(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

recalled u tried Tomota photograhy yea? u engaged Hart or Asri? Asri's promo now is pretty attractive.. but somehow from e website, i like Hart's works more..

which ikea highchair u using? saw a couple of designs there leh.. but cant find all on their website

Add my order.

First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2 (blue)
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2 (blue)
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
9. iemik0 x 4 (blue)
10. bubblepearl x 2
11. tamms x 2
12. echt x 2 (blue)
13. Merydith x 2
14. kristalangel x 2
15 . little_rabbit x 2
16. winnie171175 x 1
hello ladies..

After all the big hoo haa on how great Jumperoo and the Bumbo seat is, i decided to bring my girl to Mothercare and check it out. Sighzzz.. I do not know what is wrong with my gal, when she sit on the bumbo, she cannot straighten her back and keep her neck upright and when i place her in Jumperoo, she also duno how to jump and seems too scared to move. My baby is born on 28th Dec, so she is almost 5 mths now. I am very worried as she has yet to flip lei.. shall i bring her go see doc? And which PD u gals recommend, in bkt panjang or jurong area?

Hi Chantalle

Mine 5mth liao. not flipping yet. just turn to side but cannot row over. i go polyclinic for jab & checkup. remember there is 1 checkup by doc who check on how stable is her neck.

Maybe you could wait a while more or ask the nurse/doc when you go for the next jab.
First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2 (blue)
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2 (blue)
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
9. iemik0 x 4 (blue)
10. bubblepearl x 2
11. tamms x 2
12. echt x 2 (blue)
13. Merydith x 2
14. kristalangel x 2
15 . little_rabbit x 2
16. winnie171175 x 1
17. Jowinbaby X 2
Ikea Highchair:
I think my gal is ok with the plastic one (she sat on it when we were dining outside) and the one we buy for her despite "dangling legs". i bot the $69 one (i posted pics in my blog http://snowiesnowiegal.blogspot.com/2009/05/having-solids.html) cos it seems more comfortable and my gal seem to enjoy sitting in it...
Wah... I think if my gal have, she will not go ard. She will juz make herself reach the TV there and then stop there permantly. Lolx.

The Ikea chair will be in stock today. That's wad the lady told me. I cannot decide between the Ikea and the Lucky Baby ones. Ikea de is cheaper but no footrest.

I saw that one too. The one I actually think is chio is the wooden one but i dun think I will get that. So ex.
hi snowger

saw your blog. bb so cute. the highchair look nice but the plastic one look more steady is it (from what I can remember). I think the white plastic one can attach a feeding tray infront any idea about this one.

btw - your bb don't look underweight leh.
Allo everyone...

Website down the whole weekend ah? Couldnt see anything yesterday. Anyway.. seems like alot of the mummies here have started on semi-solids eh... Hmm dying to try but with all the upheaval and packing i think i may just start the solid once i reach Aus and settle down. By that time, Avery will be 6mths 1wk already. Hope its not too late bah. :/

Re High Chair,
Aiyah.. all because of my itchy fingers.. should have used my mothercare vouchers to buy something else more 'portable'... now so hard to sell the combi high chair.

I think feeding in it can be quite messy for the cushion but my gal seems to like sitting in it to watch tv and play toys. Once she also fell asleep in it, all i did was just recline the chair.. no need to move her, for a short nap. Maybe i get a cheaper ikea one for feeding etc. Anyway see if can sell the high chair on WTS for lesser or not.. :p
Hi snowger,

Just read ur blog and i gotta say u have a great blog there! This is also the first time i see u in picture...u r so pretty and yes, Nicole resembles u a lot and she is as pretty as snow white! =p
First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2 (blue)
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2 (blue)
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
9. iemik0 x 4 (blue)
10. bubblepearl x 2
11. tamms x 2
12. echt x 2 (blue)
13. Merydith x 2 (blue)
14. kristalangel x 2
15 . little_rabbit x 2
16. winnie171175 x 1
17. Jowinbaby X 2
18. Fong2 X 2

I've tried BOTH Hart and Asri from Tomato Photography .. I asked Hart to do my family photos a year ago .. this was before Calista came .. I wasn't even pregnant ... Asri did the most recent photos you see on my Facebook at their studio ..

