(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Can help me ask what's the diff betwn vacuum and forceps birth and which Dr Tseng usually use? And which type he'll recommend if need assisted birth? Coz i wanna write it in my birthplan, but dunno what's the pros and cons of the 2 methods lei... Thanks! =)

I only seeing doc next sat, seems like so long more! Haha....

Btw, u intending to go for scan? I din scan the last time, dunno if shd scan to see if bb is ok...
Vaccum & Forcep birth are methods use to make birthing faster than the mother will take to push). Reasons could include bb going into distress, mother getting exhausted, bb not coming out despite pushing...

Doc will choose to use either vaccum or forcep depending on situtations. So aft birth, vaccum assisted birth bb will hv a bump on the head while forcep one will hv a pink mark on the face. They will go away aft a few days...

I will ask but dunno how much he will say leh. read tis link for more info:

U asked him abt ur birth plan liao? For me I dun think I will hv one. Since he is pro-natural (i.e. natural as far as possible) and is what I wan. I will just let him exercise his professional opinon (and recommend the best option for bb n me) than me restricting him with my birth plan.

I'll do a scan then ask him a whole lot of qns! *haha* This time i shld write down my qns!
tink u gotta check out wif d hospital tt u r delivering at. my time they say not allowed. so i juz watch HBO whole dae. lolx.
Thanks for the links! I haven't ask him about my birth plan yet, will be showing him next week lor. I only worried that the nurses dun let me do what i wan (i.e. move ard instead of being strapped to the monitoring machine continously), so i put it into my birth plan lor.. haha..

Consultation fee for me sure jump big time coz i need him to clear my birth plan and most prob do scan also...=)
My appt is at 9.40am. maybe might see u, but dunno you are snowger also..keke.. So far she is ok, usually ask me how I am , then I will say ok, then she will scan bb and then say everything ok. heehee...very chop chop one.
halo ladies,

m on MC today. have been having this pulling pain since yesterday's afternoon at my lower right abdomen. more between the tummy n thigh area, dunno y got this persistent pain. like ligaments pain. can't really sleep whole night, as when my boy turn himself into 'lump mode' or practise his kungfu, the pain become more intense.

went to gynae this morning. he said it's more likely ligament or muscle pain. gotta rest more n cut down on movement. given 3 days of mc though. planned to go back to office tmr n c how. hopefully it gets better n better. dat means, i can't go for my swimming session this week liao.

Take care and rest well.

I'm not feeling too good oso, the nausea feeling so terrible, then noon time my tummy slight pain. Was very angry with my maid today, talk abt it oso boils. Feel hungry but the food like stuck at my throat.
Is like that one lah... In the alternative, can always space out ur qns lor. :p Not too sure abt the moving ard portion - nurses might limit ur walks/movement within the delivery ward lor... have u gone for hospital tour?

My pic is in my blog www.xanga.com/civuam (can go there n see then try to spot me). Ur pic anywhere?

My gynae oso chop chop one - in fact like same qns as urs. Step 1: How are u? Step 2: Pause for u to ask qns? Step 3: See bb on ultrasound/hear heart beat Step 4: Give results n inform u when to come back. *haha*
Yah, i went for the hospital tour liao. The std procedure is to hook up the mummy to some monitoring machine and the nurses will monitor from outside. Prob is, once u are hooked up, u are confined to the bed. So i dun wan lor... Heard frens who say tt can request for intermittent monitoring so that still can move ard and use toilet etc, but must write in birth plan. Once gynae sign birth plan liao, the nurses will have to follow also...

Keeping my options open i guess, dunno what will happen on tt day. Maybe so pain until i dun wanna leave the bed? Haha...
hi gals ... !!

Just came from seeing my gynae at TPS .. usual short appt la .. am now exactly 33 weeks .. my gynae says she's avg weight .. abt 2.4kg now.

Not that I don't trust her la .. but for my 3rd girl, the day before I delivered, she scanned and said baby was abt 3.2 kg .. when she came out .. she wasn't lor ...

she was 3.9 kg.

so I bit skeptical when she says today that my baby is avg only 2.4kg.

