(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Carmen, esther, girl80, great to know that we are attending the class together. I guess Carmen and Esther can identify by your names? Then girl80 should be the only one having twins?

True lo. I have check the MOM web liao. They are only "encourage" to give 6 days from 17 Aug 08, it will only be "required by law" from 1st Jan..So u see la...hai....It's all depend on the employer. Now i dunno whether will i get 4 month maternity leave if i give birth b4 1st Jan 2009...
i think 4 mths maternity leave is compulsory if we pop after 17 aug 08. but need to wait for the legistration to pass. correct me if i'm wrong. anyone can advise?
Hi! We previously bought baby cot from the supplier direct.. you can refer to this archive link for more details http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/578191/1542330.html?1215499419 Basically, all goodies (cot, mattress, mobile, bedding, pram) packaged at $299.

Rest well.

I went down to kk yday. Didn't feel baby move since Mon night (i was working), Tue morning also nothing and only very faint movement when i got home and my son was 'talking' to baby. Normally the baby responds very enthusiastically to his big brother. So, i was half-panicked, went to kk, waited for 2hr (!!!) and during the long wait, the little one finally decided to move around. So relieved... Think i'm too stressed up at work. Haiz.. Relieved to know that all was ok. My husband thinks i'm getting paranoid becos of our last pregnancy but i can't help it.. At 24wk now and we had problems from 27wk... scared..

Weight gain,
Me 24wk along and gained 5kg. Gynae told me to watch my weight but i don't know how... My standard day: late breakfast (bread/milo), lunch (normally dun take cos of late bfast), dinner (normally home-cooked). I snack on biscuits if i get hungry before i'm able to have bfast and fruits (apple, banana, cherry tomatoes) if i'm home. Those who observe me say i don't eat enough and my gynae keep saying i'm putting on too much wait.. haiz.... PLUS i walk quite a lot. Normally push my son around in pram for 1h at least every alternate day, longer walks if out with husband also. So, what am i doing wrong??
anyone going for MRs Wong class 7th Sept afternoon class about 12? hehe

hippo too bad.. not same class ahhh.. yours 6th. mine 7th hehe.

So your gals were saying. baby bonus is comfirm le lor. but 4 months maternity leave not confirm and the 6 days child leave is not confirm too?
for diet, my gynae advise me to eat :

- more vegetables (except potato, yam, sweet potato cos all these are high in carbo)
- wholemeal bread instead of normal white bread
- mee hoon, kway teow in soup (cut down on fry noodles or dried noodles)
- cut down on fried food
- eat meat (pork, chicken, etc. but without skin)
- fish and other seafood
- eggs and cheese
- HL fresh milk (no choco milk)
- if possible, dun drink sweet drinks
12th is the spring cleaning, 15th is the curriculum planning... xian.. y cant they do it on saturday..Dunno will they open half day on 24th Dec or not...and also 31st Dec..
Ahhhhh...... I have wiped out my leave leh!!!!!!!!!
MOM website says:
"Employers are encouraged to allow their eligible staff to claim the additional maternity, infant care and childcare leave provisions and extend the enhanced protection to pregnant employees from 17 Aug 2008. if they do so, the Government will pay for its share of the additional leave taken. When the necessary legislative and administrative changes are completed, employers will be required by law to provide the relevant leave options to eligible employees"


So better to confirm wih your company's HR or boss regarding your ML plans, as it's not stated when will the "necessary legislative & admin changes" will be completed.
if i'm not wrong, the legistration will pass sometime in oct.... so i think we are 'lawfully' entitled for the 4mths ML and 6 days childcare leave.
Saw this on MOM's website too...

In announcing the change, DPM Wong said: “The Government wishes to reiterate its commitment to support and assist citizen couples who wish to get married and have children in Singapore. While it wishes to be as inclusive as possible, there is a need to start the new measures at a specific date. In considering the feedback from some expectant parents and moving the qualifying date to the time of announcement on 17 Aug 2008, more couples will now be able to benefit from the enhanced M&P Package. The Government hopes that employers would be able to do their part and support the enhanced leave provisions even though these will only take effect when the laws are amended. The Government aims to do this by October 2008."

