(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Hi fabbie
Ashlynne also very sticky to me. Recently glue me non stop. i just cannot do anything lor...

At unfamiliar places, she can sit n play but once awhile, her eyes will scan for me, my HB or my mum.. see anyone around. If no, she go around searching and cannot find , she cry. How to go full day of cc?

You can try ZY over playgroup 1st lor.. once a week of halfday at sch. Anyway, your mum can help you look after too.

its mon-fri 9-11am so i think should be okai ba... im thinking still got columbia still got where.. i try My first skool liao at JP they dun have half day.. kaoz..

little skool house @ safra jurong.. but i tink wait list is oso very long..they shuld hv 1/2 day bah.

so when u go cc-shopping, bring the kid along and let them roam in the classroom to see how they react with other kids.

I shuld be able to let zach go for full day cos that boy will never hesitate to follow anyone. The teacher carried him last week and me n hb wave goodbye, he gave us a flying kiss and look away. every morning go bbsitter place oso..automatically let go of my hand, walk in the house and close the door. never look at me even! but at nite, the moment he sees me, he will hug me first..haha
Fbbie, yup. me also want to put her at playgroup half day lor.. after she is 24months n also when i get a job.

Kath, its like tat..I seem like Ashlynne's bedtime bear... hahaha.. must hug n sleep beside..
tat's y tis morning zach fell off the bed again! It is his 3rd time this week..i woke up at 5.45am and went to the toilet. he din 'feel' me beside him, so he roll n roll hoping he can get bside me, end up on the floor.
hb blame me for not informing him that i woke up to go toilet.wah liao eh.. i go toilet need to open the door etc..how can he not hear. pig!
kath, next time put a pillow/ bolster beside him when u leave the bed for a short while. This is wat i did.. its a temporary boundary. It may not 100% help but at least they felt a "block" and stop.. I also had a "gate" at the bed to prevent her from rolling down from our middle gap. So left right block by us.. centre by the gate.

Of course best, they dun sleep with us anymore.. hahaha!!
i did put my pillow..he roll on top of my pillow n fall off lor..even worse rite? it is higher.

sian lar.. really wonder y it became like tat. my communication with hb became onie via email nowadays. talk face to face, scared argue, so end up nvr talk face to face or talk personal matters. email onie abt zach or other things that will not lead to argument.

yes my boy toss everywhere. So i every time wake up and carr him back to the centre.


Ervin also will wan to feel that i am there. So i sleep left he turn left. I sleep right he turn right. Hubby always have big space to sleep where i end up sleep on the platform.
oh only 240ml... its enough for outings cos fill to the brim can add up to about 280ml?? but at night confirm not enough...

Any schools associated with Teochew clan???
Btw I'm supposed to bring daniell for MMR jab today but I reschedule it coz we will b gng holiday next fri so dun wan Him to get fever... Eh, or do u think this jab will benefit for traveller? Hope I dun make the wrong decision...

yes there is one but can't recall the name... Anyway not popular one...
tamms, not sure if can fill till 280 cos no more measurements....jakes feeding fell,he was actually drinking 240 and 270, but recently drop to arnd 180 or 210 not sure is it cos he is having rice. are we going to babycare fair on 19th??

how does the angel wipes look like?can get from NTUC??
ur gals are sticky to u or ur parents as u are the main person taking care of them 24/7.
Going thur seperation anxierty when starting "sch" is unavoidable. they will take a while to get use to it...But there must always be a start, n it actually gets more difficult the older they get...
even as an infant, kayson also went thur tt when we started him at IFC. but was easier for him to adapt, n now he's like the "class monitor" there. always walking ard n so at ease...like zach, he will just wave bye n walk into class himself.
ya i was looking... cannot find!

thanks, sometimes for the pigeon small bottle I will fill it up to the brim!

is it ok to steam sterilise bpa free bottles?
ivy.. not sure if you can get from NTUC cause i've nvr seen them on sale outside...
i bulk purchase frm a supplier that phyl ordered from.
Jess, ur elder boi took MMR onie? is it less prone to hving fever compare to MMRV, cause i am onie jabbing nini with MMR...
bukit merah is a bit out of the way for me (not on the way to work), so i'm not really considering one in that area.