Both are fine .. I think Hart is more experienced that's all
you gals are being very smart and practical .. the Ikea highchair is simple, functional and cheap !! ..

I know of friends who spend lots more on high chairs and their kids don't like sitting in them .. such a shame ..

Now I'm tempted to run down to Ikea to buy one too .. lol ! Nevermind the fact that I aldy have a highchair passed down from my 2nd girl !!
E wood one like hard hard, more ex than this one ($99?). I quiet scared my ger bangs her head backwards on the wooden one... Is this black n white one a new model? Cos I havent seen it the last time I went to Ikea. :p

The white plastic one is confirm steady (so many makan places using it). The one I have is quite heavy - about 3kg (the frame is full metal one). And it has a lock at the cross place (w bb's weight it's pretty sturdy!). The best part is that it is can be stored away so dun take up space. Next time bb dun need, keep in store oso dun take up a lot of space lah. But the disadvantage is it is cloth, so if food drips, will have to take out to wash.
Alamak! I totally forgot abt the part abt feeding tray!!! oh dear... :'( Hmmm... Need to go back and ask them... (Now can't return oso cos hb threw away the box liao!)

The blog is where I store my knowlege (my RAM always low so wanna keep it there so when I have another bb I can refresh my memory based on the blog). *haha*

The white one I rem is $25? The Ikea person told met e stock for plastic one comes in early June... Bluff me!!!

Guess i'm one of the mommies who aren't very practical and smart...hb bought the Combi High Chair at 279 and am still feeling the pinch cos of its price...sigh...if i knew Ikea high chair is that good, then i wouldn't hv let hb bought that...now i just try to look at the brighter side lor...bought oredy wad to do..but it is actually not bad la, can double as swing/rocker/bed...when we went back Msia, Jordan was sleeping in it as his bed...so not bad la.. =s

Hey, if there is no objection, can i take tamms's place to the music class on 24th May?
Kindermusik 1st Trial Class

2nd trial on 31 May (secured) or other dates if u want (but not secured yet):
1 Chantalle - Only can make it for June class.
2 echo?
3 Rachel - 31 May 09 - Yes
4 Jean - 31 May 09 - Yes
5 joanne81 (any date is fine)
6 ikeike (any date is fine)
7 tamms
Hahaha well.. that makes the two of us..
I think if i am still using it here, i wont feel the pinch since bb seems to enjoy sitting in it.. but if spend the money and end up not using. Wah.. heart abit pain. :p

those Combi swingbeds are different mah .. as u said, it serves other purposes too .. for them to sleep/nap in comfortably and also to eat it .. I actually also like those .. just that it takes up quite a bit of space and since I have so much barang2x having 4 kids .. lol!
Snowger, eh? .. the white one so cheap ah?? 25 bucks?!!!

Anyway, since I'm not having anymore babies aldy .. I will be clearing all my stuff .. so messy my hall now. Changing station, mothercare swinging crib, Bumbo seat .. bouncer, rocker and open-top swing.
re: kindermusik Trial class

hi ypg,

can my cousin and me join u all? Her baby is end sep baby and mine is early nov baby
I always prefer to join forum mummies to make more friends

Kindermusik 1st Trial Class

2nd trial on 31 May (secured) or other dates if u want (but not secured yet):
1 Chantalle - Only can make it for June class.
2 echo?
3 Rachel - 31 May 09 - Yes
4 Jean - 31 May 09 - Yes
5 joanne81 (any date is fine)
6 ikeike (any date is fine)
7 tamms
8 poohy
9 candice (poohy cousin)

if anyone else withdraw from the May24 slot, I hope to take over too

btw, ypg, not sure if u have any teachers specified for May31 class. But if dun have, can try to get Teacher Shauna? My older boy and girl was with her previously and the feedback had always been great
Hi gals,

all time didnt post. Why on weekend cant see the thread.

Ervin have 2 teeth liao. He only flip from back to tummy dunno how to flip back yet.

As for toys i didnt by any for Ervin cos my 1st boy have lots of toys liao. Thomas & friends train have like 30 over.. he had a exesaucer and walker to play with. all the toys are from my 1st boy. He like to play with his bro so we didnt buy him other toys loh.

