(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Hi gals..just for fun..


See my weight estimation ideal...

Pregnancy weight gain estimator results

I am 1.61cm and pre pregnancy weight is 52kg

You will probably gain 11.3 kgs - 15.9 kgs during your pregnancy.

If you gained the average of the range above, this is where the weight would go (totals are rounded):

Uterus 1.1 kgs
Breasts 0.5 kgs
Blood 1.4 kgs
Water 1.9 kgs
Fat 3.8 kgs
Subtotal 8.6 kgs

Your baby:
Fetus 3.4 kgs
Placenta 0.7 kgs
Amniotic Fluid 0.9 kgs
Subtotal 5.0 kgs

<font color="ff0000">Total 13.6 kgs </font>

Thks ya!!!!
My ofc does not have any room to pump milk. all furnish wif a glass panel. my coll say paste a paper!! hahaha... good idea though..then got to book the meeting room de. so on the list will see "milk pumping session" twice a day.... hahahahaha
jowin..keke..looks fun! I also try it out

You will probably gain 6.8 kgs during your pregnancy.

If you gained the average of the range above, this is where the weight would go (totals are rounded): You:
Uterus 0.4 kgs
Breasts 0.1 kgs
Blood 0.5 kgs
Water 0.6 kgs
Fat 1.3 kgs
Subtotal 2.9 kgs
Your baby:
Fetus 3.4 kgs
Placenta 0.2 kgs
Amniotic Fluid 0.3 kgs
Subtotal 3.9 kgs

Total 6.8 kgs

Aiyo!!!! I gain too much liao....so far more..nearly 10kg...omg..dunno how to cut down! Just eat peanut butter bread!!
mum2ndx..same..my office got meeting rooms with a small glass panel...and last time my colleagues always book the meeting room and paste a paper to cover the glass panel.
yes the ML is count in wks and days. Eg 12wks is 84days. So all the sat, sun and public holiday counts. So now extend to 16wks us 112days. I believe if last mth is take as flexible leave then is 84days + 20days loh cos deduct the sat and sun.
bubble pearl,
my office have meeting rm with g;ass panel as well. The problem is wan to book the meeting rm is so difficult. Always fully book one..So end up have to pump in toilet which i do not wan loh..
oh calculated in weeks.... cos i remember i saw my gynae's mc states in 84 days (that is for 3mths ML).

jo, actually wat u are eating should be quite ok. for me, i eat :

breakfast (8.15am) - wholemeal bread sandwich with egg and chicken (sometime with ham and cheese)

tea break (ard 10.45am) - fruits (guava or apple)

lunch (12.30pm) - something soupy (i dun eat rice for lunch)

tea break (4.00pm) - 1 pkt of wholemeal biscuits (3 pcs) or fruits

dinner (7.00pm) - recently have been eating brown rice but i limit to abt 2-3 spoons only, then eat alot of veg and fish

supper (11pm) - soya bean milk without sugar (not everyday)

from my last visit (20w) till today (23w+), my weight still maintain leh... no increase. weight maintain also worry if baby is ok. then hubby keep forcing me to eat more.
Too much orange juice already.. i drunk the sunkist one....2 huge bottles within a month...

bubblepearl.. yours so little?? u key in pre pregnancy weight... not ur weight now...
hehehe..here is mine:

You will probably gain 12.7 kgs - 18.1 kgs during your pregnancy.
If you gained the average of the range above, this is where the weight would go (totals are rounded):
Uterus 1.3 kgs
Breasts 0.5 kgs
Blood 1.7 kgs
Water 2.2 kgs
Fat 4.4 kgs
Subtotal 10.1 kgs
Your baby:
Fetus 3.4 kgs
Placenta 0.9 kgs
Amniotic Fluid 1.1 kgs
Subtotal 5.3 kgs
Total 15.4 kgs
wah..bubble, u r so tall!!!

my fren gave birth to a 3.7kg baby boy and is natural birth.. 'geng' leh..hahaha

From mine, can see that my bb will be abt there as well.. big boy!
jowin..kekek..i key salah!