I steamed sterilised my medela bottles (which are BPA-free) and they were okay. Sometimes can get squished if you screw on the cap while it's still hot, because air inside contracts when it cools, causing bottle to change shape. But usually it can be pressed back into shape when you next steam sterilise it.
ivy, how many paks u need? ya, its free delivery if u order 10 paks...(1 pak has 3x80pcs), i live in sembawang, works in Raffles plc...
went to Kinderland YCK & Pat's schoolhouse Serangoon this morning... the Kinderland at YCK really really BIG, school fee also cheaper than Pat's but i prefer Pat's coz the teachers more friendly... was talking to the principal from Kinderland and the moment she saw my boy with a bit swollen & red eyes which she tot it's sore eyes, she gav me a really 'scared' look' as if my son got AIDs like tat... shit her!!! Anyway both already full at all level, will try to go other school & see...

kath, jowin,
good laa if no fever but when i asked the staff if MMR will cause fever and she was like giving me a very 'sure' answer & said 'YES'... so i decided to reschedule the jab juz to play safe...

ya my elder boy took MMR only, but cant remember if he had fever after taking the jab coz too long already...
u mean can press back into shape??? Oh my god, i actually threw them away! it happened quite sometime back!! :'(

actually taking the MMR jab before travelling would be safer. Why dun u ask ur PD see wat PD say? My personal thinking is if going to countries that r more developed mayb not so much problem?

I oso havent bring my ger for the jab cos she was sick recently then aft she get well I v busy. Then my PD clinic on sat is mad house! *opps* my PD seem v concerned and wants me to get her jab asap.

Mayb it is for peace of mind to take MMR later. But there are many studies that refute MMR to be related to mental disorders (incl autism). In UK, the General Medical council has in 2010 retracted the report (written in 1998) tat said MMR was link with autism in children...

The full story can be found in Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MMR_vaccine_controversy#cite_note-full-retraction-9) - apparently the author of the report took money from some solicitors who were fighting a court case that claims MMR causes autism...

"In 2001, Berelowitz, one of the co-authors of the paper, said "I am certainly not aware of any convincing evidence for the hypothesis of a link between MMR and autism". The Canadian Paediatric Society,the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences,and the UK National Health Service have all concluded that there is no evidence of a link between the MMR vaccine and autism."
My PD clinic nurse oso told me MMR jab confirm will have fever... I am hoping that it will not be the case leh. Cos if I jab her next week, my hb will not be ard if she really get fever the following week...
Jess, still monitoring as PD said MMRV fever start after 5days -7days.. Today only the 5th day!!

Pat's is a prince n princess school. With that amount paying to them, we sure expect friendly & caring teachers etc etc. haha!!

My friend's 2 daughters are there, her HB loves to pick up the kids cos their teacher in charge is so young and pretty.. LOL... But my friend also super happy since her HB volunteer.... kekekkeke

i knw all taht already. Just that to be safe loh. I kai si loh. So if i can delay abit later i delay lar. And i wan to give MMR lei. But the PD like keep asking to give MMRV instead.

I think my boy have slight fever after MMR only but not high. But i have a colleague who boy have a high fever at 40degree after teh MMR jab and was rush to hospital. So i think is case by case.
my friend's kid had fever and a slight outbreak of rash. another 1 was ok, no fever. i m takin my son for the jab tomorrow...wish me luck!
btw, did u all take the mmr together with pneummoccocal disease jab? cos was thinking to let him take together
i dun hav to ask my PD's opinion coz for sure the answer is YES lor... and on top of tat, he will also ask us to take flu jab, h1n1 jab on lor... i'm pretty sure... and im going to HKG next friday, if take now & suay suay get fever then how to go on flight?

hahaa... prince & princess school! actually for me i really dunno how good are those schools like Pat's, chiltern, brighton... but i'm sure we are paying more bcoz of the brand name lor...

i see anything when my boy looks ok then i bring him for jab. Cos recently he like abit of running nose. So quite cranky too..

