(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs


cant po lar... I am old already.. And with 2 boys at hm i already so busy.. Cant have another 1 lar.

with 2 boys at hm now i already feel i have no enough time for them lei. Specially 2nd one alot of activities i didnt do wtih him unlike i only have my 1st boy. Guilty loh

2 siblings same sex also nt bad. Can pass dwn clothing n be closer as they grow up cos same gender ma.. For me 2 is enuff gal or boy also close shop le. I no pressure to produce a male heir.. Cos this is #9 grandchild for my in laws..

Excited anot? Ur hb left u a pressie b4 he go huh.. Haha
U hoping for a gal? I tell u phyl v zhun one.. Tt time I haven announced she also know Liao.. Hahaa.

Tell ur fren.. Alot of sad cases out there.. Ppl try for years also dun haf.. Dun give up cos this bb is god given.. Destinated to be hers.. Things will surely work out de.. New life new hope!
LOL.. Phyl so " shen qi".. then can she guage for me??
pls lor.. not shen qi la.. bubble was v suspicious ma.. haha.. then i'm just too bored half the time so bo liao sms her ask her lor.. kekekeke..

gong xi gong xi bubble.. keke.. =)
xue: i was telling my colleagues, heng, we discovered before he left..later he got a shock when he come back!

Phyl: i only post how to get seat if u are preggy mah..after i saw 2 preggies got seats on train..haha..can guess if i am having gal? hahaha.
wow! congrats Bubble....so happy for you....

Xuelyn....pls lor...phyl tells me every other day that I am preggie....havent happen yet...haha....
i juz tendered my letter of resignation without a job! Out the window my bonus for 2011..also out of the window my plan to try for #2..
actually dunno if it is blessing in disguise, if hv #2, hv to stick to this lame organization but what if tmr my menses dun come? then i hv to LL stay home for 2years :p arrghh..dilemma!
wah...tendered without a job?
Kath you must be frustrated...just like me!!! haha..but i still have unresolved biz...so cannot tender just like that....

why stay at home for 2 years...only about a year and a half lah....

it's ok....your hb working so no prob even if you stay at home for a while lah....;P
yeah..i tendered without a job! and I gave my boss an earful abt how this organization sucks as a whole..lol! I tink i m really a difficult employee..i walked out of the meeting room on Tues and pack my bags n went home n stayed away from office for 2 days, came back todae n throw letter..:p
Others may think it is a rash move but if i continue, i will be in Woodbridge by end of the year cos the ppl here drives me nuts!

Tara, my hb's salary cannot support all of us so i hv to use my savings, or go back to KL to stay n eat off my parents..keke :p
Kath, everything is about expectation...

If depend on hb's salary then cannot buy expensive things and dine in expensive restaurants lor....

yeah sometimes work can really drive one nuts, it affects your emotions so much that you bring home the unhappiness....and that's not fair to the family...

dun worry, you'll be fine.....important thing is to do what makes you happy...life's too short...
Totally AGREE! My sis was saying..wat a waste, u were drawing such high salary! But i told her, my health n happiness is more impt..I can't sleep at night even after drinking hard liquor NEAT, sleeping pills are useless then i get backache everyday..totally not worth it! But i will miss my $$$ freedom
Nvr midn, sell away some of my clothes first..lol
Allo..cannot update in FB in more detail cos my colleagues are all there..
Chronological events:
Tues - storm out of meeting room went home to zzz
Wed - call in sick but went polliwogs with Jess lol
Thurs - throw letter to boss and gave him an earful on why I decided to leave
Fri - big boss talked to me, ask me to reconsider. Alr decided to leave because immediate boss ask us to go back to work on Sunday despite system is not stable!
Sat - Dun feel good so bought a pregnancy test kit! Positive..
Sun - can't sleep..dunno what to do. Retract letter since not at HR yet? Leave? but my savings is enuf for me n Zach to live comfortably but wif another one, definitely not..n now preggy, who wanna hire me..

So this is what i meant by wrong timing!
Congrats, Kath!!! Despite what has happened at your work place, it is indeed a blessing lar to be preggers again! Zach will have a sibling!
haha..thanks Sam. before i tested, he alr kept saying my tummy got bb

so now what to do? lower my ego n take back the job? or be gungho n juz leave with dignity! Not that if i stay no dignity cos my bosses are asking me to stay anyway.. :p
U give earful to ur immediate boss u go back he's going to give u a hard time.. If I'm u my dignity n ego more impt but well.. Ego dun pay the bills! Bo bianz.. Suck it all up n go back lor..