I have the plastic white ikea high chair. Use it for my 1st son. Good and cheap. Now didnt buy anything for my boy feel bad lei but i dunno wat to buy cos he have so many hand me down stuff.
Kath, wanted to order

First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2 (blue)
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2 (blue)
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
9. iemik0 x 4 (blue)
10. bubblepearl x 2
11. tamms x 2
12. echt x 2 (blue)
13. Merydith x 2 (blue)
14. kristalangel x 2
15 . little_rabbit x 2
16. winnie171175 x 1
17. Jowinbaby X 2
18. Fong2 X 2
19. Esthers x 3

Thanks Kath for organizing..=)
Ur ah boi will have his share of new stuff one lah... I was 2nd in family so I had some of my elder sis hand me downs... But I still get new stuff... E.g. some new toys (like little pony which was not avail during my elder sis era), new year clothes? my own set of stationary, underwear, sch bags, etc... :p So in the meantime, save ur $ for the future new stuff u will get for him.

Not 25 dollars? Opps... Did I rem wrongly? *Hmmm* I was actually thinking of getting the combi high chair that u can put on a normal chair. Can bring out to use at restaurants so pretty attractive to me lah... :p
Dont sad ok.. last time my boy also got high fever when he is 2 months old only.
Hb got cough, MIL also got cough, and he likes to talk to my boy very close. (sigh.. can imagine me so stress)
And doc confirm that the fever was passed from the sick family member.
I was also sad, coz my antibody cant protect him, but last time Santorini have enlighten me..
Dont worry ok.. dun feel bad...
Hope your girl get well soon...=)

I haven't been to Ikea since Christmastime so I have no idea what is the price of that chair.

I am using the Safety First highchair .. it fits onto a normal dining room chair .. the Combi one is portable? wa.

My order:

Kath, wanted to order

First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2 (blue)
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2 (blue)
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
9. iemik0 x 4 (blue)
10. bubblepearl x 2
11. tamms x 2
12. echt x 2 (blue)
13. Merydith x 2 (blue)
14. kristalangel x 2
15 . little_rabbit x 2
16. winnie171175 x 1
17. Jowinbaby X 2
18. Fong2 X 2
19. Esthers x 3
20. ypg x 2

Thank you, thank you.

As echo is on the waiting list after chantalle, so I will wait for her reply 1st if she can make it this Sunday. If she cant, then u can take up tamms slot. I would love to meet u n Jordan.


Is there any more dec mummy who are interested in the 2nd trial class? If no one else n not to disappoint those who wish to go, I will ask if Nov mum interested to go.


I ask for Teacher Shauna, they told me she got another class on Sunday.


Dun worry too much about the flipping. Ur bb still young. Jumperoo can be quite scary for some bb. A bit too big liao.


How much ur hubby is selling for the Activity Station tat zachmommy is selling? Thanks.
sorry ah.. me forgetful, this Sunday, 24th May wat time is the class? What time we hv to be there? need to set alarm clock first..keke

Must oso let hb noes i m not ard n bringing bb along so tat he can settle his own activities..
Hi Kath,

thanks a lot!!

My order:

First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2 (blue)
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2 (blue)
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
9. iemik0 x 4 (blue)
10. bubblepearl x 2
11. tamms x 2
12. echt x 2 (blue)
13. Merydith x 2 (blue)
14. kristalangel x 2
15 . little_rabbit x 2
16. winnie171175 x 1
17. Jowinbaby X 2
18. Fong2 X 2
19. Esthers x 3
20. ypg x 2
21. Joanne81 x 2 (blue)
Esther thanks. at least now she not like in the past keep spitting out her med. now at least she got swollow. and hope she will recover better by sat. if not will go back to see him again =)
my ikea chair is d plastic one. tink now onli got white color seat. tink couple of mths ago, they hav blue, red n white but like no longer in production for other colors except white le.
hi mummies,
i just chance upon this thread and been a silent reader of this for a while. my boy is born in dec 08 too. find tt the discussion here is always so related to wat my boi is experiencing. do u mind me joining the discussion? however, i might not be able to check the posting tt often. cheers. ribs

the timing for trial group is always on Sunday, 10am. So for next Sunday also the same.


