(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

haiya... so stress being a parent in SG... during my times where got playgroup, nursery this kind of thing... and i only studied one yr of kindergarten... and no tuition or enrichment class until sec school... hehe!

btw, any baby still taking Nestle Cereal? i hav one tin each for white rice & brown rice, anybody wan?

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i hv the same tots of not sending zach to good school..it will stress the kid out. the teacher at brighton told me that some primary school did actually call up the kid's parents if they cannot catch up with the rest of the class and ask parents to find alternative. they rather keep the schools good academic record than to give the child a place in a good school. I m apalled by such behavior but wat to do, SG is such a competitive country.. sigh.
i got this from my colleague todae:
If no. 1 get in, no. 2 sure get in under phase 1 ...

my hubby's friend told me "Your children, grandchildren will be grateful to you forever." ... sound so drama ha ah ha

jess, i still hv 1 tin of mamil gold which i wanna pass to u..keep forgetting.

wanted to pass enfa to xuelyn as well, oso forgot :p

i m onie an average student in school..always between 10 - 12 in class of 40 so if zach is oso that, i dun mind..haha

the kiasuparents website have alot of info. hee.. I read alot from there.

To note for listing of GRC there is a risk the GRC will change so it up to you whether u wan to take the risk. I do feel PV is safer.

yes is there is a sibling in that school already. The school will give the kid a form for the parent to fill in before the open of registration. Haev silbing there 100% get in. No one can beat this phase..hee.

u will only stress the 1st time.

my boy better dun be like me.. I am always the last few..haha..

they better be like my hubby he is always the 1st few.

That why i say we bao tou bao wei. Haha
i say do both is the safest!! muahaha..better still if we are fren fren with MP or PM..in my dreams lar..kekeke

but hor, my MIL went n enrol me into some clan thingy..dunno wat is it. i throw away the letter..muahaha, is it helpful?
do both doesnt make it safer lar cos u will still under Phase 2B. If is hokkien clan that is useful. But will be under Phase 2B also..

Old boy and old gal is safe that why your hubby fren say your children and grandchildren will be grateful to u. So in future they dun have to worry when come to enrolment. Provided Zach grad from that school..Dun half change school hor..haha
hahaa...i got my info from kiasuparents.com too... very useful site but the more i read the more i get stressed... lolx

ya phase 1 is 100% gurantee one... i hav a fren who is so lucky to get into Rosyth for her elder gal w/o doing PV, so her younger son is now safe & juz wait for his time to go into the same school...

not really... if we manage to get my elder boy in a good school then only stress for once, but if not got to stress for another round again when daniell's time comes coz who knows i might giv up phase 1 & try for a better school again for daniell... *sound crazy hor*
do both also get equal chance only... it doesnt giv u higher chance...

btw, which mamil is tt? step 3?

our preferred choice of school in sengkang, Nan chiau is under hokkien huay kuan lor... i even called hokkien huay kuan & ask how to join... too bad im not qualified!!!!!!!!
there are few schools under hokkien huay kuan very good & popular one ler... u better go n dig out the letter n see if ur MIL really wan to enrol u to hokkien huay kuan... kekke

i think i am qualify for that.
Cos i ama Sporean and a Hokkien..hee..

But i am not joining cos i only targeting the school at my hse ard. Unless the one i wan are under hokkine huay kuan. How to check which school is under that?
same as me... too bad!

my father also member of hokkien huay kuan but in MALAYSIA only!

ya if not targetting school under hokkien huay kuan then no point... schools under SHHK:
- Ai Tong
- Tao Nan
- Nan Chiau
- Chongfu
- Kongfu

the 1st 3 schools super popular, dunno abt rest 2...

chongfu is popular in Yishun.

Oh i am not targeting any of the above.

If join Hokkien Huay kuan will be Under Phase 2B also rite?
ya also under phase 2B... anyway joining as member also not 100% can get recommendation letter to register under phase 2B... it all depend on quota, but i guess the priority will always be given to older member bah...
Snowger, i also scare Ashlynne will be stress out.. Cos i m always the last 10th from in the class. Pri 5 fail english by 2 marks and stress out crying daily.. My form teacher pull me up n got me into Pri 6. Forever remember that 2 marks. Failure to me is nothing!

you consider late developer from Sec 2?? Guess when is mine??? Super late developer liao..Its only when i started my bachelor..then i started to study..daily burn midnight oil.