You will probably gain 11.3 kgs - 15.9 kgs during your pregnancy.

If you gained the average of the range above, this is where the weight would go (totals are rounded): You:
Uterus 1.1 kgs
Breasts 0.5 kgs
Blood 1.4 kgs
Water 1.9 kgs
Fat 3.8 kgs
Subtotal 8.6 kgs
Your baby:
Fetus 3.4 kgs
Placenta 0.7 kgs
Amniotic Fluid 0.9 kgs
Subtotal 5.0 kgs

Total 13.6 kgs

But still need to control...cos i have only 3.6kg more to go!
emeraldebride, tall meh..keke..nvr manage to reach 1.7m leh..wah..3.7kg..can still natural? I dun want bb too big cos at week 25..he is already 900gms liao..
eh..how come ours all nearly the same ah?? Hahaha, dunno accurate or not leh.

I still hv 6kg more to reach the weight.. dunno can or not..cos i average put on 2.5kg per mth..sumtimes if i eat alot alot then will be 1 kg per week..wahahah!!
my office definitely have to pump in the toilet...no close areas...the government should ask the employers to provide certain facilities...
bubble pearl,
the meeting rm here even lunch time is book one hor.. Very terrible.. Thats why i saw mummies pump milk in toilets. Very poor thing lei.. Thats why it turn me off to pump milk after my ML.
i also got no where to pump in office. previously there is a mtg room with no glass panel, now they convert to a small office got site staff liao... sob sob... dun know where to pump bm when i am back to work.

here is mine :

You will probably gain 11.3 kgs - 15.9 kgs during your pregnancy.

If you gained the average of the range above, this is where the weight would go (totals are rounded): You:
Uterus 1.1 kgs
Breasts 0.5 kgs
Blood 1.4 kgs
Water 1.9 kgs
Fat 3.8 kgs
Subtotal 8.6 kgs
Your baby:
Fetus 3.4 kgs
Placenta 0.7 kgs
Amniotic Fluid 0.9 kgs
Subtotal 5.0 kgs
Total 13.6 kgs

but i dun wan to gain more than 10kg.
emerald how heavy is your bb?
mine bb 900grams at 23+weeks...that time when i went for detail scanning doc got mention that bb gestation is fast...
jappooh..how come ur office sounds like mine...lunchtime also have lunch meeting..actually i have my own cubicle..but the entrance is open leh..so pple walk pass will see..so no privacy..unless...i go to my level storeroom?
government should do something...just like for malays every friday they will get a place to pray also...

if they wants to encourage BF then should build some facilities...
bubble pearl, can use those nursing shawl? oh ya, my coll is still pumping bm now, think i saw her medela cooler bag in the pantry. but so far i never talk to her before, think i will check wi her which room she use to pump bm. btw, how many hrs interval do we need to pump?

You will probably gain 11.3 kgs - 15.9 kgs during your pregnancy.

If you gained the average of the range above, this is where the weight would go (totals are rounded): You:
Uterus 1.1 kgs
Breasts 0.5 kgs
Blood 1.4 kgs
Water 1.9 kgs
Fat 3.8 kgs
Subtotal 8.6 kgs
Your baby:
Fetus 3.4 kgs
Placenta 0.7 kgs
Amniotic Fluid 0.9 kgs
Subtotal 5.0 kgs
Total 13.6 kgs
pumping mamas..

an idea.. if you work NEAR a major shopping center with nursing facilty, you can actually use their room to pump..
MIne same as jowin, emerald and juzyounme.. will probably gain 11.3 kgs - 15.9 kgs.. But i dun wan to gain so much leh.. the most is 11kg..
dee, good idea. my office downstairs got 1 baby changing room. maybe can use that room but hor dun know if coy allows me to go in and out of off every few hrs.
Hi guys,

I'm new here.. I assume all of your EDD will be in Dec...