Since echo cant make it, u ok to take up tamms slot? Can u PM me ur name, Jordan's full name, date of birth n ur contact number? I need to submit to Kindermusik asap.


This Sunday is 10am, but u need to be at there 15 min b4 10am. It is only 45 min as bb cant tahan too long activity.


I think if no more Dec mummies going for the 2nd trial, I welcome u to join them. Actually I wun be going for the 2nd trial, but I am willing to help u all to do the coordination.


My hubby will go over ur place to collect the milk powder on Friday. Please PM me ur address n ur preferred timing. Thanks.


Hope ur bb get well soon. I understand the agony cause last week my gal went through that too. We got to forcefeed her medicine. I force open her mouth, my mum inject the medicine inside. She keep wailing n our heart so painful. But for her good, bobian.


Thanks for ur prompt reply. But for someone who is cheapo like me, $269 is considered very high as I got my 2nd hand jumperoo at $100 only. Paiseh. Mind if I ask online for 2nd hand 1st. If really cant find, guess I got to eat grass next 2 weeks to save for it. Haha...
Kindermusik 1st Trial Class

2nd trial on 31 May (secured) or other dates if u want (but not secured yet):
1 Chantalle - Only can make it for June class.
2 echo?
3 Rachel - 31 May 09 - Yes
4 Jean - 31 May 09 - Yes
5 joanne81 (any date is fine)
6 ikeike (any date is fine)
7 tamms
8 poohy
9 candice (poohy cousin)
10 Jlow

Would love to join in...but when huh??
dear friends,

Annual Philips carnival sale is here ……. 23-24 May 2009 and it is always very crowded in the morning.

Location :-
Philips Electronics
Singapore Pte Ltd
620A Lorong l Toa Payoh

Parking is available at designated areas in and around the vicinity on a first-come-first-served basis.
Hi Kath,

wait for me!! ha ha slowcoach mummy need to get for summer's little tooth!! :p

My order:

First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2 (blue)
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2 (blue)
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
9. iemik0 x 4 (blue)
10. bubblepearl x 2
11. tamms x 2
12. echt x 2 (blue)
13. Merydith x 2 (blue)
14. kristalangel x 2
15 . little_rabbit x 2
16. winnie171175 x 1
17. Jowinbaby X 2
18. Fong2 X 2
19. Esthers x 3
20. ypg x 2
21. Joanne81 x 2 (blue)
22. xuelyn x 2
Hi Kath,

me too.

My order:

First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2 (blue)
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2 (blue)
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
9. iemik0 x 4 (blue)
10. bubblepearl x 2
11. tamms x 2
12. echt x 2 (blue)
13. Merydith x 2 (blue)
14. kristalangel x 2
15 . little_rabbit x 2
16. winnie171175 x 1
17. Jowinbaby X 2
18. Fong2 X 2
19. Esthers x 3
20. ypg x 2
21. Joanne81 x 2 (blue)
22. xuelyn x 2
23. Jlow x 2
May I take the last slot ?

Kindermusik 1st Trial Class

2nd trial on 31 May (secured) or other dates if u want (but not secured yet):
1 Chantalle - Only can make it for June class.
2 echo?
3 Rachel - 31 May 09 - Yes
4 Jean - 31 May 09 - Yes
5 joanne81 (any date is fine)
6 ikeike (any date is fine)
7 tamms
8 poohy
9 candice (poohy cousin)
10 Jlow
11 stellateo
12 little_rabbit - 31 May 09-Yes
thanks kath!

My order:

First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2 (blue)
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2 (blue)
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
9. iemik0 x 4 (blue)
10. bubblepearl x 2
11. tamms x 2
12. echt x 2 (blue)
13. Merydith x 2 (blue)
14. kristalangel x 2
15 . little_rabbit x 2
16. winnie171175 x 1
17. Jowinbaby X 2
18. Fong2 X 2
19. Esthers x 3
20. ypg x 2
21. Joanne81 x 2 (blue)
22. xuelyn x 2
23. Jlow x 2
24. fabbie x 1
jowinbaby - thanks for advice. i think A has gone back to normal, hopefully, and permanently.

pastillies - i thot it was teething too. if just a little BM, can use the conventional hot water method to warm BM if u find it funny to use warmer. A started on frisocrem before moving on to Neslac cereal provided by IFC since he was 4.5mths. reason why i started him on 1 full feed of cereal coz his milk intake dropped drastically and currently stay put at abt 120ml per 4 hr. but for cereal he can finish whole bowl and crying for more.

zachmommy - Thank you. I will like to pay with normal postage amt, when you have the figure let me know.

