(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Summer had got 16 teeth now for a few months le.. is tat full teeth for tod oreadi or izzit 20 to be full? since she has so much teeth.. u gals mus be thinking she can eat alot of solid rite?

NO lor.. she oso a "3 ko xiao jie" everything eat abit here and there.. so end up gotta supplement her with milk.

The other prob is she's salivating alot.. so much teeth how come still like tat??

wow I can't believe it man! so I'm not the only one whose kid is still salivating woohoooo!!! I'm with you sister, my girl can go thru at least 3 bibs a day, on a really WET day, 5! so how come???? I also dunno!!! when will she stop salivating? I hope soon. Every once in a while someone will ask me 'is she teething?' wah I tell you, she's been teething since she was 2 months old lor! .........

haiz must destress... having a super bad luck weekend
Jake head just got knock by the frame of the bed!!!!now his head got blue black,kk children a&e good??don Noe if should go now or wait till tml then bring him see doc
observe him first.. If can eat n slp as per normal maybe u can wait otherwise go a&e ba

hi 5! I oso sian.. Everyone ask me if she's teething lor.. 16 teeth shld be quite full Liao Ma.. I dun understand either.. Tml when I see her pd for her mmrv jab I'll ask her..
When my neice and nephew were infants and toodlers, they also drool quite a bit, teething or not. Apparently it is nothing to worry about lar, cos my niece drooled lesser and lesser as she grew older. Now she dun have tat problem liao.

My MIL use to worry that they will drool non-stop until kindergarten BUT no such problem...

No need to go see doc yet if he is still active. You only see if he shows signs of sudden drowsiness when it's not time to zzz or if he vomits... Poor Jake... Use hard boil egg on the blue black...

my boy also have 16 teeth for a few mths already. He recently then start to drool quite a bit and like to put his finger in the mouth. Dunno is he teething again. There should be a total of 20 teeths

monitor and see does jake have any vomit anot. and is he as active as usual.

My boy head dunno knock how many times with play black liao. I think specailly when now they start to walk and explore they tends to knock here and there. So u can monitor 1st.
morning ladies
stuck at tmc wif my big boi. severe vomiting until gotta admit n drip him. so far getting beta thou.

kayson salivating too. tink more teeth erupting. his teeth growing veri slow. hehe.

anyone wana get pediasure fm?
Ervin got lots of teeth! My ger still stuck with 8... Maybe got another 2 coming out can see white stuff n the gum a bit swollen next to her bottom four. Tat's why it's a bad time to wean her off tutu lor... she just wakes up at nite to cry... *sigh*

ya but i dunno when the other 4 is coming. Recently he get quite cranky again and keep waking up to cry during the nite.
Apparently drooling is good leh!! i.e. saliva is good lar... check this out...

Long time no see u post here liao!
How have u been? As long as got saliva in the mouth can liao lar... No drool = no need to change bib leh... My ger only drools for a certain period. usually is dry dry one. Last nite, she look on the floor with her mouth open and the saliva just drip on my hb's CDs... LOL!
hi snowger, thanks for the link. Im just curious why my boy din't drool at all.
im always here to read the post, just no contribution to you all...paisey...
no worries, i'm sure there's plenty of silent readers. Think you're very lucky your boy didn't drool. Save your $ on bibs, no chao sng smell and no mess. I'm curious why my girl is still drooling after more than 1 year
mrs ho,
My girl doesn't drool much.. so she doesn't need so much bibs.. :p I think as long as our child is growing well, drooling or not doesn't matter bah..
Hi jowinbaby

I like to order
1)Bloomer Shorts #90- 1yr-2yr
2)Zara Kids-Rabbit Hood Set + Pant 18-24m

Can check with you what size is Ash wearing?
Hi Tina
Wow.. Thanks..
Ashlynne is suitable for #90 for bloomer shorts. But this is a pre-order piece.. so only can base on measurement.

As for the Zara Kids Rabbit. She wearing 12m which is just nice on her..I have ready stock.

BTW, tina, we take this offline from Dec thread. I FB you.. since u dun accept PM.

wanna chk if u still haf stk fir the childlife colostrum?? I miss ur bp last round. Haf 1 to spare me?? Heard gd reviews abt it..
hi Tina
Oh No. Dun feel paiseh and thanks for supporting. Just that this thread not for selling & cannot take orders ma
So dun wan to disturb our mommies here too...

