(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

I think my ger is getting used to my hb dashing in everytime she cry loud loud. So... I did something evil.

Yesterday I on AC then she refuse to sleep (mayb cos the room v quiet). So she keep getting up to talk to me. Bo bian, aft 20 mins of her talking n not wanting to z, I walk out of the room... So she cry lor... Aft 5 mins, I went in again to put her down... left the room immediately when she climb up again. She cry again for another 5 mins, then I went in to put her to zzz. Finally she slept. Woke 2 hrs later to cry... So let her cry another 5mins then I go in to see her. Put her down, she zzz lor.

I told hb liao, tat if he dares to dash in as soon as she cry, I will give her back the tutu and waste all 3 wks worth of effort... So he let me do the hard-hearted way... This method I use have to persist, i.e. consistent. If any day, someone dash in as soon as she cry, then back to Sq 1 liao. I think those nite I leave her at MIL is bad, cos I bet wo the tutu, my MIL will "cuddle" her to zzz. *SIAN!*

I brush one time a day but is everyday lar... I think is good enuf lar. Btr than not brushing rite?

jiayou! cold turkey is my favie! now kayson c his cousin's tutu wun even be bothered by it. hehehe.

come to tink of it.. i din hav a hard time when cold turkey. juz tell him no den pat pat n 5mins ltr he slp liao.
cold turkey for 3 weeks liao... peifu.
Your gal cry for 10 min then KO. my RAchel cry for 3 hours still so energetic. I put her down, she jumps up....*SIANzzzz*
How do you let your daughter not suck her thumb? My daughter has been sucking her thumb since birth.. I find it difficult to stop her from doing so.. *sigh!*
She is wearing long sleeves when she sleeps. so i will hide her hand in the sleeves. But she cant sleeps with out it. The problem part is daytime, no where to hide. Thumb sucking is a problem....
Guardiance got sell something that is to apply on nail( actually is for child who bits nail), and it taste very bitter. Got feedback say that is quite useful after two application her daughter quit her 10 over years thumb sucking habbit. Went Guardiance to check, can only use on child that is 2 years and above..
My ger's cold turkey initially is ok. In fact the first day I did it, she just complain complain then zzz. 2 wks on was still ok. BUT this recent few days (after a 1 nite stay @ MIL) is terrible, she wakes up screaming and wont go back to zzz unless someone keeps her company in the room n sometimes, she wants pple to hug her to zzz.

So bo bian lor, gotta try the controlled crying method. Cold turkey n CC is not for the faint hearted. :p good for hard-hearted mothers like me.

If it's really tat bad, then dun wean her off lor... Cos thumb is different from tutu leh... At least u can wait till aft 2 years to apply that thing...

My colleague recently told me some other methods to wean tutu. But too bad I already started cold-turkey so no pt turning back.
Ok, will check Guardian for that.

We tried applying bitter gourd juice on her thumb, but she rubbed her thumb anywhere on her body.. so didn't work.. *Sigh!*
If I am not wrong there was something that can be affix to the top of the mouth (i.e. the area above the tongue. By fixing the thing, it will actually make sucking less pleasurable... :p

But tat one might be an expensive method leh...
Here is something I lifted off a webpage... Other than bitter juice can try plaster?

Placing a plaster or bandage around the thumb.
Painting the thumb with a bitter solution (available from pharmacies).
Custom made anti-thumb sucking dental appliance. (it is something they wear on the thumb...)
i read from website that it is not a bad thing that a child suck their thumb or fingers to sleep.. i never stop zach from sucking his fingers when he wants to sleep but if he is wide awake and playing but still put his fingers in his mouth, then i will take it out..
Some websites say that it may cause teeth or gum deformaties lar... Not too sure abt that thou. :p

U let him hold the toothbrush or u hold? One way is once the toothbrush goes in start moving it before he bites. If he bites, tilt the toothbrush upwards towards the nose. Heh... tat's wat i do lar...

