(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

she just like to make comment to justify tt its cos of the lift tt y she become weaker......hahaha
So u can image all kind of funny excuses she has for the other things law (eg. her leg pain cos she start exercise/ eyes pain cos her body become bad le? (when its actually she watch too much tv show ba, alway watch till 1 am+, weekend some x over night)/ hand pains cos do too much hse wk etc)
Just like when she said she do confinement for me, but can only cook for me... Hubby n I lk after bb day+nite ourselves cos she say she no time. Then wkend she go out while its my confinement month...


Kath, agreed with u..we are the one forking money.

Japooh, heng i dun have to stay w my MIL..but still have to see her once a week...which i cannot take it liao as she like to comment the way how i take care my son, cannot let him use mag mag lah, must use cup to drink water lah..she only take care him once a week, how she know his habit?
If my mil scold me..i will walk out of her place lor..lol

xiaohwa, lol, ur mil really got nothing much to say leh
xiaohwa, ur mil win liao lor..leg pain blame the lift! Hahaha
old ppl hv all sorts of funny habit but i wonder will i be like that in future? Lol..i hope not cos now my mom oso not like that. we're independent of each other..
I try not to see my MIL once a week..last week i purposely go out early in the morning, go home onie during zach's nap time, then go out again in the evening just so tat she dun get to come to my place and i dun hv to go to her place..i can't take it that i can find pieces of meat or vege on the kitchen floor! This is not a restaurant or zhi char stall..they dun bother to pick it up one leh.. u can still find them at that same spot hrs later..
hi,any mummies wanna order the Yummy Dough from Spring maternity??if we get at least 10packs preorder,each pack will be $18.

any mummies interested?
Hey gals, thanks for responding... Looks like we will face the same problem one lor... Now my only frustration is dinner...

How do you guys feed your lil ones proper dinner? My ger dun like to eat this and that... so diff to eat out... *Sigh*
My gal eat everything, so i dun hv such problem. She even like Chinese Herbal soup etc....
We let her try everything since she able to eat, I din really bother about what a baby can/ cannot eat, so long she like n able to bite them

Btw, now my concern is whether she eat too much. From 5+pm (back from CC) till 10pm, she can eat half Bao, drink 5oz milk, then eat 1 adult bowl of porridge(or 3/4 bowl of rice) + 4oz milk b4 sleep. Some x eat a few mouth of our dinner food..Faint
that's really good leh... My ger oso like chinese Herbal soup... Those chicken "dun tang"
But other stuff like noodles, etc... HAIZ... will faint trying to feed her lor...

Ur girl is quite a big eater... On average, toodlers should drink max 600ml of milk per day. So if you work it out, you can see if she is "overdrinking" milk and not eating enuf solids... But hey 3/4 bowl of rice is quite a lot wor!
Think my gal drink only ard 450ml milk/day....
She like all adult food, will ask for meat ball (any kind of meat she say its meal ball), n she eat veg too...

She wont cry if we stop her, cos some x we c her stomach v big le, we also scare n will stop her. Now she learning to ask us to check if she poo poo le. Some x even tell us it come out le. so funny.
haah so cute xiaohwa.

Can even tell you its coming out.

I think sending to cc is actually a good decision.

I find Randall more independent and more sociable (likes to smile alot at strangers everywhere. lift, shopping mall etc) and also able to feed himself.

Now got another problem...my maid back in philipines to renew passport. Recently their govt got stricter rules about maid (have to apply their own country overseas work permit) coming out to work and request their pay to be raised to $540. Sian.

If I am gg to employ a new one, should I get a myammar or indo? Any suggestions? Coz in case Randall falls ill...need maid help as I do not have PIL help...
Hi gals,
i am so worried as my yougner on gg to cc soon. I dunno how long he is gg to cry and i ever send him to school b4. So worried.

As for food he will eat and stop if he is full. Usually not very picky on food if he is well.
My ger oso keep wanting to feed herself and we will let her. That's oso sometime I noted aft sending her to CC.

As for maids, my friend and I were discussing about the same thing. Cos Filipino now so expensive to hire as maids, so he oso considering Indon n Myanmar. So I just share some of his "views" (which may not necessary be true):

1. Indon maid may pick up bad habits + want things like offdays + handphone faster cos there are many of their "countrymen" around. Lesser prob for Myanmmar maids cos population smaller
2. Indon maids more likely to add wierd powders into your food...
3. Indon maid and Myanmmar maids are equally blur cos language barrier
4. Indon maid oso like to hang out with Bangalah workers not so much for Myanmmar maids (????)

