(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

i use the charcoal one, tt's y very nice smell

wrapped in aluminim foil , so its bascially just using the Heat fm the charcoal grill to cook the fish..(i slice thin thin, add some lemon)

Wow! u tried out olive oil ah? is it ok?? i just remove seeds, steam awhile (cos very fast become soft) then mash! & there i got my homemade tomato pasta sauce haha.

Ah! i rem, it's high in Iron content! Calcium, yup maybe too...cos i dun take red meat, n gynae was saying need more Iron , n ikan bilis & spinach is good in Iron content..

Puree asparagus & carrot & apple with pasta:
Cook veg puree a day before. When mealtime cook pasta, steam the frozen puree. Add cook pasta to warm puree. Ready to serve.

Cream of pumkin with pasta:
Cook pumkin and chicken slice in Chicken stock. Puree it after pumkin is cook. Add Milk. Warm the puree. Add cheese. ( cheese can thicken the soup). Add cook pasta to cream soup. Ready to serve.
Can serve with bread instead of pasta
i juz made baked fish with pasta but daniell dun really like it... should hav cooked the corn/pea/carrot a bit longer coz not soft enough, and should hav stopped grilling once the cheese melted but b4 it turns brown coz a bit too crispy for him to chew.. so in the end daniell only took pasta and fish, shall try again next time...

jo, snowger,
i giv daniell kfc mashed potato but without sauce, he luv it ler...

u cook stock daily? wow... i normally cook one big spot & frozen the rest for next use.. very troublesome to cook juz a small portion everyday...

ikan bilis,
i used to make ikan bilis powder & add into my elder boy's porridge, but now only make ikan bilis stock, yalah it's kind of salty & tat's y it makes porridge so yummy... daniell can take more than a bowl of porridge if i cook porridge with ikan bilis stock... anyway to make it less salty, i soak & wash it then cook with a BIG spot of water...

ya ikan bilis contains high iron...
wow Jess, i'm hungry liao!!
yummy yummy!
for us adults, this would be good! hehe brown enuff..but when i bake for kayson, i baked till cheese melt n stop le...not till brown..then too "hard" / crispy..
Guys, I give order nia. Then my auntie supervise over the cooking. Only come weekend I roll up my sleeves lah.... I uses brain power(design menu), helper use hand power, aunty uses eye power and bb uses mouth power...... whatever the leftover my helper most gladly slurps up cos she tells me "nice lah mdm" besides dishes with pork of cos hahahaha.........

I will gather feedback daily from my caregivers if bb takes to the day's creation

JESS cannot be too brown. Too hard they dun like.
Thanks all for the comfort
Today just went and it is confirmed a miscarriage but I have to wait till I start bleeding out the fetus naturally. Think over 2 wks wait. At least came a conclusion coz the 2 days of waiting without knowing is terrible.

Hey nice idea to share on the recipe. Abit bored with cooking healthy food for Randall and doesn't seems so tasty always.

Here is randalls food menu to add on the list
- brown rice + split peas/chickpeas/lentils + chicken/pork/cod fish
-avocado + chicken/banana
-shepards pie, beef+onion+tomato+ carrots+potato
- blackeye peas + oats + apple
- cheese pie, rice with califlower, brocooli , fish top with melted cheese
- french toast, egg yolk only
-daily toppings on food include wheatgerm/pumpkin seed powder/ brewers yeast/sunflower seed powder/ lecithin
powder/flaxseed or flaxseed oil

ur nasi goreng sounds delicious. Probably will try later hmm
yalor now i know cannot be too brown else will be too hard / crispy for them... juz now i juz cooked based on my own preference, never think so much... kaakkakka
sorry to hear abt ur loss, do take care!

btw, ur recipes looks good... so many choices!

ya the baked fish pasta actually tasty and i'm more than happy to help daniell finish the leftover... hehee
Oh mery, *hugs*. Do a mini confinement k. Take care.