Another method is to tell him is brush teeth time and tooth brush cannot bite one. Sometimes, they can understand. Then like wat Kath do, u can brush teeth to show him lor. Then u can say "see mama dun bite the toothbrush..."
I ban tutu bcos when N goes to CC, I wont need to worry abt her sharing the tutu with friends or the floor... She got habit of rubbing the tutu against the floor when she is frustrated or bored.

the mag mag is not such an evil lar.. It's H's equivalent of a tutu just tat water comes out of it... :p
thumb sucking
my girl has been sucking her thumb since she was a few months old. I don't really think its too bad cos at least she can self sooth. She only sucks her thumb when she is feeling sleepy. BUT i would like to wean her off the habit when she is around 2, so might try the bitter 'nail polish'. I don't think its bad for tooth alignment, my bro was a 2 finger 'sucker' when he was young, his teeth are perfectly straight, so are mine.

BUT prolonged habit is not good. I have a friend who has 1 thumb slightly longer than the other, apparently he only stopped his habit when he was quite old.
LOL.. clarice also bites her toothbrush too. i let her hold and she just bite bite bite.. then later i say finish? okai mummy help u. then she will let me brush. if not she wont let me help her till she finish enff of her biting. haha
Yar lor... it's a good self sooth method. My ger nvr got on thumb sucking leh so had to give her the tutu to soothe her. There are always different camps to thumb sucking lar. But it bcome a social booboo if the kid continues to suck the thumb when in kindergarten bah...

ur ger so cute one... My ger likes to suck on the toothbrush... so she is like eating the toothpaste lor... -__-"
snow, i tink taking pacifier will be the one that causes teeth/gum deformaties.. my fren's son took pacifier till now (he's abit 4yo)and his teeth growth funnily, with an O shape and he keeps drooling if he is not on pacifier..lol
SOS, Gerard refused to brush his teeth!!

btw, mummies, are u putting ur child in childcare or playgroup ah? I dunno see much differences in the $.
Hi Snowger n gals
Me can't really use PC now as i just did my lasik.. so on n off will surf net only

I asked my dentist about baby's toothpaste n brushing. Its good to start the habit of brushing teeth now. But regardless which toothpaste, if its contain fluoride or even state " least amount of fluoride", my dentist said its better not to use 1st. Unless our child knows how to spit out the toothpaste.

So i only brush brush her teeth.. not using toothpaste.

Tina, Ashlynne is getting better.. did not see her asking for tutu these 2 nites already.. crying also stop. I hope she just forever forget about her tutu...
Ya I heard of it before! 4 years still eating tutu uh??? *aiyoh*

I oso heard tutu may also cause lip deformaties (i.e. the lip centre got one hole when the lips are already fully closed). My ex used to be lidat n he told me he loved his tutu when he was a child... So I guess parents gotta control use, things in moderation are always OK one.

My ah ma was a nanny last time and she told me some of the kids who go her place are lidat, cos the parents find the child v noisy so let them eat tutu the whole day...

Ya, I read up on this and my colleague oso told me liao. That's why from the start when she was teething i nvr use the Kodomo one, tat one like got a bit of floride. Biotene First Teeth Baby Toothpaste has no floride inside n is made of natural milk enzymes. (http://www.just4teeth.com/Biotene-First-Teeth-Baby-Toothpaste). But each tube is quite costly lar...

U bring Ash go see dentist liao? I was thinking if it's necessary. Scared if the dentist v rough next time she dun wanna go dentist leh...
Snowger, no la
I went to dentist.. brought her along.. so ask dentist to see her teeth as well.. he just see see and suggest to me lor..

I bought the First Teeth, she just dun like.. wanna use my toothpaste.. Faintz....
Funni lar... My ger is opp... she eats toothpaste...

Have u tried the First teeth toothpaste before? I only find the smell v nice. I tried it... Not sweet leh...

ya baby toothpastes can get the ones with no flouride. I usually buy from Drugstore.com

ok leh, the price .. US$4.99 comes with one brush so everytime I finish a tube I change the toothbrush too when I open a new pack.


For Babies 4 Months & Older
For Cleaner Teeth & Gums

Safe to Swallow
Pediatricians and pediatric dentists highly recommended that parents begin cleaning baby's teeth and gums everyday at an early age. Sugars in formula, juice and other foods can build up a plaque-like film. Cleaning the teeth and gums at an early age helps develop healthy habits for a lifetime or beautiful smiles.