Actually, it is not the orange juice that aids in the absorption of iron but it's the Vit C in the juice so any source of Vit C will be good...

And please don't eat sooo much peanut butter.. Everything in moderation. =) There has been some study that shows that if a pregnant lady eats peanut (in any form) everyday, the baby will have an increase risk of getting asthma or allergies...
Jowin - maybe u can buy those no sugar added orange juice like Peel Fresh instead. At least it's not too sweet.
You will probably gain 11.3 kgs - 15.9 kgs during your pregnancy.
If you gained the average of the range above, this is where the weight would go (totals are rounded):
Uterus 1.1 kgs
Breasts 0.5 kgs
Blood 1.4 kgs
Water 1.9 kgs
Fat 3.8 kgs
Subtotal 8.6 kgs
Your baby:
Fetus 3.4 kgs
Placenta 0.7 kgs
Amniotic Fluid 0.9 kgs
Subtotal 5.0 kgs
Total 13.6 kgs

Is this NOrmal Or what?! -____- and juzyounme,
mimi,bubble pearl, jowinbaby we all have the total SAME! 13.6 kgs
oh no i have been taking peanut butter almost everyday for almost 2 mths lei. Cos my intake is bad only peanut butter with bread can let me eat abit.. I think i better stop taking.. Hope is not too late to stop.

Oh dear... It is just a study.. May not be too accurate... There just said "increased risk"...

Dunno if the study was done on ang moh moms... Asian moms might be different.. but most important is that you try to eat a balance diet... u cannot get ur proteins from peanut butter alone...
If possible, best to really have a variety of food.. Like ham and cheese... eggs (good source of calcium!!)yogurt...

I like peanut butter too... but I try to limit myself.. Maybe 3 times a week..
fabbie,mimi,bubble pearl, jowinbaby, mine is the same as you all... 13.6 kgs but know already gaining more than that...
is not that i wan to get the proteins from peanut butter. THe problem is i haev very very bad MS. So i vomit almost all the food i take.. Only bread with peanut butter stay in my stomach.. I try to put other spread but just vomit loh. Cnat control.. Now i can start to eat a little hope then i think i better stop that abd eat other food. Hope is not too late.

Now i am really worried lei..
bye peoples...will see what you all chat tml...cant use the computer at home..having some problems with my laptop...

all mummies have a good dinner and a good sleep...
I used to hv wholemeal bread with peanut butter for breakfast until my gynae advised me not to take. He suggested olive oil as a healthier choice but i dun like it. :p
i cant eat variety of food cos i vomit alot of food lei. I used to love meat like chicken and pork. Now i dun take lei.. I take alot of veg which i use to hate. So i have no control of the food. I try to force myself to eat certain food but i will vomit after that.. Very bad..

So my MIL and hubby always tell me eat watever i wan. Can keep something in the stomach better than nothing.. The only good thing for me is from 4mth plus onwards i can take fresh milk. So i take at least 3 cups per day.
This is mine:

You will probably gain 11.3 kgs - 15.9 kgs during your pregnancy.
If you gained the average of the range above, this is where the weight would go (totals are rounded):
Uterus 1.1 kgs
Breasts 0.5 kgs
Blood 1.4 kgs
Water 1.9 kgs
Fat 3.8 kgs
Subtotal 8.6 kgs
Your baby:
Fetus 3.4 kgs
Placenta 0.7 kgs
Amniotic Fluid 0.9 kgs
Subtotal 5.0 kgs
Total 13.6 kgs

how come mine is the highest among the mommies ah?? 15.4kg!! Hahaha... but nvr mind lar.. i hv 4 more mths to go to gain additional 6kg!! I have to spread it out..hahaha

As long as I am happy can liao and most importantly i can lose the weight after giving birth wil be good!! Esp my butt..super big ah..bigger than the full moon..wahahaha