Hi Xuelyn
Oh! Starting summer on Colostrum already? I really find it good after Ashlynne took it. But not immediately result ok.. How do u intend to feed? My way , not sure abt others, i gave her half teaspoon every morning for 1 month.. subsquently, alternate days. 1 bottle can take more than 1 month to finish.. Worth the $$.

Then every Sat, i gave her Sambucol..or whenvever i felt i brought her out for gathering or other playground... hahaha!! kaisu mummy
mummies looking for childcare in d east..
there is a new cherie heart kids kingdom at eunos area & due opening soon. can check it out. a veri nicely-decorated childcare.
got a qn regarding pull up pants:

What is the diff between mamy poko pants and the value version? How does Huggies pull ups compare? Need to replenish my diapers and seriously considering making the switch cos kiddo is getting really really hard to change now
Tamms,the value is not that soft,but if wan chAnge frequent buy Value is good.I have the value pants M n L n also huggies pull up,u wanna try before deciding which to buy.
Hi Tamms
I do not like the value one as its rather "rough" on the material and its quite tight compared to the normal M or L size. Ashlynne cannot take it as the elastic at the side, after removing, her side are reddish. If i get a bigger size, the thighs area are too big and front facing is bulky...not suitable for girl. After using a few more pieces, her below are red already.

I am also considering pull up pants. Huggies dun seem good enough for overnight. Day time she changes quite alot of times to prevent redness, as huggies is not as thick as MP to absorb well.
huggies pull up abit cannot make it.. i find drypers drypantz is better than huggies. nv tried mamy poko coz i cannot make myself pay so much for diapers.. kekeke.. cheapo mummy. hahahahhaa
thanks for the feedback! phyl I'm also like that but not that we're cheapo... we just get the thrill of looking for the best value right? haha... that's when we know we have been promoted to aunty! So overall its still better to go with mp (not value) and drypantz right?

there is a BP that closed yesterday for MP pants http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3901484.html?1272171376

Ivy, thanks but don't want to trouble you, you've got 2 kids to look after!
The BP is not cheap enough leh.. haha.. i got mine at $14.20 per pack everytime.. Even cheapo mummy.

Huggies one really.. no that good too.

Dryer pantz is good? Perhaps i can give a try too.

i also had a hard time to lay her down to change for her.. nowadays she stand n hold my shoulders, to balance herself to wear her shorts.. haha
jo, at nite Ash oso wear pull up pants??
I oso tink Drypers pull-up is good..hehe, thick material.
i tink i wanna switch to Drypers wee wee dry for day time use instead of nepia.. keke..
Hi Kath
So far Ashlynne only tried out huggies pull up n MP value pull up. Both not suitable. so stick back to the tape one. I wanna try pull up pants as its quite difficult to change her already
Tamms,u stay pasir panjang right?I don mind to pass u two piece each for u to try,u can just drop by my place at west coast
no need lah! can be quite hard to arrange meet up time! Think I may just go with the drypantz since mostly good feedback. The price is also right!

wow really a lot of ppl advertising their bp...
Hi mummies,

anyone wanted to get stuff from iherbs anymore. I am trying to see can hit USD240 anot to get the 12% discount. Do let me knw if u wan to get any childlife colostrum.
hi mummies,
havent been popping in lately, how's everyone??

Just to share, sengsiong having promotion on Mamy poko now, $20.40. not too sure till when thou;p
Tamms,I am home 24/7,no trouble de anyway I have n not using so can give u some.

Pastilles watsons also have mp sale,2packs for 41 n pampers active 2 for 29.9.
haha.. tamms.. i just cant make myself pay so much for winnie the pooh's license on a diaper.. keke.. i think cheaper if i paste mickey mouse sticker on my huggies diaper.. keke.. diaper nia la.. for pee pee n poo poo.. hahaha.. eh.. but no offence to ppl who can afford it la.. me poor la.. kekekekeke

if anyone needs the colostrum urgently, can get from me. spree from jappooh the last time n its still in the evelope that jappooh gave me. hahaha.. i got 2 bottles.


no lar.. I also wan to use cheap cheap diaper.. But my boy cant use them. He get rashes with other brand. So far only pampers, MP and fitti 360degree works for him. Others he get red butt. I try huggies also cannot loh.. That why i wan to faster toilet trained him so can save on diaper..

Now siong loh cos my elder one on pediasure. The fm is so ex...Sigh..
