(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Hi Snowger (snowymum)
I am new member here.
I am also taking TMC class on Sept 6, 2008.
Is your class also at AMK hub? 7 pm, by Mrs. Wong.

Hi Esther,
Welcome welcome!!!

Mine is the afternoon one (think 2-4pm) also by Mrs Wong, also at AMK hub!
There are 2 sessions. I think there are some mommies here who r in the evening class! When is ur last class (i.e. the doctor talk?)? If the same, we will be meeting there!
Hi snowger,
I think my class is end at Oct 11,
The doc talk is somewhere near whitley road if I am not wrong, the girl school there, but I forget the timing.
I dont know if they have afternoon class, they only offer me evening class.
Hope its the same timing so we can meet there.
mine is oso at the girl's sch too. But I can't rem the date. Must go home n check the schedule. Mrs Wong's class fills up very quickly so mayb u register only left evening one.

If we dun meet during class, we can always meet seperately with the rest of the gals (think there is an outing up n coming).
Ester & Snowger
Hey, if you're attending Mrs Wong class, for the 1st 3 lessons, please wear comfy pants as she will do prenatal exercises with you. Also, best is to wear slippers as you'll have to take off your shoes b4 entering the class

i think best way to recover from flu is to drink more water and get more rest. As for panadol, this i'm not sure, but i've tried not to take panadol since becoming pregnant. Scared take medicine will have effect on bb. You wanna call your gynae or nurses to ask them?

Anybody going for the weekend Sep antenatal classes at MAH?
Hi LuthAdel (luthadel)
Thanks you, I guess must check my tracking pants, hopefully still can fit in my big stomach :)

Hi Hippo,
Hope to see you there..
My colleagues said I walk like a penguin! *BOOO HOOO!*

Thanks Adeline!
Me was still "fan-nao"ing on where to find pants aft reading instructions fr e timetable. Heng the bag of hand me downs fr my sis's colleague got one pair! And I jus bought a Nickermann slipper! So can wear both to the class! *Yeah!*

normal paracetemol are safe (i.e. not the special ones for flu, menstrual cramps, etc). My GP gave them to me n I pestered him to confirm! Anyway, i found tis link too during my own search aft seeing him... *paraniod preggy* www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/antenatalhealth/physicalhealth/overthecountermedicines/

Thou I was given, I try to ta-han. Drink more H2O + sm vit C + rest.
Hi Esther & hippo

Me also attending the 6 Sep 08 class by Mrs Wong at AMK Hub. Hope to see you gers and also Carmen too

Winne/Adelchia: You can take NORMAL panadal, not the extra/flu/menstrual type. Just the normal white ROUND pills. It's definitely safe. Drink more water too & pop more Vit C.
Help Help.. My 2 year old gal jump onto my tummy juz now.. can feel the pain.. think my little one inside oso can feel the pain.. keep kicking after that.. Should i go to my gynae tomolo? so worrying...
I went to MAH website, but I cannot find anything le,,,can help??how can i register?? how much is the course?? thank u
Dear gals.. me just got back from the last lesson of the class..The talk at the school.. abit boring.. haha...

went gynae check today.. confirm 95% is minnie mouse.. hee hee.. so happy.. But gynae said i have to watch my weight.. one week can only gain 500gm and i over shot liao..

Got to cut down on sugar food, carbo and fried food

nowadays can onli log in once in d morning while checking mails. damn buzi wif work.

how old is ur boi? ur boi slp in seperate room? my boi's cot is in my room. my noti one needs us to either pat him to slp or he juz wana stay on our bed to slp on his own. muz be beside him all d time. hehe. tiring.

my dr don comment on my wt gain one. tink tt's y i gain 19kg for my 1st preg. lolx. big fat penguin walking around workplace.
jowin, thot u gain not much weight? how come your gynae ask u to cut down on sugar food, carbo and fried food? so 1mth we can gain 2kg?
lavendery, wah..u gain only 2kg since u got pregnant? what did ur doc say ? if he say ok..then ok lor..i gain so far abt 10kg liao..must really cut down!
lavendery, u only gain 2kg? if your gynae never mention anything, think it's normal.

for me, i gain 6kg liao.... hope overall i gain less than 10kg. dun know possible or not.
My gynae never mention anything. But base on detail scan, seems like my baby just managed to scrap thru only.

All the three parts of dimensions (head, adominal and legs) seems small, just passed according to the chart. I feel guilty for not able to eat normally up till now. Still no appetite in everything.