However, if you ask me I would prefer Myanmmar maids since they can handle pork, cook n eat pork. They are usually catholics or Buddhists...
Then again, it oso means they might ask you for weekends off to go church lar...

Anyway, my friend and I concluded hiring a maid is still a heng suay thing... But there are many great Indon maids in Singapore - like my neighbour's!
First few days sure cry one... Is just a matter of extend - how long and how hard. My ger is in her 3rd wk of CC already. Some of the mornings she will still sticky glue and whine, not wanting to go into the centre. But once the teachers take over, she is good to go for the rest of the day.

My personal experience is that you have to be hard-hearted and let the teachers take over. If u hang ard and let him spot u, it makes the seperatation for that few hours even more difficult. But of course during the first 2-3 days, u stay with him inside the childcare centre for say abt 1/2hr let him get used to enviornment, tell him u will be back later and leave. Best if he is distracted with something n let the teachers take over.
Ya, agree w Snowger. U cannot be ard, just go n pass to teacher n faster leave..

I spent the 1st half day there w my gal, then after she napped, i left n come back after their nap x to "tuo tuo kan"... but bring her back early for 1st few days.
After tt my PIL bring le, i just communicate abt her progress n daily rountine w teacher on their communication book. Or ask my MIL cos some x teacher will talk to her..

Yah good point hor. I also scared of Indo maid hanging out with Bangalah coz she will be alone at home. Somemore my area lots of bangala.

A few times, my philipino maid was approached by 2 bangalahs at Jurong Pt. My maid so scared she told me that they keep following us..and I realised it.

Any good agency handling myammar maids?
I also scared of the black magic stuff. Don't know what they will put in also..
You mean your maid is on home trip and now she has to reapply in her country to come out?
hmmmmm... Why can't she renew her passport in the embassy here in SG?

PS - will be getting the tickets next week, how do you want me to pass it to you when i get it?
Her passport expire 3 mths before her 2 yr contract ends. Then she also can't decide at that time if she want to renew. If I renew her passport then 3 mths later she go home also no point. Somemore we found out quite late about her passport thing and can't renew work permit as passport expiring. So let her go home to her family first then if she
wants then direct hire her..
Hi Merydith
Ok, once I've collected the tickets, I'll sms you

*sigh* Bryan suddenly develops fever this morning at 4.30am. Luckily the fever is still within the manageable range of 38C. I heard one of his schoolmate is also down with viral fever so now crossing my fingers that he will get over it soon :S
i do not knw i wan to go in to the school to keep him company anot. Or just let the teacher take over.

When my elder one he let the teacher take over and we pee him on and off cos of not to let him see us.

My younger one the principle say he will let him join my elder one in his N2 class 1st so his bro is there might be easier for him to get use. Actually my younger one already went my boy school for few times but is with us there. Without us dunno wat will be his reaction. Hope he is fine loh.. I think i will be super happy after he settle down in cc.
Haha... Too bad I dun have a contact for you for Myanmar maids but I heard that this grp of maids are getting popular. The one my colleague went to specailise in Indon maids, unless u wan I can give u the contact.

Ur tickets refer to Sesame St? I oso thinking of buying tickets to bring my ger leh but haven't got down to doing it yet.

My ger is also down with fever... Past 2-3 days have been coughing... *SAD SAD!*

In that case, just put him there with the teachers. I only stayed for 20 mins to orientate and get her used to enviornment for first 3 days. Aft tat is teacher hug, I walk off.
Yes the Sesame Street Tickets. I'll only receive them next week.

*sigh* Bryan now add to the statistic of HFMD. He developed diaper rash like stuff on his butt on Friday night and by Sat there were small pimple like dots. We thought it was bad diaper rash and applied Desitin for him.

On Sunday morning, he developed low grade fever with peaks at 38C. Then from Sunday night till the whole of Mon he was ok. So we sent him back to childcare yesterday and at 10.30am the teacher called to say that he has fever 37.6C. So we decided to take him to our PD and that was when we discovered multiple ulcers in his throat
No wonder he was drooling and his speech was affected. What a double whammy for him as he is currently cutting his right incisor.All the mixed signal :S

Strangely he has no red dots or blisters on his hands, foot, tummy or back and the only dots were around his diaper area.