Jess, eat Daniell's food in front of him n show him *yum*!!!! hahahah.... then u gv him 1mouth u take 1mouth wahahaha.....
i'm so sorry to hear about your loss. do take care of yourself and have a good rest.

haha you are so funny. brain power, eye power and mouth power.

now that everyone is talking about food, i feel so inspired to go and cook. i have decided to try making pasta sauce this weekend for emma. make one batch and freeze in small portions. wish me luck!
Jess, u do delivery??? LOL.. wish i just stay next by to u...kekkekeke

Looks yummy

Hi Merydith
sorry to hear tat.. take care...
Wow.. Randall have great choices of food too..
Mine is the boring one lor...
Dear mommies,

Thank you so much for sharing.
I give pigeon, gerber, wakado biscuit, HT now ordering so far havent tried.
Especially when meal time, hehe.. true to keep him occupied. If not he wanted to be carry here and there.

Not sure how much Sean take daily, maybe he can finished around 2 bottle of 3 oz.
But sometimes more..

But last night Sean very strange, dowan milk, he can drink plain warm water 3 oz in 1 go and zzz.
That about 11 pm, than around 1 am he wake up for milk.. argh..!! disturb our zzz.

Have just email you my HT order.
Take care! Dr tseng din ask u to do D&C?

HT orders:
Another $55.20 to go!! Then we can make the order liao... Cos 15% disc if order $250 worth of HT stuff... If can hit $250, I will close the spree earlier.

GROWL... u make me hungry! I will oso try baking tis weekend lar...
hehe... but do you cook the stuff first then bake or all raw ingredients in to bake?

Hehe... paiseh uh...me is baking idiot... :p
Jo, drink water is gud. Zach till now nvr finish 1oz of water before but dunno whr got tears n saliva n urine. Haha..

Jess, daniell's food looks good. Yummy.. Wat cheese u use?

I'll bug my hb to ho get an oven tis weekend aft the b'day bash
u stay next to me also no use coz daniell also get to eat porridge only most of the time... kekeke!
This recipe idea was come from ikeke this morning laa & juz happened i got ingredient then juz try to do lor...

yup, i'm using frozen pea/corn/carrot...

i cooked the pasta & also those pea/corn/carrot 1st except the sliced fish coz i believe those sliced fish can be easily cooked within 10 mins, but since the cheese too brown & too crispy for baby so next time i think i'll get everything cook 1st then probably shorten the baking time... the purpose is juz to make the cheese melted will do...

i'm using shredded cheddar cheese... u can add them when makin omelette too...

can share how u make shepards pie, beef+onion+tomato+ carrots+potato?

My order:
1)Pumpkin Pie x 1
2)Orchard Fruit Peekaboo x 1
3)Tropical Fruit Medley x 2
4)Island Fruit Jumble x 1
5)Sun-sweet Strawberry Kiwi x 1
6)Harvest Time Vegetable Dinner x 1
7)Farmhouse Country Vegetable x 1
8)Jasmine Chicken Luau x 1
9)Grandma Turkey Dinner x 1
10)Little Bear's Chicken Stew x 1
11)Aloha Mango Chicken x 3 (yes! she love them)

All jar food cause my gal simply love them and she hate the biscuit. Can I collect from Punggol/Redhill? Depending on the time. As it is quite heavy since all jar food, my hubby will go ur place to collect can? At least u dun have to carry them. Thanks thanks.
Jess, meaning if all cook and just melt the cheese, actually i can use toaster to melt the cheese right?

How to cook?
1)Pasta bring to boil till soft
2)peas + carrot + corn - bring to boil
3)Fish - steam it 1st
4)All above add into the bowl and pour cheddar cheese on top..
5) Put in toaster to melt the cheese
6) serve food..

Like this??
No prob... You just let me know lor... Another place u can collect from is my ah ma's at Haig Road(katong). Let me know.

Can you PM me your HP no? Then I sms u how much to pay... cos dun wan to post my a/c no here lar... keke...
if we fry omelette, can we use normal cooking oil?? or olive oil??

if we want the egg to be soft like Mac Donald Breakfast one.. we can pour in milk to cook, right?
Can use olive oil lor... Cos it's healthier...
And yeap, add milk inside... cook already will be soft soft one... HAHA!

Ikan Bilis:
I am sticking to my guns lar on this. Cos hor... Hb oso supports my idea... somemore the powder is prepared by my MIL, if I taste n still find it salty, i can't stop her from putting into my ger's porridge leh... Anyway no lugi lar... cos in another 2 mths, she can eat EVERYTHING!!! CAn't wait till then manz...