So, still in time for us Dec08 moms .. yeah!
I think i gain the most!!!
i gain total arnd 13 kg...and my baby weighs 900grams at 6 mths...
but my gynae says its still alright...so scared all the weight will be left on me after birth!!!
I've the same habit of holding my post too
and later discover the thread moved so fast that my info is not the latest anymore.. hee
Hi all,

Came back from my BKK trip and found this good news! So happy that we are included!

Many many thanks to Phyl and all heroine mummies-to-be who help to feedback to the govt!
i went to "spotcheck" or shd same take a look la, at one of the infant care centres near my office yesterday lunch...as it was my first time, also didnt really know what to expect / look out for...just ask the basic qns like infant:care giver ratio..which they told me is 1:3 (sounds quite good as the MCYs g/line is 1:5)

actually just want to have an idea of how infant care centres are like. but near my office (in CBD area) is really too ex...so ask my HB go & 'spotcheck" the one near his office later today;p;p

eh actually my gynae nv told me how heavy is baby....she just say size okie, doing fine..cos i myself only so far put on 2.5kg (as per the last visit)...i think i've been eating quite a bit recently since the last visit so shd have put on more weight...if not i also scared baby not growing well enuff...
HB says baby shd be growing well, cos his kicks are getting quite painful!!

eh it may sound like a silly qn since mummies who hv reg for the MAH class obviously havent attend yet...but still would like to find out, MAH classes better or TMH? Cos i hear some ppl saying TMH classes are good...but a colleague who have attended the classes also says these classes very theory, she didnt really find them useful..But u koe us, being woman & 1st time mother, i think i'll still want to go for some classes to get myself more prepared...
Ivy Tan Hahaa. your baby so cute lar.. 900 grams ehehe

Meredithhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh WHy you go BKK!!!!!!!!!!! i also wana go!! i very gian to go BKK alot of things to buy! i thinkn i next year maybe middle or end of the year then go le.

Juzyounme - =( but still mrs wong?

Wah.. must see my HR happy anot huh. Hmmm if Oct then revise. then i think after Oct than i will tell her when is my ML will be starting ba. then same time ask her about the 4 months one. But i see the link they say

You will qualify for 16 weeks of paid maternity leave if:

(i) Your child is born on or after 17 Aug 2008; and

So is not comfirm we can take meh?!
fabbie, i also 'planned' to go bkk in feb! haha... go during my ML but i think i will miss my baby... but luckily my mum helping me to look after so not so bad.
ivy, if baby too big difficult to give birth natural leh... me waiting for my next check up which is next sat, dun know bb how heavy liao...
ya...gynae says must monitor...if too big best to opt for c-section.but think also depends...some might be able to deliver also..
I plan to go gold coast on my 3rd month maternity leave too!!! heard too many stories that preggies having complications due to the pressure in the plane. scared......
but then my breast milk how ar? pump n throw away? so wasted! cos i intend to BF my 2nd one til he's 1. my lao da will be with us, can i let him drink instead? he'll be 3.5 year old by then. can drink or not? hehe...
me thinking of traveling with bb on a holiday leh..
anyone done it before?

i've got a friend who delivered a 3.9kg baby - naturally!
mimi huh?! u going on feb? can meh? the breast feeding how? so fast can meh? ya mum allow? i think my mum comfirm dun allow lor. sighz.
bring your new born for holiday?? so challenging!!! My boy was already 18mth when we brought him for he's 1st cruise holiday. but we still got a lot to pack. so u have to be prepared ok. we have a luggage specially for his barang barang. haha..esp on diapers...
Hi ladies,
I am expecting my first kid in early Dec 08. Attending the classes at MAH now, halfway through. For those who are considering it, would suggest that it's not necessary to attend. So far, it's been reading off the handouts given to us, hence it's boring! and the contents pretty much what you read in pregnancy books. So better save the $$.
Thkx. cos i read from some places that the body will design the milk as the baby grows to fit their need. so i reckon e milk for that period should be best for my lao er. haha
i will try but also bring along e milk powder jus in case. haha..

hee.. thought if BF should be easier coz less barang-barang to bring.. no formula or solids to bring.. just our boobs, his clothes, a stroller or sling and diapers..

correct or not ah??
i am going to travel with my bb after he is 1and half mths...after the necessary injections...

should be ok...but afraid the bb will cry loudly...cos he will definitely feel uneasy due to the pressure
fabbie, yup, me planning to go bkk in feb... and my mum allowed. but i totally forgotten that i will be bf-ing my baby. how har?
For mummies who sending kid to cc,
childcare centre close on public holiday and they have 5.5days closing day that they can choose. That is the guideline from MCYS. usually when enrol the kid the principle will give u the holiday that they plan.

for bf usually the older kids can take. Eg: Some mummies have too much bf they give it away and it depends on how old the baby hor. Cos if the mummies give birth like 6mths ago the bf will only br good for 6mths and above kids but not 6 mths and below baby. So your bf will be fine for your 1st kid if he wan to drink lar..
Hi gals,
if the childcare leave indicate "encouraging" then the employers can dun give lei.. So it depends on how MOM set the rules.