According to PD his situation is almost at the ending stage now as it would have started when the pimple like stuff appeared on Sat.

Luckily he is still very active and able to consume at least 1/2 his usual portion of food.

I just recieved news that my ger MAY also add to the HMFD stats... Cos the doc thot she saw what looks like an ulcer in her throat... Hmmm... I am keeping my fingers crossed, cos she oso got fever... As for spots on the hand and foot, I will have to go home to see... Keeping my fingers and toes super crossed now...

She will be reviewed on Friday cos the doc cannot confirm if she has HMFD. Hopefully the fever goes away...
Dun think got pimple like dots there else my MIL will yelp... :p I am praying it's viral...cos her temp went up to 39 degrees...

I NEED TO VENT! ok ok... anyway because my ger is sick, my PILs are making a big hoo-har about not letting my ger go to sch until she is 3 years old... I am just so pissed... cos 1. I am the one who is spending the $$$ and 2. I have pretty good reasons for placing her there and 3. Seriously, I DO NOT care what your friends say about childcare.

Then now hb seems to be wavering in his decision. Then suddenly, MIL says "ur wife pregnant meh? if not, what is the rush for sending her to childcare". In my heart, I am so damn wishing that I will be pregnant this v second... and MAYBE NO NO NO... I dun wan to be pregnant to be going through all these again... *DOUBLE Sigh!*
snow.. tell your MIL to keep nicole in a glass bottle lor..

well.. u are nicole's mum n ur hubby is obviously the daddy.. so u 2 gotta decide what u want for nicole. whats best for her. so if u think sch is better then go for sch. dun care what ppl say la.. nicole is not like hayden ah. he was sick all the time and i had no choice but to take him out of sch n put with useless nanny.. see.. hayden suffer n still cannot speak. but this 3 mths back to sch he is picking up so many new words.

i know i sound damn lame when kids here can say ABCs, sing twinkle twinkle lil star and hv a vocab of 100words.. etc.. BUT.. hayden said APPLE for his first time last wkend.. and i was so happy lor.. and thats what sch did to him la.. obviously not to forget the fact that since he went back sch, he got 2 bronchiolitis, 1 intestine infection and 1 HFMD la..

see.. this kind of things is give n take.

ignore la.. i also ignore my PIL.. like i care sia.. wahahahaha.. my kid.. my way..
I get what you mean abt them falling sick but they do pick up so much good stuff...

Anyway my stand stays and I would send her to CC... Like u say - MY WAY... SHE IS MINE... can you imagine my MIL is so lame to say that N is hers cos my hb is hers, she had him for 9 mths. I feel like telling her, N is mine, cos she is a piece of meat that grew inside me and I carried her for 9 mths. Your son, My hb only contribute sperm OK?

I think I getting v agitated cos my hb is once again going into that stupid cave for a hideout, ask him anything he just give me the wood expression or wood reply (nothing)... The more I think abt this the more I wonder why I married into this type of family who bends the truth to suit their needs n wants! My eyes damn Da-stamp...
NO!! NICOLE is yours.. your MIL wants.. ask her come out from whose vajayjay?? My FIL also last time like to make random remarks like I'M the evil person causing hayden to fall sick etc.. he even suggested that hayden move to kuching n my hubby's 2 mums take care etc.. i just roll my eyes n tell hubby.. ok lor.. u ok to send ur son there then send lor..

haha.. ur hubby go cave hide? hahaha.. so cool! wakakakkaa...

ur hubby quite opiniated de la.. just that he in sandwiched in between. u dun nag then just let ur MIL nag then ur hubby will side u le.. coz u nag she nag he irritated la..
YEAH! I feel so much better after venting last nite... ;p So much bottled thoughts in my mind over the last 2-3 wks!

Ya lor... I think I dun nag and see what he say. Think he struggling v hard cos his parents BOTH oso nag at him.

My parents oso wanted to nag at me when I told them I send my girl to sch... Eh... I just told them, I am sending her and it's final - look them in the eye. then my mum got the "idea" and then she settle my dad... If only my hb knew how to handle his parents instead of taking cover in his cave when the rain of "nags" come pouring down...

