(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Hi pastillies
I also went ikea to see but nothing i like... majority are cabinet and need to assemble.. beside ikea are not solid wood.. compress wood only..

Another thing i like abt the drawers are that, it dun contain smell.. those new wooden cabinets do.. baby things can't put with moth balls, spray anything or even put the anti croach paper at the shelvings.. thought plastic drawers are easy to wash and clean too...

I thought when baby is older, can use it to store baby toys n books lor... even if no use, i put into storeroom n store rubbish.. haha!!

Why i get 2 of the 5 tier drawers are bcos me being a cleanines freak, wan to hide packets of diapers inside, watever nonsense all inside.. then the neater the better..

hee hee!!

Hi pastillies,

The main reason why i chose infant-care than maid is like what u mentioned, I dun feel comfortable with a stranger at home. Plus it depends on luck if you can find a good personality one. I always got the idea that chances of maid abusing babies are greater than placing them in infant-care..plus no privacy lor..hee..and got to spend $$ installing webcam, no point lah..

For infant-care, at least its governed by MCYS & they have more than 1 care-taker..so shd be better..And the kind of environment is better..but still run risk of hand foot mouth disease..but bo pian lah, out of so many choices, i have decided on infant-care. My infant-care charged me $1100 which i paid deposit sch-fee liao..Heard they recently increased to $1200..

Im now hoping after my confinement, my MIL will love my ger-ger till she decides to quit her job & look after for me..hee..

Watever the case, must decide fast & start booking for 1 liao..

Im currently sourcing for post-natal malay massage and am considering signing up with Malay Heritage Jamu Massage. Any mummies also signing up with them, any comments?
The velcro thing is a bit like pampers diapers but it is a cloth like material. All baby shops got sell (Taka fair tat time oso got). I going to buy fr e Bugis shop. They ran out of the "S" size. Will call them b4 going down.

My MIL told me can go TP Toyogo to buy e bath tub. Big oso good. Then my bb can bathe inside tub until quite old mah. Pong Pong time is bonding time!
Can buy diaper pail fr there oso.

Yes last time I rem my parents paid $50 for a five tier. Mayb plastic more expensive with fuel price increase!

The colour is nice! I like!

it's not many tiers lah. Each tier is oso not v v big. I wont mind getting one... And some plastic box ones (oso can get fr toyogo) to store my maternity clothes n outgrown bb clothes!

Yes. Bubblepearl went to the Toyogo warehouse at Toa Payoh!

Me gonna go down to the warehouse to check out this Fri after check-up.. hopefully to find good deals..
thanks for sharing! i'm surprise so many of us here is considerring infant care...some of my colleagues at work (those who just came back fm maternity) i've ask them abt infant care...but they didnt quite like the idea of infant care...

Perhaps like what santorini says, differnet ppl different ideas/needs...so maybe they nv considered infant care as an option bah..but for us (those who shared with me that u're putting baby at infant care), guess we hv not much options thats why we are thinking of infant care...

BTW, are u placing at an infant care near ur home OR near workplace?
xiao_pooh so early u start register ur baby for infant care le ah??

thanks for the positive feedback on infant care

how much is the malay heritage jamu massage cos? they go to ur place or u go to their spa? i read that those spas kind (eg Rustic Nirvana quite ex...) there are those that come to ur hse only $50++/session..

hi jowin, haha tat's true, at least the toyogo kind next time can move to storeroom to store other things if dun like...haha
I was oso at the crossroads but one thing I dun like about childcare/infant care is u die die must pick up the kid at XXXXhrs. If u are late, got penalty I think. And worse, my house nearby dun hv such centres.

Every svs got pros n cons. So list them down n find one svs tat caters to ur needs (e.g. finances? do u n hb work late? how accessible is the svs? how comfortable r u w a stranger? etc).

I heard of parents put bb in infant care n bb fall sick every 3 days. Mother keep taking leave to bring bb see doc. In e end, mother settled for maid n bb is doing fine. So...