I see, in that case I will ask him if it is necessary to do birth plan. Me haven gone for the hospital tour! *GASP!*
Still have some time to go hospital tour, but have to chop chop. Oh yah, can ask Dr Tseng if he got any plans to go on holiday? I asked him a long time back... i think now his plans shd be firm liao..

Time to go home liao. It's gonna be a mad squeeze on mrt again. I cannot take it liao, getting HB to drive me to work from tml. Coz mornings really bad squeeze! At first tot save $$, take mrt. Now i give up, drive better..
Hi ladies..so busy today..just managed to log in..

Ivy..just sms u..c u later..

Birthplan, so once gyna sign it..nurse must follow? keke..okok will do it fast..

Fabbie, I think we are seeing the same Dr..just that ur in CCK? My bb movie not working? Ok..will check out tonite.
The gynae bigger than the nurse mah. Gynae say ok liao, how can the nurse say no? *wink*. Of course this is what my frens who did birth plans said la... wait kenna disobedient nurse then bo pian....So far i only heard of 1 case the nurse din follow. Coz the birth plan say wait till the umbilical cord stop pulsating then let the HB cut. But the nurse dunno why went to cut immediately. When the doc came in, he immediately questioned why the cord was cut...

(Doc was late la...)
Oh bubble pearl so its you! thats same doc with me haha . ok ok so blur de me.. haha.. Oh abt ya bb movie can see liao.. hehe..
back from visit too..

baby hayden is 1.7kg at 31wks 3 days.. today got sugar in urine.. so gynae say to watch diet.. sob.. no more durian milkshakes...

well, i did get to see dr hendricks.. so that was ok.. but i had to go to the pharmacy to collect my meds coz i got fungal infection.. and i waiting forever there

i also donated hayden's cord blood liao.. erm.. meaning i filled up all the forms liao..

was there till 3.30pm.. my next appt is 4wks time.. coz dr hendrick's only have nite clinics on alternate fridays.. i abit itchy backside.. might change to Dr irene.. coz i like her better.. but need to talk to her see how la.. her holiday 6th Dec.. see if she willing to induce me earlier lor..
Hihi gals,
went for gynae visit today at 32 wks. His weight is 2.08kg..

Baby refused to change position n turn down. His legs is still fully stretched towards his face. Doc say about 3-4% of babies like to stay this position. He say if he still doesn't want to bend his knees, he cannot turn down and the womb is getting more cramp so by 36 wks if he din turn means cfm c-sect..Hiaz....have to pray liao..
Hi gals!!

Been very busy in the lab... I dunno why but i feel very shaky... the same kind of feeling I get when I'm super hungry and need a sugar fix...but i have eaten my dinner... Maybe will sleep extra early today

Did all ur gynae ask for birth plan.. mine never ask.. Should talk to her about it next week when I see her..

Now I have to see her every 2 wks.. sigh must take more leave...

Usually, if ur pregnancy is mainly problem free ( not counting the major discomfort of all the aches and pains that we face), the gynae can't really do much as it is part and parcel of pregnancy... just can advise us to avoid certain activities.. sigh... maybe that's why my hb is like that too... always say it's normal in pregnancy!! Haha!!

Phyl.. I think u're taking too much durian milkshake.. that's a whole lot of sugar!! =)
the doc say he will try 2 wks later at 34 wks...hopefully baby cooperate....I read up internet I think this is called the frank breech position..
You feeling shaky? Probably you should lie down and relax..maybe you overworked yourself

ya, I hate collecting things at the pharmacy .. my gynae asked me today whether I have enough vitamins .. I quickly said "yes" .. cos my hubby also HATES to wait at the pharmacy ... most of the time it's a loooooong wait.

Gerry, perhaps you're tired? or getting the flu? better try to rest more.
Hi ladies,
hope everyone is doing well.. Seen my gynae few wks back, my bb only weighs abt 1 kg at 27wks. Seems like she's the smallest here. ha haa.

any idea wats the norm for ang baos? my colleague who recommended me her CL told me that she gave her $28 welcome ang bao and $200 thank u ang bao when she left. is tat the norm?? I find $200 abit too much.. any comments?

active bb:
my gal's been ultra active lately.. stretching, kicking or punching non-stop(can't make out which is which)My tummy feels like its gonna explode.. argh.. anyone experienced tat?
it's 10pm and I'm hungry ... *sob*

this last stretch is when baby starts gaining weight in preparation for delivery according to my gynae ... just eat well and get plenty of rest
for my last confinement, i also gave her $28 for welcome n shun shun in everything. on her last day, i gave her $188. u have to feel comfortable wif the amount u giv lo.
thks for sharing. My CL says she would claim taxi fare from me too - for transport to get to my place. is tat norm too?
The amt of ang bao I'll give will prob depend on whether I'm happy w her performance.. ha haa..
xuelyn: I think that's the rate...my CL also told me that.