I hope i can gained at least a few kgs. Colleagues still said overall my figure didn't change at all except my tummy is finally starting to show up abit, like 3mths pregnant now. But no one seems to know i'm actually more than 5 and 1/2 mths already.
Hi ladies...
just wondering.. have u started ur baby shopping?

Sumtimes i feel as if its still early.. and i'll be kiasu if i start buying now.. hehe..

Any suggstions where can get good baby cot? (still deciding if i should buy..some say no.. coz baby dun sleep there for long..hmmm)
lavendery, dun worry .. as long as doc dun say anything it's ok ..

for me too .. I've only gained 1 kg since I got pregnant .. I lost some weight when I was puking .. then went back to pre pregnancy weight and now just 1 kg over.

as long as the baby is growing well, dun have to worry
Hi mini and gals.
I gain a total of 5kg from start of pregnancy till 6 months. All 1kg per month till 5mth suddenly increase to 2.5-3kg. He asked me to take note of my sudden weight increase.. perhaps due to my puking during 1st trim tat i did not really gain.. so 2nd trim now, just shot up...

Ideally, it shd be max 2kg per month. If i can achieve 2kg per month.. End of pregnancy i should total weight gain 13kg...Just ideal for my BMI. He said if i continue 2-3kg per month, i would hit 20kg by end of pregnancy.....

13kg is NOT WAT I EXPECT LEH.... I wan 10kg or most 12kg only...!!!!!!! Perhaps day dream hor... but my friends could do it... some 8kg, some 9kg....some 13kg la...

So have to eat better...no much fried food as i love Fish & Chips...no much desserts...No much fast food as i love burger king mushroom swiss...

N i realise, within 1 month, i drunk 3 huge bottles of sunkist orange juice... oh mind... !!!
Hahaha... but as long as baby is healthy doesn't matter lar!!

I gain 10kg since pregnancy leh.. but my doctor never commented me on it lar..she din ask me to cut down on my food intake, cos I rarely eat fried food and don't really look 'fat' hahaha.. weighing scale still shows me as Normal weight..kekeke... close one eyes lor!!

According to the website, my height and weight, i shuld gain abt 33.9pounds for the whole pregnancy which is equivalent to abt 16kg?? Hahaha..so I continue to be merry and eat n eat n eat, after give birth then I will exercise and trim!
jowin, oh 2.5-3kg within a month already exceed your gynae's target of 2kg per month.

guess all of us like 'junk' food. i am also asked to cut down on sweet and carbo food cos my glucose level is a bit high, so no more fast food, sweetened juices, etc. for me. got to totally say bye bye to french fries, laksa, nasi lemak and alot of my fav food cos all these all very high in carbo.
so far i also gain abt 2 to 3kg. My baby is also on the small side. My gyane say it ok. baby is fine.

ya have to watch our weight cos at 2nd and 3rd trim the weight can go up quite fast. if is 20kg will have problem to get back to shape in future. For my 1st preg i gain 12kg. Hope this time abt the same.
that time my cousin and sis both gained 20kg during pregnancy! and their gynaes never mention anything. both their gynaes from kkh.
if u feel the pain better see gyane asap. 2 wks ago my boy also do that. I feel teh pain for awhile then after that i am ok liao.. So didnt visit gyane..
Wow look like u gals eat alot of diff food. Envy. For me i cant take lei. Dun really like fast food anymore. Like veg more which i hate b4 i preg. This is the biggest change in my intake.
lavendery, don't worry. I also gain 2kg till 5 mth since beginning of pregnancy. Worried initially, but my gynae says that's perfect as too much gain not very good. So long as baby is normal will do. By the way my baby was 440g at 20 weeks, quite heavy.So it doesn't means you don't gain, baby also doesn't gain.
Me gain about 4-5kg, but I dun really stop myself from eating coz my appetite increases alot recently. Worry about slimming after birth lah, dun give myself too much stress on wt gain. As long as bb is growing normally, I hack care liao. It's very "xinku" to be deprive of food, I love eating.
I gain abt 18kg for my first preg, coz appetite too good,starts eating from beginning till end. Right after giving birth I lost 8kg, takes me about 6-9mths to loss the excess.This time round, my appetite only starts recently, thus the wt gain not so much, guess will be alot from now till end.
morning all~! i duno how much i gain. cus i didnt weight.. cus i duno is it my weighting machine spoil. or my weight only only gain 5kg. sighz. which i felt is TOO LITTLE!
Hi Jappooh
Glad tat i cannot take KFC and MAc as i will puke.. left Mos burger and Burger King only...Will cut down on tat.... sweet juices etc.. will also cut down... Yup, i understand it quite hard to get back to shape if we hit 20kg target.. Will get back eventually but takes sometime... I very vainpot la.. so will try to maintain...