I will be sms-ing all the gals who ordered. There is a 15% disc off the price quoted in the website...
After I receive all the $, I will place the order. Once order come, then we can arrange for pick up!

The spree will CLOSE TONIGHT 1159hrs. Cos already hit $250 liao.
yaya... tat's the way, after get everything cooked, i'll put the pea/corn/carrot in a baking bowl 1st follow by pasta, then lay sliced fish then cheddar cheese on top...

if use steamer then become steam fish with pasta, not baked fish with pasta liao... hehe
Hi hi..

Merydith: sorry to hear what happened.. please take care and do a mini-confinement to nurse ur body ya?

On cooking:
Wow.. i really enjoy reading all the stuff everyone here is cooking. Sounds yummy! Very lucky babies! :D Things get really exciting once the little kiddos go pass the single puree stage. I am actually looking forward to when my gal start to self feed and cooking for her.

I've used plenty of different spices in the food since she is 9mths, also mild curry powder (it is not very hot.. cos i didnt use chilli). So far so good la.. no laosai yet.

To share some of the stuff i tried and my gal liked:

Poached salmon with potato/carrot/califlower on creamy spinach
Apple crumble with blueberry/grape and custard
Pearl barley risotto with veggies
Mango chicken risotto (with curry spice)
Cheesy chicken and broccoli pasta
Grilled chicken strips with vegetarian couscous
Toasted wholemeal bread with hummus and avocado

I used ikeike's way of making tomato sauce too! its really nice
I also saute some onions/garlic in olive oid before adding tomatos. Very versatile! Can use with pasta or to make beef stew served with rice etc.

For cheese, i used cheddar, parmesan and colby.
sorry to hear tat...have a good rest & take care k..

yes, basically its jus to melt the cheese, tat's y i say micowave / toaster oso can liao..

Snowger: cheese melt by steammer?? never tried before leh??
I go back then check my HT stocks before i let u koe if i ordering ya

Kath, yes go go get an oven...toaster oven also can la!

Jess: i use the same cheese as u

I PM you liao. I will collect from Katong then. Can go eat 肉骨茶 after that. Hehe...

Salute to all of u who spend so much time on cooking. Will try some of ur recipe. Thanks Thanks.

My gal just start to explore different type of food. We will give her some food that we are eating. But in very very small portion, just to let her have a taste of it. BTW, she like chilli. Haha...

Dec Birthday Bash: Enjoy the party ok! Too bad my class is not on Sat or else can at least say Hello. U will sure enjoy MY GYM, just like how my gal enjoy her free play n class.
wow ur recipe lookss good too, avery so xin fu... should hav come here more often to share ur receipe so all of us can benefit & our poor darling dun need to eat porridge everyday... hehehe!

btw, can tell how u make these 2 dishes?
Poached salmon with potato/carrot/califlower on creamy spinach
Cheesy chicken and broccoli pasta
Wow Alice.. Lucky Avery... enjoy such good food..

Yeah.. i also wanna learn
Poached salmon with potato/carrot/califlower on creamy spinach
Cheesy chicken and broccoli pasta

Totmato sauce:
skinned and remove the seeds, chopped into cubes. Saute with olive oil and basil or thyme abit then puree.

Do we need to cook it?? stupid question.. i think need hor..

steam will not have the brownish, cripsy feeling..
unless I steam until chao ta...=P hee hee...

oh yes, still have tina's recipe
cream of pumpkin pasta..
Ah no la.. i am also learning from the other mummies sharing here plus the recipe books i have.
Avery usually start to play with her food midway thru if she gets bored so need to come up with different ways to present food to her lor.

For the salmon:
Heat up milk with some slice of onion, basil/parsley (spice and onion optional)
Add mixed veg (diced small - frozen veg also can)
Add salmon(diced)when veg almost done and cooked till it flakes easily.
Take out salmon/veg and set aside
With the reminding milk stock, add in spinach leaves.
Stir in some cream when spinach is cooked soft and can be easily mashed.
Place the salmon/veg on spinach and top with some grated cheese.
I give avery some wholemeal bread fingers to dip with the cream sauce so that she also try to feed herself. :p

Cheesy chicken/broccoli:
Saute chicken till cooked (i used olive oil for all avery's food).
Add broccoli and water to simmer (no stock but i find that if i am cooking meat dish, usually simmering with water will be good enough).
Add mushrooms and a dollop of thickened cream
Add flour to thicken sauce
Take pot off fire and stir in cooked pasta and cheese

Hey.. the bday bash is soon rite? Hope everyone enjoy themselves!

