(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Hi Juz
he may be suffering from separation anxiety.Usually starting from 5months onwards.

Ashlynne nowadays need me to be at her side... pat her to zzzzz.... sometimes she will suddenly cry. then i need to quickly go back to her n assure her tat mummy is here.. pat her.. then she be ok.. Sometimes its a few times in the nite until she really in her deep sleep...

So, i think just a phrase...Juz. bear with it

My bb's poo was initially watery... Now it's getting a bit more thick than before... I guess it's oso the effects of cereal.

I think pumpkin is oso good cos it's reach in fibre and there is betacarotene! (natural anti-oxident!) U going to Tanglin mall to buy organic food? Do they hv variety there? Shld I go there to buy fresh food too? What's the address?
way to go Snow!!! Nicole is so pretty..she looks like u leh..it fits her perfectly hor, in fact like juz nice. I must ask my colleagues to buy more fr shanghai..
ya man, snowger .. nicole is soo fair .. and how she's grown from the time I last saw her at your place .. she's really cute with her dark hair and fair skin.
Nicole hs grown so much!! still fair fair de. so cute! wa.. she got plenty of hair le unlike my botak.. hee..

btw i buy the 1.5 wella shampoo liao. i got it fr salon at $30. damn sian cos can't find it anywhere else.made my hubby pay for it.. so nvm.. hee..

Isetan sale:
Went to isetan earlier. they having sale, got 20% disc on pigeon, nuk, playskool, disney baby.. etc and every $100 charged to HSBC credit card got 5% rebate in the form of vouchers.

I got the playskool "walk n ride" at $40 after disc, a tiger foodwarmer at $59, and a pack of 3 waterproof bibs for $12.90 b4 20%disc. total damage was $120+
Haha... It fits! I must say the white shirt is quite good quality leh...

If u selling, let me know, I send u photos of her in this top as "model". :p

Rem the clothes u gave me? haha Nic still can't wear... :'( Once she wears them I'll post here too!

I did not shave her hair. 1st month, cut a bit for fun... then 4th months went Hwa Xia for a hair cut...

Actually she dropped quite a bit of hair but its at the back of her head so when I take photo can't tell... I got time go take one to post here then u noe wat i mean... :p

I saw ur Calista's commando crawl!So cute... My gal is still lifting her backside and pushing forward with her head pressing against the mattress...
hahah. ya thanks, Snowger. Can't leave her anywhere. I have doggies and other kids so not a good idea to leave her alone on a playmat on the floor too. I think I must put her in a playpen soon.
jowinbaby - didn't know they will have separation anxiety. we have always make it a point that he is not zzz in same room as us in the night right from beginning, so that doesn't help? so ashlynne now ok? now long she takes to overcome?
Hi Juz
Ashlynne is ok but on & off. She only shows it at unfamiliar places, with strangers & at night when she sleeps, she needs me..

I am crazy la.. i rather enjoy her behavior this way.. haha!! cos i feel so privileged that my baby wants only me, daddy & my mum when she feels insecured N i m there for her.

I did not really wanna train her as i felt she is still so young but i tried to assure her that mummy is here, there is nothing to be afraid of and slowly let her adapt to the new environment n people.

<font color="0000ff">How should we handle nighttime separation anxiety?

Your baby's fear of being separated from you at night is very real for him, so you'll want to do your best to keep the hours preceding bedtime as nurturing and peaceful (and fun) as possible. In addition:

• Spend some extra cuddle time with your baby before bed by reading, snuggling, and softly singing together.

• If your baby cries for you after you've put him to bed, it's fine to go to him — both to reassure him and to reassure yourself that he's okay. But make your visits "brief and boring," and he'll learn to fall back to sleep without a lot of help from you. Eventually, he'll be able to fall asleep on his own.</font>

This is what i did to Ashlynne when she cries each time in bed.. perhaps you can try it..

morning gals.
haiz. today took urgent leave. cus my gal not only down with cough, down with flu now! Bringing her to see her PD at TMC. not sure where she got her cough. but her flu i think my MIL pass it to her. cus she got flu. but my MIL didnt carry her leh. or maybe ONCE she got carry and didnt go near to her. Haiz. she so poor thing. sneeze and cough at the same time and not only that she got no appetite. hope later go see PD got clearer answers rather than that GP i saw. puiz.
snow, i m not selling lar.. my colleague do go to Shanghai very often for business trip. I asked him to get me some Chinese costume for Zach - for CNY next year..hehe. I m quite surprised he has good taste in clothes..haha :p

