(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

ypg - thanks for sharing. for me, i have no choice but to take B1 at KKH. how is ur bill like? initial deposit & go home payment?

How do u feel about a cruise holiday in the week 33? Should b ok ba hor? Me want to have a getaway badly leh... plan to travel in the 2nd tri, but somehow no chance to do it. so drag until now. if i go after i gave birth, either bring the newborn along or put him wif MIL. But i dun feel good about this idea leh.... xian men...
wow u r really lucky to get such a gd CL..haven heard of any CL giving ang bao back to bb yet.
btw, u noe tat MtA revised their rates upwards in Jul this yr? so both hospital rates are pretty much on the same level now. hope this info helps u decide better

thks for sharing. so now i noe its the norm.. cos hubby was complaining when i told him of the ang bao rates. I'll prob get my hubby to fetch her from the MRT stn, my plc quite near fr MRT, so no pt if she takes cab fr there. My Edd is pretty late lor, est 30 Dec and my CL is concerned tat it might crash into the CNY season. I oreadi promised her tat I'll let her go back a few days earlier if the dates crash. On top of tat, I'll be having a maid ard, so she won't have to do much washing or cleaning.

thanks for the info.. now at least i feel much more at ease.
I think the cruise will not take u on board lei, my fren tried to book a cruise holiday at 6 mths pregnant. Kanna rejected. U better double check their cut-off for preggies.
snowger, i din realise that leh... maximum spend means wat ah?? siao liao. Who should i call leh? sian..

My hb will not sleep over at the hospital with me cos I dun need him to be with me all the time..hahaha. Last time when i had my ops and stayed for a week, he also din sleep over though the room was so much bigger then. Dun like to see his shagged up look..like very poor thing onie..hehe
Hi Xuelyn,

As i will be getting my CL to stay for more than 1 month and will also crash into cny date, i have promised her that i will let her off that period of time. Probably 2 weeks? But that is becos i have helpers at home with housework and my elder boy, so i can be assured that I can have all the help when necessary. It can be very tough w/o help. My edd is beginning of december.

I did try to sound out my Cl about staying with us permanently when i had my first child last year. Apparently she said someone asked her before and she quoted like $1,200 a month. Actually hor, it really isnt a lot for a stay-in full time nanny considering that she can charge like $1800 for a month confinement service. In the end, we do away with the idea as already I am not working, and has a maid, it really doesnt make sense for me to make her stay on with us for good.
hi gals
me received email from management. Said Pregnant can exempted from fire drilll .. haha!!!

so i asked if we fire-proof? why no need go down? haha!!!

aiyo poor thing leh.. pregnant still fire warden, officer????

snowger, ya.. u shd go down 1st..
OMG! OMG! OMG!!!!!!
wa biang eh....sad men.... i was happily amending the checklist for my boy leh.. so happy Virgo will be back so we look forward to the holiday.....ah.....hubby say then we go kusu island lo....

yeah thanks for sharing your experience .. for me it's not really whether my hubby can stay with me or not .. I prefer A1 so I can have my privacy ... especially when I like to turn on tv late into the nite (yes, I do even after I just gave birth) .. and also my friends come and visit me and stay till quite late .. she bought snacks from 7-11 and stayed with me .. cooing over my baby and chatting with me .. so that's my reason ..
yo yo hello all.. long time no post alrdy.. very sad actually.. my baby at 29 weeks is only 880g.. doc say aiyo why so small??? I gave him a clueless look also.. My tummy is not very big and obvious..just buldging.. siao liao how how how..
I guess all mommies hv different reasons why they choose the A ward lah. Just in case can't sleep at least hb there. If kena bully/no response fr nurse oso got hb there at night to help u mah. For me, I still book 4 bed. MIL already *yak* non stop when I told her I choosing TMC liao. Imagine if I take A ward! Can imagine what she is going to say lor. :p

It means the 25% is valid for $200 worth of expenditure lor. U not going down anytime soon? If i go this weekend I will help u ask la. Me want to return the NUK teats which I bought previously...

U nvr ask ur gynae if the weight is normal? My gynae told me b4 scan tat the weight shld be slightly abv 1kg. So I was "assured" when the scan shows 1004grms.
hi jowin,
izit? same same..think we need to talk to the baby to ask him to turn already..I also hope to have natural birth. What wk will u b on your nxt appointment?

My baby after the gynae appointment turn very hard last night! I tot wah..he understands! But then I think he got stuck while turning..think stuck at the horizontal position n today I felt really pain walking and I can feel his head and bum hard on both ends of my belly

Then I went back home to lie down..and he turn back straight up again...seems like his attempt to turn failed.

I pay $870 cash deposit in my week 32. Then I got admitted for threatened pre-term delivery, shortly after I sign the package. They suggest I downgrade to C class as the cost will be quite high for my BB if she come out at week 32.