Fabbie: Don't anyhow apply stuff "there" ok? Ya, water retention will cause pain there. I experienced the pain & i checked with my gynae. She said it's water retention and we feel pain "there" because the tissues there are softer & more sensitive.

Phy: Gotta cut down durian milkshake! Drink more water too.

Adelchia: Did your gynae ask for a birthplan? Mine didn't...

Winne & Fabbie: I asked during the Mt A hosp tour...can bring in laptop or CDs while in delivery suite. The entire hosp is wireless. Haha...Which hosp are the both of you going?
So Hendricks is back. yippee! Me seeing her on Fri.

The bazaar..This sat is abit too soon. When will the next one be?

Still haven't eaten? So late already.. Me pigged out. Dinner, plus extra serving (oh no!!), plus mini ben&jerry all by myself.. Ate more than my husband!
Ps: you have PM.

The other time someone asked for massage lady contact but i can't remember who.. Do PM me k.

Decided. My little boy is staying status quo till he is 3yo. Will think about nursery for him then
Accdg to my frens who went for early childhood studies, not so very beneficial to go for playgroup.
hi mummies.. how r u all getting on? getting ready for birth? my baby keep kicking me.. seem to signal me that 'mummy I wan to come out le' haha...
morning ladies!!
sleepy sleepy. cant wait till tmr when i get my 3D scan done. hopefully baby doesn't look too squashed. lolx.
xuelyn, $200 ang bao for CL. Quite alot leh. For me, I would give $50 ang bao. If my CL is reali gd, I may give $100. In fact, din knw must give welcome ang bao.

My CL rate is $1.9k and when I told her I got maid at home, so she dun have to wash bb clothes and asked for disc of $100, she said the $100 will be for the taxi fare to come to Sg.
G'morning gals...

Feeling much better.. Maybe just needed a bit more rest.. =)

Well another day at work... It's already thurs!! I had such a weird dream last night.. I dreamt I was in labour at Hogwarts!! And my little gal didn't want to come out!! I think I've been reading too much Harry Potter!! =) So weird...
morning ladies..

sam.. when i collected, they told me.. oh.. you got CSC card ah.. no need queue one!!! ZZzzzzz.. and i gave them a pissed off face and said.. i wouldnt know, its my first time here.. i'm from TPS.. not even supposed to be here!!

keke.. i'm such a horrible person when i have to wait at crowded places..

gill, u mean she was really away.. i noticed that she has a very bad rash on her neck and she has LOTS of stitches ard her right ear.. first time seeing her so din dare to ask.. well.. i think she is nice.. but i dun have a super comfy feeling with her.. keke.. maybe coz she told me to CUT SUGAR, CUT CARBO, WATCH MY WEIGHT.. keke.. things that i dun like to hear la.. haha..

see how la.. i din book the bed yet coz even though i made up my mind that i want the A1 bed.. but i am hesitating to throw so much money in.. hubby was as usually, block of wood.. dun really care.. and he is ok with me taking A1. but it just seems a disgusting amt to pay. keke.. this month spent too much liao.. will book at next appt.. the officer did tell me that if i deliver b4 i book.. i might end up with a even larger bill.. zzzzzzz.. see how la..
phyl .... eh, really ah? ... If u have CSC don't have to wait ? I didn't know !!! HAIYA. Why can't they have a separate queue for the patients at TPS?
morning all!!!

fabbie, my 4D scan will be on Monday, 20th Oct and yep, my hb is paying for it!!