I m super tired todae..of all day, Zach woke up every 2hrs this morning, 12.03am, 2.33am, 4.30am and then 6am!!! It is not for milk but he was talkign to himself and no one bother abt him, he actually touches my face, my hand..n even roll nearer to me, like askign me to play wif him..todae sure zombie n fall asleep in meeting.
finally the site is working!

fabbie! I also got the exact same car seat. Got it when my boy was 2mths, luckly got car seat, i cant imagine how my hands going to take it if keep carrying kayson.

mine too, he starts to wake up a few times middle of nite, but all he needs is me to pat pat 1, 2 times &amp; he sleeps again...he still sleeps same room as me, is this seperation anxiety? I tot teething??

So exciting to prepare for baby's next stage;ie semisolid food...when to BHG sale over the wkend &amp; gotten his utensils, clothes,etc. &amp; stock up on 1/2 dozen of wipes! his IFC uses wipes like nobody's biz.. total damage $140+

BTW anyone can advise is it okie to start with brown rice cereal? also how to add BM to the cereal? means i must warm up first isst? but only need to add a little BM so like very funny to warm up a little BM in food warmer..
Hi Zach
Eh.. 1st teeth.. oh.. i still have 3 leh. shd i buy more to keep stock since so hard to find?

Hi Fab
oh dear.. how is ZY...Hope she ok...

Hi Pas
I guess this is mild anxiety only la.. just need to pat pat will do
today, am home again.. this time #2.. he was having higher body temperature = fever? last nite.. i had to carry him almost whole nite coz the mo i put him down, he started crying.. i guess he just wanted mommy to held him close..

today, his temp is lower.. and sleeping well.. and i can put him down.. phew..
How is ZY, Fabbie? And how is ur #2, Dee? Poor babies...

I introduced Jordan rice cereal yesterday and i think he likes it! He doesn't hv teeth yet so he just swallowed the cereal lor..but i tink i should not hv given him at his feeding time cos he ate abt 8 mouths then cry for milk oredy...mommies, shd i feed him cereal an hour after his milk?
First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2
6. echo x 2

Thanks for organising! You are really our resident spree organiser. hehe..
First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2

Thanks Kath!! Btw, do we ib the GAP/ON spree now or wait for the total?
First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
lol it seems like this is the only color is nicer hor! haha boy i think must heavy ba.. i realise i carry my gal i think my back my pain than my wrist leh.

okai. just back from TMC. aiyo.. its a MESS! must test temp before coming in. even for babies also. and not only that got to fill in the form here and there.. i see also headache. ZY weight and she's 6.6kg.

went to see doc, doc say her cough and flu airbond. I told him could it be my MIL who is sick too? he say yes. but my MIL didnt carry her leh. he said the whole house will kana also. haiz. then i say infact i also got abit sore throat leh. he say meaning i also cannot cannot take the virus thats why my antibodies giving her fail. =( sad lar.. and we got to postpone her injection liao. to next 2 weeks lor. I pray she will be okai. if still not better fri or sat must bring her back. arghz.. =S
First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
9. iemik0 x 2

thanx kath! btw,it comes with d gum massenger rite? can i opt for blue? =p

nicole veri pretty n fair. hehe. =)
First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
9. iemik0 x 2
10. bubblepearl x 2
First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2 (blue)
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
9. iemik0 x 2 (blue)
10. bubblepearl x 2
First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
9. iemik0 x 2
10. bubblepearl x 2
11. tamms x 2
I show hubby the pic of Zach in the activity station and told him "I want I want I want." He juz ignore me. Sob sob. So sad. Hubby sell, but my daughter dun haf.

Re: High chair
Am now considering whether to get the Ikea one or a Lucky Baby one that I think my hubby probably sell. Anyone tried the Ikea white one? It doesn't have foot rest. Does your baby like it?
my bois luvs his ikea chair. hehe. its cheap n good. =)

how much is d activity station tt ur hb selling ah? got website? =p
Have been trying to post all weekend but didn't see the option for Dec08 moms!