But luckily my contractions under control and I discharge well. My BB hang on in my tummy for another 5 weeks then she come out.

I have not received the bill for my delivery yet as there is some problem with the KKH. Due to confusion, they actually used my $870 to pay for my inpatient bill during my week 32. But later they adjusted and it is paid through my medisave since I am under C class. But they blur blur sent a cheque to refund me this $870. Now I got to return this cheque to them 1st. I will return when I go back to KKH for my BB checkup next week.

I used quite a lot of facility and medicine. I am induced by medicine. Used epidural. BB vacuum sucked by doctor. Stay at delivery suite from 11am to 12 midnight so got to pay extra. I stay 2 days at ward. If go by the estimated bill size range by KKH, I could be getting a refund (if the bill is the lowest at $2430) or the most pay $500 more (if the bill is the highest at $3510).

For my bill only, I am not sure about my BB bill since she stay at special care nursery. I know you are worried about the cost. But we can never predict wat will happen in the future. So instead of making ourselves worried and affect the BB, we should stay happy and strong enough to cruise through any possible future problem.

At the point of discharge, you dun have to pay anything. KKH will send the bill to your place. You then pay them. If you got problem paying, you can speak to their counsellor. They will help you out. My uncle also very poor when his wife deliver through emergency C-section. They no $ to pay. So KKH help them out.
Just back from meeting..so tired..My leg super swollen today..dun noe why..

Thanks for the info ya..so its a arm-chair that can be use as sofa bed..still thot really got 1 bed inside for my hb..think maybe my hb oso dun dare to sleep in..dun noe clean or not hor..

I would like my hb to be with me during my stay in the hosp..but ultimate decision lies with him lah..haha..cannot force him mah..

I find the nursing bra from Perfect Mum okay leh..not aunty-looking mah..in fact i like it cos its plain-design, so easy to match & me love the soft fabric leh..mine is those bra-strap detachable type & i like it strapless..hee..
Wah Meridyth,
How u noe bb din turn successfully?

U ask ur gynae if the weight is normal. I think there is a average range of weight for babies depending on the weeks we are in. As long as bb has weight gain from week to week shld be ok bah. Cos for my colleague the gynae got worried when her bb's weight stagnated (she put on weight but baby did not)...
Chantalle - What's the normal weight for 29 weeks? Dr Tham said mine on heavier side coz at 29wks 5 days he weighs 1.49kg.

ypg - thanks for sharing. so u stay in B1 or C ward? yes, i'm extremely anxious with $. coz my hb is still not worried in saving any $, when others have already booked their package.
I oso agreed with u that the reason I chose A1 cos I needed the privacy..at least when frds & relatives come & visit me, we can talk & laugh out loud with disturbing anyone..more freedom..tats why I opted for it..Most importantly can BF bb within the privacy I had in the room lor..& I would love my hb to be with me..hee..
U super powerful leh. still got energy to watch TV. I got problem pushing my BB, end up got to use vacuum. Envy ur strength.

The TV at B1 class is using the headphone so I wun disturb any1 if I watch it.

But agree with you that it is really nice to have ur friend to chat with you if you still have the energy to do so.

Dun get me wrong. I am not trying to penalize any mums here for taking A1 class. Just giving my opinion in regard to getting HB staying at hospital.


Why ur MIL yak non-stop when you stay at TMC? I thought TMC is cheaper. TMC doctor got pre-natal package which KKH dun have. I spent close to $1500 for my pre-natal checkup alone.

So ur gynae is also Dr Benjamin Tham. Wat a nice coincidence. Hehe... Dun worry, you are in good hands. Actually he commented my BB on the heavy side at 1st then the next visit, my BB on the lighter side. So no worry lah. Now still early, cant really tell BB weight. If there is need for you to cut down on food, Dr Tham will tell u.

I stay at B1 ward for my actual delivery. Cause I want Dr Tham to deliver my BB so cant take B2 class.

As for HB issue, my HB just started on his own business so he got his cash flow difficulty. Throughout this pregnancy, I pay for everything. He only provide me the emotional support. But I think that is good enough.

In my 1st trimester, I got upset with the OSCAR test cause super expensive. I am those who hardly spent much so 1st time got to spend $321 at 1 shot. Feel so heartache. So I quarrel with him, saying he never contribute $. End up next day, I got bleeding. Hence, I decided nothing more important than the BB wellbeing. Do take good care of urself. Not just physical but emotional wellbeing also. Let me know if you still have any query.

coz the movement very big leh..I can see n feel the 2 humps on my tummy moving when I lie down..
so I guess he move back lor...coz the head hump move back up.
Hi ypg,

thanks for sharing. Though me choose A1, i fully agree that the unforseen charges (should complication arises) can be scary.