Cleanser - Net Wt. 1 oz (28.3 g)
Baby Orajel Tooth & Gum Cleanser gently cleans teeth and gums with a mild, fruity flavor so your child will enjoy it. Best of all, it's fluoride-free so it's safe to swallow.
Baby Toothbrush
The baby toothbrush is the perfect size for little mouths and has extra soft bristles.
Cleanser Made in USA
Toothbrush Made in China
i use kids toothbrush with First Teeth toothpaste to brush n that boy knows how to let his mouth open so he dun swallow anything..then i use the finger brush to clean the residue (2x)..keke
after brushing, he will automatically open his mouth wide to let me smell his breath..n he will smell mine too! Keke..
i teaching him how to gargle now.. :p
MAG MAG straw brush:
Just to share that Pigeon sells their own straw brush to brush the insides of the straw. It cost about $2.32 when I bot it from Taka. FYIP! Can squirt a bit of detergent and brush through the inside of straw. I feel it's cleaner than just rinsing with water lar..

I use Pigeon baby toothbrush-cheap cheap niah with First Teeth toothpaste.

First teeth is confirm more ex than the Oragel one. It's I think $13? in Spore?
can anyone tell me,is milk bags better for storing BM in freezer compared to bottles/via cups cos of the exposure to air trap in bottles??
my freezer bag finishing so thought of storing in VIA cups but how to get the air out??
There are many camps of thots abt storing BM. Reason about air thing is because of the freezer burn. So far it has nvr happened on the milk I store in bottles before.

From a personal pt of view, I won't say milk bags are btr bcos they can leak or even break due to streching in the freezer. But they are really more convinient (Can lie them flat in the fridge so got more space and the bags are already sterilised) plus can squeeze the air out lor, so it's like vaccum sealed. :p

VIA cups take up more space lar... And u might have to buy a lot of cups to store if u have plentiful supply. In this case milk bags are definetely cheaper, cos you can get a milk bag at about fourty cents each...
Snowger,cos currently I have via cups but haven start using,don Noe should store where.wanted to use the cup to store food,but I'm lazy haven even open up my blender etc.
Think should just cont to store in bag cos I bought the milk bag organizer but haven't start using!hehe.my mum haven pass u the avent bottle?

How to check for freezer burns?
I used both via cups n milk bags. To me, via cups were more convenient to warm coz sometimes the bags might crack n when warming might be wasted. They were easier to travel from home to IFC too. But.. Now I hv abt 50 via cups. they are quite useful too, I keep portioned fish/ meat in freezer. I also kept portioned veges n fruits..

I nv knew abt freezer burns b4. Haha..
I only see freezer burn on meat before - the meat will have one patch of discoloration (i.e. bruised). Nvr happen to the milk leh.

I use my VIA cups to store n freeze pre-made stock. It's really worth the money!!!

I din use the milk bag organiser leh. I just stack them up in opposite directions and it works pretty well unless I overpack each bag...
Agree with Phyl when the bags break, it'll leak and get messy (not to mention EBM is sweet n sticky)...

I had a friend who pumps direct into VIA cups cos she was using the Avent manual pump then.
But u need the "converter" to fit the VIA cup to the pump.

Just to share, I dun pump direct into bags. Cos I use PISA, I pump into medela milk bttle to bring home. Aft tat I will transfer them into milk bags for storing if there is left over.
im thinking of pumping into storage via cups but in singapore cant find the via nurser,so also troublesome must trf to bottle when feeding...think will just stick to bags..must not be lazy...must start to prepare stock and food to freeze...
I was very happy with my lansinoh bags, has bigger capacity than some other brands. Not much prob with bags breaking, and can store loads in the freezer! will use those again for nxt kid
Anyone WANs to take over a 1.8kg gain old formula recently open use only 2scoops.will sell for $51.selling cos Jake has successfully change to new formula but my dad don know so he went to open.
Hi Ivy, the highest mark on the packaging is 180ml but you can safely store up to 280mls, I've done it many times. As long as there is still allowance when you've squeezed out the air you're ok