Hi Reddates,
Yup, not giving myself stress but just moderate n see my food intake. I realise it very difficult as i will get hungry easily as appetite become much much better....

Hi mini
actually my gynae did not really say much until i keep harping him to count me my weight gain.. haha!!! He then asked me to watch out bcos of my sudden put on....

Hi first time mummy
i have friends that just gain on her baby weight at her last trim... meaning baby keep gaining and her own weight maintain... tats why she able to keep at 9-10kg weight gain in total.. Of course, individual is different.. this type of thing can't learn from each other.. So i just watch my intakes & bb must be healthy...
Agree with Jo, each individual's body is different hence the weight gain is also different. Just like the size of the bump and the look of the bump is different for different woman!! Heheh

Ask u gals ah.. how we know baby is hiccup-ping? I read fr books that baby do hiccups but how do we differentiate? Hehehe..
emerald yeah. i heard before, baby got hiccup before. i wonder how it sounds like.. my hubbie heard got bubbles in my tummy only hehe anyone can share whats the sound like? i wan to hear leh.

wah. yday night i got a terrible muscule cramp! last week was right side. this time is left side! faints. oh and today i keep dreaming that baby keep kicking me.. hmm maybe she keep kicking me. till i brought her to my dreams haha
Phyl: i sms you to inform you that i confirm the Blk 781 auntie 1-2weeks ago, u din receive (no wonder no reply). She's very easy going and quoted me $550, so i just go for it lor =)

Saw the 2yo gal whom she is taking care of when i went to her hse, very cute and looks healthy and happi.. hee... hope my little Kasia will be as cute and healthy too!

So from the forum thread, u have not confirm a nanny?

Esther, Hippo, Girl80: yup yup, me attending on 6 Sep at 7pm too! hipeee... at least we know one another... but how to identify one another har?

JowinBB: hope ur feeling better today. seems like your MS has not stopped despite we approaching Tri3. I dun knw if im making a fuss here but after a terrible MS patch, i was hosp and put on drip. Quite miraculously, i stopped puking ater discharge. So i dun knw if it will work, but mebbe u can try to suggest to yr gynae?
Good Morning!

Hi girl80 (girl80)
Yeah! hope to see you also..

Reading the post above, I also gained about 6 kgs.
Hope to stop at 10kg, I am big size already, if gained more than 10kgs, I will really look like big bear :-(.
Fabbie: me wish to hear BB too! My HB told me it's like bubbles blowing in my tummy.. hee... too bad i cannot bend my head all the way to my tummy. But at least we got to FEEL BB movements while our HBs can only hear... keke...
So far i've gained a total of 6.5kg. My gynae has been monitoring my weight. If i gain 1.5kg within 3 weeks, he will ask me to try to cut down on carbo, sugar and fried stuffs. Cos he said any sudden increase in weight gain could be due to diabetes. So as i'm quite scared to go for blood sugar test, i'll try to watch my diet. Hopefully i won't exceed 11kg total weight gain.

Sometimes i wonder if my bb will blow bubbles in my tummy.. too bad we r not able to see wat's going on inside our tummy everyday... :p
I also gained about 4-5kg as of 22 wks. During my previous pregnancy, I put on 11+kg, shred off 5kg after discharge from hospital & left 1kg still sticking to me. This time I'm hoping to keep up the record of 11-12kg *keeping fingers crossed* ;-)
Anybody's HR started giving 6 days childcare Leave? We just received 2 days of Childcare Leave which we supposed to get it 3 years ago. Now dunno when will they revise to 6 days...
mum2ndx, my colleague checked wi my HR and HR says employers are 'encouraged' to give 6 days childcare leave. so far, we havent hear from HR if they are going ahead to give 6 days childcare leave cos i understand from my coll that employer can choose not to give 6 days. is that true?
Esther .. let's not talk about looking like a big bear ... sigh.

People still not sure whether I'm pregnant or just fatter ..

I also can't gain more than 8 kg .. or else I'm sure I'll die trying to lose the weight later on.
Carmen same lor.. my baby also blowing bubbles in the tummy.. i also want to hear.. i think the only way to hear is we got to buy a stetescope those that doc always use that to hear our hearts de. hehe then we can put in our ears. and put that thing on our tummy and just hear.. cus no raider mah. so its healthy ba. Hmmmm but i heard its expensive! =(

btw. the blk 781 ya talking about is at bugis is it? whats the info? can share? hehe