My friend failed too and went to another school. Study til Primary 7 to take PSLE. Well, she said she is so much happier as she become the Top 10 in class for Pri 6 and Pri 7.

Guess, this is what my HB said.. Rather she become top in class in an easier school , be confident and motivated to study than last in class,stress and cry daily.

I truly understand what he meant. But then, i just hope to give it a try. Really, who knows, she may just be in top 10 in a good school?

Jess, i heard these 3 schs are good.
- Ai Tong
- Tao Nan
- Nan Chiau

especially Tao Nan.. my neighbour teaches there
I say I am late developer becos the students in my Pri Sch are all smarter than me. When I see them do so well, I feel like I really born stupid lor. They get PSLE scores at least 235 and abv, which can get u into schs like TKGS...

Haha... I get wat u mean lar. Which parent won't wan the best for the child? I will see how lor, who knows maybe in 1-2 years might migrate to another country? Then I will kiss the phases goodbye liao... keke...

Tao Nan is super "ming siao" lor... It is THE sch to go to for those staying in the Katong/Marine Parade area. Super diff to get in or be a PV there. Lots of parents volunteer and I heard there is a waiting list to be a PV there??? Life as a student I heard is v stressful and like wat kath says the sch might ask the parent to move the student out if they dun do well. But in recent days, I heard that the sch can no longer ask parents to look for another sch.
ya manz... Singapore educational system really tough...here, no cert = no future...

So, why i become a SAMH and stay at home??? My mum everyday nag.. If my wish is to become a SAHM, she should not have send me to school.. no need to study, early early become mother better
I think most parents in ur mum shoe will say the same thing. If u send Ash and groom her until she go uni and even take masters or PHD, then she work for a while bcome SAHM, u will oso be repeating wat ur mum says.

I can gurantee my dad will say the same thing if I quit my job or btr still mid career change to be a nurse... ;p
wow.. it seems like yesterday that our babies just turned one and now already planning pri sch? hehehehe

Does anyone know if there is a website for you to see what are the schools w/i 1km from your address?

hahaha my mom said the same thing too! but then i told her, "mom you sent me to do my masters in child developmental psychology, so now i am still doing what i was studying, except only for 1 child.. think of it as your investment for your granddotter lor".. my mom pengsan :p
i'm back from KL. went for a day trip yesterday for a business meeting. have you decided on a school for your girl yet? i'm probably going to send Emma to the Montessori at Dawson Place. my husband doesn't want her to go full day every day, since we still have my MIL at home. So she'll probably just start with half day first, and then progress to a mix of half days and full days after the first month.

primary school
anyone applied to be alumni of their primary school? my pri school alumni association membership fee is $500! granted, it's a lifetime membership, but still, $500 is a lot of money. some more mine is all-girls school - what if I only end up having one daughter?
can anyone let me know which is the best or good school to go to? wah.. im damn noobie in this sia! or is there a playgroup or what? btw. little skool house.. agape.. little neuro tree is it good any comments on this 3? im looking around jurong area de.

dun need to join the alumni. Usually old boy or old gal no problem getting into the school even they are not in the alumni. Save up your $500.
Fyi,those going to baby fair to trade in pigeon bottles,their trade in is for the new bpa free plastic yellow bottles,
Instead of the usual one that we bght.

Are we gng to have a taka fair outing?or the babycare fair at expo on 19?
whoa. so fast planning sch liao ah? hehe.

i keep on forgetting to go to my old sch n pay my alumni fees. hehe.