Let hope all our company are kind enough to give us all the benefits.
Hi gals,
just to vent my angry here abit.

I have a engineer who come and "congrats" me when she knw the 4mth ML started on 1 Jan 09 cos hse knew that my EDD is Dec. She say "Good lar like that u can come back 1 mth earlier".

The next yr when date was backdated to 17Aug so say so unfair how can they backdate. Then i have to be away for another mth.

Dunno why she like that.. Cos i heard my manager say that they will get a temp staff to replace me for the 4mths if i choose to take 4mths straight.
Fabbie: me and Phyl are toking abt the babysitter whom we have both contacted. As the BB sitter stayed further away from Phyl, so she has called me to inform me. I have also contact the BB sitter on separate occassion and confirm her. Sori, not toking abt the bugis shop =)
jappooh, that engineer is jealous! all my colleagues say i lucky to get the extra 1 mth ML and $. think i will discuss when to take ML wi my HR only after the legistration is passed.
yes she is single and without kid loh. She is also angry that after my long MC when i have bad MS during the 1st trim (i took 7wks MC). When return to work she ask me to go overseas biz trip which i cant go.. I reason with her and my manger who is a guy also say it not a good idea for me to go.. So she went instead and was piss off. But that is only for 2 days lei..
yeah, all my colleagues are actually happy for me! Even one which gave birth recently did not resent me leh..hahaha

I also planning a trip when my boy is 1 years old.. dunno where to, but it's for our honeymoon and will definitely bring our son along!
for ML u all talk to HR one har?
For me after the lefistration is passed i will disscus with my manager. Hope he allow me to take straight 4mths cos this time i hope to bf longer.
As my office not a good place to pump milk i also headache dunno how to keep my supply after i am back to work.
jappooh, i also dun know who to discuss wi.. haha... maybe got to let my project manager know. i intend to take 3 mths, the remaining 1 mth will spread out for taking bb for jabs and when i dun feel like coming to work... btw, ML is calculated in days right? do we calculate in the public holidays? cos there are alot of public holidays in dec and jan.
Hi fabbie
As of now, its still on " encourage" basis n govt aim to settle everything, pass the law by Oct. Lets hope we dec mummies benefit from it...

Hi Mimi n llig
i also think i hard its difficult to cut down as i dun eat i feel hungry..

Early morning 7.30am - a piece of bread n sobe
10.30am - a piece of bread or 1 piece of cake
12pm or 1pm - Normal lunch + fruits
5pm - another small snack.. sometime curry puff or a piece of cake
8pm - Normal dinner

I very seldom eat desserts already.. once awhile will crave for ice cream..

Think now, my normal lunch have to resort to soupy ones.. instead of nasi lemak or chai fan.. Then dinner... just abit of rice etc...

N cut down on my daily oranges juices...

Hi pastillies
I took up TMC and complete the courses last nite..I do not know abt mt A courses but then i felt that TMC one are definitely not boring with just theory except the the last talk by the doctors. Mrs Wong gave alot of examples from her experiences, very interactive, informative and also we each have a baby doll for hands to learn bathing ( except no water to really let u bath the doll)...we learnt how to swaddle a baby, fold diaper etc etc....Besides, we learnt about exercising, stretching and massage for ourselves and babies. How to cope with labour and we pretend tat we are really in labour and how to breathe etc..." live demo without baby born"...Even my Hb enjoyed himself overall , for being a man in such classes...

N Mrs Wong is generally a very good speaker...
My office is not a good place to pump and store milk either. The only way out which i got from my colleagues (those mummies who are still breastfeeding) is to pump inside the toilet

And also have to buy own mini fridge to keep the milk too. My desk is already so crumpy *headache*