For me, I shortlisted two options: Nanny near my area or Maid. Then my hb told me MIL take care. When I told him she got her hands full, he say can handle. Then now he worried my MIL can't handle (wan to get maid n drive maid & bb to MIL's place). Despite the worry abt bb/child falling sick, I will still insist on sending my child to childcare when reach 18mths.
It's true snowger that if u put ur baby / toddler at infant care, chances are they will fall sick easily. Reason being, some parents are busy at work, so if their child is sick, they will still send to nursery and tis will then spread to other child..

However, no option for me because I will never trust my child with maid..one good thing abt the infant care that I have enrolled, their infant room is separated from toddler and other kids.. and it is on the same building as my office and with staff rate and MCYS subsidy - cheaper than sending to nanny..hehe
Pastillies, my infant-care ctr near my home, abt 10mins walk..Op hours frm 7am - 7pm (Standard). But if you wan to pick up at 8pm, got to top up another $100 & they will arrange.

For me, must pick up on time at 7pm cos I dun wana waste extra $100. Will get my boss understanding to let me off work early bah..

My infant-care ctr only limit to 10 babies max, and when I need to register asap to book a place, else they cant take in anymore cos its oversee by MCYS as to how many babies to 1 care-taker. Mine is 1:3..

Anyway, im also not sure if its a wise choice for me, but still must take a risk lor cos I dun want to lose my job..Wil take a step at a time..

All the best to we mummies

As for the malay heritage massage, saw from other forum they will come to your place and massage. I nvr try before so dun noe how is it like..but most probably signing up with them..at least 1 thing settled..wat abt u? u decided?
hi emeraldbride so good! ur infant care centre same as ur office builing n still got staff rate.. u working in town issit?

me too, but CBD area infant care centres are quite ex so checking out a few here but in the meantime still weighing my options of maid or infant care...
A common practice among my friends (which my hb is considering) is to send the maid + baby to MIL's place. U hv a pair of eyes as survillance while u are at work.
Seriously not a bad idea.

But my neighbour, her maid is at home alone with bb. I wanted to have maid home alone cos no need for bb to travel back n forth (logistically not so headache oso - like must rem to bring refrigerated breast milk, bb clothes, etc). Being a control freak, I can tell the maid what/how to take care of bb! N I get to see my bb immediately (my in laws stay quite far fr me) when I get home fr work.

Dun mind me... but I am pro-maid due to the advantages which can satisfy most of my needs (fr being a control freak to having smone help me w housework)!!!

If I choose infantcare, I rather it to be near my workplace (choi just in case, baby sick or wat, I noe I can be at bb's side the fastest!). *hehe*
If I am in emeraldbride's shoe, I will oso tell my hb to put bb in infant care! (No need to think so much!) Even if boss wan me to OT, I can just go pick up the bb n put her in the office while I work.
yeah lor exactly my sentiment Maureen..hahaha.. but they are quite good, they close at 8pm, so I will leave office at 7.30pm, take a lift down to 2nd floor to pick him up.

They only limit to 10 infant with 4 teachers taking care so is abt 2.5 baby to 1 teacher..hahaha.. lunch time, i will pop by for an hour to breast feed and then pump milk..but doubt i will go everyday lar..cos i wanna continue my gym membership after that.
eh.. something wrong with my comp ah.. how come i post long ago one pop up again... hmm... weird..

well, i looking for nanny now leh.. still cant reallie find one that is near my place so no need waste time travel..
phyl, did u put up notices or ask ur neighbours?? One of my fren went to the sundry shop below his block and ask them to help n ask ard..it work!! hahaha, he found a baby sitter juz staying above his unit.. n the baby sitter is quite young. Abt 40yrs old..so they are quite satisfied. Only $550 per mth
i thinking of sticking it at the lifts of the blocks near my block.. my baby prob only put 3-4days a week only so that day one auntie quote me $500, but she stay too far away..