For my sister whom chose B1 for her multiple birth reasons, she has no regret going for B1. What happened was one of her twins stayed in KKH and had major op for the 2.5months stay.. and fortunately that she opted B1 from start, she was able to downgrade her boy to C when her bill hit a certain amount. If she had chosen A1, then i guess situation would be different.
ypg - ya, Dr Benjamin Tham. I never doubt his skills, coz i have 2 frens whom baby delivered by him. thanks for sharing. btw, my real name is also c_____a, is that ur daughter's name?
My MIL keep saying "CHEAP" for KKH and say TMC is SUPER expensive. I tried convincing her w my list of benefits (cos my gynae visit is $80 -same price as e gynae consultation at SGH). Kena snubbed by her, say my SIL gave birth @ KKH (which is cheap n gd).

Maybe I forgot to tell her that garmen officer (me) got no disc or preferred rates when seeing gynae in garmen hospital lor.

When I insisted in going to TMC, she nag say spend so much money for what cos money can be spent to pay for first month celebration, bb stuff etc. Haiz not like I going to ask her to pay for me oso...

Yes! My daughter name is Clarissa. Am I really so 有缘 with u? Hehe... I love this name. Her god-mother is Clare so I choose a name that is close to her god-mother.


Old ppl are like that. Keep on saying we youngster anyhow spent $. But strange thing is we never spent their $. It is all our hard-earned $. If got heartache, should be us, not them wat. I same same situation with you. Though I dun have MIL, my FIL also super nagging type. Everytime, I cant finish the fruit that I bought, he will start nagging. Luckily he stays a couple of blocks away, cant imagine if he stay with us.

old people is like tat one la.. dont bother la.
If she is referring to expertise, i tink tmc will also be just as good. if referring to costs, let her know kkh private also not cheap lor. unless she wants you to go kkh subsidised c class.

how bout a short getaway to Batam or Bintan. there're some resorts there for u to have a short break. can relax as well. n the journey is vy short one.

ya don't worry ... no offence taken ..
it's just an exchange of opinions .. I personally also see no need for hubby to stay over ... cos don't look comfy leh for him .. I prefer he goes home early and rests with our kids ..

ya, I usually come back to the room after delivery .. feel damn hungry ... I will quickly shower and then sit on my bed and wait for them to send my baby to me ...

ya, I've done this 3 times before .. lol
Hmm...I din post anything about my CL for my boy, how come u ppl noe that she gave Ang Bao to my boy? I've only engage her from Mon-fri, day time only, it's my mum's frn , doing her a favor to help me for my confinement. Nice auntie, food nice, clean and take good care of me and my boy.
My gynae din ask for a birthplan. Guess they wun ask unless you ownself have some preferences.. then you'll need to show them the birthplan yourself and get them to endorse... not all gynaes will entertain birthplans thou coz it's more trouble for them... like they have to specially cater for you.
I choose my gynae coz he's ok with such things...

I pack my bag liao.. now it's sitting in my living room... will transfer the bag to the car soon.. so excited!

Why must give ang bao? Is it a std practice? My CL din ask for anything like ang bao or taxi $$...
ur company so good. too bad i nurse, not fireproof. onli patients fireproof when we hav drill. lolx.

mi in same situation as u tis time round. hb gotta bring my boi home so my sis will stay wif mi in hosp instead. furthermore i c-sect again tis time so need abit help wif movement for 1st few daes.

its true tt getting B1 will be beta for 'in case' situations. my relatives veri loud n stay till veri late so don wan to disturb others. hehe.
yup..lots to consider when choosing ward especially if cash-flow is an issue. I previously stayed at C when there was chance of preemie at 28wks. When the real action happened at 37wks, took B1 instead cos husband felt bad about no aircon/tv though i didn't mind. Kind of liked the "open-concept" of C...other than the horrid visitors.. haha.. We haven't booked any package yet this time around. Now, i'm opting for B1 but he wants me in A. Haven't decided... Even if its A, most likely husband will still go home..Hate seeing him shagged out.

If we sign up for B1, can we change to A on the delivery day itself? I know it should depend on room availability but will they allow it?

You give birth, return to room, shower and watch tv?? wow! I have a mental image of a slumber party! After my 1st delivery, i came back to ward at 2am, husband left (4-bedder mah) and i couldn't sleep so disturbed my overseas friends. Though i wanted a shower there was no way i could have managed..so uncomfortable to move. Will try this time around.

Wah, u pack already, me haven, intend to pack within the next 2 weeks.


It's standard practice to give ang bao when she arrives like "kai gong da ji" and give her when she leaves, for luck. Taxi I'm not so sure, my CL take public transport herself to and fro last time as she's singapore PR and not a pro CL, just helping out nia.