After scan, will go Robinsons again! Just got a 25% discount voucher sent to me with minimum spending on $200, so will just get everything that is still outstanding like breast pump, nursing bra, disposable underwear, etc etc etc.. still hv a long list of stuff for myself to purchase. Next round of Robinsons shopping, I hv a $100 cash voucher won during my comp's d&d..hehehe

I hv to book the hospital bed on Monday liao, hv to pay $1K deposit.. poorer by $1K liao. I tink TMC is not wireless - need to pay but anyway, if natural birth onie stay 2 days, no need wireless lar..
Morning ladies,

I puked yesterday, so terrible, feel hungry and yet cannot eat much..hate tat feeling. Still have 5 more weeks to go, have to endure.

I've still not decided to choose MT A or TMC coz seems like my gynae prefer TMC.hmm....headache, have to decide when I see him on the 28 Oct.

Anyone here pack their hospital bag already?
Morning Ladies
Today is going to be another crazy work day for me. Now i'm in the middle of preparing my hand over list to my boss.

5wks5days more to go! I'll see my gynae next Friday for assessement to see if my bb needs to be induced. Crossing my fingers that he can be delivered without induction at full term!
Wow reddates and adel, 5 more weeks!!! It's like a blink of an eye... so excited for you gals.. I myself have 10 more weeks to go and I alr very very excited liao..

I hv to quickly catch up liao, baby's stuff not washed or packed, room still in a mess, my own stuff (except for pyjamas) is still missing - hv not purchased.. and yet i m so busy at work lately.. arrggh...
Hi Morning Ladies,

Can i ask anyone employ maid? At first thought of getting a myanmar maid. But all my frens/relative say myanmar maid not good, hard to communicate. Anyone has any myanmar maid any problem.
good morning ladies

merydith, my baby also lie in that position. dun wan to bend knees.. as of what i saw at last scan. Having my growth scan on coming 21st Oct. See what gynae said. I dun wan to c-sect!!!! sob sob!!! My gynae said baby will start to turn by 8months or 8.5months.. by then, dun turn how??? Sigh...

Baby has been giving me an internal skin scubbing.. haha move so active like scrubbing my internal skin... at nite, tummy so tight!!!!

I felt a few mins of mense cramp type pull last evening... is this BH??

Hi Luthadel
Oh.. good luck to you...

Hi emeraldbride
Robsinsons got sales? M&S got sales? I also haven buy tonns of stuffs yet!!
TPS is ?

emeraldbride, must sign with the platinum card rt? I applied but haven rec it yet leh.

reddates, my hospital bag is half packed. I still need to go buy front buttons pyjamas.

Mine is Myanmar maid, communication is a problem initially. Have good and bad pts, they r obedient and wun show black face. Just tat they r slow but act smart sometimes. They r very "straight" ppl, hardworking but slow. If u can tahan slow and patient ppl, ok! Sometimes of coz will get on my nerves but she can take care of my son and noe that she wun abuse kids. Yah one thing , mine is very forgetful...can forget something tat I asked her to do 10mins ago, but she admit tat when she's wrong and says she try to remember things.

So most important is what type u 1, smart 1 will ask u this and tat, "stupid" 1 will just follow wat u says and work, wun "calculate" wif u.

She's my first maid, so cannot compare wif other national
sam.. precisely, they dun ask when u are at the counter.. if u tell them u from TPS, apparently faster also...

TPS - The Private Suite

i have terrible fungal/yeast/ bacteria infection.. so sian.. yestday they did the swab for me for Strep B.. now burning coz of the pessary n cream... zzzzz...

bobo.. 7-7 is abt 550-600.. that is first few months.. then when baby take solids.. it will raise by 80-100..
jo & 2nd baby, robinsons dun hv sale ah. The voucher was given to selected customers that have spend some minimum amt the previous mth - some targetted campaigns. Not necessary must sign with the new plat card, the old one still usable but will be phased out pretty soon, so if u gals hv not converted to the new one, better do so earlier.

My baby boy also kicking actively these few days!! Mabbe he is a big boy now, the kick is much stronger and my tummy actually moves ard, esp during meeting when alot of ppl talking. He seems very happy to hear ppl's voice but when mummy is scolding ppl, he will be very still!!..haha, these few days i scolded alot of ppl from vendor to IT. Dont understand how come they cannot seem follow instruction.

wah phyl, how come the deposit at KK more exp than TMC?? Does that mean the A1 bed is very expensive per nite?? Mabbe it is equivalent to a better room than single bedder in TMC..