Carmen, how the meet the auntie session go?
halo ladies,

din login for a few days, n the thread is moving super fast!!!

m having sore throat n mild headache now. hopefully i wun fall sick. if i m sick, my boss will strangle me.
My cousin in law started @@ing for nanny aft confinement. What she did was put up notices at her blk n neighbouring blks. She had abt 5 responses. She went for housevisit with bb: Got one wear very nice - at home got maid one, then got one e house like karang guni! Anyway she din pick e one w maid in case e woman ask the maid to take care of the bb! *HAHA*

I think Emeraldbride's sundry shop idea is good. Cos aunties/housewife/potential nannies talk to sundry shop/market pple. So can link u up faster!

weather wierd wierd nowadays! Plus we get heaty easily! So must take more care n drink more water...

ya lor. hv been vy kful with my food n drinks intake. yet still can b striked by virus...
drinking tons of water now.
snowger, u gog to bugis when?

Phyl, i cannot remember what colour liao..but not red for sure

Dee, yup..at toa payoh warehouse

Sat, i take out all clothings and washing...now still drying them at my balcony..dunno keep wear..haiz
Agree w u. U can try drink vitagen/yoghurt everyday to strengthens ur stomach's immunity. Drink more water. I drink cooling drinks once in a while (e.g. chin chow water). If my dad/mil noes they sure *Tsk tsk* me one.

I dun think so leh... Last time my ah ma is nanny. The parents will bring over the milk powder, diapers n special ingredients for solids (e.g. dried scallops/ nestle ceral). My ah ma will just cook normal porridge but she will collect a bit of xtra to buy meat n fish (threadfin) when bb start eating solids.
I think will go early sep morning bah... Most prob saturday! U leh? Wan to go tog? I dun mind... *haha*
Hi mommies..

* Toyogo Drawers
I'm going to buy the 5-tier drawers too! The largest sized ones. My mom told me cannot use mothballs or shelf-paper (with anti-bug) to line the drawers. Using plastic drawers mean you can actually wash them.

I intend to keep ALL my baby stuff inside so i'll definitely need 5 drawers...the bedding sets alone will take up 2 drawers! :p

* Mattress
Adelchia: I'm going to buy the BabySafe latex mattress.
It's about $200 (for 28" by 52" size) from Kiddy Palace.

* Pigeon laundry + detergent
I bought these at the Taka baby fair. My friend has been using the bottle detergent since her son was born 4 years ago...she said it has a nice scent. I saw the refill packs selling at NTUC (AMK Hub) yesterday at a promo price -- 2 in a plastic carrier for $19.80! I think same price as Taka fair.

*CDA Account (baby bonus)
For OCBC: http://www.ocbc.com/personal-banking/mightysavers/babybonus/index.html

For StandChart: http://www.standardchartered.com.sg/cda/scheme.html

You can visit these links to read more & compare the different perks. There was an article in ST (a few weeks or months ago) comparing the 2 perks & i recall reading that SC is better.

Luthadel: I've also been experiencing this lately. Have hit 6-month mark & i find i can't eat much in the evening anymore. In fact, i can feel some liquid at the back of my throat when i lie down. I supposed it's heartburn?

My tummy is very high nowadays...and Preston is REALLY active with his kicks/movements. Can't sleep very well at night because of the increasing belly size & his kicks. :p
Hi Loveangel
Me also have the liquid backflow last nite.. think its heartburn.. tats why i puke 2 times last nite n this morning .. terrible feel...

The 5 tier drawers, biggest are the one i bought n posted a pic online lor
Just now went to Chinatown to look for Clarins stretchmark oil. The shops were all selling at around $50.60- $51, but all no stock -_-

So when to People's Park, one of the shop sold at 30% off retail price, so that would mean $56. But the shop owner promised me stock will come in 2-3 days time as long as i ordered now, but need to put $10 as deposit. So i placed order already.
Hey Lavendery,

which shop at people's park? is it at PPcentre or PPcomplex? how long does 1 bottle of clarins normally last for you? decided to try it out.