$500 ah? my sch requesting $200 for alumni. pay for alumni hav higher chances of kids gg into the sch apparently. old ger no gurantee from wat i heard from my former teachers. still need to ballot so c heng suay lor. =(

take abby fair
anyone gg baby fair tmr? i most likely popping by afta seeing my derm dr at paragon medical.
tamms, u can trade in any brand of pigeon bottles as long as its the whole set (cap/teat/bottle).the new BPA free plastic bottle biggest size is only till 240ml.

can i check with u gals, should EBM be kept in the fridge first to chill before freezing?
Ivy, no.. direct to freeze.. No need to chill 1st.. Chill would change the temperature of the milk again n again

I heard about LNT from a friend of mine. If ZY can sit down quietly and listen for 1 hr to the teacher.. Then she can go to LNT. LNT teaches 3 languages. Mandarin, English and Japanese. Each language each week. I suppose there are 10 lessons per term? I dun remember. LNT is more academic, once a week type and its not like playgroup at all.

Little Skool House and Agape, i m not sure liao.

Jurong side, there is a person you can ask ah... hee hee

i thought old boy or old gal is very safe liao cos usually there is no ballot one loh. My fren check with the school the school ask her not to waste the $$ to join loh.

So far didnt hear of under the Phase 2A2 cant get in loh.

u mean pigeon bottle exchange for the bpa free bottle? for need to pay 50% of the price?

anyway, 240ml not enuf for zach..hahaha.after adding powder, sure reach tip alr..
ya mayb i will ask her.. haha

Im thinking of letting her join COLUMBIA any comments? they got a playground from 9am-11am or 11am-1pm about $235 mon - friday.

Btw its better to bring them go playgroup is it? jialet lar. i duno all these sia.. duno when to book this and that also.. faints!!!! im like a noobie mummy. =( you gals book PRIMARY SCHOOL ALREADY?! OMG!!

i am seeing pri school cos i have a older one mah.. and i confirm under Phase 2C or best is Phase 2B if decide to do PV. No old school for me to enrol so i have to think early loh.

There is no good or bad to send kids to playgroup or childcare. It all depends on your situation. Usually ppl send to cc when there is no other caregiver at hm and both parents are working. U have a option to choose playgroup or cc if there is someone helping u to take care of the little one when u at work. So it really depends. Playgroup usually no subsidy. Childcare have $300 subsidy if u are working
yes, normal bottles for BPA free bottles at 50% off. i change it for my younger one and maybe letting jake use one. the volume is not enough for jake...
Hmmm oh.. i think i dun mind letting her to try whats school first at there. 3hrs i think should be enff ba.. i called little skool house they told me half day. 7am - 1pm so long dun think my gal can absorb that fast if i put her there. and some more there waiting list liao so fast -___-
fabbie, i was checking it out too..oso wanted those 2hrs playgroup or half day but the price $$$.... half day vs full day, the price diff only $100-$150. so might as well put full day. however hubby still refuse to let him go cc so young...i am tryin to psycho him to let him go in around 24mths. i realise babies born in dec really lugi...lol

the half day 7am to 1pm is the offical hrs. U dun have to send Zy at 7am. Usually class start at 9am. U check with the school. For full day is 7am to 7pm but usually class start 9am and ended like 6pm. In between there are meal time, shower time, nap time etc.

yes usually half day and full day difference is abt $100. My boy school half day and full day different is $10 due to the subsidy. Half day i think is $150 and full day is $300 for the subsidy.

Ya dec babies really quite lugi lar.. I sending my boy to cc this sept. I am worried cos he is a sticky baby. Sure cry for a long time.
For me cus my gal didnt go school before. if i put her full day or half day i think she will be more pressure leh.. so i think to let her get use to it first.. then slowly to full day. if not i think she will everyday cry to go school wor.. haiz. infact im quite worried cus my gal quite sticky see outside people will cry very loud. duno what will happen sia!

Ohhh i didnt know ahahah i tout is like working must reach 7am maybe those are for parents who got nobody at home then drop them there ba.

yes cc start at 7am so it allow working parent to drop the kids there early. Usually form 7am to 9am is breakfast time and watch tv time or play some toys loh. No lesson lar..

My boy also lei.. Very sticky i dunno wat will happen when i send him to cc. He also never attend other class. Sigh..

I c... I havent gone to see the Monti at Dawson. Did you go see the one at Bkt Merah central? Sigh... I havent been looking actively. Hopefully nxt week during sch hols can go sch shopping ard... :p