Congrats! How many wks le?? =)
phyl, dunno how many weeks leh..i tink is 4 bah. now must go find gynae cos dun wanna go back to my prev one. expensive n i cannot afford..arrgghh..cant believe this is coming from me!
i shall tell another boss tmr see what she says..
congrats bubblepearl & kath!!

kath, no harm staying coz ur big boss ask u to reconsider but wat phyl say is rite too. u'll definitely hav a hard time coz words cannot be taken back. no matter wat, take good care of health k. =)
Kath.. U planned for it just din plan for the resignation ma. Well, u got history of pre-eclampsia so I think it's wiser to stick to ur old gynae to be safe. U dun change better la. In case drama happens then v jialat too.. Ur gynae v ex meh? Got package rite? Gynae this type of thing dun save the money. Save on not splurging on bags la.. Can de la. Got light at the end of tunnel de. Not like u no savings ah. Dun worry la. U still got hubby support u!
congrats!!!! It's always good news.....
Dun worry to much.... We can't really give u much advice since we are not in ur shoes and can't really understand the reAl situation for ur job...

Health is the most important.. Rem to stay healthy N happy becos it's important for the bb...
gals, thanks for the wishes!
Will see how the boat turns tmr.. my boss for sure will not give me hard time cos he is such a nice guy n tat;s the root of the problem..lol

but i defn changign gynae cos she really exp..package is abt $1.6K n dun include vitamins and other tests and then there are other fees etc..per day visit at hopsital is $500!!
congrats! and good luck talking to you boss tomorrow. hope the conversation goes well.

btw, i'm also looking to change gynae. Dr S is really too too expensive!!
Jappooh, totall agree, sometimes i don't even track the 2nd's development. simply too bz to juggle so many things.

I really salute SAM! Super woman lor! can really multi task and handle the gals so well, :p

In Jan, after my 5th one is here .. then I update u. probably will be a different kinda woman by then .. tearing my hair out .. lol ! superwoman? .. no lar .. more like Madwoman. Gone are my high tea days aldy for sure. wa liao.
echo, we both hv the same gynae hor..she's simply too ex!! n the wait is long as well. mabbe will go for yvonne chan

joyceline, thanks!! Hehe..dun tink pregnant can change dept liao. hv to kuai kuai stay put first..
congrats on ur 2nd one!
ok, likewise which everyone has advice u, i'd also suggest to talk over it w ur big boss again tom..since afterall ur big boss did ask u to reconsider n stay, u can use that to retract ur resignation...

instesd of transfer dept, how abt transfer portfolio? UAT is just one port rite? can u request to not do UAT?
Congrats Bubblepearl and Kath on #2!

Wow.. one mth no read thread, and so much happened.. so many ladies preggie.. envy envy..
Wish i have that courage to go for #2 also! :/

Kath, hope the workplace issues resolve soon! Take care of your health most impt ah!
auroin, thks!

breastpump advise: ladies, a lesson learnt from my previous experience, i need some advise which breastpump is good? Reason why i am not considering latch on, hahah..i think i will be having problem again, well this round i make sure i give my bb my own breastmilk..keke..after my misery from earlier experience! what is the different between freestyle and pump in style?
pastillies, my portfolio dun juz involve UAT lar..haha.If onie UAT, i rather switch to contract, high pay n no KPI n timeline to meet. Unfortunately i m doing project delivery.
anyhoots, all resolved! Decided to move to business development n try out for 3-4 mths..at least that's wat the boss says. Keke.. thanks for all the advises!

bubble, i tink as long as got dual-pump n some massaging function shuld be good. both freestyle n pisa is good but i tink freestyle more suited for us that need to pump at work. Light and portable n most impt, handsfree!
So exciting, congrats bubble and & Kath!
hopefully can "join" u all soon... :p

If u can latch, I will still recommend u to try to latch n pump only when u return to work. That way actually can BF for longer... ;p Can try to get help from a lactation consultant? If I do get preggy a 2nd time, I will most prob seek help from a LC (home visit) to latch my child if still unsuccessful... :p

But for pumps, dual pumps are good - I was using the PISA...
PISA and freestyle is essentially the same difference is only the weight and portability of the pump. FS oso got "timer" function... So u know how long u have been pumping... :p
Congrats Kath & Bubble...