Sorry I'm going to have to drop out of this sunday's class on 24May, I forgot had already signed up for another event at East Coast some months ago. Would anyone like to take my place? Would love to sign up for the next class, what time is that? would prefer for afternoon class, olivia can sleep in till 10+ on weekends!!!

2nd trial on 31 May (secured) or other dates if u want (but not secured yet):
1 Chantalle?
2 echo?
3 Rachel - 31 May 09 - Yes
4 Jean - 31 May 09 - Yes
5 joanne81 (any date is fine)
6 ikeike (any date is fine)
7 tamms
hehe. add on orders. =p

First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2 (blue)
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
9. iemik0 x 4 (blue)
10. bubblepearl x 2
11. tamms x 2
You can see www(dot)debabyshoppe(dot)com. He's now having promo, 10% off (except factory excess stocks and others).
But got other things he haven upload finish yet.
Long time din log in liao. My boy was down with high fever last Tuesday nite, we r so worry as he hit 39degree celcius! Spend sleepless nite to take care of him…

Hi fabbie,
Must take good care of your little one. Weather is really bad n somemore flu season coming in…

Hi Luthadel,
Happy belated birthday! 
First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2 (blue)
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2 (blue)
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
9. iemik0 x 4 (blue)
10. bubblepearl x 2
11. tamms x 2
wow.. the tootpaste so good!? will join in e wagon &amp; get 2 too.. haha.. but curious, anyone noes y so diff to find since it's good? me havent start looking at these since bb nt teething yet..

First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2 (blue)
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
9. iemik0 x 4 (blue)
10. bubblepearl x 2
11. tamms x 2
12. echt x 2
Wow xuelyn,
summer so fast got little tooth! So do u start brushing it now? hehe...

Introducing food
Btw how do u all go by the mths of baby..izit by weeks or calendar mth to introduce food? Coz I get sms from those baby website that state randall 6 mths last wk but if by calendar..its 27 May..coz I just bought Hulled millet grains ..thinking of grinding them b4 making into porridge for randall few wks later...

First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2 (blue)
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
9. iemik0 x 4 (blue)
10. bubblepearl x 2
11. tamms x 2
12. echt x 2
13. Merydith x 2
alamak, just saw rachel's post.. updated one below:

First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2 (blue)
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2 (blue)
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
9. iemik0 x 4 (blue)
10. bubblepearl x 2
11. tamms x 2
12. echt x 2 (blue)
echt .. it's just that it's very ex here in Singapore ..I think it's 12 plus per tube at Guardian.

First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2 (blue)
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
9. iemik0 x 4 (blue)
10. bubblepearl x 2
11. tamms x 2
12. echt x 2
13. kristalangel x 2

First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2 (blue)
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
9. iemik0 x 4 (blue)
10. bubblepearl x 2
11. tamms x 2
12. echt x 2 (blue)
13. kristalangel x 2
14. Merydith x 2 (blue)
ic sam..
haha.. there's few of us online posting at the same time..
updated one again ( i hope!)

First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2 (blue)
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2 (blue)
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
9. iemik0 x 4 (blue)
10. bubblepearl x 2
11. tamms x 2
12. echt x 2 (blue)
13. Merydith x 2
14. kristalangel x 2
fifi, i went to ikea on saturday but din see the Ikea high chair. It was OOS

fyi, zach can turn ard the activity table and he really enjoyed himself! we place the station in the centre of our living room and when he reach the TV console, he will stop for a while n play with our Starhub box and if the TV is on, he will be the happiest, can watch TV so near!!
gals, to make things easier, I am ordering 60pcs of First Teeth and will make it 30pink and 30blue.. guess no diff between pink n blue lar hor.. hehe

All orders shuld be in by end of today 2359 so that i can order tonite and be in time for the GAP/ON/PP shipment..hehe

Add my order.

First Teeth (US$4.99)
1. zachmommy x 2
2. santorini x 2
3. rachel x 2 (blue)
4. dee x 2
5. iris x 2 (blue)
6. echo x 2
7. ikeike x 2
8. ah_bur x 2
9. iemik0 x 4 (blue)
10. bubblepearl x 2
11. tamms x 2
12. echt x 2 (blue)
13. Merydith x 2
14. kristalangel x 2
15 . little_rabbit x 2