Actually your FIL oso make those hurting remarks. It's a wonder how generations of women who are married can take such remarks from their in laws w/o murdering them... ;p
my FIL is a male chauvanistic pig. thats why he got 2 wives.. well.. dun nag n see how it goes.. imagine u are ur hubby also in difficult position.. now my hubby wont tell me things abt his family if he dun want my comments too.. haha.. n his father also dun call me randomly to tell me shit.. so ok la.. good thing we are far far away.. obviously i still need to deal with my SILs.. but well.. they are SILs.. like i care..

cheer up babe... our forum is the best-est place to vent frustrations. =)
jappooh.. ya.. can move ard by moving the suction. i'll pass to u at KKH k. i sms u the details later. =)
argh. im so sick of work!! feel like killing d irritating pests at work! argh. worst was i return bk to work afta my HL, my manager told mi tt it was a mistake tt i become preg coz im still taking my degree.

if i tink i can cope, den wat's her stupid prob? told mi to let my colleagues conceive & deliver their 2nd kid 1st before i tink abt my 3rd kid. freaking pissed! is it my prob tt they marry late & juz delivered their kids yrs ltr??? boiling inside sia! feel like throwing my letter liao.

Adel, i juz received call from my MIL. my 3 nephews kana HFMD again! 4 x for d 2 older bois & now even d 5mth old bb also kana. now my SIL will know how i feel when her sons spread to Jayzon when he was onli 7mths old.

now HFMD on d peak. veri scary coz dono which idiot is like my SIL & bring d kids out when they down wif it.

Snowger, at times like this, u reali wish they were mute or we were deaf so don hav to listen to their stupid remarks. Nicole is urs so don hav to bother wif them.

wow your sil still bring the kids out.. So bad lei. Never thing of other ppl hor..

your manager also lar it up to ppl to plan the family.. Not to take turn one loh
Ya lor, sometimes I wish I have the skills of my hubby - cannot pick up hints no matter how loud and in the face they can get! ;p

Ur manager really too much leh, what is her problem? It's let nature takes it's course, where got wait for colleagues one... If your colleagues bio clock are ticking away, yours dun just freeze or pause there. -___-" no matter wat she cannot stop u... just ignore her! ;p
snowger, pat pat

Dun listen too much ,, N is yours, not theirs.. discuss with your HB will do..

They are your HB's parents, he is so used to their talking , obviuosly he felt such talk are common.. But for us, we tend to pick up hints and read inbetween their lines... Sigh.. So, best is dun hear... though i know its tough as i always been through it... Sianz...Lucky for me, the attention now shift to my SIL's son... not my girl..

This HFMD is really scary and spready crazy...
Hope the kids here dun get it
Yeah! Bryan is back in school today! Yesterday we took him for his review with our PD and there was another boy there with HFMD. Wonder how many cases PDs are seeing each day :S
Hello mummies~!

The HFMD is not the only virus going around. There's also a viral fever that's spreading. David tio last week and his fever shot to 39.4 deg C. The PD told us she's been seeing a lot of viral fever cases these couple of days.

Phyl, you are not the only one. My David also not talking. He obviously understands me, so why he don't speak proper words I have no idea. I'm hopeful starting the weekend classes will help.

Yes yes, speaking of weekend classes, we finally settled on Julia Gabriels. Starting classes in 2 weeks! ^^

Apologies but am in need of many tins of the following:

[1] 400g Enfapro A+ ($10/$11)
[2] 900g Enfapro A+ ($32+-)
[3] $5 Off Enfapro A+ Voucher

Pls pm me if you've any to let go.. thanks & appreciate lots! =)

Am also in search for pre-loved Parklon/LG Bumper Playmat
Hi Mummies,

Apologies but am searching for a Babysafe Mattress for baby.. Do pm me if you've any to let go, with the condition, dimensions, pictures etc.

Appreciate it lots and thanks! =)

wah our thread become so quiet nowadays, looks like everybody 'migrates' to facebook liao, hehe...

hey, is anyone buying, or plan to buy party stuff from oversea site? i wanna buy sth but dunno how to order ler, never order b4... and i either cant find any on going spree or they charge too high on exchange rate
... err, anyone wan to organise?