I get bored using the same cream all the time...
I know its a bit late in coming, but thanks to all who made it possible for the new baby bonus a reality to all of us here!
I went check up today..I've gained 10 kg so far, but BB only 770gm ..
! Oh no
gynea says must cut down carbo and sugar now..So cham, have to go lipo after delivery alr...

Anyone knows if there's still anymore antenatal class huh?
Sam - Ya! I think i know what you mean by very China.. My home loan is also from OCBC but i dun like the bank. Waiting to move and terminate the loan..

Jowinbaby - No worries

Fabbie - Added you to blog already

Juzyounme - That's the standard package at KK. Should apply to all hospitals i think..
2nd baby,
If you're using blogger, its very simple. Go to 'Settings', then 'Permissions'. There you can specify the email addresses that can view your blog. The person you invite will have to accept your invite, thereafter, each time the person wants to enter your bloggie, he/she just needs to type their email/pswd. Simple.

Baby room furniture,
I live one block away from TP toyogo but i personally, don't like their furniture..too much plastic. What irony huh?
Morning All!

llig, yes, got it. Its reali simple. Thanks!

I m also reaching 2nd tri soon. Can forsee m going to get bloated again.

I also bot the multi tiers plastic drawers to store bb clothes but chanced upon a white wooden drawers which can match the bb's room, so bot it and the multi tier ended up in the storerm, but multi tier drawers reali great for storing things.
morning ladies

im so sleepy. my boi refuse to slp on his bed laz nite n ended up squeezing mi to one corner of my bed. aiyo. so noti. he took up 1/2 of d bed den mi n hubby take 1/4 each. haha.

infant care
mi personally don like infant care due to bad experience. will be gettin a maid n bring both kids to mil place wif maid. mayb when my nephew is in childcare le, will ask my mil come my place stay. so save travelling n maid can clean house.

plastic drawers
hav been using those for my boi. but he got too much clothes liao. no place to put his di di one. need to get a few more to stack. hehe. i got one chest of drawers from ikea as well. store those clothes tt is too big for him inside. spree too much le. hehe. now waiting for my big big parcel from new york. =X
Jlow, I'm attending antenatal classes at MAH. The next class starts on 4 Sep for 6 weeks. Think you can call them if interested. Also going for another one tt specialises in natural birthing techniques w/o drugs. Tt one is only 1 session for 3 hrs. You can check out the website at birthright.com.sg

plastic drawers - I'm also waiting to see if toyogo have any sale. Saw an offer at AMK hub some weeks back but din buy coz no transport .....

Which is the class you are going for at birthright?
Is it the Natural birth, Gentle Birth Class? Isn't it a 3 hr x 4 times class?

I'm interested to find out more about the natural birthing class if it is only for 1 session, dun think my hb can tahan to go for so many classes...
Morning Ladies..

Me din sleep well last night coz hubby having PMS.. so grouchy then i moody.. haha.. i realised something interesting.. i nv used to sleep on my back but now i do.. haha.. then end up back ache n neck ache... weird..

i'm still looking for waist height drawers so can double up as changing table.. sigh.. alternatively will get 2pcs of 3 tiers and place the changing top on top.. dunno sturdy not leh..

Jowin, today u seeing gynae rite? ask him your vomiting normal not lor.. sayang sayang..
Hi gals,
i also think of buying a toyogo drawer for my newborn. I have a chest of drawers for my 1st boy but is full liao. So cant put in didi clothes. Thinking that whe they grow older can share the drawers then i will use the toyogo drawer to store the toys.

now i also cant eat much during the nite lei. Sometime will totally skip dinner and just drink fresh milk. And i am only in my wk 22.
Morning...yesterday went for my check up...
Baby 900grams!!!at 23+ weeks...

not able to log in yesterday...so many posts that i have miss out...


My appetite increases alot for the past few days, keep on getting hungry after 2-3 hrs. I find tat my tummy is getting bigger faster, protruding liao and cannot wear my usual top liao. Any1 find that recently the tummy grows faster?