My order:

First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2 (blue)
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2 (blue)
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
9. iemik0 x 4 (blue)
10. bubblepearl x 2
11. tamms x 2
12. echt x 2 (blue)
13. Merydith x 2 (blue)
14. kristalangel x 2
15 . little_rabbit x 2
16. winnie171175 x 1
17. Jowinbaby X 2
18. Fong2 X 2
19. Esthers x 3
20. ypg x 2
21. Joanne81 x 2 (blue)
22. xuelyn x 2
23. Jlow x 2
24. fabbie x 1
25. juzyounme x 2

ypg - this Sun how? can confirm details? Thank u.
Paiseh, as the namelist keep changing, I cant post up the details so far. But I think mummy all kan cheong like me liao. Hehe...

Here is the confirmed details:

1st Kindermusik trial class of Dec thread mum:
Date: 24 May 2009, Sunday
Time: 10am class but need to be there 15 mins earlier
Place:Tanglin Mall Studio
163 Tanglin Road
#03-11B Tanglin Mall
Singapore 247933
Amount: Rounded down to $23
Account to transfer: POSB Savings 134-02862-9

Mummies and their bb
1 ypg & bb Clarissa
2 Phyl & bb Hayden
3 Bur & bb Cidney
4 jowinbaby & bb Ashlynne
5 pastilies & bb Jinny Ng
6 zachmommy & bb Zachary
7 santorini & bb Emma
8 Xuelyn & bb Summer
9 juzyounme & bb Ambrose
10 rachel & bb Jordan (not yet confirmed)
11 LuthAdel & bb Bryan
12 2nd bb & bb Claryce

2nd trial namelist (tentatively on 31 May):
1 Chantalle - Only can make it for June class.
2 echo?
3 Jean - 31 May 09 - Yes
4 joanne81 (any date is fine)
5 ikeike (any date is fine)
6 tamms
7 poohy
8 candice (poohy cousin)
9 Jlow
10 stellateo
11 little_rabbit - 31 May 09-Yes

As Chantalle is unable to make it on 31 May, there are actually still 2 slots available.

I need to submit the namelist asap so rachel can u pls PM me ur details. Thanks.
Hi ypg

Sorry for the trouble caused but i would like to attending the class on 31 may instead.....sorry...

Mummies and their bb
1 ypg & bb Clarissa
2 Phyl & bb Hayden
3 Bur & bb Cidney
4 jowinbaby & bb Ashlynne
5 pastilies & bb Jinny Ng
6 zachmommy & bb Zachary
7 santorini & bb Emma
8 Xuelyn & bb Summer
9 juzyounme & bb Ambrose
10 LuthAdel & bb Bryan
11 2nd bb & bb Claryce

2nd trial namelist (tentatively on 31 May):
1 Chantalle - Only can make it for June class.
2 echo?
3 Rachel - 31 May 09 - Yes
4 Jean - 31 May 09 - Yes
5 joanne81 (any date is fine)
6 ikeike (any date is fine)
7 tamms
8 poohy
9 candice (poohy cousin)
10 Jlow
11 stellateo
12little_rabbit - 31 May 09-Yes
u attending on 31st instead ah? den i take over ur slot can?

if i can take over rachel slot for kindermusik, i pass fm to u tt dae can? coz fri no one in as well as that's my parents' pl. unless u wan come punggol collect den any dae nite oso can.

hav pm u my details. =)

For those on 31 May trial list, are u ok to let iemik0 take over rachel place cause I really need to submit the form soon. I dun have the time to wait for jean or joanne who is on the next slot to reply me. Paiseh. I try to set up 31 May for jean n joanne can. Hope I din make any mum angry.


I have ordered the First Teeth toothpaste but I cannot guarantee there will be stocks okay..

Juz say the news that US currency will drop..keke
