I think no matter what, we should not reveal her address. A bit overboard liao.

Actually I am pretty upset by such behaviour. Cause imagine preying on others' kind soul, wat kind of role model are u giving ur child. Sighs...


Account to transfer: POSB Savings 134-02862-9

I got post but guess it got flooded by all the names. Me myself see until gong gong also. Paiseh.


Not a problem, give me $23 on that day lor. Anything that is convenient for u.