I din noe there's birthplan till u gals mentioned it.


I dun mind tat my HB not staying with me, I was very tired and can sleep through the nite , wake up becoz being disturb by the nurse in the middle of the nite. Finally can have good sleep coz during preg, sleep not so good , frequent nite pee, uncomfortable position to sleep, after birth, wah...can sleep so comfortably men.
Back from my 32 week check up! Baby is 1.7kg now...gynae say just nice, should end up as a 3+kg baby during delivery. Baby's head is turned to face downwards already. Placenta has started aging a little. Can see small calcium dots, but overall still doing well. Sigh, gynae still not convinced that we should do the GBS, but he said he'll do for me if I want. =P

Phyl, I also kena fungi again. My gynae gave me the antibiotics. I'll take them when the fungi becomes unbearable. He suggested that I wash the area with plain yogurt leh. I tried just now...actually helps to soothe quite a bit! Can try. ^_^

How come everybody going to book the delivery package and put deposit leh? Mt A didn't ask me to do that leh? My gynae's nurse just help me book...no mention that I need to go down and confirm with deposit. Anybody from Mt A who is doing that?
ypg n pig 07,
Ya lah. I give up my dream wedding liao (still feeling sore cos it's once in a life time lor) so I ain't going to give in this time since it's going to be from me n hubby's own pocket all the way. :p

bear in mind that I didn't have any tearing or episiotomy so other than feeling slightly sore, I was able to move around and clean myself up and take a shower .. no pain "down there" to contend with .. my labour and time spent pushing also very short ..

just very lucky I guess.


Alamak .. I think different gynaes say different things le ... at my 33rd week check up, my baby was 2.4 kg .. she said just nice ... maybe she meant for my size (cos I'm big sized) .. hmmmm. I'm super worried I'll end up with a big baby .. I dowan an episiotomy or any tearing. DAMN.
hi all.. im looking for strollers now.. and i saw HAENIM BABY Stroller which has 3 wheels. Anyone use it? or any comments abt it? Im quite kinda stress, as i duno which kind of stroller is good! i scare i buy liao i regret!

Infact i saw this MAMALOVE stroller very nice and stable. but the stroller like weight like 10kg! i was thinking if my gal gets older. it will be very heavy for me. if i bring her out alone.

Anyone have any good recommend on good strollers? Thanks.
oooh... that's why! I had episiotomy. Apparently my baby was too big for me (he came out weighing 2.71kg only!) Water bag burst to baby pop roughly 14h.. Still wanted to shower but at 2am..sure kena from nurse
adel, so fast u pack ur hosp bag liao??? The bag i intend to use is still use to store my other stuff..wahaha!!

Today my boy is super active, were at Ikea walking and he kept tossing and turnig till i hv to stop walking. Even now he is also busy kicking and punching..haha
ok la.. asian size. but 2.71kg! all my husband's relatives (incld my mil) were going "poor thing..baby so small" !!!
2.71 kg is ok la ... it's not small .. !!

My 2nd daughter was 2.9 kg .. not that far off what. My first was a preemie .. 32 weeks 3 days .. she was 1.8kg
now she's 9 years old and has always been and still is, healthy

Only my 3rd was hefty at 3.9 kg at birth.
For me was ok cos my niece/nephew both around the same range..my sis slightly bigger than me. But still kena epi. This time around, gynae says baby might be even bigger.... a little afraid.

Sometime I feel that the "fight" with in law is neverending type. To save us from being moody over it, it is very important to have our HB support. They must stand by our side if not, I really feel this marriage is meaningless. Afterall, I marry so that me n my HB can be pillar of support for each other till old. But of course, got to spare a thought for HB feeling too. It is hard for him to "rebel" against his parents. So my way is to 阳奉阴违, meaning on the surface agree with what my FIL says, but doing things differently. When he discover, I just allowed him to nag n nag till he happy. I auto switched off. Hehe...


I choose to buy Combi cause it is much lighter than most brands and it is within my budget. I consider that only me and my mum use the stroller when we going out. So for us, it is weight that is top priority. Besides I stay at 2nd floor, no lift yet so got to climb out. So to climb up the stairs with the stroller plus the BB n other shopping items, it is very important that the weight of the stoller is light. I think you got to assess your lifestyle after BB 1st then decided on the 1 that most suit u.

Hi Fabbie,

A more affordable brand will be capella? I am using the 228 or 288 model. This dont have a tray for the legs when fully recline. I know there is a model for capella which has one tat has a tray for the legs.

Hi Sam,

Me kenna tear lor. maybe cos i anyhow push and cant wait to deliver owing to the pain. Gynae only turned up at final hour to 'giap' my boy out using forcep.

Check with you all ah, must we tell gynae if we want to cut to prevent tear? or they shld know to do so?