So envy u all so fast hv 2nd BB, my gal very naughty these days
so scared to hv another one. Maybe when she older, we try next yr see can get a Dragon Gal/Boy
Kath & Maureen, ks! i have also read up on PISA and freestyle, latter is lighter but heard not that strong compare w PISA.

Maureen, i abit scared to latch, cos the last time, my nipple bleed and quite pain. keke..will try this time.

Kath, good, at least u have another chance to explore ard the company.

xiaohwa, my boi is also v naughty now. At 1st, i want Dragon bb cos my hb also Dragon but Dragon v competitive and he is old also liao..haha
oh bubble, ur hb same age as me leh..haha. i definitely dun want dragon lar cos sure bb boom tat year.

i alr confirm staying put in the company till i roll-out internet banking for taiwan and then plot my next move..hopefully the proj delay till at least march..by then tummy show if ppl not happy at least i get bonus first then leave :p

if you are determine to latch on ..and you have supply, go to parentcraft at tmc, and they will teach you how to latch bb...if your nipple bled the last time, it only means that you didnt latch properly...

proper latching will not give you any pain...or any open sores..last time, before seeking help at parentcraft, my nipples also bled...and so painful...then i buay tahan, went to parentcraft and they were a great help....in the end i latch on for 9 months!!
I did hear fr some of e mums Tat FS's motor is not as strong as PISA! But u hv to decide which u prefer....

I agree w santorini, look for LCs... they r really great help! Tar said the LCs there din really help me much cos I still land up bot able to latch my ger cos she screams like crazy!
i am a supporter for FS.. used it for 1yr..its light weight and good to bring to work. somemore its hands free.. i always type my keyboard as i pump... hahaha...
Congrats Kath!!

i am not successfully at latching my 1st boy as well. I nipple bleed too. But my 2nd baby he latch with no problem.
Hello ladies..

Just finished my annual event, finally can get some rest.

Congrats to expecting mummies again! What a joy it is to have another baby to the family.
To be honest, there is no way my Hubby and I can be connected again. So we are just room mates and parent of our kid. Haiz.

Regarding bleeding nipple while latching - use nippl shield! The one from Medela is very good!

Anyway, wondering if mummies out here have brought your darlings to Genting highland before? Any thing to look out for? I am planning a trip in Nov, will be going there by coach. Hope I can manage!
Hi Chantalle
I brought Ashlynne to Genting twice.
But not by coach la. Overall genting quite children friendly.. every restaurant have high chairs and alot of places are connected with shelters. Just take note of the weather change..
Food wise are ok. If claryce taking outside food, already, no problem.. there are also porridge sold at the restaurants

If u wan to go to strawberry park, just take a cab there or u can take the cable car to " half hill" and there is a shuttlebus to the strawberry park.. U can hand pick them yourself.. good experience for the kids..

overall i like genting.. hee hee
Hi Chantalle,

i bought my kids to genting b4 with coach. THey are ok with the journey. Ya just bring warm clothes as the weather change. If there are wind can be quite cold for kids.
Long time no log in.. happy to hear good news. Congrats Kath and Bubble!

Jo...eh...Chantalle... not me leh. Cos I read Claryce name on your post..
I went there by coach when my ger was 18mths old. She's taken car rides before but not long bus rides. Although the coach up to Genting is ok, I did feel a bit dizzy. I am guessing my ger felt it cos she was making lots of noise and eventually fell asleep half way up the moutain... ;p

She oso v difficult cos she refused her lunch... -___-" so u gotta time ur lil gal's foodie when the bus does a pit stop at the eatery.

Weather wise is like a/c (abt 25 degrees) and can get pretty cold esp in the nite. So do bring long sleeved clothes, sweaters, long pants. Gets pretty cold in the night thou... There is a Watsons there but do bring a simple medicine kit (like liq paracetemol, thermometer) just in case.

Oh do bring along her swim wear and yrs too!!!!! There is a splash pool there (heated pool which is super cool) where she can have splashing fun (with water slides - woohoo!)! ;p
Hey Ladies thanks so much for the Genting feedback! Really cool! I look forward to the trip now!

Wow, i didnt know there is a strawberry park at Genting half hill. Most of the time i am inside the casino. I will bring Cay to the heated pool and maybe outdoor theme park.

Where you gals going for holiday this december?