I bring him see PD dun need appt one just go there and q loh. So quite flexi
I Brought my boy for his 2nd dose of Pnemococcal and the clinic's staff asked whether want to let my boy jab MMR or MMRv together with today jab or not?? I rejected coz his just recovery from ill, don't want him to get too much vaccines within the same day and decided bring him to polyclinic for free MMR dose on next month once he turns 16 mths. PD told me 10% to 15% will get fever after MMR or MMRV and it maybe get fever one week later after the jab.
Ya, little rabbit. its abt 5-7days that the fever will breakout.

I regretted when PD asked to inject her MMRV + Hep A... no do research n gotten her jab... now fighting 5 virus.. Hope she really ok and dun develop any fever
jess, true to what u say abt having fever cannot go on the flight..so better wait till u come bk fr HK then onie jab.

but i heard kinderland at yck is quite good leh.. alot of my frens kids are there too. Pat's schoolhouse @ serangoon i nvr been there so dunno.

alot of ppl say that kids tht goes to montessori school will not be well-prepared for p1 so i m not sure. will let zach be the guinea pig n see if it is true or not..muahahah
ya i already rescheduled the jab with my PD the moment they called me yesterday....

i like kinderland YCK bcoz the school is big, it's juz along the way to my hb's office but i din know it is actually Kinderland (at first tot it's pri school) until this morning when i drive pass so decided to go in & take a look.... but as i said the staff is not really frenly lor... unlike pat's, the vice principal actually offered to bring me for a 'tour' to their school even tho there is no more slot avail for all level for this year.... but for pat's the full day school ends at 5.30pm & u need to pick up ur kid by 6pm else u need to pay more for extended hours till 7pm... everything abt money!
Haha... I can hear ur PD going on and on abt H1n1 plus flu jab. Cos u going to HK somemore... :p

Correct me if I'm wrong, I thot MCYS has a regulation for centres operating hrs be 7am to 7pm. How come Pat's can charge for extended hrs from 6 to 7pm? Hmmm... unless they not under MCYS?

Ya. My ger oso just recover from her minor sorethroat & cold. So wanted to wait for a week or so before jabbing her. Otherwise her immune system will be fighting every other day... :p

For me I rather jab one at a time. Cos like wat jowinbb says, MMR is 3 types of antibodies, if take MMRV is 4 types. Then add the "P" jab will be one more... so if take both is 4 to 5 types of antibodies leh.
in fact the school is operating from 7am-7pm, but the normal full day program type is from 7am-5.30pm, if u wan ur kid to stay until 7pm then it is called extended full day, which they charge higher...
Came back from the IT show 2010 and bought the photobook vouchers from Album Stories. Although I haven't complete any photobook which I got it last year but I saw my colleague's photobook,the qulity is very good compared to Artcow. So this round I bought anothers 3 photobook voucher + 1 book free, average about $30 per book. :p
The price for those softcover and hardcover are :
1) Softcover x 40 pages @$39.90 per book
2) Hardcover x 40 pages @118 per book
Buy 3 book get 1 book free, valid for 2 years + some free gift of CD on layout software, Photo mug and photo calendar.
Don't be regretted coz as long as Ashlynne is fine after taken those jab. Sometime we don't think too much and just take those words or recommends by the PD coz put our trust on them.
Hi Little rabbit
Ya.. as long as she is fine.. Thanks..
Somtimes its really hard to judge. I trust the PD for her professionalism, recommendations. I trust that she said ok means ok. But....SIgh.. dun know wat to say...

Like dat uh... SO clever hor? charge extra for ur kid to stay there till 7pm... LOL... clever way but fulfil the MCYS requirement. ;)

any good buys for GAIA?