Ya.. need to cook. Lightly stir-fry the tomato cubes in olive oil. If you want, can add diced onions also before adding the tomato. Simmer with abit of water with the spice then puree (until chucky or really smooth - add more water).

Hmm i used normal tomato.. i think after cooking usually not so sour.. Never try with other tomatos before. Anyone know if others will taste sweeter?
alice, what type of cream u use?? full cream that is sold at cold storage?? u buy whole cheese n grate urself or buy the ready grated cheese??

pas, intend to get a more decent oven cos i hv those baking stuff at home too. If hv oven then i can start my baking alr!! Woohoo...
I used thickened cream which i think its the same as full cream or pure cream. Ya, i buy the whole block and grate myself. Its cheaper and i can also cut out cubes and use biscuit cutter to make cheese shapes for snacks.

I think oven is a great investment. I miss my conventional cum microwave oven which i left back home in SG.
Now i am using the old stove cum fan-forced oven, so the temp setting may be not as precise. Esp for baking cakes and stuff. Sigh.
wow.. all the mommies can really cook!!! me lazy mommy always anyhow cook cause my ger eats everything, anyway, she eats in IFC everyday, so i oni cook for all on wkends...normally is porridge, but nowadays i cook some pasta too...stoopid me bought adult pasta & was so hard after cooking, end up i puree it, then went and bought baby pasta..
i still give cidney cereals but with vegs & tofu thats mashed together, looks disgusting but cidney still eats...hahaha
chris...tomatoes must remove seeds??? i jus chop them and cook...hahaha...lazy mommy..
Hi Gals,

i realise some gals need this info.

I made some research..as i need the helium tank too

Hope this is useful to All of you

Party city holland
64626011- for helium tank.
$30 for 30-35 balloons - Deposit $100
$180 for 300 balloons - Deposit $200
( all must return by next day)

Party Joy
2 sizes available
Small Size: 1.0m3 (Inflate approx. 50 balloons) Rental: S$50.00
Medium Size: 1.4m3 (Inflate approx. 100 balloons) Rental: S$70.00
Self Collection at PARTY JOY Address: Parkway Parade Shopping Centre. Unit: #02-K2
Note: Rental for 3 days and inaddtional, we require S$150.00 refundable cash deposit upon collection of gas tank.
This refundable deposit will be return in full upon return of rented gas tank.
Tel: (65) 9857 2900

$92 - For 80-100 Balloons
Deposit $200
Rental 5 Days

1) Office for showroom 113 Eunos Ave 3, #06-02/03
Gordon Industrial Building
Singapore 409838
Tel: 65-6743 1500

2) Blk 1 Rochor Rd #01-550
Rochor Centre
Singapore 180001
(Next to DBS Bank, and Opp NTUC)
Tel: 65-6295 5545

Adam & Eve
$40 for 45 Balloons
$65 for 75 Balloons
$80 for 100 Balloons
Deposit $200
Evan : 62823911
Rental for 3 days
7 days notice to book.

Jo, Wow!. This list of compilation reali useful for those who want to rent helium tanks.

Kath, usually must bk to reserve ba.
Merydith, take care!sorry for the lose.

the list of helium tanks is really useful...haha..but me lazy mum...i am thinking of getting inflated balloons!hmmm..my parents ask me not to waste money on balloons, just order the birthday bouquet for Jake and don waste for individual balloons...any suggestions?
FM for 1 year :
Yesterday, I contact Abbott to request for 1 year old FM sample coz our baby reaches 1 year soon. The nutrition consultant advised me not to give Gain IQ for my boy and recommended PediaSure for him coz baby's weight only 8.2Kgs in his 10.5 months and classify is under weight

May I know what FM u choose for baby reachs one year old ?
